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One critical aspect of pediatric research is the assessment of outcome measures after treatment or intervention. Behavioral
measures of physical growth, school achievement, and general intelligence have proven to be important scales for assessing gross
developmental outcome and differences between pediatric treatment groups. However, more subtle and sophisticated measures
may be required to assess finer grained differences in brain development at the structural and functional levels. Advances in
noninvasive brain imaging techniques over the past decade have improved our ability to link specific cognitive functions to
changes in brain structure and function in healthy infants and children. This paper highlights some of the ways that
electrophysiologic and functional magnetic resonance imaging methods have been combined with behavioral measures of
cognitive and emotional function to advance our understanding of brain-behavior relations. Such combined neurophysiologic
and behavioral methods may help to identify the role specific interventions have on long-term developmental outcomes in
childhood. (J Pediatr 2003;143:S46-S53)

ediatric clinical research frequently includes assessments of short- and long-term

P developmental outcome subsequent to particular disease states, developmental

insults, or experimental treatments or interventions. For instance, studies of long-
term developmental outcome in children born prematurely or with various birth com-
plications tend to focus on gross measures of physical development, school achievement,
and general intelligence. Whereas these standardized measures may illuminate subtle shifts
in mean performance between groups, they are less helpful in identifying the specific
deficits that accompany particular developmental histories. Although a downward shift in
mean intelligence has significance at the population level, such results rarely inform our
understanding of the most appropriate treatments or interventions for improving the long-
term outcome of individual children. More subtle and sophisticated measures may be
required to assess finer grained differences in brain development at the structural and
functional levels. For example, although it is difficult to relate general intelligence to
specific brain systems, necessary neural systems are being identified for more specific skills
such as working memory, behavioral inhibition, unconscious learning, or emotion pro-
cessing. The application of such targeted cognitive measures may improve our un-
derstanding of the deficits incurred, as well as the competencies spared in response to early
brain insult, or the subtle effects of specific interventions or treatments.
Technological advances over the past two decades have resulted in a number of
noninvasive methods appropriate for examining brain structure and function in vivo in the
developing child. Whereas these tools can aid clinicians in diagnosing a structural or neuro-
chemical abnormality, they become even more powerful when used in conjunction with From Sackler Institute for Develop-
behavioral measures of specific cognitive functions. The combination of neuropsychologic mental Psychobiology, Weill Medical
College of Cornell University, Ithaca,
assessments or carefully controlled experimental paradigms, with structural and functional New York.
brain imaging techniques has significantly advanced the field of adult cognitive Reprint requests: Kathleen M. Thomas,
neuroscience. However, it is only throughout the past 5 to 10 years that our field has PhD, Institute of Child Development,
University of Minnesota, 51 E River
applied these methods to child development in a noninvasive way. This paper presents the Rd, Minneapolis, MN 55455. E-mail:
Copyright ª 2003 Mosby, Inc. All rights
EEG Electroencephalogram MRI Magnetic resonance imaging 0022-3476/2003/$30.00 + 0
ERP Event-related potential RF Radiofrequency

Fig 1. Examples of ERP responses to familiar and novel stimuli in children and adults. The P300 component indicated by the black arrow
is typical of rare, target, task-relevant stimuli (to which the participant makes some response) and tends to show maximal amplitude at
electrode locations over central and posterior scalp regions. As demonstrated in these data, the majority of ERP responses are broader
(of longer duration) for children compared with adults, and tend to appear as large, slow voltage changes in infants (see Fig 2).

