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Endoplasmic Reticulum

T he endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is the largest The ER is organized as an extensive array of tubules
membrane-delineated intracellular compartment within and flat saccules called cisternae (cisterna means “reser-
eukaryotic cells, having a surface area up to 30 times voir”) that form an interconnected and contiguous three-
that of the plasma membrane (Fig. 20.1). The ER dimensional network (a reticulum) stretching from the
performs many essential cellular functions, includ- nuclear envelope to the cell surface. This system has
ing protein synthesis and processing, lipid synthesis, several structural domains. The ER that flattens around
compartmentalization of the nucleus, calcium (Ca2+) the cell nucleus to form a double membrane bilayer
storage and release, detoxification of compounds, and barrier is called the nuclear envelope (see Fig. 9.5).
lipid transfer and signaling to other organelles (Table The peripheral ER that extends from the nuclear enve-
20.1). It also has roles in the biogenesis of the Golgi lope is comprised of both a polygonal network of tubules
apparatus, peroxisomes and lipid droplets, and helps and flat, stacked membrane cisternae close to the
mitochondria to divide. Approximately one-third of all nucleus. The stacked cisternae are covered with ribo-
cellular proteins are imported into the lumen of the somes for the synthesis, import, and folding of mem-
ER or integrated into ER membranes. Import occurs brane, luminal, and secreted proteins. The tubule
at rates of 2 to 13 million new proteins synthesized network extends throughout the cytoplasm (Fig. 20.1C);
per minute. The ER retains some of these imported its functions include lipid synthesis, Ca2+ storage and
proteins for its own functions, some are degraded, and release, and making contacts with the membranes of
others are exported into the secretory pathway (see other organelles and the plasma membrane.
Chapter 21) for targeting to other compartments within This chapter describes (a) the overall functions and
the cell. organization of the ER, (b) insertion of proteins into and

Stacked Nuclear
cisterane envelope



and nuclear envelope. B–C, Fluorescence micrographs of cells expressing an ER marker tagged with green fluorescent protein (white in this
image). B, The expansive character of ER is emphasized. C, Peripheral ER tubules. (A, From Goyal U, Blackstone C. Untangling the web: mecha-
nisms underlying ER network formation. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2013;1833:2492–2498. B–C, Courtesy Drs. Chris Obara and Aubrey Weigel,
Janelia Research Campus, Ashburn, VA.)

332 SECTION VI  n  Cellular Organelles and Membrane Trafficking

TABLE 20.1  Subdomains of the A CYTOPLASM

Endoplasmic Reticulum
ER Domain Function Associated Proteins
Rough ER Protein translocation Sec61 complex, TRAP,
Protein folding and TRAM, BiP
oligomerization PDI, Calnexin, rER NUCLEUS sER
Carbohydrate addition Calreticulin, BiP
ER degradation Oligosaccharide
transferase ER export
EDEM, Derlin1 domain
Smooth ER Detoxification Cytochrome P450
Golgi Nuclear
Lipid metabolism enzymes apparatus envelope
Heme metabolism HMG-CoA reductase
Calcium release Cytochrome b5
IP3 receptors B
Nuclear Nuclear pores POM121, GP210
envelope Chromatin anchoring Lamin B receptor
ER export Export of proteins Sar1p, Sec12p, Sec16p
sites and lipids into
secretory pathway
ER contact Transport of lipids LTPs

BiP, biding immunoglobulin protein; EDEM, ER degradation-enhancing

α-mannosidase-like protein; ER, endoplasmic reticulum; HMG-CoA,
β-hydroxy-β-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A; IP3, inositol triphosphate; FIGURE 20.2  ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM SUBDOMAINS.
LTP, lipid-transfer protein; PDI, protein disulfide isomerase; TRAM, A, Drawing of a cell with specialized regions of the endoplasmic reticu-
translocating chain-associating membrane protein; TRAP, translocon- lum (ER). Rough ER (rER) with bound ribosomes extends from the
associated protein.
nuclear envelope to the cell periphery. Smooth ER (sER) without
ribosomes is specialized for drug metabolism and steroid synthesis
and includes tubulovesicular elements composing ER exit sites. The
across the ER membrane, (c) the mechanisms of folding,
nuclear envelope consists of ER membrane wrapped around the
assembly, and degradation of proteins in the ER, and chromosomes and other nuclear elements. B, Electron micrograph of
(d) the synthesis and metabolism of lipids by the ER. a thin section of rough ER and neighboring mitochondrion from the
Chapter 21 covers the secretory pathway, which begins pancreas. The lumen is colored blue. (Micrograph by Keith R. Porter;
at the ER. Chapter 26 explains how the ER stores and courtesy Don W. Fawcett, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA.)
releases Ca2+.

