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Christopher D. Stock, Esq.

August 4, 2020

Robert R. Cupp
Speaker of the Ohio House of Representatives
133rd General Assembly
77 South High Street
13th Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215

Re: Resignation of Position with Medical Marijuana Advisory


Speaker Cupp,

It is with decidedly mixed feelings that I tender this letter to notify you that I must resign my
position on the Medical Marijuana Advisory Committee (“MMAC”) effective immediately.

During my time on the MMAC, I had the opportunity and pleasure to work with such a diverse
array of patients, patient advocates and individuals – both in government and outside government
– who were able to offer their passion, creativity and advice to the Program. My chief goal was to
serve as a bridge between those outside of the Commerce and Pharmacy Departments and those
on the inside of these agencies. While more bridgebuilding is necessary, I believe that we have
begun to really create a meaningful dialog – and, more important, build trust – between the
agencies and the patients and their advocates. I am excited to see this dialog and trust deepen and
expand as the Program continues to mature over the years ahead.

Unfortunately, I am not able to continue with the group on this journey as a Member of the
MMAC. It has come to my attention that there are those in the patient community (and outside
it) who have – for one reason or another – determined that I am not the patients’ ideal
representative on the MMAC. I believe very strongly in public service, but there comes a point
where the collective public and private threats and attacks outweigh one’s appetite for such
service. I do not take this decision to resign lightly because, frankly, I believe we have more to do
as a Committee, as a Program and as a Patient Community.

Although this may be counterintuitive, I believe the MMAC’s patient advocate position is more
important than any one person. That position stands on the shoulders of giants – the patients who
built this program from the ground up with their blood, sweat and tears. It is my sincere hope that
the next individual who fills the patient advocate seat will continue the critical work of
strengthening these bridges between our patients and the many talented, dedicated state
employees who work on their behalf.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker, for the incredible opportunity to work with the MMAC. I look forward
to the Program’s continued success.

Very Truly Yours,

Christopher D. Stock, Esq.

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