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ancy recorded in one of the parameters. Moreover, Acknowledgment.-The author wishes to express
the fact that carbonato-apatite differs from hy- his thanks to Dr. Rustum Roy for reading the
droxy-apatite because of the replacement of hy- manuscript.
droxyls by carbonate ions is evidenced by the in- DIvIsIoN OF
formation obtained by means of infrared spectros- sTATE



Kinetics and Mechanism of the Pinacol Rearrangement. I. The Perchloric Acid-

catalyzed Rearrangement of Benzopinacol and of Tetraphenylethylene Oxide in Acetic
Acid Solution’
RECEIVED 17, 1954

The perchloric acid-catalyzed rearrangement of benzopinacol (P) to p-benzopinacolone ( K ) in acetic acid occurs by two
kinetically distinguishable routes, one of which involves direct rearrangement and the other involves intermediate formation
of tetraphenylethylene oxide (E). At 75” approximately SO% of the ketone is formed by the latter route. Correlation of
Ho values of the medium with the rate constants of the reaction system P -t E + K shows that for the three reactions a
I t
reversible proton transfer t o P or E is followed by the rate-determining ionization of the oxonium complex. The large
positive values of the entropy of activation for the rearrangement of E and for the composite reaction of P suggest that the
classical carbonium ion is an intermediate in these processes.

Although the molecular rearrangements of tetra- tions which have been inadequately investigated,
aryl pinacols to pinacolones have been studied ex- particularly in the tetraaryl pinacols in which the
tensively with respect to the relative migratory ap- shift is to a tertiary carbon atom. These include
titudes of the aryl g ~ o u p sthe
, ~ kinetic characteris- the stereochemical changes at the migration ter-
tics of these reactions have received comparatively minus, the effect of substituent groups upon energy
little attention. The rearrangement of 4,4’,4””’’’- and entropy of activation, and the relative impor-
tetrachlorobenzopinacol and of the corresponding tance in the transition state of the carbonium ion
epoxide in acetyl chloride was studied kinetically by (IV) and the phenonium ion7 (V). The tetraaryl-
Meerburg4 with the aid of an analytical method ethylene oxides (11) have received only scant at-
which involved measurement of the alcoholic alkali tention and there is inadequate experimental sup-
consumed by cleavage of the pinacolone. At 30’ port for the commonly held opinion that the rear-
he observed fluctuations in the concentration, or rangements of the epoxides and of the correspond-
apparent concentration, of the ketone for which he ing pinacols are completely analogous. Some of
was unable to account. He concluded, however, these problems are under investigation in this Lab-
that the epoxide could not be an intermediate in the oratory. The present communication records the
rearrangement of the pinacol. The kinetics of the results of the kinetic study of the rearrangement of
rearrangement of cis- and trans-1,2-diphenylace- benzopinacol (I) and of tetraphenylethylene oxide
naphthene-1,2-diol in acetic acid has been the sub- (11) to 4-benzopinacolone (111) in acetic acid with
ject of three investigations5in all of which the prog- perchloric acid as the catalyst.
ress of reaction was followed by analysis for un-
changed pinacol by oxidation with lead tetraace-
tate. The results of these investigations are not
completely conclusive, particularly with respect
to the ability of the trans isomer to undergo rear-
In its gross aspects the mechanism of the pinacol
rearrangement is firmly established.6 However,
0 OH
there are numerous detailed features of these reac- +