Overview of Endoplasmic Reticulum accumulated in the ER at high levels, can trigger an

unfolded protein response. This activates specific genes
Functions and Organization
in the nucleus whose products help modify or destroy
The foremost function of the ER is producing most the misfolded proteins and compensate for the decreased
proteins that are secreted from the cell as well as lipids capacity of ER folding. Both soluble and transmembrane
that make up the membranes of the other organelles, proteins are exported from the ER at sites called ER
including the Golgi apparatus, endosomes, lysosomes, export domains. These tubulovesicular membranes
and plasma membrane. The ER also supplies much of lack ribosomes and bud off vesicle intermediates for
the lipid for the membranes of mitochondria and delivery to the Golgi apparatus (see Chapter 21).
peroxisomes. The surface of the ER forming the outer nuclear
The area of ER specialized for protein synthesis, envelope, which faces the cytoplasm, is indistinguish-
folding, and degradation is called the rough ER, because able from the rest of the ER except for the presence of
its cytoplasmic surface is studded with ribosomes (Fig. nuclear pores that allow passage of molecules between
20.2B). The rough ER contains specialized receptors and the nucleus and cytoplasm (see Fig. 9.18). By contrast,
channels that transfer proteins synthesized by ribosomes the ER surface forming the inner nuclear envelope,
in the cytoplasm across ER membranes. Inside the ER which faces the nucleoplasm, contains specialized
lumen, newly synthesized proteins are exposed to a proteins that interact with the nuclear lamina and chro-
dense meshwork of chaperones and other modifying matin (see Fig. 9.8). In mitosis, the ER maintains its
enzymes (estimated to be 200 mg/mL) that catalyze their morphology as an interconnected network, whereas the
folding and assembly. Proteins that are incorrectly folded nuclear envelope either disassembles (in most animal
or misfolded can be exported back into the cytoplasm, cells; see Fig. 44.6) or remains intact (in yeasts and most
where they are degraded. Misfolded proteins, when other fungi). In cells where the nuclear envelope
CHAPTER 20  n  Endoplasmic Reticulum 333

disassembles during mitosis, nuclear pores disassemble The smooth ER, composed of tubular elements
and integral membrane proteins of the nuclear envelope lacking ribosomes, is dedicated to enzyme pathways
diffuse into surrounding ER membranes. involved in drug metabolism (hepatocytes), steroid syn-
Peroxisomes, lipid droplets, and the Golgi apparatus thesis (endocrine cells), or calcium uptake and release
all depend on the ER for their biogenesis and mainte- (see Fig. 26.12). The cytochrome P450 family of heme-
nance. During peroxisome biogenesis, the ER provides containing membrane proteins resides in the smooth ER.
the initial scaffold for recruiting core components (ie, These enzymes use an electron transfer process to
Pex16p and Pex3p) involved in peroxisomal protein detoxify endogenous steroids, carcinogenic compounds,
import (see Fig. 18.8). Biogenesis of the Golgi appara- lipid-soluble drugs, and environmental xenobiotics. The
tus depends on the ER to synthesize resident enzymes lumen of the ER is an oxidizing environment that favors
and on constitutive cycling of membrane between the disulfide bond formation, which helps stabilize proteins
ER and Golgi apparatus. Consequently, perturbing the that are exported from the ER to the outside of the cell.
export of proteins from the ER impacts the structure and The abundance of a particular ER region varies in
function of the Golgi apparatus. Lipid droplets emerge specialized cells. Cells dedicated to the production,
directly from the ER by the accumulation of neutral storage, and regulated secretion of proteins (such as
lipids between the leaflets of the ER bilayer. This forms exocrine cells and activated B cells) are rich in rough ER.
an oil droplet that eventually buds toward the cytoplasm. By contrast, smooth ER is abundant in endocrine cells
Subsequent growth of lipid droplets may take place that synthesize steroid hormones and in muscle cells
by neutral lipid synthesis either on their surface or at owing to their requirement to store and release Ca2+ to
the ER. control contraction.
The ER lumen is the major Ca2+ storage site in cells,
owing to calcium pumps in the membrane (see Figs. 14.7
and 26.12) and many Ca2+-binding proteins in the lumen.
Endoplasmic Reticulum Shape Generation
The second messenger IP3 (inositol triphosphate) releases Several classes of proteins determine the unique morphol-
Ca2+ from the lumen by activating calcium release chan- ogy of the ER as it undergoes continual rearrangements.
nels (see Fig. 26.12). Carefully regulated release and These proteins ensure that the ER maintains itself as a
uptake of Ca2+ by the ER control muscle contraction (see single polygonal network of tubules and stacked cister-
Fig. 39.15) and many other cellular processes. The ER nae extending from the nuclear envelope to the cell
can also release Ca2+ next to neighboring organelles at periphery (Fig. 20.3). Proteins that mediate ER tubule
ER–organelle contact sites. formation include the reticulons and DP1/Yop1 proteins

