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Guía para el desarrollo de clases virtuales

Andres Fernando Salvador 201522006

A. Answer the following questions

Choose the correct form.

Example: We sometimes read/reads books.

1. Emily go/goes to the disco.

2. It often rain/rains on Sundays.
3. Pete and his sister wash/washes the family car.
4. I always hurry/hurries to the bus stop.

Form of Affirmative Sentences - Part 2

Put the verbs into the correct form.

Example: I __like__(to like) lemonade very much.

1. The girls always _listen__ (to listen) to pop music.

2. Janet never __wears___ (to wear) jeans.
3. Mr Smith ___teaches__ (to teach) Spanish and French.
4. You __do___ (to do) your homework after school.

Simple present with 'have' and 'be'

Fill in the correct form of the verbs.

Example : We __have__ ( (to have) a nice garden.

1. She __is__ ( (to be) six years old.

2. Simon __has___ ((to have) two rabbits and five goldfish.
3. I __am___ ( (to be) from Vienna, Austria.
4. They ___are__ ( (to be) Sandy's parents.

Negative Sentences

Make negative sentences.

Example: My father makes breakfast. → ___My father doesn’t make breakfast.

1. They are eleven. → ___They do not are eleven ___

2. She writes a letter. → __She doesn’t write a letter____
3. I speak Italian. → _I don’t speak Italian____
4. Danny phones his father on Sundays. → _Danny doesn’t phone his father on


Make questions.

Example: you / to speak / English → Do you speak English?

1. when / he / to go / home → __When does he go home?_____________

2. they / to clean / the bathroom → ___Do they clean the bathroom?____
3. where / she / to ride / her bike → ___Where does she ride her bike?_________
4. Billy / to work / in the supermarket → _Does Billy work in the supermarket?__

5. Wh/Questions.

a. Match questions 1–4 with answers a–d in parts A, B and C below.

1 When do you play football? a My friends from college.

2 Who do you play football with? b On Sunday mornings.

3 Where do you play football? c Because it’s fun and it’s good

4 Why do you play football? d In the local park.

1 2 3 4


1 How often do you have English lessons? a Two.

2 How long are the lessons? b Twice a week.

3 Which days do you have lessons? c Tuesdays and

T Thursdays.

4 How many teachers do you have? d 90 minutes.

1 2 3 4


1 What time is it? a. an action movie.

2 How do you go to school? b Monday.

3 What day is it? c Nearly three o’clock.

4 What kind of movie is it? d By bus

1 2 3 4

Reading. Ejercicio de comprensión de lectura. Aproveche los textos que lee para enriquecer
tu vocabulario y para confirmar los aspectos gramaticales estudiados.

Mr. Johnson and his wife have a teenage son named Kyle. Kyle is fifteen years old. He is a
good kid, but he is messy. His hair is messy, his handwriting is messy, and his bedroom is
messy. The Johnsons want to change Kyle’s bad habits. They want him to comb his hair,
write neatly, and keep his room clean. Mr. Johnson gets angry when Kyle’s room is a mess.
He scolds him, but it doesn’t do any good. Mrs. Johnson tries to reason with Kyle. She
explains why he should be neater. Neither parent is able to change Kyle’s bad habits. Kyle is
just a messy teenager.

B. True or False
1. _ True__ Kyle’s bedroom is messy.
2. _False__ Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are Kyle’s grandparents.
3. _ True__ Kyle is between thirteen and nineteen years old.
4. _ True__ Kyle doesn’t comb his hair very often.
5. _ True__ Mrs. Johnson scolds Kyle.

C. Yes or No – Share Your Opinion

1. __No__ Most teenagers are messy.
2. __Yes__Kyle will be neater when he gets older.

D. Writing – Are you a neat person or a messy person? What do you do to be considered
a neat or a messy person?

____I try to be as orderly as possible in


Produccción (reporte oral):

El producto final que usted debe entregar se trata de una descripción de su rutina y la de
alguien cercano a usted (familiar, amigo, etc), el audio debe durar alrededor de 1 min 30
segs. y deberá hacerlo a través de un audio enviado en el grupo de Whatsapp de la clase,
no olvide mencionar su nombre.
Criterios de evaluación del producto a entregar

Identifica el tiempo presente simple en situaciones cotidianas.

Usa correctamente los verbos auxiliares y principales conjugados en

presente simple.
Pronuncia adecuadamente sus ideas.
Demuestra interés y compromiso con el desarrollo de actividades
siguiendo las instrucciones y requerimientos dados por el docente para
la entrega de trabajos

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