5.0 Financials: 5.1 Break Even Analysis

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Each business is exposed to certain dangers which should be considered and appropriate
strategies should be consolidated to limit the dangers. Break-even analysis is an imperative part
of a decent marketable strategy since it enables the business to decide the cost structures and the
number of units that should be sold so as to take care of the expense or make a benefit. For
startups like Photographer chai, break-even analysis is crucial, practical and popular tool. The
following calculations are done to find the break-even units:

Expenses in the first year are expected to be around BDT 5760000 which will be incurred by
Photographer chai. Therefore each month the business is going to experience BDT 480000
expenses (5760000/12 months) and BDT 16000 worth of expenses (480000/ 30 days). Taking
into consideration that Photographer chai will acquire BDT 80 from each customer transaction:


=200 customer transactions are the break even units per day

=6000 customer transactions are the break even units per month

=72000 customer transactions are the break even units per year


=200 x 80= BDT 1600 per day

=80 x 6000= BDT 480000 per month

=80 x 72000= BDT 5760000 per year

5.2 Forecasted sales:

Table A:

Details Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5


6720000 7728000 8887200 10220280 11753322

For business management sale forecasting is necessary. Without a strong thought of what your
future revenue will be, you can't deal with your stock or your income or plan for development.
The motivation behind sales forecasting is to give data that you can use to settle on astute
business choices. Table A shows the forecasted sale for year 1 to 5 and is predicted by
considering few factors like: number of new customers expected to be using Photographer chai
each year, number of customers the company is expecting to lose each year, average number of
sale made to each customer, particular months where Photographer chai loses or gains
customers, expected competition in the near future.

5.3 Cost of sales:

Details Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Application on 600000 700000 800000 900000 1000000


Customer 360000 400000 420000 450000 470000

service cost

Training cost 240000 270000 300000 320000 350000

Total 1200000 1370000 1520000 1670000 1820000

5.4 Expense forecast:

Details Costs

Marketing expenses , Social media 600000

Employee salaries 4200000

Rent for office 600000

Other expenses 360000

Total expenses 5760000

Estimating your organizations financial performance not just provides you unmistakable
guidance in which to evaluate your execution, however, this likewise clarifies desires you might
need to meet inside a certain time span. We know how skill planning and budgeting can support
us - regardless of whether the main experience you have had with it has been on an individual
dimension, it's decent to realize you can stroll into a store and have the cash expected to buy the
things you need.

Planning is critical in business - particularly if your income ebbs and tides consistently. Having
the capacity to forecast expenses can guarantee that you don't lose clients due to not having the
service. The essential activity is to take a seat, make sense of a yearly objective - or even a multi-
year objective - and after that choose what steps you have to take to achieve those objectives.
Find what budgetary moves that needs to make each week, consistently and possibly consistently
so as to come to the (impermanent) sequential ultimate objectives you have put forward.

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