A B GTPase

Reticulons or Atlastin/Sey1p

Reticulons GTP

ER fusion


FIGURE 20.3  ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM SHAPING AND FUSION PROTEINS. A, Superresolution fluorescence micrograph of the
peripheral network of tubular ER membranes stained with an antibody to reticulon. See Fig. 6.5 for details. B, Insertion of reticulons and atlastin
into the ER membrane bilayer. C, Drawings of tubular ER membranes showing reticulon proteins in the cytoplasmic leaflet of the bilayer and
atlastin proteins connecting two tubules. D, Proposal for the fusion of ER membranes by atlastin with energy coming from guanosine triphosphate
(GTP) hydrolysis. (B, Modified from Chen S, Novick P, Ferro-Novick S. ER structure and function. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 2013;25:428–433.
C–D, Modified from Goyal U, Blackstone C. Untangling the web: mechanisms underlying ER network formation. Biochim Biophys Acta.
2013;1833:2492–2498. D, Modified from Lin S, Sun S, Hu J. Molecular basis for sculpting the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. Int J Biochem
Cell Biol. 2012;44:1436–1443.)
334 SECTION VI  n  Cellular Organelles and Membrane Trafficking

(Fig. 20.3B–C). Although not related by sequence, these makes shaping and distributing the ER network espe-
proteins share hydrophobic segments predicted to form cially important in these cells.
α-helical hairpins that partially span the lipid bilayer (Fig.
20.3B). Insertion of these hydrophobic segments into Endoplasmic Reticulum–
the cytoplasmic leaflet of the ER membrane bilayer is
Organelle Contacts
thought to help generate the highly curved, tubular ER
morphology, along with directly scaffolding reticulons The ER makes many types of contacts with other mem-
on the surface of the ER. Reticulons and DP1/YOP1 branes, which are mediated by specific proteins. Chapter
proteins also participate in nuclear pore formation, most 26 describes contacts between Ca2+-sensing proteins in
likely by stabilizing curved membranes. the ER membrane with plasma membrane Ca2+ channels
Members of the atlastin/RHD3/Sey1p family of that cells use to resupply the ER with Ca2+ (see Fig.
dynamin-related guanosine triphosphatases (GTPases) 26.12). Other membrane contact sites (Fig. 20.4
localize to highly curved ER membranes and mediate the and Table 20.2) depend on a conserved receptor on
formation of three-way junctions responsible for the the cytoplasmic surface of the ER called VAP (for
polygonal structure of the tubular ER network (Fig. VAMP [vesicle-associated membrane protein]-associated
20.3B–C). Atlastins consist of an N-terminal cytoplasmic protein; see Fig. 20.17). The cytoplasmic domain of VAP
GTPase domain and a three-helix bundle followed by binds a wide range of proteins with an FFAT motif
two very closely spaced transmembrane segments and a containing two phenylalanines (FF) in an acidic tract.
C-terminal amphipathic helix. Guanosine triphosphate FFAT proteins link the ER to mitochondria, endosomes,
(GTP) binding stimulates interactions between atlastin Golgi, peroxisomes or the plasma membrane. Within the
oligomers in two adjacent membranes, forming a teth- gap of 10 to 30 nm between the organelles, tethered
ered complex. Fusion between ER tubules depends on proteins with lipid binding domains transfer lipid mol-
a conformational change in the cytosolic domain linked ecules between the lipid bilayers (see Fig. 20.17). Muta-
to GTP hydrolysis that pulls the membranes together, tions of one of the two genes for VAP cause some cases
leading to oligomerization of the transmembrane seg- of neurodegenerative diseases (amyotrophic lateral
ments, and interaction of the C-terminal tail with the sclerosis, Parkinson disease). Membrane contact sites are
membranes undergoing fusion. After membrane fusion, also important for Ca2+ signaling. Because Ca2+ diffuses
atlastin releases GDP before another round of membrane only about 100 nm from its release site (see Chapter 26),
fusion. Ca2+ signals from the ER to other organelles are more
Interactions with microtubules can remodel the ER in efficient at tight interfaces. ER–organelle contacts also
two ways: motor proteins can pull ER along the side of control organelle division and many aspects of cytoplas-
a microtubule; or the ER membrane can attach to +TIP mic and plasma membrane organization.
attachment complexes that track the end of a growing
microtubule (see Fig. 37.6). One example of TIP tracking
uses the transmembrane ER protein stromal interaction
molecule 1 (STIM1) (see Fig. 26.12), which binds directly bra
to the +TIP protein EB1 (see Fig. 34.4C). This interaction sm
allows ER tubules containing STIM1 to reach the plasma Endosome
membrane and activate Orai (see Fig. 26.13A), the store- Lysosome
operated Ca2+-channel in the plasma membrane that
admits Ca2+ to refill calcium stores in the ER. Interactions Mitochondrion
with the actin cytoskeleton can also drive ER remodel-
ing. This is particularly important in plants (see Fig. 37.9) Lipid
and yeast cells (see Fig. 37.11), but also occurs in animal
cells such as neurons, where myosin-Va transports ER Golgi
along actin filaments (see Fig. 36.8) into the dendritic
spines of neurons.
Defects in proteins that control the shape of the ER
often lead to disease. For example, autosomal dominant Peroxisome

mutations in atlastin or reticulons result in length-

dependent degeneration of the distal parts of the axons ER

of corticospinal upper motor neurons in hereditary NUCLEUS

spastic paraplegias, and contribute to the pathogenesis
of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, which involves degen- CONTACT SITES. Drawing of a cell showing contacts of the endo-
eration of both upper and lower motor neurons. The plasmic reticulum (ER) with endosomes, Golgi apparatus, lipid droplets,
large size and highly polarized geometry of neurons mitochondria, peroxisomes, and plasma membrane.
CHAPTER 20  n  Endoplasmic Reticulum 335

