Bangladesh University of Professionals: Faculty of Business Studies

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Bangladesh University of Professionals

Faculty of Business Studies

What is Subliminal Message? What are the effects of subliminal messages
using in an advertising?
Subject: Marketing Management
Course Code: MKT- 8401
MBA (professional)-20
Sec: A

Submitted To
Asst. Prof. Nowshin Tabassum Tunna, BUP

Submitted By
Name: Md. Aminul Islam
Roll No: 19020039
ID No: 19011517
Session: Jan, 2020

Date of submission: March 28,

Subliminal Message
A subliminal message is a technique used in marketing and other media to influence people
without their being aware of what the messenger is doing.
This may involve the use of split-second flashes of text, hidden images, or subtle cues that affect
the audience at a level below conscious awareness. The most classic examples of subliminal
advertising and messaging include:

 Embedding a message in a song, either in the higher or lower frequencies or by singing

something backwards
 Words and images briefly flashing in between frames of film, usually at one tenth of a
 Drawings or photos that contain hidden or subtle images, such as words spelled out in
clouds in the background

The effects of subliminal messages using in an advertising

Subliminal messages can marginally influence a viewer's affect. This may be significant because
research indicates the feelings one has in response to an ad are important in determining the
effectiveness of an ad. Advertisers obviously care about the feeling’s consumers have about their
product, but their concerns move beyond this. They also want to know how persuasive the ad is
and how likely the consumers are to buy the product in the ad. While this study will be indicative
of the effects of subliminal messages on feelings, judgements, attitudes toward the ad, and
purchase intentions, we will not be able to determine if these variables will translate into a
greater likelihood of purchasing the product, which is what marketers often are ultimately
focused on.
Example of Marlboro and Ferrari

One of the biggest controversies ever relating to subliminal messages happened in one of the
favourite advertising places for the tobacco and alcohol industry. In fact, next to monthly
magazines, this is one of the few places left where they can still advertise. That’s why Marlboro
has been advertising in the world of motor sport for years. However, because of the laws banning
the advertising of these products, they have had to innovate and advertise themselves in a more
subtle way.

At one point, all of the tobacco brand logos were removed from the cars due to these restrictions.
However, Marlboro cleverly got round this ban by creating a more subtle design. They simulated
a tobacco packet by painting a bar code on the back of the car.  As you can see in the following

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