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FON Care Plan

Student: Abigail Rodriguez Date: November 4, 2019

Course: NSG 300 CC Instructor: Professor Aspell

Clincial Site: Suntree Adult Day Center Client Identifier: J.G. Age: 79

Reason for Admission: Respite care/ lacking socialization

Client was admitted to Suntree Adult day center by his caregiver, due to J.G. needing constant attention. He is also lacking socialization.

Medical Diagnoses: (Include Pathophysiology and Risk Factors): Clinical Manifestation(s):

Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease: The clinical manifistations associated with demenita include both
Dementia is a vascuar disease that clinically reflects cognitive and psychological changes. Cognitive changes involve
predominantly deterioration of function in the association cortex. memory loss, difficulty with communication and making words,
The damage to the brain cells that are associated with Dementia difficulty reasoning and problem-solving, and confusion and
interferes with the ability of the brain to communicate with itself. disorientation. In addition, the psychological changes include
Therefore, depending on the region of the brain, individauls can personality changes, depression, anxiety, inappropriate behavior,
experience issues with memory, judgment, and movement agitation, and hallucinations. Dementia is commonly progressive,
(Alzheimer’s Association, 2019a). The utmost cause/connection therefore patients may experience different symptoms at different
with Dementia is atherosclerosis, which is hardening of the times, some more worsening compared to others. Early diagnosis of
arteries due to thickening of the artery from fatty deposits or Dementia allows individuals to to get maximum benefit from the
plaques. Individuals who have diabetes, are overweight, unhealthy treatments that are available which are mostly symptomatic (Mayo
diet, and lack physical activity are at risk for developing Clinic, 2019).
atherosclerosis. Dementia contains a collection of symptomes that The clinical manifestations associated with Alzheimer’s disease
affect memory, thinking, and social abilities (OMICS most generally revolve around memory loss. As it is a developing
International, 2016). diseases, memory impairments worsen and other symptoms
© 2018. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Rev 2.17.18
Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of Dementia. develop. The memory issues seen with this disease include
Alzheimer’s is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder, resulting repetition when communicating with others, forgetfulness with
in gradual, irreversible loss of memory and cognitive function. It is conversations and events, get lost in familiar places, and eventually
most commonly believed that Alzheimer’s is caused by a forgetting the names of family members and everyday objects.
combination of genetic, lifestyle, and environmental factors that Personality changes also occur, issues like depression, apathy,
affect the brain overtime, as the exact cause is not yet fully social withdrawal, mood swings, and wandering. There are many
understood. There are also two proteins, beta-amyloid, and skills that are preserved for longer periods even though the
neurofibrillary tangles, Tau proteins, that are focused on when condition continues to progress. Therefore, some patients continue
discussing Alzheimer’s disease. As Beta-amyloid is a leftover to read, tell stories, sing, and dance while their symptoms continue
fragment of a larger protein, these numerous fragments cluster to worsen (Mayo Clinic, 2019).
together- causing a toxic effects on neurons as they are causing a
disrupt to cell-to-cell communication. Secondly, Tau proteins,
which are normally in charge of carrying nutrients and other
essential minerals, change shape and organize themselves into
neurofibrillary tanges. These tangles are also toxic to the cells in
the brain and negatively affect the cell-to-cell communication
(Mayo Clinic 2018).

Assessment Data

Subjective Data: Patient stated he felt no pain. J.G. was very cooperative, as he shared family stories and old memories while being assessed.
Patient stated, “Do whatever you need, when you pull on my ear it reminds me of my Greek mother that tugged on my ears everytime I did
something I knew I was not supposed to.” He laughed continuously throughout the assessment.
VS: T : 97.8 F Labs: Although the client does not have any labs Diagnostics: Although the client does not have any
in his chart, the labs I would recommend diagnostics in his chart, I would recommend:
BP: 146/81 mmHg
- Brain imaging: standard imaging, like an MRI or
HR: 70
- Psychometric testing: this test is a CT, are primarily used to rule out other
RR: 14 intended to diagnose all dementias, as it conditions that may cause symptoms similar to
O2 Sat: 94% on RA measures an individual’s mental Alzheimer’s disease (Alzheimer’s Association
capabilites and behavioural styles. I 2019). J. G. would benefit from brain imaging
No pain noted. Scoring a recommend this lab because J. G.’s because in some circumstances, health care
0 on the Wong-Baker faces
pain rating scale. condition will continue to worsen, providers may use this as a tool to find out if the
therefore his caregivers will be well individual ahs high levels of beta-amyloid, which
informed (Alzheimer’s Association as stated before has toxic affects on brain cells.
- Vitamin B12: This would be a routinely
test, that will help identify cognitive
imparments. Due to him being diagnosed
with two diseases resembling cell
degeneration, this would be an important
test for him to take routinely
(Alzheimer’s Association 2019).