TABLE 20.2  Location and Proposed Functions of Proteins at Endoplasmic Reticulum–Organelle Contacts
ER-Mitochondria Contacts
MFN1-MFN2 Calcium transfer
VAPs-PTPIP51 Lipid transfer
ERMES complex Tethers and possibly transfers lipids
VAP-A-ORP1L Senses sterol levels and regulates endosome positioning
VAP-A-STARD3 Transfers sterols
VAP-A-Protrudin Transfers kinesin-1 from the ER to late endosomes to facilitate their to the cell periphery
ORP5-NPC1 ORD domain of ORP5 transfers cholesterol
ER-Golgi Contacts
VAP-OSBP Transfers PtdIns(4)P from the Golgi apparatus to ER and sterols from ER to Golgi apparatus
VAP-CERT Transfers ceramide
VAP-NIR2 Maintains diacylglycerol levels in the Golgi
ER-Lipid Droplet Contacts
FATP1-DGAT2 Coordinates lipid droplet expansion at lipid droplet-ER MCSs

CERT, ceramide transport protein; ER, endoplasmic reticulum; MCS, membrane contact site; OSBP, oxysterol-binding protein; VAP, VAMP (vesicle-
associated membrane protein)-associated protein.

Overview of Protein Translocation Into (cotranslational translocation) or after synthesis is

complete (posttranslational translocation), each by
the Endoplasmic Reticulum
distinct mechanisms. In the posttranslational pathway,
A major function of the ER is to import and process the protein is first fully synthesized in the cytoplasm and
newly synthesized proteins from the cytoplasm. This is then translocated independently of the ribosome.
necessary for growth of other organelles, including the
Golgi apparatus, nucleus, endosomes, lysosomes, and Cotranslational Translocation
plasma membrane, as well as for production of nearly all
proteins secreted from the cell. All proteins are synthe- Signal Sequences
sized in the cytoplasm and must be targeted specifically All soluble and membrane proteins destined for ER
to the ER, where they are either fully translocated across translocation using the cotranslational pathway contain
the ER membrane and released into the ER lumen a hydrophobic “leader” sequence that serves as a recog-
(soluble proteins) or only partly translocated across the nition signal for direction to the ER membrane. N-terminal
ER membrane and transferred into the lipid bilayer of the leader sequences (termed signal sequences) are typi-
ER membrane (transmembrane proteins). The orienta- cally 15 to 35 amino acids long and contain a hydropho-
tion of a protein in the lipid bilayer or its localization to bic core of at least 6 residues. For many membrane
the lumen is established during initial protein transloca- proteins, the first transmembrane segment (a hydropho-
tion and maintained as vesicles transfer the protein bic stretch of 16 to 25 residues) serves as a signal
between membranes of the secretory pathway (see Fig. sequence. Aside from hydrophobicity, these signal
21.2). Thus, domains of transmembrane proteins to be sequences have no other features in common. Neverthe-
exposed on the cell surface must be in the ER lumen less, when attached to proteins that are not normally
when their transmembrane domains are inserted into the targeted to the ER, these signal sequences direct the
ER membrane. Similarly, secreted soluble proteins must protein to the ER and not to other organelles such as to
be fully translocated into the lumen of the ER. mitochondria or peroxisomes, which use different tar-
Because the ER lumen is topologically equivalent to geting signals (see Fig. 18.1).
the extracellular space, transport of proteins into the ER
is analogous to transport into or across a prokaryotic Signal Recognition Particle and Signal Recognition
plasma membrane (see Fig. 18.9). In both cases trans- Particle–Receptor
ported substrates must be recognized, targeted from the The cotranslational pathway begins once the first
cytoplasm to the membrane, and translocated across the hydrophobic residues of either a signal sequence or a
membrane through a protein channel without other transmembrane segment emerges from the ribosome
molecules leaking across the membrane. Overcoming and is recognized by the signal recognition particle
these obstacles involves specialized and regulated factors (SRP), a large ribonucleoprotein complex (Fig. 20.5).
in the cytosol and target membrane. SRP binds these hydrophobic peptides, slows transla-
Insertion of proteins in the ER can occur either as the tion by that ribosome and delivers the ribosome to a
protein is being made by membrane-bound ribosomes protein-conducting channel in the ER membrane called
336 SECTION VI  n  Cellular Organelles and Membrane Trafficking

