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They show system that he will

take Kinect's technology to a


From one point of commercial sight, the

system Kinect, created to control video
games using only the body, it has been
a total success. With units giving out
rapidly of the stores, the product
became the electronic article with the
more fast adoption of story, surpassing
for two times antique record that the
iPad was holding.
Now, PrimeSense, the Israeli company
that made 3D sensors for Micrososft, it
joined up to the Taiwanese Asus to
introduce an article similar to the
system of games, but dreamt up to be
utilized in the computer.
The device, named like Wavi Xtion, will
debut morning, during the market of
technology Las Vegas's CES and he
promises to do the same thing than in
the console, but from the computer: Turning movements and facial expressions of
the body into control.
So, for example, the hands will be able to be cursors, changing contents stocking,
like photos and videos, but also presentations or the more fast visualization of
documents will be able to have corporate uses like the control knob of
However, the present operating systems do not count with graphs or icons
personalized to be able to be controlled with this system. In order to it, the
company will look for two solutions: The first is the creation of an especial software
that it permit controlling the computer with the body, that he will be devoted by the
company, but also will be available a system called Xtion PRO, with the one that
developers will be able to create his of one's own applications with to utilize the
device, and enclosure getting them on a virtual store that will be enabled together
with the device.
This last aspect is the what else he calls attention, because if benefit the sensor
Kinect already has been hacked for users than they develop his own independent
demonstrations, until now Microsoft has not thrown an official control that it permit
using the Kinect directly with a computer, a possibility that has not been discarded
by the company.
The product maybe be thrown before June all over the world.
Adisson Villalta Quispe

From one point of commercial sight, the system Kinect, created to control video
games using only the body, it has been a total success. With units giving out rapidly
of the stores, the product became the electronic article with the more fast adoption
of story, surpassing for two times antique record that the iPad was holding.
Now, PrimeSense, the Israeli company that made 3D sensors for Micrososft, it joined
up to the Taiwanese Asus to introduce an article similar to the system of games, but
dreamt up to be utilized in the computer.
The device, named like Wavi Xtion, will debut morning, during the market of
technology Las Vegas's CES and he promises to do the same thing than in the
console, but from the computer: Turning movements and facial expressions of the
body into control.
So, for example, the hands will be able to be cursors, changing contents stocking,
like photos and videos, but also presentations or the more fast visualization of
documents will be able to have corporate uses like the control knob of
However, the present operating systems do not count with graphs or icons
personalized to be able to be controlled with this system. In order to it, the
company will look for two solutions: The first is the creation of an especial software
that it permit controlling the computer with the body, that he will be devoted by the
company, but also will be available a system called Xtion PRO, with the one that
developers will be able to create his of one's own applications with to utilize the
device, and enclosure getting them on a virtual store that will be enabled together
with the device.
This last aspect is the what else he calls attention, because if benefit the sensor
Kinect already has been hacked for users than they develop his own independent
demonstrations, until now Microsoft has not thrown an official control that it permit
using the Kinect directly with a computer, a possibility that has not been discarded
by the company.
The product maybe be thrown before June all over the world.

They show system that he will take Kinect's technology to a computer

desde un punto de vista comercial, el sistema Kinect, creado para controlar

videojuegos usando sólo el cuerpo, ha sido un éxito rotundo. Con unidades
agotándose rápidamente de las tiendas -incluido Chile-, el producto se convirtió en
el artículo electrónico con la adopción más rápida de la historia, superando por dos
veces la antigua marca que mantenía el iPad.
Ahora, PrimeSense, la empresa israelita que construyó los sensores 3D para
Micrososft, se unió a la taiwanesa Asus para lanzar un producto similar al sistema
de juegos, pero ideado para ser utilizado en el computador.
El aparato, bautizado como Wavi Xtion, debutará mañana, durante la feria de
tecnología CES de Las Vegas y promete hacer lo mismo que en la consola, pero
desde el computador: convertir movimientos y gestos del cuerpo en el control.
Así, por ejemplo, las manos podrán ser cursores, cambiar el contenido multimedia,
como fotos y videos, pero también podrán tener usos corporativos, como el control
de presentaciones o la visualización más veloz de documentos.+
Sin embargo, los actuales sistemas operativos no cuentan con gráficas o íconos
personalizados para poder ser controlados con este sistema. Para ello, la empresa
buscará dos soluciones: la primera es la creación de un software especial que
permita controlar el computador con el cuerpo, que será entregado por la empresa,
pero también estará disponible un sistema llamado Xtion PRO, con el que
desarrolladores podrán crear sus propias aplicaciones para utilizar el dispositivo, e
incluso ponerlas a la venta en una tienda virtual que será habilitada junto con la
salida del equipo.

Este último aspecto es el que más llama la atención, ya que si bien el sensor Kinect
ya ha sido "hackeado" por usuarios que desarrollan sus propias demostraciones
independientes, hasta el momento Microsoft no ha lanzado un controlador oficial
que permita usar el Kinect directamente con un computador, una posibilidad que no
ha sido descartada por la empresa.
Se espera que el producto sea lanzado antes de junio en todo el mundo.

Presentan sistema que llevará la tecnología de Kinect a un computador

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