Assessment: Orders:
Patient was alert x1, to person. Patient is responsive to questions but has - DNR
an attention span of approximately 10 minutes. - Regular Diet.
- Water and soap to wash skin tear.
Past medical history: Heart surgery (2001), Appendectomy,
- Approximate wound margin. Steri strip/nonadhering dressing
hypertension, hypothyroidism, and hypercholesterolemia.
for wounds.
Skin: - Pulse oximeter to obtain the Oxygen Saturation level as
needed (PRN).
- The individual’s skin is warm, dry, and intact. No lesions noted - Blood glucose test to rule out hypoglycemia or
on the exposed skin. hyperglycemia.
- The skin turgor is appropriate with no apparent tenting, - Activities of Daily Living (ADL): dependent on caregiver
bilaterally. - Bathing: 1 person assisst supervision
- Upon assessment, no upper body edema was noted bilaterally. - Hydration: drink 8-12oz fluids each day.
- The radial pulses are strong, equal and palpable bilaterally,
approximately 2+.
- Capillary refill is less than 2 seconds bilaterally on fingers and

Head, Face, and Neck:
- The head is a normocephalic shape, face is symmetrical, and
neck is proportionate to the head and face; hair distribution is
- Temporal and carotid arteries are palpable bilaterally.
- The patient denied pain or tenderness on the maxillary and
frontal sinuses, bilaterally.
- After assessing TMJ, the client denies pain; no popping or
clicking noted bilaterally.
- Cranial nerve V, Trigeminal is intact. Although, sluggish
reaction to the cotton ball stimulus.
- Cranial nerve VII, Facial, is intact.
- CN XII, Hypoglossal, is intact.
- Lymph nodes are non-palpable and non-tender bilaterally.
- Trachea is midline.
- The eyes are symmetrical, conjunctiva is pink, sclera is white,
and no drainage or jaundice were noted bilaterally.
- For PERRLA assessment, pupils are equal and round bilaterally,
pupils are sluggish reactive to light ( both direct and consensual)
and accommodation showed sluggish pupil constriction, and
dilation bilaterally. Convergence is noted. Pupil size is noted at
approximately 3 mm bilaterally.
- External ears are intact and symmetrical. The color is consistent
with his exposed skin, and the pinna and tragus are nontender
and moveable, bilaterally.

Nose, Mouth, Throat:
- The nose is midline. Nares are symmetrical and patent
- Tongue is pink, moist, and without lesions. The buccal mucosa
is pink, moist, and without lesions bilaterally. He has an upper
denture, however, dentition is intact.
- Uvula rises with pronation; CN XII, Glossopharyngeal is intact.
- The client is sitting upright and respirations are regular, even,
and non-labored.
- The rise/fall of posterior chest is symmetrical.
- Bilateral breath sounds are clear to auscultation throughout
posterior chest in all lobes. Good inspiratory effort, no
adventitious sounds noted.
- No carotid bruits auscultated bilaterally.
- Bilateral breath sounds are clear to auscultation throughout
anterior chest in all lobes. Good inspiratory effort, no
adventitious sounds noted.
- S1 and S2 heart sounds auscultated with regular rate and
rhythm; no S3 and S4 sounds or murmurs auscultated.
- There was no swelling, tenderness, redness or nodules noted in
the shoulder, elbow, wrist, knee, or ankle joints bilaterally.
Client denies pain with palpation. No spinal abnormalites noted.
- Client has equal range of motion in all joints, bilaterally.
Strength, with and without resistance is equal in the shoulder,
elbow, wrist, knee, and ankle bilaterally.
- No lower body edema was noted, bilaterally.