Ill ( K ) IV
(1) Presented before the Division of Organic Chemistry, American +
Chemical Society, Atlantic City, N. J., September, 1952; Abstracts of , .Ar..
Papers 24 M .
(2) Shell Oil Co., Wood River, Ill. This paper is abstracted from
the Pb.D. Thesis of Herbert J. Gebhart, Jr., St. Louis University, June, / \
1952. Ar OH
(3) For an excellent review of the pinacol rearrangement see G. W. v
Wheland, “Advanced Organic Chemistry,” John Wiley and Sons, Inc.,
New York. N. Y., 1949, pp. 451-534. Experimental Part
(4) P. A. Meerburg, Rec. Iraw. chim., ‘24, 131 (1905); 18, 267. 270 Materials.-Glacial acetic acid (Mallinckrodt Chemical
(1909). Works, bichromate test grade) was further purified by the
( 5 ) P. D. Bartlett and R . F. Brown, THISJOURNAL, 6’2,2927 (1940); method of Orton and Bradfield* modified by omission of
R.Criegee and K. H. Plate, Bcr., 71B,178 (1939): H.Sello, University acetic anhydride. The acid was distilled through an 18-
Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich., Pub. No. 1286 (1949).
(R) C. K. Ingold, “Structure and Mechanism in Organic Chemistry,” (7) D. J. Cram, Tms JOURNAL, 71, 38133,3875 (1949).
Cornell University Press, Ithaca, N. Y., 1953. Chapt. IX. (8) IC. J. P.Orton and A. E. Bradfield, J . Chcm. SOC.,983 (1927).
inch Widmer column in which the spiral packing had been without opening the flask. The second neck was used for
replaced by glass helices. The first 15% of the distillate the introduction of the sample and catalyst, and was closed
was rejected. The main fraction was redistilled and the with a ground glass stopper vented t o the atmosphere
fraction of boiling range 117.0-118.1" was collected. The through a drying tube. Acetic acid was siphoned into the
melting point of the product was consistently within the reaction flask and the quantity determined by weighing.
range of 16.20-16.40". The water content was calculated The weighed sample of the pinacol or oxide was then dis-
on the basis of a freezing point depression of 0.2" per 0.1% solved in the acetic acid. The flask was immersed in the
by weight of water.Q I n the later stages of the investigation oil-bath almost t o the top of the side arms. The pipet was
more nearly anhydrous acid was obtained by carrying out inserted in one neck and a thin-bottomed tube containing
the second distillation as an azeotropic distiIlation with the measured volume of the catalyst solution was suspended
benzene.'O The small residual water content was deter- in the second neck. At least one hour was allowed for the
mined by titration with Karl Fischer reagent." The puri- flask and contents (including the catalyst solution) t o reach
fied acid was collected and stored in all-glass equipment and bath temperature. The reaction was started by pushing
was protected from contact with atmospheric moisture. a glass rod through the bottom of the catalyst tube. At
Benzopinacol and benzopinacolone were prepared by the appropriate times samples were removed by aspiration into
method of Bachmann.lz The pinacol was recrystallized the pipet and delivery into test-tubes containing a small
from a benzene-petroleum ether mixture until a 0.02 M drop of a concentrated solution of potassium acetate. The
solution in benzene was optically clear when examined a t a neutralization of the perchloric acid immediately stopped
wave length of 3300 a 1-cm. quartz cell in a Beckman the reaction. The samples were cooled t o 26.0 f 2' and
model DU spectrophotometer. The product melted sharply analyzed. Reaction rate constants usually were evaluated
a t 195-196" on a pre-heated hot-stage. The pinacolone by the graphical method.
was recrystallized from benzene-petroleum ether until a Isolation of Tetraphenylethylene Oxide Intermediate.
constant molar extinction coefficient was obtained a t 3300 Benzopinacol(2.50 g.) was dissolved into 225 ml. of 98.83y0
A.; m.p. 180-181". Tetraphenylethylene was prepared acetic acid, the solution was heated t o 75" and the per-
from benzopinacolone by the method of Bachmanni3 and chloric acid catalyst was added. The solution was 0.0296
M in pinacol and 0.0123 M in perchloric acid. After 15
was converted to tetraphenylethylene oxide by the action minutes a t 75' the reaction was stopped by the addition
of perbenzoic acid14 in chloroform a t room temperature for of potassium acetate and the solution was cooled to 25".
four days. The oxide was recrystallized from a 10-1 mix- A 15-ml. portion was removed and analyzed for pinacol and
ture of anhydrous ethanol and chloroform until a 0.02 Af pinacolone. The concentrations were found t o be 0.0067 hf
solution in benzene was optically clear a t 3300 b.; m.p. and 0.0093 M, respectively. The remaining portion of the
2Otj-206". reaction mixture was seeded s-ith a crystal of tetraphenyl-
The standard stock solution of perchloric acid was pre- ethylene oxide. Within 20 minutes needle-like crystals
pared by the dilution (1: 100) of 70% aqueous perchloric characteristic of the oxide began t o separate. The mixture
acid with glacial acetic acid. This solution, approximately was allowed to stand a t 23" for 15 hours. The precipitate
0.12 M , was standardized by titration with a standard was collected, and after washing with cold acetic acid and
solution of sodium acetate in acetic acid with brom phenol drying over potassium hydroxide weighed 0.34 g. The
blue.15 The standard sodium acetate was prepared by dis- melting point (200-20Z0) was raised to 204-207" by admix-
solving primary standard grade of sodium carbonate in ture with an authentic sample of tetraphenylethylene oxide
glacial acetic acid. (m.p. 206-207"). Recrystallization of the crude product
Analytical Methods.-Benzopinacol was estimated by from acetic acid raised the melting point to 202-204'.
oxidation with lead tetraacetate.'B A 5.00-ml. sample of The filtrate contained 0.64 g. of the oxide, calculated upon
the solution t o be analyzed was mixed in a 250-ml. glass- the basis of a solubility of 2.9 g. per liter. The latter was
stoppered flask with an equal volume of an acetic acid solu- estimated by subjecting to rearrangement a saturated solu-
tion which was approximately 0.06' \ A in lead tetraacetate tion of the oxide and determining the concentration of pina-
and 1.0 N in potassium acetate. A blank was prepared in colone by the spectrophotometric method.
the same manner by replacing with acetic acid the solution
of the pinacol. The solutions were allowed t o stand a t room Interpretation of Kinetic Data
temperature for two hours and were then analyzed for lead Evidence for Tetraphenylethylene Oxide Inter-
tetraacetate" b y the addition of potassium iodide (0.5 g.),
sodium acetate (6.0 g.) and 100 ml. of water. The liber- mediate.-The data of Table I for a typical pinacol
ated iodine was titrated with 0.04 3 sodium thiosulfate. rate experiment show that the pinacol concentra-
Benzopinacolone was estimated by measuring the optical tion [PI decreases with time t in accordance with
density in a 1.00-cm. quartz cell a t a wave length of 3300 A. the first-order rate equation
of the solution obtained by the dilution of 5.00 ml. of the
acetic acid solution of the ketone t o 25.00 nil. or 50.00 ml. -d[P]/dt = k,[P] (1)
with &butyl alcohol. The molar extinction coefficient of However, the rate of formation of pinacolone is
pinacolone was measured in the same solvent mixture.
The mean value of 16 independent measurements of the slower than the rate of disappearance of pinacol,
molar extinction coefficient was 259 =k 2 I./mole-cm. indicating appreciable storage of an intermediate
Reaction Rate Measurements.-An oil-bath, the tem- (curve C of Fig. I ) . If [K] is the pinacolone con-
perature of which could be controlled to &0.05O, was used. centration, the apparent pinacol concentration
T h e rcactior. flask was of 2<50-ml.capacity and was equipped
xvith two nccks about 6 inches long. A pipet sealed to a (which would equal the experimental value if there
three-way stopcock was fitted into the ground gIass joint were no intermediate) is [PI0 - [K]. Curve B of
at thc top of one of the necks to permit removal of samples Fig. 1 shows that the instantaneous value of k , de-
-~ -~ ~-
(9) L. de Viszer, K P C .lraz,. c fined by the equation
(10) D. S. Noyce and P.
[ 19.51).
(11) J. XIitchell, J r . and D . \I. Smith, "Aquametry," Interscience
Publishers, Inc., ;iew York, N. Y.,1948. initially increases with time and terminally be-
(13) W.E. Bachmann in A. H. Blatt, "Organic Syntheses,"Coll. Vol. comes constant as [PI +-0. If the intermediate is
11, John W l p y a n d Sons, Inc , S e w York, S . T., 1943. pp. 71, i3.
(13) W.E. Rachmann, THISJOURS.AL, 66, 449 (1934). tetraphenylethylene oxide and if no other kineti-
(14) G Braun i n H. Gilman and A. 1%.Blatt, "Organic Syntheses," cally detectable intermediate is present, then it fol-
Coil. Vol. I, 2nd E d . , John ll'iley and Sons, Inc., S e w York, N. Y . , lows that in a solution in which [PI = 0, d[K]/dt =
l g 4 8 , p. 431.
(15) S . IVinsteiti, li. G r u n w a l d ;rnd I,. I,. I n g r a h a m , TIiis J O U X N A I . ,
--d[ E]/& and
70, 8 2 1 (1939). - d[El/dt = &([El0 - [KI) (3)
( 1 6 ) R . Crieaee, E . Biichner and W.Walther. Be?., 7.3, 571 (1940).
(17) . '
h 13. Furman, "Scott's Standard Methods of Chemical Analy- in which [ E ] is the concentration of the epoxide.
is," Vol. I, D . Van Kostrand Co , Inc., S e w York, X. Y . , 1939, 11. 52.5. The validity of equation 3 is supported by the data