basic principles behind several available brain imaging generated signal to reach the surface electrode. Although most
techniques. This paper is not intended as a comprehensive EEG systems use a conducting gel at each electrode site and
review of the pediatric neuroimaging literature nor as a tutorial may require minor scalp abrasion, some systems require only
for all available neuroimaging methods, but rather surveys the a salt water solution, improving the utility of this technique
primary techniques that we and others have used to combine with very young children.
behavioral and neuroimaging measures to advance our un- To understand the brain activity associated with
derstanding of brain-behavior relations during childhood. cognitive processes, investigators have typically examined the
event-related potential (ERP), which reflects EEG activity
METHODS time-locked to particular sensory and/or cognitive events. The
ERP reflects the average response to an event over multiple
Event-Related Potentials (ERP) presentations, and provides a very fine scale for determining
Electrophysiologic techniques provide one method for the timing and temporal sequencing of particular neural
examining online brain function during development. Active events. Specific sensory modalities (eg, visual or auditory) or
neurons generate electric signals that travel through brain basic cognitive processes (eg, visual attention) produce unique
tissue and can be measured by electrodes placed on the scalp components in the event-related waveform. These compo-
surface, as in a standard clinical electroencephalogram (EEG). nents traditionally are labeled according to their polarity
This scalp-recorded activity is thought to reflect the in- (positive peak or negative peak) and timing with respect to the
termittent synchronization of small populations of predom- stimulus, either in order of appearance (eg, P1, P2, P3) or in
inantly cortical neurons.1 Voltage is measured at one or more milliseconds (eg, N200, P300).2 The average waveforms can
electrodes relative to a reference electrode, with activity closer be compared across multiple stimulus types or cognitive
to the electrode location or from especially activated brain events, and across study groups, and then analyzed for changes
regions presumably contributing the largest share of the in the amplitude or latency of these identified components.
measured signal. The density of electrode placement over the Figure 1 illustrates a typical ERP waveform produced by
scalp determines the spatial sensitivity of the recorded signal. eight-year-old children compared with adults at a single
Although in previous years, studies used as few as three electrode location in response to a recognized visual stimulus.3
electrodes placed along the midline, current techniques use as The large positive peak, called the P300 or P3b component, is
many as 256 electrodes evenly distributed across the entire thought to reflect updating of working memory after the
scalp surface. This high density arrangement provides a more presentation of a stimulus. As evident from the brief time
sensitive measure of the surface topography of the voltage scale, the onset and peak magnitude of individual components
distribution, and is more amenable to mathematical tech- can be reliably timed to within tens of milliseconds. Individual
niques for modeling the brain generators of the observed components demonstrate unique scalp topography and re-
signal (dipole source localization). Electrophysiologic mea- sponse characteristics. For example, the P300 component is
surements require a conducting agent to allow the brain- largest at parietal compared with frontal or temporal electrode

Assessing Brain Development Using Neurophysiologic and Behavioral Measures S47

Fig 2. Example method of recording the EEG or ERP with infants. A, Example of ERP waveforms from a 6-month-old infant in
response to familiar and novel stimuli. B, Example data showing voltage across all scalp locations at a single point in time (eg, 200 msec
after stimulus presentation). These data represent changes in the voltage measured at a single electrode over time.

locations. The amplitude of the P300 component is larger for infer information regarding the brain systems generating this
visual stimuli that require a behavioral response (targets) than activity. Thus far, very few studies have used mathematical
for those that do not (standards), and is larger for rare stimuli models such as dipole source localization to estimate the brain
than for frequently repeating stimuli. Not all components are generators of electrophysiologic data from infants or children.
evident at all points in development. For example, the P300 Such techniques require a large number of behavioral trials and
response changes in shape (morphology) across early child- very low noise levels, both of which are more difficult to obtain
hood and does not reach its adult form until early adolescence. with young subjects.
In fact, the P300 component is not evident in infant ERP ERP methods have proven useful in examining pediatric
waveforms (eg, Fig 2). To date, it is unclear to what degree the group differences in specific cognitive domains such as covert
change in morphology reflects structural and physiologic brain attention, recognition memory, or long-term recall.4-6 In
development or development of the cognitive functions addition, behavioral and ERP results obtained from specific
producing the response. cognitive probes can be examined for relationships with gross
In addition to these classic plots displaying voltage at cognitive outcome measures such as intelligence or school
a single electrode over time, ERP data can be viewed as a map achievement. For example, Molfese and Molfese have exam-
of the scalp surface at a single point in time (eg, Fig 2). These ined whether early language skills as measured by electro-
voltage plots, or their mathematically transformed cousin, the physiologic methods during the first year of life are predictive
current source density map, provide further information regard- of later intelligence or language function.7,8 Their data
ing the spatial distribution of electrical activity. However, this demonstrated that an electrophysiologic measure of speech
improved spatial information should not be confused with sound discrimination (/bi/ vs /gi/) in infancy could be used in
brain localization. Both temporal and spatial voltage plots a discriminant function analysis to predict which children
reflect only the scalp-recorded distribution of the generated would show higher (>100) or lower (<100) verbal IQ scores at
activity and sophisticated analysis techniques are required to age 5 years. Measures such as these may eventually prove

