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English I

Title of the paper

Adverbs worksheet week 1

Author’s name (with ID)

Manuel Alejandro
Aponte Trujillo 678155

Teacher’s name

Colombia, MAYO 09 2020

Escribe las respuestas en una oración completa usando el adverbio en paréntesis.

How often do you eat eggs for breakfast? (rarely)

I rarely eat eggs for breakfast


1. How often do you eat a sandwich for lunch? (sometimes)

Sometimes I eat sandwich for lunch

2. How often do you exercise in the morning? (usually)

I usually do exercise in the morning

3. How often do you swim in the ocean? (rarely)

I rarely swim in the ocean

4. How often do you smoke? (never)

I never smoke

5. How often are you sick? (rarely)

I rarely get sick

6. How often are you tired after work? (always)

I’m always tired after work

7. How often do you use the internet? (sometimes)

Sometimes I use the internet

8. How often do you cook? (always)

I always cook

9. How often do you watch TV? (usually)

I usually watch tv

10. How often are you angry? (rarely)

I rarely get angry

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