Tetraphenyl- k1 X 1-9"
Time, 0.0395 N Pinacol, kp X h,:l Optical density Pinacolone, ethylene oxide, sec. ,
sec. NanSzOa. ml. M X 10: sec. - at 330 mp M x 103 M x 103 calcd."
120 3.44 13.55 0,019 0.37 0.62 3.8
600 2.69 10.58 5.15 .046 0.89 3.07 4.4
1200 1.98 7.83 5.08 .093 1.79 4.92 4.3
1800 1.46 5.76 5.09 .148 2.85 5.93 4.3
2400 1.07 4.23 5.10 .207 3.98 6.33 4.3
3000 0.82 3.24 4.Yl .262 5.05 6.25 4.1
3900 .52 2.06 4.98 ,337 6.49 5.99 4.1
4800 .37 1.46 4.99 ,405 7.80 5.28 4.0
6120 .21 0.83 (4.66) ,492 9.47 4.24 Av. 4 . 2
7200 .15 .59 (4.61) ,550 10.58 3.37
9000 .10 .40 (4.99) .614 11.82 2.32
10,800 Av. 5.04 f 0.14 ,662 12.71
13,860 .711 13.2
16,800 .736 14.2
19,200 .743 14.3
a Calculated with the aid of equation 7 and the following values of the rate constants: k , = 5.04 X 10-4 sec.-l; k2 =
2.24 X lo-' sec.-l. The latter was obtained by interpolation in Fig. 2 for a solution of which HO= 0.89. +
of Table I1 for a typical oxide rearrangement rate
experiment. Tables I11 and IV summarize the ef-
fect of the catalyst concentration and of the water
content of the solvent upon the rate constants kip,
k', and k' Figure 2 shows the equality (for a par-
ticular solution) of kz and the terminal value of k,, I \ \