S48 Thomas The Journal of Pediatrics  October 2003

useful in identifying children who could benefit from specific brief energy pulses, radio frequency (RF) pulses, through the
early intervention and remediation efforts in an attempt to tissue. Each RF pulse contains enough energy to momentarily
improve their long-term global outcome. disrupt or tilt the protons in a particular plane. Measurements
Physiologic measures can sometimes provide an index of of the resultant change from one energy state to another are
functional brain differences in the face of no behavioral used to create images of the tissue. High resolution structural
difference or impairment. For example, Nelson et al examined images are constructed based on measures of the energy
memory development in infants of diabetic mothers using released as pulsed protons relax back to their aligned state.
both behavioral and electrophysiologic measures.5 Given the Different body tissue types demonstrate different relaxation
physiologic effects of maternal diabetes during pregnancy, times, with lipids showing different relaxation times than
some infants have chronic fetal hypoxia, reactive hypoglyce- water.12,13 These relaxation differences can be mapped to
mia, and/or fetal iron deficiency, placing them at risk for produce structural images of the brain emphasizing differences
altered hippocampal structure and potentially for hippocam- between regions high in water compared with regions high in
pal-related cognitive deficits.9-11 Nelson et al reported that 6- fat (eg, T1-weighted or T2-weighted images).
month-old infants of diabetic mothers showed no difference One means of examining structural brain development is
from control infants on recognition memory tests as assessed to carefully quantify the size or volume of specific brain
by standard behavioral looking time measures, or on Bayley structures using hand tracing or semi-automated methods for
standardized developmental examinations at 12 months of segmenting the structural images into distinct brain regions.
age.5 However, ERP measures at 6 months of age indicated Giedd et al have published a large body of research examining
neurophysiologic differences between groups during a recog- normative changes in brain structure across development. For
nition memory task. Whereas control infants showed ERP example, they report decreases in the volume of subcortical
waveforms that differed for old and new stimuli, infants of gray matter structures like the basal ganglia during child-
diabetic mothers showed no difference in brain generated hood,14 whereas cortical gray matter does not appear to show
electrical activity in response to old items compared with new volume decreases until puberty.15 Group differences in re-
items. In this particular study, the stimuli were pictures of the gional volume may also provide a method for identifying net-
infant’s mother or a stranger. Given that all of the infants works that are disrupted following injury or in various disease
showed everyday behavior to indicate that they recognized states. For example, De Bellis et al showed that children with
their mother, these ERP results suggest that memory function generalized anxiety disorder have larger amygdala volumes
may tap a different neural mechanism in these infants com- than healthy children, specifically on the right side.16 This
pared with the control infants, or that the electrophysiologic right volume difference was specific to the amygdala, a region
response to memory is altered in the infants of diabetic mothers. thought to be critical in processing emotional stimuli. For
ERP methods are particularly useful for examining very instance, children with anxiety disorders did not differ from
brief cognitive events and for identifying the temporal order of controls in hippocampal volume. This same group of resea-
cognitive processes, but are limited in their ability to identify rchers reported that children with a history of post-traumatic
the precise brain regions generating the measured signal. ERP stress disorder (PTSD) subsequent to abuse did not show
methods have been particularly useful with very young regional volume decreases in the hippocampus as expected from
subjects, including infants, given the relatively robust signal the adult PTSD literature.17 Instead, these children showed
in the face of motion artifact. Other neuroimaging techniques, evidence of an overall decrease in total cerebral volume, sug-
particularly the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) methods gesting a global rather than a local effect of the trauma.
described later, are not appropriate for cognitive imaging in MRI can be used to link brain structure to behavior
very young children who cannot remain completely still on by examining correlations among MRI-based anatomical or
command. When used in combination with structural and morphometric measures and measures of behavior. For
functional MRI methods, electrophysiologic measures may example, Casey et al hypothesized that anterior cingulate
provide an additional layer of information regarding the cortex plays an important role in human attention.18 Two
temporal dynamics of brain activity. Currently, ERP recor- separate behavioral measures of attention (automatic and
dings remain one of the few methods feasible for assessing controlled processing) were assessed in 5- to 16-year-old
ongoing brain activity correlates of cognitive function in infants children in parallel with MRI-based anatomical measures of
and very young children. the anterior cingulate cortex. After controlling for age, IQ, and
total cerebral volume, correlation analyses showed that volume
of the right anterior cingulate cortex was significantly
Structural and Functional MRI correlated with performance on the predominantly controlled
Another technique that is now being applied to attention task, but not the predominantly automatic attention
developmental research is MRI (Fig 3, A). The MRI signal task. This effect was nonsignificant for left anterior cingulate
arises from the fact that charged protons behave differently in cortex. Results like these demonstrate that very precise
the presence of a strong magnetic field. In the presence of an cognitive probe tasks may be critical in determining the
ambient magnetic field, the constantly spinning and moving relations among brain structure and function.
protons tend to become aligned along the main axis of the In addition to structural information, MRI techniques
field. Images of the brain are generated by applying a series of can be used to assess brain activity as well. Functional MRI