- The posterior tibial and dorsalis pedis pulse sites were strong,
equal, and palpable bilaterally, approximately 2+.
- The capillary refill of the toes was sluggish and took
approximately 5 seconds to refill bilaterally.
- The barefoot and heel-to-toe gait is steady, and patient
ambulates independently.
- Negative Romberg test; no swaying noted.
- Deep tendon reflexes of brachioradialis and patellar reflex are
present bilaterally.
- Rapid Alternating Movements are noted and intact, bilaterally.


Name Dose Route Frequency Indication/Therapeutic Adverse Effects Nursing

Effect Considerations
Buspirone 5mg PO BID for 30 - Management of anxiety. Bind CNS: dizziness, drowsiness, 1. The degree and
days to serotonin and dopamine excitement, fatigue, headache, manifistations of
receptors in the brain, insomnia, nervousness, anxiety need to be
increasing norepinephrine weakness, personality changes. assessed before and
metabolism in the brain. Reliefs EENT: blurred vision, nasal periodically during
anxiety. congestion, sore throat, tinnitus, therapy.
comjuctivitis. 2. Beware of substance
CV: chest pain, palpitations, dependence or tolerance
tachycardia, hypertension, if patient has a history
syncope. of substance use
GI: nausea, abdominal pain, disorder.
constipation, dry mouth. 3. If patient has history
Neuro: incoordination, of substance abuse,
numbness, paresthesia. assess the patient’s
tolerance as well as
impaired control
(Vallerand, Sanoski, &
Deglin J. 2017).
Memantine 10mg PO BID - - For moderate to severe CNS: dizziness, fatigue, 1. Cognitive function
AM/ PM dementia/neurocognitive headache, sedation (memory, attention,
disorder associated with CV: hypertension reasoning, language,
Alzheimer’s disease. GI: diarrhea, weight gain ability to perform
- Binds to CNS N-methyy-D- simple tasks) must be
aspartate receptor sites, Hemat: anemia assessed before, during,
preventing binding of and after medication
glutamate, an excitatory therapy.
neurotransmitter. Does not cure 2. Teach patient about
disease, but does decrease postural hypotension,
symtpoms of cognitive decline. because the patient may
experience dizziness.
3. Teach patient that the
medication may take
months to reach
therapeutic level.
(Vallerand, Sanoski, &
Deglin, 2017).
Escitaloprám 10mg PO Once per - Management of depressive CNS: insomnia, dizziness, 1. Monitor mood
day - AM disorder and generalized drowsiness, fatigue, neuroleptic changes and level of
anxiety disorder. malignant syndrome, suicidal anxiety during therapy.
- selectively inhibits the ideation 2. Assess for suicidal
reuptake of serotonin in the GI: diarrhea, nausea, abdominal tendencies, especially
CNS. Antidepressent action. pain, constipation, dry mouth. during early therapy.
Metabolism: increased appetite 3. Assess for sexual
dysfunction- erectile
dysfunction, and
decreased libido
(Vallerand, Sanoski, &
Deglin, 2017).
Levothyroxine 50mg PO Once per - Thyroid supplementation in CNS: headache, insomnia, 1. Assess apical pulse
day - AM hypothyroidism. irritability. and BP prior to and
- Replaces or supplements the CV: angina pectoris, arrhythmia, periodically during
endogenous thyroid hormones. tachycardia. therapy. Assess for
Principal effect is increasing GI: abdominal cramps, diarrhea, tachyarrythmias and
metabolic rate of body tissues. vomiting. chest pain.
Aids in the development of the Endo: hyperthyroidism 2. Overdose is
brain and CNS. manifested as
(Vallerand, Sanoski, &
Deglin, 2017).
Losartan 100mg PO Once per - Management of hypertension CNS: dizziness, anxiety, 1. Assess BP (laying,
day - AM depression, fatigue, insomnia. sitting, standing) and
EENT: nasal congestion, pulse frequently during
pharyngitis. initial dose adjustment
CV: hypotension, chest pain, and periodically during
edema. therapy.
GI: abdominal pain, diarrhea, 2. Monitor frequency of
nausea. perscription refills to
determine compliance
(Vallerand, Sanoski, &
Deglin, 2017).
Atorvastatin 20mg PO Once per - Management of CNS: amnesia, confusion, 1. Obtain a diet history,
day - PM hypercholesterolemia and dizziness, memory loss, especially with regard
mixed dyslipidemia. Primary weakness. to fat consumption.
prevention of coronary heart EENT: rhinitis, blurred vision 2. Evaluate serum
disease. CV: chest pain, peripheral cholesterol and
- Inhibits 3-hydroxy-3- edema triglyceride levels
methylglutaryl-coenzyme A GI: abdomnial cramps, before initiating, and
reductase, an enzyme which is constipation, diarrhea, flatus, periodically after
responsible for catalyzing an heartburn (Vallerand, Sanoski, &
early step in the synthesis of Deglin, 2017).
- Lowers total and LDL
cholesterol and triglycerides.
Quetiapine 25mg PO Once per - Decreases manifestation of CNS: neuroleptic malignant 1. Monitor mental
day - PM depression syndrome, seizures, dizziness, status (mood,
- Acts by serving as an cognitive impairment. orientation, behavior)
antagonist of dopamine and EENT: ear pain, rhinitis, before and periodically
serotonin. Antagonizes pharyngitis. during therapy
Histamine receptors and alpha CV: increased blood pressure, 2. Assess for suicidal
1 adrenergic receptors. palpitations, postural tendencies, especially
hypotension. during early therapy
GI: pancreatitis, anorexia, (Vallerand, Sanoski, &
constipation. Deglin, 2017).
Rivastigmine 95mg PO Once per - Decreases dementia CNS: weakness, dizziness, 1. Assess congitive
day - PM symptoms and enhances unusual sedation. function (memory,
congitive function. CV: edema, heart failure, attention, reasoning,
- Enhances cholinergic function hypotension. language, ability to
by reversible inhibiton of GI: anorexia, nausea, vomiting, perform simple tasks)
cholinesterase. Does not cure diarrhea. periodically throughout
the disease. therapy.
2. Monitor patient for
nausea, vomiting,
anorexia, and weight
loss (Vallerand,
Sanoski, & Deglin,
Melatonin 3mg PO Once per - Used for sleep disorders, CNS: headache, dizziness, 1. Assess sleep patterns
day - pM including insomnia, jet lag, and drowsiness. before and periodically
circadian rhythm disorder. GI: abdominal cramps, nausea. throughout therapy.
-Supplements the hormone 2. Monitor blood
melatonin, which regulates the glucose, coagulation
normal sleep/wake cycle. panel, hormone panel,