the rate constants in this graph being adjusted to

10-3 M perchloric acid. Confirmatory evidence
concerning the identity of the intermediate was ob-
tained by the isolation of tetraphenylethylene oxide
in the expected quantity from a solution of the in-
completely rearranged pinacol.
density 3.0 I I I I I I I I I
at 3300 4.
1 : 5 dilution
M X 103
Oxide, calcd.,
M X 103
kz X I?',
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180200
0 0.000 0.000 6.005 Fig. 1.-Graph of data of Table I showing variation with
120 .037 0.714 5.29 1.06 time of the concentration of benzopinacol (line A), of the
360 .lo1 1.95 4.05 1.09 apparent concentration of the pinacol as calculated from the
600 .147 2.84 3.17 1.06 pinacolone concentration ([PI0 - [K]) (curve B), and of the
840 .184 3.55 2.45 1.06 concentration of the intermediate tetraphenylethylene oxide
1080 .212 4.09 1.91 1.06 (curve C).
1320 ,238 4.59 1.41 1.10
1560 .254 4.90 1.10 1.09
the first order with respect to the reactant and with
4200 .311 5.99 Av. 1 . 0 7 + 0.02
respect to the perchloric acid catalyst and are irre-
The Kinetics of First-order Consecutive Reac- versible. In view of the experimental demonstra-
tions with a Competing Simple Reaction.-The tion that kz and kp are first-order constants, i t
discussion which follows is based upon the assump- appears reasonable to assume that k1 and k3 also
tion that pinacolone is formed by two kinetically are first-order constants if kp = kl k3. A reversi-+
distinguishable reaction paths, only one of which ble hydration of the oxide to pinacol is theoretically
involves the oxide intermediate. The further as- possible. This reaction is not kinetically detectable
sumptions are made that the three reactions are of as shown by: (1) the absence of significant drifts
with time of the instantaneous values of k p and
ki k2
kz; ( 2 ) our failure to detect any substance oxidiz-
pinacol -+- tetraphenylethylene oxide + pinacolone
able by lead tetraacetate in reaction mixtures in
I k? 4 which the oxide is undergoing rearrangement; and
(18) Throughout this paper primed rate constants are second order
( 3 ) the absence of any indication of a suppression
constants (or specific rates) calculated from the experimental first order of the oxide intermediate with increasing water
constants by the relationship k / [ H C l 0 1 ] = k'. content of the medium.