Assessing Brain Development Using Neurophysiologic and Behavioral Measures S49

Fig 3. Example method of MRI measures with children. Example data are provided from four different MRI techniques. A, Structural
MRI scan through a coronal slice of the brain at the level of the lateral ventricles and basal ganglia. The white tracing provides an example of
one method used to quantitatively measure the volume of the caudate nucleus. B, An example indicating functional activity in the inferior
frontal gyrus and insular cortex during performance of a cognitive task. Regions of significant functional activation are superimposed on
a structural magnetic resonance scan in the coronal plane. C, An example of white matter fiber tracks produced from diffusion tensor imaging
measures of the degree of anisotropy in water diffusion across the brain. (Image courtesy of Dr. Richard Watts, Weill Medical College of
Cornell University). D, Typical neurometabolite concentrations in a single brain region as evidenced by phosphorus (31P) MRS (top graph)
and proton (1H) MRS (lower graph).

(fMRI) relies on the assumption that a change in brain activity as late as 5 to 6 seconds after the presumed event-related
is associated with a local hemodynamic change in blood flow neuronal response.
and oxygenation.19-21 The most frequent type of functional As with structural MRI, fMRI can be used to examine
imaging, blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) imag- correlations between brain and behavior. In the case of fMRI,
ing, is based on the observation that oxygenated and correlations are based on changes in the magnetic resonance
deoxygenated hemoglobin behave differently when pulsed by signal measured in a given region rather than the size or
an RF magnetic field. Deoxygenated hemoglobin is para- volume of a structure. In addition, magnetic resonance signal
magnetic and causes distortions in the local magnetic field, changes and behavioral changes can be assessed simulta-
leading the spinning protons in that region to drop out of neously as well as in separate sessions. For example, in one of
phase with one another. This change in energy state from the the first published pediatric fMRI studies, Casey et al
in-phase to the out-of-phase spin states (called T2* relaxation) examined functional brain activity during an inhibitory control
can then be mapped to indicate the relative neuronal activity, task in children.22 Examination of the functional imaging data
as indexed by changes in blood oxygenation, across the brain revealed a number of brain regions that were more active
(Fig 3, B). This hemodynamic or blood oxygenation change is during inhibition than during the control task. However,
not instantaneous; that is, the observed signal change is activity in only two of these regions showed a correlation with
delayed in time from the presumed neuronal activity. In fact, behavioral performance on the inhibition task. Specifically,
the peak measurable signal change would be expected to occur when the task was difficult (subjects made more errors),