Escherichia coli signal recognition particle (SRP) RNAs with sites of protein interactions in blue. B–E, Cryoelectron microscopic structures of SRP
bound to mammalian ribosomes. SRP (green) wraps around the ribosome from the exit tunnel of the large subunit to the guanosine triphosphatase
(GTPase) center near transfer RNA (tRNA) in the P-site. B, Structure with the SRP54 subunit (green ribbon diagram) engaging the transmembrane
domain (TMD) of a nascent polypeptide that has just emerged from the exit tunnel of the ribosome. C, Two views of the structure of the SRP–
ribosome complex in the scanning mode. D, Steps in the interaction of SRP with the ribosome, nascent polypeptide, and eukaryotic elongation
factor 2 (eEF2). E, In the engaged mode the transmembrane domain of the nascent chain displaces one of the SRP54 helices. (B–E, From
Voorhees RM, Hegde RS. Structures of the scanning and engaged states of the mammalian SRP-ribosome complex. eLife. 2015;4:e07975.)

a translocon. Then translation resumes, driving the The complex consisting of ribosome, nascent chain,
polypeptide through the translocon into the lumen of and SRP targets selectively to the ER membrane by
the ER or inserting it into the membrane bilayer. binding the SRP receptor, a heterodimer consisting of
Human SRP is composed of six proteins (named by one subunit that binds SRP and another that spans the
their apparent molecular weights) assembled on a ER membrane (Fig. 20.6). Both the SRP54 subunit and
300-nucleotide RNA that spans the distance from the exit the SRP receptor have GTPase domains (Fig. 20.6B)
tunnel on the large ribosome subunit to the GTPase similar to Ras (see Fig. 4.6). Neither SRP nor SRP recep-
center where translation factor GTPases (eEF1, eEF2, tor hydrolyzes GTP on its own. Instead, association of
eEF3) bind. The SRP54 protein subunit binds signal the two GTPase domains that accompanies successful
sequences in a deep, hydrophobic groove lined by the targeting completes both of their active sites, resulting
flexible side chains of several methionines. Like bristles in hydrolysis of both bound GTPs. Dissociation of the
of a brush, the methionines accommodate the various γ-phosphates reduces the affinity of SRP for its receptor.
hydrophobic side chains of different signal sequences. The net result is that they dissociate from each other as
Phosphates of the SRP RNA near one end of the hydro- well as from the ribosome and nascent chain. Dissocia-
phobic groove interact with basic residues that are often tion of SRP54 from its binding site near the ribosome
(but not always) adjacent to the hydrophobic core of exit tunnel now allows the protein-conducting Sec61
signal sequences and transmembrane signal segments. channel to bind at the same site. The ribosome is now
Once SRP54 has engaged a signal sequence, the successfully targeted to and docked at the translocon,
opposite end of SRP associates with the other side of providing an opportunity for subsequent translocation
the large ribosomal subunit at the GTPase center, where or membrane insertion of the nascent polypeptide. SRP
it can compete with binding of elongation factors eEF1 is released into the cytoplasm for another round of tar-
and eEF2 thereby slowing translation (Fig. 20.5E). This geting, while SRP receptor diffuses away in the mem-
modest slowing of translation provides time to target the brane to capture the next SRP–ribosome complex.
ribosome to the translocation channel in the ER before The targeting cycle thus delivers the ribosome–
excessive polypeptide synthesis precludes cotranslational nascent chain complex to the translocon and recycles
transport. the SRP and SRP receptor. GTP binding and hydrolysis
CHAPTER 20  n  Endoplasmic Reticulum 337

A Small B
mRNA subunit
P GTP SRP-Receptor
binds mRNA

ribosomal SRP-R SRP SRP
begins Binding completes both active sites
resulting in hydrolysis of both GTPs,
dissociation & resumption of translation

Translation SRP binds signal TP released
and ribosome, slowing Unit binds to
Signal sequence N
polypeptide translation SRP receptor on
ER membrane





Sec61 channel GDP GTP BiP ATP
BiP ratchets
as translation continues

particle (SRP) and SRP-receptor use a cycle of recruitment and GTP hydrolysis to control delivery of a ribosome with an messenger RNA (mRNA)
and nascent chain with a signal sequence to the Sec61 translocon in the ER membrane. SRP binds a signal sequence emerging from a ribosome
and slows polypeptide translation. SRP also directs the ribosome to the SRP-receptor on the ER membrane, where the ribosome docks on the
translocon and continues translation. B, Ribbon diagrams of two views of the complex between SRP and SRP-receptor showing the close
association between the two GTPase domains, which activates GTPase hydrolysis. ADP, adenosine diphosphate; ATP, adenosine triphosphate;
BiP, binding immunoglobulin protein; GDP, guanosine diphosphate; TRAM, translocating chain-associating membrane protein; TRAP, translocon-
associated protein.

