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GAC002 AE#4 Juan Pablo Serratos Christlieb 0212873

GAC002 Assessment Event 4: Academic Research Essay

4th Exam/essay

Energy and fuel sources of


Student’s name: Juan Pablo Serratos Christlieb

Student ID#: 0212873

Teacher: Miguel Angel Resendiz

Due Date: 22 april 2020

Word Count:

GAC002 AE#4 Juan Pablo Serratos Christlieb 0212873


● Outline page 3

Essay page 4

References page 5

GAC002 AE#4 Juan Pablo Serratos Christlieb 0212873


Topic: ​Energy and fuel sources

Thesis Statement: ​There are other methods of getting and producing these resources
that Mexico could use.

1°- ​The other methods Mexico could use instead of the actual methods

A- ​Solar panels are better than the actual one

i) ​Explaining it’s advantages

ii) ​Explaining it’s disadvantages

B- ​Fracking can be better method than the actual one

i) ​Explaining it’s advantages

ii) ​Explaining it’s disadvantages

2°- ​Concluding why I chose both and the changes people can do

A- ​Solar panels and fracking are less contaminant

B- ​If people want a change, they have to do it

GAC002 AE#4 Juan Pablo Serratos Christlieb 0212873

Can there be another method Mexico could use for getting energy and fuel making less
production of pollution and other bad factors?

Mexico today uses some types of resources to get energy and fuel, but it is not convenient to society,

and the world, because the biggest percent of pollution is produced by this creation. But it is not the

end of the world, there can be a change that benefits more the world and nature, a lot of countries have

changed the way they produce these resources. In this essay I will explain two examples, one of the

energy and another of the fuel.

Let’s start with the energy. Mexico is in great advantage, because it is recognized as one of the richest

lands in the world, but not just with nature, I mean Mexico can use the three types of white energy:

Water with a dam, wind power, solar power (solar panels). At the end of my research I came with the

conclusion that solar power is the best. Let's begin with the economic factor. Unlike wind power, solar

panels are cheaper to purchase and place them so they start producing the energy. But a disadvantage

is that the amount of power is less than other methods, so Mexico will need a lot in big quantities.

The actual way of getting fuel is very dirty in terms of production of pollution. Mexico could use and

reduce the amount of pollution if Mexico starts using the method of fracking. Fracking is a very

controversial and complicated method, because it has a lot of pros, but also cons, so fracking could

replace the actual method, but maybe there won’t be a very good difference. For example, fracking’s

pro is rather than coal, its widespread public health benefits. But on the other side, a con will be that

the air quality isn’t approved yet that is good in terms of pollution, so the air is not the best.

Why did I choose this both?, because they make a difference and they can change the contamination,

people have to change or make a change now, it is the best for the world, the world needs a change in

all its factors.

GAC002 AE#4 Juan Pablo Serratos Christlieb 0212873


AWM Network ApS, A. N. A. (n.d.). Solar Panels . Retrieved April 21, 2020, from

Fracking environment. (n.d.). Retrieved April 21, 2020, from

NRDC’s Activist Network. (n.d.). Renewable Energy. Retrieved April 21, 2020, from

Wihbey. (n.d.). Fracking. Retrieved April 21, 2020, from

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