S50 Thomas The Journal of Pediatrics  October 2003

activity increased in anterior cingulate cortex. In contrast, this may sound quite removed from questions of behavioral
when children were performing well (making few errors), development or cognitive performance, water diffusion can be
activity was increased in orbitofrontal cortex. These results used as a marker for neuronal axon myelination, which we
suggest that these two regions may be heavily involved in the assume to be related to the efficiency of neural communication
development of inhibitory control, and are consistent with the and therefore, cognitive functions. In an unrestricted system,
anatomical findings of a correlation between attentional such as a bucket of water, diffusion is isotropic or essentially
control and volume of the anterior cingulate cortex.18 equal in all directions. However, in the brain, structural
In a similar manner, we have used fMRI to examine barriers prevent water from diffusing equally in all directions.
amygdala function in healthy children and children with Most significantly, water diffuses more easily along the length
anxiety or depression.23,24 Adult imaging studies have of myelinated fibers than across the myelin sheath. This
suggested that processing of facial expressions of emotion, unequal pattern is termed anisotropic diffusion. DTI measures
particularly fearful expressions, activates the amygdala in can be used to estimate diffusion in many directions across
healthy adults.25 We found that healthy children showed various regions of the brain. These measures of diffusion can
a different pattern of amygdala response than healthy adults, be compared across groups of persons as an index of the degree
showing greater amygdala responses to neutral faces than of myelination. For example, patients with multiple sclerosis
fearful faces.23 Children with anxiety showed an exaggerated show decreased anisotropy compared with age-matched
amygdala response to fearful expressions compared with healthy adults, presumably reflecting decreases in mye-
healthy children of the same age.24 Interestingly, the degree lination.26 Likewise, DTI has been used to assess the de-
of hyper-responsiveness to fearful stimuli was positively velopmental progression of myelination from infancy into
related to the child’s everyday level of anxiety as measured by adulthood27-30 and to identify potential disruptions in white
a self-report scale outside the scanner environment. This matter efficiency or connectivity in pediatric patient groups,
brain-behavior correlation is consistent with the structural such as children with spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy.31
group differences in amygdala volume reported earlier for DTI also can be used to trace the path of individual fibers
children with generalized anxiety.16 through the brain to assess connectivity among various brain
One benefit of MRI methods over the electrophysio- regions (Fig 3, C).32 Most recently, several groups are using
logic methods discussed earlier is the ability to precisely DTI to understand the relationship between regional
localize the brain region showing structural and/or functional anisotropy and cognitive function. For example, Klingberg et
change between groups or between behavioral conditions. The al demonstrated that adults with a history of developmental
ability to acquire both structural and functional measures of dyslexia showed a decrease in anisotropy in temporo-parietal
brain development within the same session provides a clear brain regions compared with healthy adults.33 Even more
advantage of MRI over other measurement techniques. interesting, however, was the finding that quantitative
However, given the relatively slow time course of the measures of anisotropy were positively correlated with reading
hemodynamic response associated with neuronal activity, ability. That is, across all participants, poor reading was
fMRI measures have relatively poor temporal resolution (on associated with more isotropic diffusion, presumably reflecting
the order of seconds) compared with ERP measures. The up- relatively less efficient processing and potential disruptions in
front cost of MRI is still quite high at most institutions, fiber connectivity.
making this an unrealistic method for smaller research groups, Whereas diffusion tensor imaging and traditional
and MRI is not ideal for every subject population. Participants magnetic resonance methods image tissue water content (in
must lie in a loud, confined space and remain still for the the form of hydrogen protons), MRS can assess the
duration of the scan (as long as one hour, in the case of fMRI). concentration of additional biologic compounds, particularly
Even minor head motion (on the order of 3-5 mm) can result metabolites related to cell viability and membrane biochem-
in significant blurring of the images and potentially un- istry.34-36 Regional changes in the concentration of common
recoverable data. These parameters may be too restrictive for metabolites may provide information regarding neuronal and
certain groups, particularly very young children who may be glial processes, membrane phospholipids, and high-energy
unable to stay sufficiently still to acquire artifact-free images. phosphates. Proton (or 1H) spectroscopy yields primary
resonance frequency peaks for N-acetyl aspartate (NAA),
Other MRI Techniques creatine (with phosphocreatine), choline (with glycerophos-
In addition to volumetric and hemodynamic changes, phocholine), and, under certain imaging parameters, myo-
MRI can be used to assess other aspects of brain structure and inositol and glutamate/glutamine (eg, Fig 3, D). In the adult
physiology. Two techniques that are gaining attention in the brain, NAA is found only in mature neurons, and increases in
pediatric neuroimaging arena are diffusion tensor imaging NAA are associated with neuronal damage, or neuronal or
(DTI) and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS). Both can axonal loss.37 In contrast, active demyelination may be
be acquired with the same magnetic resonance scanner used reflected by high levels of choline. Creatine and myo-inositol
for traditional structural and functional imaging but index are compounds more prevalent in glial cells than in neurons.
quite different aspects of brain development. Therefore, increased concentration of these compounds may
Diffusion tensor imaging is a measure of the relative be associated with gliosis.36 In a similar fashion, phosphorus
degree of water diffusion in various brain regions. Although (31P) spectroscopy provides an assessment of membrane