Water Perchloric Hob for Initial
content ,"
r/o by w t .
M x 104
10-2 ,M
M x 10'
kp X
ip4, k'p,
k ' l , calcd ,
+ 0 .0 3
0 . 03 1.91 -0.51 18.0
.03+ .01 2.85 - .46 22.7
.10 + .02 3.89 - .31 10.6
.13 + .02 0.701 .24 - 3.08 11.5
4.65 1.87 4.0
.13 + .03 1.20 - .22 5.33 17.7
4.70 2.04 3.8
.13 + .03 1,80 - .22 7.90 17.0
4.65 1.88 4.0
.13 + .02 2.23 - ,24 9.75 13.9
4.62 2.08 3 .8
.20 + .03 4.10 - .n7 18.8 1.32
.31 + .01 5.02 .12 +
24.3 12.15 2.55 0.934 2.2
.48 + .03 1.8.1 .30 +
17.6 2.93 1.64 .661 1.3
.52 + .02 7.03 .33 +
8.82 .641
.52 + .02 13.30 .33 +
9.81 .634
1.00 + .02 6.22 .63 +
14.5 5.04 0.856 ,366 0.70
1.91 + .02 55.2 +1.14 11.7 .137
3 . 0 0 + .03 2.72 +1.57 18.8 0.348 0.134
The first figure in this column indicates the initial water content of the solvent and the second figure the water formed
in the reaction. The catalyst concentration and HOvalues are for 25'. The second-order constants kp', k.' and kl' have
been corrected for expansion of the solvent from 25" to reaction temperature with the aid of the volume-temperature data
for acetic acid reported by D. Tyrer, J . C h e w Soc., 105, 2534 (1914).

S U ~ ~ M AOF

The mathematical treatment of irreversible first-
R YKINETICDATAFOR THE PERCHLORIC ACID- order consecutive reaction^'^ P +- E

P +- K. The fundamental equations are

K is here
rrdified to allow for the competing simple reaction
con- - d([Pl)/dt = ki[Pl f k s P 1 (4)
% by
Ho for
10-8 A4
oxide, kz X I:,'
I./mole- d[E]/dt = k i [ P ] - k*[E] (5)
wt. M X 104 HCIO4 M X 10s set.-
Substitution into ( 5 ) of the value of [PI obtained by
0.03 2.83 -0.58 6.00 11.60 4.33 the integration of (4) yields
1.43 - .46
2.93 d[E]/dt + & [ E ] = kl[P]oe exp [-(kl + k ~ ) t l (6)
.08 3.19 - ,42 6.69 8.01 2.68 The integration of (6) with the aid of the integrating
.08 4.05 6.06 10.29 2.68 factor e expJkzdt and evaluation of the constant of
.i5 4.14 - .23 5.95 7.14 1.g~ integration for the condition that [ E ] = 0 when t =
.28 3.39 + .01 4.79 3.88 1.21 Oyields
- k3_( e exp[-(kl +
.28 5.02 8.41 5.76 1.21
.52 8.20 + .35 6.97 5.44 0,701
[ E ] = [PI" - ~ k1
k i - k,

k3)tI - e exp(- k d ) ) (7)