and lipid panel
periodically during
therapy (Vallerand,
Sanoski, & Deglin,
Tylenol/Acetaminophen 1000mg PO Every 6 - Treat mild pain, fever. CNS: agitation, anxiety, 1. Assess the overall
hours/PRN - Inhibits the synthesis of headache health status and
prostaglandins that may serve CV: hypertension, hypotension alcohol usage before
as mediators of pain and fever, GI: hepatotoxicity, constipation, administering.
primarily the CNS. increased liver enzymes, nausea, 2. Patients who are
vomiting malnourished or
chronically abuse
alcohol are at higher
risk of developing
(Vallerand, Sanoski, &
Deglin, 2017).
Tylenol/Acetaminophen 500mg PO Every 6 - Treat mild pain, fever. CNS: agitation, anxiety, 1. Assess the overall
hours/PRN - Inhibits the synthesis of headache health status and
prostaglandins that may serve CV: hypertension, hypotension alcohol usage before
as mediators of pain and fever, GI: hepatotoxicity, constipation, administering.
primarily the CNS. increased liver enzymes, nausea, 2. Patients who are
vomiting malnourished or
chronically abuse
alcohol are at higher
risk of developing
(Vallerand, Sanoski, &
Deglin, 2017).
Imodium/Loperamide Per label PO Per label - Relief of acute diarrhea. CNS: drowsiness, dizziness 1. Assess the frequency
- inhibits peristalis and GI: constipation, abdominal and consistency of
prolongs transit time by a direct pain, distention/discomfort, stools and bowel sounds
effect on nerves in the intestinal nausea. proior to and during
muscle wall. Reduces fecal therapy.
volume and increases viscosity. 2. Assess fluid and
electrolyte balance and
skin turgor for
dehydration (Vallerand,
Sanoski, & Deglin,

