Summerbridge Hong Kong 2019 Lesson Plan Template Teacher: Brian Chow Course: Education Date: 9/07/2019 Aim/Objective: Students Will Be Able To - .

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Summerbridge Hong Kong 2019 Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: Course: Date:

Brian Chow Education 9/07/2019
Aim/Objective: Students will be able to . . .
Understand learning in the social point of view in Hong Kong

Key Vocabulary:
 System
o Procedures, what comes first and what comes next…
 Culture
o Way things are done in certain groups/ beliefs

Materials Needed and Physical Classroom Prep:

 My umbrella as the potato
 Poster Paper 6-8

Procedure: Time:
Do Now/Hook:
 Recall what they have learnt from previous lessons with a “Hot Potato”
 The students will pass an object around the room while music is
playing and when the music stops, the student will have to say
something about the previous lessons (E.g. what we did and what
content did we cover)
 The aim of the hook is to help them recall what we have gone through
in previous lessons as the first two weeks focused on their own 10-15
learning, and now that I want them to apply similar things on to the mins
“social point of view” (probably not use this word as it sounds
complicated, I’d probably directly apply it already in my questions)
 The activity is done before already when I wanted them to recall
materials from LP1 during LP2, so they should be familiar with the
activity. Reusing it can make them understand that we are trying to
recall knowledge quickly, setting up a routine.

Direct Instruction/Modeling:
 Debrief about the education system in Hong Kong
 Students are expected to know about the Hong Kong education system
very well already, but just to make sure they know, I will run through
their 18+ year journey of the life of a student in Hong Kong with them,
using mostly answers from them. 5 mins
 Ask guiding question (e.g. So what happens when you’re small, what
kind of school do you go to? “Kindergarten” So how is it like?... blah
blah blah). Here I’ll be hoping to touch on possibly more personal
journey of the students as a student, expanding further than explaining
the system and talk about the culture behind it. (e.g. do they like it?)
 Explain to students that next lesson there will be teachers from a non
Hong Kong background will come in. They are very interested in
learning about the Hong Kong education system and how you as a
student in Hong Kong survive in the system.

Student Practice/Application:
Summerbridge Hong Kong 2019 Lesson Plan Template

 Students will make a poster about their life as a student in Hong Kong
to present it to the teachers.
 They would be allowed freedom with poster paper and markers. 20 mins
 They should also come up with answers on:
o Why do they think the government want the students to learn?
o How does the system reflect it?
o How do we usually learn in Hong Kong?
o They might struggle with the questions a bit here, so I’ll adjust

Wrap up/Closure:
 Depending on how quick students finish their posters and prepare their
5 mins
mini presentation, I will invite them to share something about their
poster and mini presentation.
 If possible (also if we touched on culture), touch on how the culture is
echoing (or is similar to) the government’s system

Clean Up

Relevance to SB Goals:
__X_ English Language Development:
__X_ Love of Learning:
___ Building Confidence:

Plan for Upcoming Days:

I will invite 3/4 teachers to come in and have the kids present it to them and talk to
them. Maybe encourage the kids to ask the teachers back about the education system
they are from. I will probably invite the teachers to do an opening skit to make the
story of them being interested in Hong Kong more realistic and fun.

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