.92 11.7 4- .60 6.98 4.18 .378
1.00 22.9 + .68 7.73 7.16 ,331 On the assumption that k , = k1 +
k3 it is possible
1.03 21.7 + .69 6.98 6.15 .299 to evaluate kl and k~ with the aid of (7) and the ex-
1.87 55.6 $1.12 6.34 7.91 .150 perimentally available values of k,, k z , [PI0 and [E].
1.89 55.1 +1.12 7.91 7.57 .145 The results of these computations for a typical ex-
a See footnote b of Table 111. periment are shown in Table I.
-- 22 2. 2 1 ,
By differentiating (7) with respect to t and setting
I \ I , I I I I I I I I
d[E]/dt = 0 an expression is obtained for tma, the
-2.4 time a t which [E] is maximum
-2 6 +
tmax = In [ ( h k3)/kll/(kl +
k3 - k l ) (8)

n -2 8
The data of Table I give a calculated value of t,,,
cz - 3.0 of 48 min., a t which time [ E ] is 6.34 X l o w 3M .
These agree satisfactorily with the experimental
0 values shown in Fig. 1.
E -3.2 I t should be emphasized that the observed rate
z of pinacolone formation cannot be accounted for in
R -34
u terms of the simplified reaction scheme in which the
-36 direct rearrangement of the pinacol is neglected.
For example, when t = 3900 sec. (data of Table I)
-3 8
the assumption that k3 = 0 and kl = &leads to the
- 41) calculated values ( M X l o 3 ) : [PI = 2.04; [E] =
- 0 6 -0.4 - 0 2 r0.4
0 0 -0.2 r 0 4 +0.6
+06 +OS +1.0 c1.2
+I2 r1.4 tl.6
O 0 0 l M HC104.
Ho FOR 0.001M HC104 7.26; [K] = 5.28. With the values of the rate
(19) See, for example, S . Glasstone, "Textbook of Physical Chemi.;.
Fig. 2.-Correlation of specific rates with the acidity func- try." 2nd Edition, D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., New York. N. Y.,1946,
tion of the medium. p. 1075.