by SRP and SRP receptor provide directionality and order TRAM (translocating chain-associating membrane protein)
to the sequence of reactions that bring the nascent chain and the protein complex TRAP (translocon-associated
to the translocation channel. protein). Bacterial SecY interacts with fully translated
peptides associated with the chaperone SecA (see
Sec61 Complex: The Protein-Conducting Channel Fig. 18.9A).
The nascent chain emerging from the ribosome engages Prokaryotic and eukaryotic translocons have nearly
and opens the translocon for transport across the ER identical structures. The 10 transmembrane helices of
membrane. The translocon is an evolutionarily conserved Sec61α are arranged around a narrow, hourglass-shaped
complex of three transmembrane proteins associated pore that is most constricted near the center of the lipid
with proteins inside the ER. The eukaryotic Sec61 bilayer (Fig. 20.7B). A seam between two pairs of helices,
complex consists of an α subunit with 10 transmem- termed the lateral gate, can potentially separate to open
brane helices and smaller β and γ subunits with single the pore toward the membrane like a clamshell. The
helices crossing the membrane (Fig. 20.7). The subunits small accessory subunits form supporting transmem-
of the homologous bacterial and archaeal SecY complex brane helices.
are called SecY, SecE, and SecG (see Fig. 18.9D). Interactions with the ribosome and signal sequence
The Sec61 complex provides a high-affinity docking control opening of the Sec61 translocon across or toward
site for the ribosome–nascent chain complex. Addi- the membrane. Without these ligands translocons are
tional factors thought to facilitate binding of the signal quiescent with closed pores and lateral gates. A ring of
sequence to the Sec61 complex include the protein hydrophobic side chains fills the pore and a short helix
338 SECTION VI  n  Cellular Organelles and Membrane Trafficking

FIGURE 20.7  STRUCTURE OF THE SEC61 PROTEIN-CONDUCTING TRANSLOCON. Structures were determined by cryoelectron
microscopy of single particles. A, Cross section through the large subunit of a ribosome with a nascent chain in the ribosome exit tunnel and
Sec61 associated with the exit pore. B–E, Ribbon diagrams and interpretative drawings of the three functional states of Sec61: B–C, quiescent
without a translocating polypeptide and with a plug in the closed channel; D, primed while bound to a ribosome; and E, engaged with a bound
signal sequence helix (in blue), an open channel and open lateral gate. (A, From Voorhees RM, Fernandez IS, Scheres SH, Hedge RS. Structure
of the mammalian ribosome-Sec61 complex to 3.4 Å resolution. Cell. 2014;157;1632–1643. B–E, From Voorhees RM, Hegde RS. Toward a
structural understanding of co-translational protein translocation. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 2016;41:91–99.)

called a plug further blocks the channel. When the Polypeptides can take one of two possible paths
cytoplasmic loops of Sec61α interact with the ribosome, through the engaged translocon as translation proceeds.
the translocon undergoes a subtle conformational change Secretory proteins and soluble parts of membrane pro-
to a “primed” state that contains a partially opened teins move through the translocon pore into the ER
lateral gate. lumen. Transmembrane domains of integral membrane
A signal sequence emerging from the ribosome proteins leave the translocon pore through the lateral
exploits this cracked lateral gate to fully open the gate to enter the hydrophobic environment of the lipid
channel. The signal sequence entering the pore of the bilayer. Elongation of the polypeptide chain by the ribo-
translocon forms an α-helix that binds to a hydrophobic some provides the energy for the nascent chain to pass
patch in the lateral gate. The bound signal sequence is through the channel across the membrane or into the
oriented with its N-terminus toward the cytoplasm, so it bilayer. Thus, the energy used for protein synthesis is
forms a loop in the pore of the translocon extending harnessed to drive translocation of the polypeptide to its
back to the exit site on the ribosome. This interaction destination.
leads to parting of the lateral gate, which is held open
by the bound signal peptide. A parted lateral gate widens Translocation of Soluble Proteins Into the Lumen of
the translocon pore, leading to displacement of the plug the Endoplasmic Reticulum
in preparation for protein translocation. Soluble proteins destined for secretion or retention in
The ability to recognize signal sequences allows Sec61 the ER lumen are translocated through the central pore
to discriminate substrates for translocation from other of the translocon (Fig. 20.8A). The small, flexible side
proteins. Traditionally, this was thought to be a constitu- chains lining the pore fit snugly around a translocating
tive process predetermined by the sequences on the peptide, preventing passage of ions or other small mol-
substrate. However, various cell types differ in the effi- ecules. Thus the nascent chain has a continuous path
ciency with which they recognize particular signal from the peptidyl transferase center in the ribosome,
sequences. This can be explained if additional proteins through the translocation channel into the ER. Inside the
at the translocation site influence signal sequence recog- ER lumen binding and release of chaperones such as
nition. For example, proteins Sec62, Sec63, p180, p34, binding immunoglobulin protein (BiP) may help translo-
TRAM, and TRAP complex may stimulate or inhibit the cate the polypeptide across the membrane, although this
translocation of selected substrates by recognizing diver- has not been firmly established.
sity within the signal sequence. Selective changes in Once the translocating polypeptide has grown to
expression or modifications of these accessory compo- approximately 150 residues, a signal peptidase associ-
nents in different cell types could then affect the outcome ated with the translocon in the ER lumen cleaves off the
of translocation for different substrates. signal sequence. After signal peptide cleavage, the new
CHAPTER 20  n  Endoplasmic Reticulum 339