Ibuprofen 400mg PO Per label - Decrease pain, inflammation, CNS: headache, dizziness, 1. Assess for signs and
and fever. drowsiness, intraventricular symptoms of GI
- Inhibits prostaglandin hemorrhage. bleeding, renal failure,
synthesis. EENT: amblyopia, blurred and hepatic impairment.
vision, tinnitus. 2. Assess patient for
CV: heart failure, edema, skin rash frequently
hypertension. during therapy.
GI: GI bleeding, hepatitis, Discontinue after first
constipation, dyspepsia, nausea. sign of rash (Vallerand,
Sanoski, & Deglin,
Hydrocortisone Cream 1% Per label Topical Per label - Suppress normal immune DERM: allergic contact 1. Assess affected skin
system response and dermatitis, atrophy, burning, before and daily during
inflammation. dryness, edema, hypersensitivity therapy. Note
- Suppression of dermatologic reactions, irritation, secondary inflammation and
inflammation and immune infection. pruritus.
processes. 2. May cause increased
serum and urine glucose
concentration if
significant absorption
occurs (Vallerand,
Sanoski, & Deglin,
Nursing Diagnoses and Plan of Care
Goal Expected Outcome Intervention(s) Rationale Evaluation
Client or family focused. Measurable, time-specific, Nursing or interprofessional Provide reason why intervention Was goal met? Revise the
reasonable, and attainable. interventions. is indicated/therapeutic. plan of care according the
Provide references. client’s response to current
plan of care.
Priority Nursing Diagnosis (including rationale for choosing this as the priority diagnosis)
Anxiety, related to cognitive impairment, as evidence by constant pacing and agitation.

- Client will have posture, facial - Client will demonstrate - Recognize awareness of the - Since a cause of anxiety cannot - Caregivers and student
expressions, gestures, and increased external focus by the patient’s anxiety. always be identified, the patient nurses were with J.G.
activity levels that reflect end of the day. - Use presence, touch, may feel as though the feelings throughout the entire day,
decreased distress throughout his - Client will remain distracted verbalization, and demeanor to being experienced are ensuringt that he did not
day at Suntree day center. with caregivers, keeping him remind patient that they are not counterfeit. Acknowledgment of place himself in an

from wandering off throughout alone and to encourage the patient’s feelings validates untentional dangerous
his stay at Suntree day center. expression or clarification of the feelings and communicates situation due to his anxiety
needs, concerns, and questions. acceptance of those feelings. and wandering.
- Interact with patient in a - Being supportive and - Caregivers and student
peaceful manner. approachable promotes nurses kept J.G. distracted all
communication. day, asking him stories and
- The nurse or health care for help to ensure that they
provider can transmit his or her knew were he was the entire
own anxiety to the time.
hypersensitive patient. The - J.G. had several peaceful
patient’s feeling of stability interactions with the nursing
increases in a calm and non- students, as he sang with
threatening environment them and shared fun personal
(Wayne, 2019a). stories while I assessed him.

Secondary Nursing Diagnosis: Chronic confusion

Chronic confusion, related to cognitive impairment, as evidence by constantly meandering aimlessly and potentially puttng himself in harm.
-Patient will remain content and - Patient participates in activites - Collect information about - The background of the patient - The caregivers and staff at
free from harm throughout the of daily living at the maxium of patient functioning, including will allow the caregiver, or Suntree made it clear to all of
day at Suntree day center. functional ability. social situation, physical student nurse, to understand the the student nurses that J.G. has
- Patient functions at a maximal condition, and psychological patient’s behavior if the patient cognitive impairment that leads
cognitive level. functioning. becomes delusional or him to wander off and
- Examine the ability to receive confusing. unintentionally put himself in
and send effective - Ability/readiness to reply to dangerous situations. So he was
communications. verbal direction/limits may vary monitored closely the entire
with the degree of orientation. day.
- Assess the patient for signs of
depression: insomnia, poor - Patients with chronic - Client was able to have many
appetite, flat affect, and confusion may have depressive effective conversations
withdrawn behavior. symptoms ( Wayne, 2019b). throughout the day.


Alzheimer’s Association (2019a). What is dementia? Retrieved from

Alzheimer’s Association (2019b). Medical tests. Retrieved from

Mayo Clinic (2018). Alzheimer's disease. Retrieved from


Mayo Clinic (2019). Dementia. Retrieved from


OMICS International (2016). Dementia Pathophysiology. Retrieved from


Wayne, G. (2019a). Anxiety – nursing diagnosis & care plan. Retrieved from

Wayne G. (2019b). Chronic confusion care plan and nursing diagnosis guide. Retrieved from



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