constants given in Table I the corresponding values in which kr includes the rate constant kr’ and the
are [E] = 6.05 and [K] = 6.45. The latter are in equilibrium constant of (13). Since E and E H +
satisfactory agreement with the experimental val- differ in structure by a proton, as do B and BH+,
ues. it is to be expected that the activity coefficient
Correlation of Rate Constants with Acidity ratios fE/fEH+ and fB/fBH+ are a t least approxi-
Function.-For constant water content of the mately equal for a particular solvent. Hence, to
solvent the graph of k , or kz vs. [A], the perchloric the extent that this is true, equation 15 and the
acid concentration, is linear and extrapolates to the experimentally established rate equation 12 are
origin, showing the absence of a solvent-catalyzed equivalent.
reaction. The following rate equations, in which Similarly, it can be sh9wn that the experimental
the primed quantities are the second-order con- rate equations 9 and 11 are consistent with the fol-
stants corresponding to the first-order constants of lowing mechanisms for conversion of P to E and for
equations 1, 3 and 4, are valid a t least over the the direct rearrangement of P to K
range of values of [A] studied (Ib) P +
H+ P H + (equilibrium) (16)
- d[P]/dt = kp’[A][P] = (ki’ + ka’)[AIPI (9) M + -+ E + H + + H20respectively)
(slow and fast,
- d[E]/dt = kz’[A][E] (10) (17)
With increasing water concentration and constant
[A] the decreasing acidity of the medium leads to a
N + +K + H + + HzOrespectively)
(slow and fast,
corresponding decrease in the second-order con- The nature of the transition complexes L+, M +
stants. The plot of the Hammett acidity function and N + requires consideration. Since P H + under-
Ho values20 shown in Tables I11 and I V against log goes two concurrent reactions the question arises
(10-3kz’) is a straight line of slope -0.87. A simi- whether M + and N + are the same or different. One
lar correlation exists between HOand the experi- possibility is that the transition complexes lead di-
mental rate constant kp’ and the calculated con- rectly to the corresponding reaction products, the
stants kl’ and kz’. The deviation of the slope from rate-determining dissociations of the C-0 b o n i in
the theoretical value of unity may indicate that the PH + and E H + occurring simultaneously with the
fundamental assumption of acidity function meas- phenyl shift in the rearrangement and with ring
urements concerning the lack of dependence upon closure in the epoxide formation. Complexes L+,
the base B of the activity coefficient ratio fB/fBH+ M + and N + would be represented by VI, VI1
is not rigorously applicable to bases which differ in and VIII, respectively, and the reactions might be
structure as much as do the nitroanilines (used for
Ph Ph Ph OH Ph Ph
Ho measurements) and benzopinacol. More prob-
ably the deviation is due to the use of HOvalues meas-
ured a t 25’ and rate constants measured a t 75°.21 +:OH2 \‘-*
Ph + \‘-m
Because of the linear relationship between HO OH2 OH
and log k’ and the proportionality between k’ and VI VI1 VI11
k equations 1 and 3 may be converted to the more expected to show some evidence of neighboring
general rate laws group participation. If the reactions of P H f are
-d[P]/dt = k p ” [ P ] ( ~ O )=“ k~p ” [P](CYH+~LI/~BH+)~.~
(11) thus composite in the activation step, as well as
-d[E]/dt = k2’’[E](h0)~.’= kz”[E](aa+fB/f=~+)~.’ (12) over-all, the values of the experimental activation
in which ho is defined by the relationship ho = -log energy E , and of the free energy AF4 and entropy
No and CYH+ represents the total activity of the pro- A S of activation calculated from k,’ (Table V)
tonated solvent molecules (H30+) and HzOAc+) would have no significancez2while the less precisely
while the f terms are activity coefficients of the in- established corresponding values calculated from
dicator base B and its conjugate acid BH+. kl’and k3’ would be of interest.
Mechanism.-For the rearrangement of the An alternate possibility is that the transition
epoxide E to pinacolone K the mechanism can be states lead to the unrearranged carbonium ion R +
represented as (VI) which is a common intermediate of sufficient
stability to require additional small activation en-
(Ia) E + H+ EH+ (equilibrium) (13) ergies for the formation of E H + and KH+. I n this
-+ L + +E; + H + (slow and fast, respectively) case M + and N + are essentially the same (except
possibly for minor differences arising from the
(14) rotational configuration of the pinacol molecule
where L + is the transition state complex. The as discussed below) and the activation thermody-
Bronsted rate equation is namic quantities of interest are those computed
rate = k r ’ [ E H + j f ~ ~ + / f ~=+kr[EIaH+f~/f~a+ (15) from kp’ and kz‘. This alternate mechanism (IT)
(20) These Ho values are from the measurements of F. J. Ludwig and
may be represented by replacing equations 17 and
K. H. Adams, THISJ O U R N A L , 76, 3853 (1954). 18 with the following
(21) A similar instance of a linear correlation of log k and Ho in
which the slope differs from unity by as much as 10% had been reported
by E. A. Braude and E. S. Stern, J. Chcm. Soc., 1976 (1948),and by
(11) PH+ --+ R + + HzO (slow) (19)
k- 4
F. A. Long, W. F. McDevit and F. B . Dunkle, J . Phys. Colloid Chcm.,
66, 829 (1961). On the other hand, using the same Ho values as listed
R + + HzO ---+ PH+ (very slow) (20)
i n Table 111, F. J. Ludwig and K. H. Adams (unpublished work) have ( 2 2 ) The problem of activation energy in composite reactions has
a perfect proportionality with log k for the perchloric acid-catalyzed been discussed by E. A. hloelwyn-Hughes, “The Kinetics of Reactions
dehydration of 1,1,2-triphenylethanol. These rnte constants wrre in Solution,” 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press, London, 1947. pp.
measured at 40°. 49-60 and 66-58.
3930 J. GEBHART,
H. ADAMS Vol. 76