A. Protein released in lumen

Start-transfer sequence

Stop-transfer sequence

channel Signal cleaved, Signal degraded,
translocation peptide folded
Signal N
sequence continues
ER LUMEN Mature protein

B. Single transmembrane protein with C-terminus in cytoplasm (type 1)


Translocation Stop-transfer Signal

sequence stops peptide cleaved,
in channel protein released
from channel Mature
N-terminal start-transfer
peptide in Sec61 channel transmembrane

C. GPI-anchored protein

Translocation Stop-transfer Start-transfer Protein is

sequence stops peptide cleaved, N
cleaved and
in channel protein released transferred
from channel to a GPI C
N-terminal start-transfer lipid anchor N
peptide in Sec61 channel

D. Single transmembrane protein with E. Two transmembrane-containing protein N

N-terminus in cytoplasm (type 2) N with N-terminus in cytoplasm C

Translocation Completed Translocation Completed

protein released protein released
from channel from channel
Internal start-transfer Internal start-transfer
peptide in Sec61 channel peptide in Sec61 channel

F. Multiple transmembrane protein


Stop-transfer Lateral transfer

sequence stops from the channel
translocation to the bilayer C

Internal start-transfer Process repeated until all

peptide in Sec61 channel start-transfer and stop-transfer
peptides are inserted into bilayer

OR MEMBRANE. The drawings show how signal sequences, start-transfer sequences and stop-transfer sequences target protein to Sec61
channel and then to the lumen and membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). GPI, glycosylphosphatidylinositol.
340 SECTION VI  n  Cellular Organelles and Membrane Trafficking

N-terminus of the growing polypeptide continues to pass where it serves as a start-transfer signal to initiate protein
through the translocon until it is released into the ER translocation. When the protein is fully synthesized, the
lumen. The remaining cleaved signal peptide either is start-transfer signal, which is not cleaved off, slides out
degraded or may have other functions elsewhere in of the translocation channel into the surrounding lipid
the cell. bilayer, where it serves as a transmembrane anchor.
Polytopic proteins that span the membrane multiple
Insertion of Membrane Proteins Into times (such as ion channels and carriers) use multiple
the Endoplasmic Reticulum Bilayer stop-transfer signals, none of which are cleaved by signal
Most proteins destined for insertion into the ER mem- peptidases (Fig. 20.8E–F). SRP is probably required to
brane bilayer use the Sec61 protein-conducting channel, target the first signal sequence to the ER membrane.
which recognizes and inserts their transmembrane Thereafter, the dynamics of the channel must accom-
domains into the membrane bilayer. The machinery modate sequences that specify translocation of loops in
for targeting and insertion is physically coupled to the the cytoplasm or lumen alternating with the transfer of
ribosome near the polypeptide exit tunnel, so the trans- transmembrane segments to the lipid bilayer.
membrane domains are shielded from the aqueous
cytoplasm. Association of Lipid-Anchored Proteins With the
Transmembrane proteins are categorized as type 1, Cytoplasmic Surface of the Endoplasmic Reticulum
type 2, or polytopic depending on the orientation of Many classes of lipid-anchored proteins, including N-Ras
their transmembrane domains across the lipid bilayer and H-Ras GTPases, are targeted from the cytoplasm
(Fig. 20.8). This orientation is established during transla- to the cytoplasmic leaflet of the ER bilayer by post-
tion and maintained as the protein moves to its final translational modification of a C-terminal CAAX motif
destination in the cell by membrane budding and fusion (where C is cysteine, A is any aliphatic residue, and X is
events (see Chapters 21 and 22). any residue). First, a soluble enzyme attaches a farnesyl
The N-terminal signal sequence of type 1 transmem- or geranylgeranyl lipid to the cysteine residue in CAAX
brane proteins initiates translocation, similar to soluble with a thioether bond, anchoring the protein to the
proteins by engaging two helices adjacent to the lateral cytoplasmic surface of the ER membrane. Then, a prenyl-
gate (Fig. 20.8B). As translation proceeds, a stop-transfer CAAX protease in the ER bilayer cleaves off the AAX resi-
signal (usually a transmembrane domain) stops the dues, leaving the prenylcysteine as the new C terminus.
transfer process before the polypeptide chain is com- Finally, another enzyme in the ER bilayer methylates the
pletely translocated. After the signal sequence (also carboxyl group of the modified cysteine. Lipid-anchored
called a start-transfer signal) is cleaved off by the ER proteins reach the plasma membrane by following the
signal peptidase, the transmembrane segment slides out secretory pathway out of the ER. One or two other
of the translocon through the lateral exit site. This leaves cysteine residues upstream of the CAAX motif of N-Ras
the protein oriented with its N-terminus in the ER lumen, and H-Ras can be tagged with palmitic acid via a labile
its transmembrane segment spanning the ER membrane thioester bond.
and its C-terminus in the cytoplasm.
Some type 1 proteins, called glycosylphosphati- Posttranslational Translocation by
dylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins, exchange their Sec61 Translocons
C-terminal transmembrane segment for an oligosaccha- Proteins targeted for posttranslational translocation into
ride anchored to the lipid phosphatidylinositol (Fig. the ER have signal sequences and use the Sec61 translo-
20.8C; also see Fig. 13.10). An enzyme in the ER lumen con for entering the ER, but use proteins other than
cleaves off the transmembrane segment and transfers SRP or SRP receptor to guide them to the translocons
the new C-terminus to a preassembled GPI membrane after being released from the ribosome into the cyto-
anchor. Many cell-surface proteins are attached to the plasm (Fig. 20.9). Posttranslational translocation is most
plasma membrane in this manner. This allows them to common in yeast and bacteria. Mammalian cells use it
be readily released from the cell when specific phospho- primarily for translocating small proteins (<200 amino
lipases in the plasma membrane are activated. For acids), which are inefficiently recognized by SRP, because
example, during sperm capacitation, many GPI-anchored their signal sequence is exposed only briefly (or not at
proteins are cleaved and released from the sperm plasma all) before translation is complete. Specific chaperones
membrane. This reorganization of the sperm’s cell including the cytoplasmic adenosine triphosphatase
surface is essential for a sperm to fertilize an egg. (ATPase) TRC-40 and calmodulin hold these polypep-
Type 2 transmembrane proteins use a transmem- tides in a largely unfolded state in the cytoplasm until
brane domain in the middle of the polypeptide as an they are delivered to the tetrameric Sec62/63 protein
internal signal sequence (Fig. 20.8D). Once such an complex in the ER membrane. There the signal sequence
internal signal sequence emerges from a ribosome, it is engages and opens the Sec61 channel in a fashion similar
recognized by SRP and brought to the ER membrane, to cotranslational translocation.
CHAPTER 20  n  Endoplasmic Reticulum 341