Assessing Brain Development Using Neurophysiologic and Behavioral Measures S51

phospholipids and high-energy metabolism. 31P spectra level, they may have great impact on the child’s everyday
include primary resonance peaks for phosphomonoesters function and long-term developmental outcome. Any means
(predominantly precursors of membrane phospholipids) and that we have for identifying these deficits early in life improves
phosphodiesters (predominantly breakdown products of our chances of successful intervention. The same imaging
membrane phospholipids), as well as phosphocreatine (Fig methods that aid in identifying a specific group difference may
3, D).38 Measures of regional metabolite concentration and also aid in assessing the efficacy of intervention techniques.
membrane phospholipids during development may be useful Second, as in other research domains, the combination
in assessing normative changes in brain biochemistry as well as of multiple converging methods of assessment will be critical
the effects of various interventions. For example, NAA for understanding normal human brain development and for
concentration is known to be low early in development (first evaluating the impact of specific interventions or clinical trials.
1-2 years) with corresponding high levels of choline and myo- Within the neuroimaging literature itself, it is clear that the
inositol.39 Likewise, membrane phospholipid precursors are most sophisticated studies will include detailed behavioral
high early in postnatal brain development, and concentrations measures as well as both temporal and spatial assessments of
of phospholipid breakdown products are low.40,41 These the brain systems involved in the specific behavioral process of
biochemical techniques are particularly relevant for the current interest. Given the state of the current literature, descriptive
special issue addressing potential changes in neurode- methods of research are unlikely to be sufficient. Behavioral as
velopment after dietary supplementation with long-chain well as neuroimaging measures should be designed and
polyunsaturated fatty acids. To date, although many studies implemented in the context of broader hypotheses regarding
have reported regional metabolite differences for patient the mechanisms of action of particular disease states or
populations with known cognitive impairments, few studies interventions, as well as hypotheses regarding the neural
have addressed whether empirical measures of cognitive systems underlying specific behavioral functions.
performance are related to these metabolite differences.
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