D 0.31% OF WATER
Rate Temp., Specific rate a Ea, AS;b, 1F:,b
constant O C . i./mole-sec.’ kcal./mole e.u. kcal./mole
k ’2 55 0.117 i 0.002
75 1.22 i .02 26.0 zt 0 . 4 $14.3 =I= 1.1 20.37 i 0.02
85 3.39 f .07
k ’P 55 0.256 i ,007
15 2 , 5 5 3Z .07 2 6 . 0 3Z 0 . 4 Sl5.8 1.1 +19.86 i .02
85 7.27 i .20
k ‘I 75 2.07 zt . 0 6 21.3 f 1 . 1 9 . 5 It 3 . 2 20.0 zt . 1

k ’a
-- 5 . 5 8 Z t .08
0.48 i . O B 31 26 21.0 s . 1
85 1.72 It .08
a The rate constants i n this table have been corrected for solvent expansion; see footnote b of Table 111. Computed
from the equation k,,,, = ( k T / k ) e exp ( - AF:/RT) ;( e k T / h ) e exp ( - E J X T ) e exp ( A S ; / R ) ; S. Glasstone, K. J.
Laidler and H . Eyring, “The Theory of Rate Processes, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., X e w York, S.Y., 1941, p. 199.

ks closure relative to rearrangement probably reflects

EH+ --+R - (slow) (21 the rotational configuration of the pinacol molecule
a t the moment of reaction. If the pinacol assumes
R+ 5 EH+ (fast) (22) a favored rotational conformation it probably would
R + --+ IC H+ +
(fast) (23) be that having a trans arrangement of the hydroxyl
groups since this would minimize the C-0 dipole
To bring this formulation into conformity with the and phenyl-phenyl steric interactions. The mole-
kinetics it is necessary that k-5 > k g >> k--4. The cule would be thus in a favorable state for epoxide
requirement that R + reacts predominantly by the formation. The minority of the molecules (ca.
internal processes of ring closure and rearrangement 20%) which undergo direct rearrangement would
and is not sensitive to external attack by a solvent be those having the somewhat less stable cis con-
molecule seems not unreasonable for a molecule in figuration. The observed difference of approxi-
which steric factors must be of major importance. mately 1000 cal. in AFT for epoxide forination and
The high susceptibility to acid-catalyzed hydration rearrangement is consistent with this interpreta-
to the glycol which is characteristic of the phenyl- tion if it may be assumed that the two reactions
substituted ethylene oxides, including triphenyleth- have energetically similar transition states.
ylene oxide,za and the essentially complete failure of Consistent with mechanism I1 are the large pos-
this reaction in tetraphenylethylene oxide suggests itive values of the entropy of activation, which are
serious steric retardation in the latter reaction. in marked contrast to the values usually found ( - 5
Mechanisms I and I1 represent limiting types. to + 2 e.u.) for solvolytic reactions in acetic acid
In view of the generalization that neighboring which are known to be subject to neighboring group
group participation tends t9 decrease with increas- effects.26
ing phenyl substitution of the carbon atom a t which X firmer decision regarding the relative impor-
heterolysis occurs24and in view of the opportunities tance of the two preceding mechanisms could be
for resonance stabilization of R + in the tetraaryl made with the aid of information concerning the
pinacols it may be expected that these substances extent to which the rate-determining ionization of
react in a polar medium by a mechanism which ap- PHT is accelerated by participation by Co-OH or
proaches the liniitirig carbonium ion type. I n the by CB-phenyl and that of EH+ bv C3-phenyl par-
case of benzopinacol the stability of R+ appears to ticipation. Recause experimental work in progress
be inadequate to allow it to be highly discriminating is designed to provide this information discussion
in its subsequent reactions, with the result that it of that subject will be resen-ed for a subsequent
reacts exclusively by one of the two internal proc- communication.
esses available to it.’” The predominance of ring
( 2 8 ) J . I,. Lane and D. K . Walters, THIS J O U R K A L , 73,4234 (1951).
(24) S . Winstein and E Grunwald, ibid., 70, 828 (1948); S. Win- fully with these internal reactions. Thus. ethcrificati<)n doininate.;
btein, B. K . Morae, E. Grunwald, K. C . Schreiher and J . Corse, i b i d . , rearrangement in methanol and ethanol solutions of cis- a n d t ~ u n s -
74, 1113 (1952) 1,2-dimethyl-l,?-acenaphthenediul (R. F. Brown, i b i n . , 7 4 , 45’8
( 2 5 ) With pinacols u-hich can produce a more stable carbonium ion, (1952)).
external reactions with solveiit molecule.; could compete mare success- ( 2 6 ) See, fur example, tlie data oi reference 2 L.

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