Ribosome releases

Polypeptide-chaperone Sec61
complex associates Translocation channel
with translocon begins

BiP ratchets
polypeptide ADP ATP
ER LUMEN into lumen

(purple thread) emerges from the ribosome in the cytoplasm, it is bound by chaperones (green) that prevent it from aggregating and guide it to
the Sec62/63 protein complex at the ER membrane. After signal sequence (blue) engages with the Sec61 protein-conducting channel, cycles of
BiP binding to and release in the lumen pull the polypeptide across the membrane.

Because protein synthesis is already complete, another

TABLE 20.3  Examples of Tail-Anchored Proteins
energy source is exploited to move these polypeptides
through the translocon into the ER. BiP, a luminal ER Protein Function
chaperone of the heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) family, ER-Inserted
binds the substrate in the ER lumen, thereby preventing Target SNAREs (syntaxin) Target membrane for vesicle
it from sliding back into the cytoplasm. Repeated rounds insertion
of substrate binding and release, driven by ATP hydroly- Vesicle SNAREs Target membrane for vesicle
(synaptobrevin) insertion
sis, allow BiP to act as a molecular ratchet to bias the
Giantin Golgi tethering protein
diffusion of the substrate into the lumen. The transmem-
Sec61γ, Sec61β ER protein translocation
brane protein Sec63 helps recruit BiP to the translocon
Cytochrome b5 Heme metabolism
and regulates BiP ATPase activity. Thus, the peptide is
“pulled” across the membrane from the luminal side Heme oxygenases I and II Heme metabolism
instead of being “pushed” from the cytoplasmic side, UBC 6 ER degradation
as during cotranslational translocation. Other Hsp70 Mitochondrial-Inserted
family members function similarly during import of Bcl-2 Apoptosis
proteins into mitochondria and chloroplasts (see Figs. Bax Apoptosis
18.3 and 18.6). Tom5, Tom6 Mitochondrial protein translocation

ER, endoplasmic reticulum; SNARE, soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive

Tail-Anchored Proteins factor attachment protein receptor.
Tail-anchored proteins represent approximately 3% to
5% of all membrane proteins. They have diverse roles
in membrane biogenesis and traffic, as well as in cell functional domains in the cytoplasm (Fig. 20.10). Tail-
metabolism (Table 20.3). Tail-anchored proteins include anchored proteins lack an N-terminal signal sequence
SNARE (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attach- and their membrane-interacting region is so close to the
ment protein receptor) proteins, such as syntaxins and C-terminus that it emerges from the ribosome only on
synaptobrevins, which are responsible for membrane termination of translation. Consequently, tail-anchored
fusion events within cells (see Chapter 21); Sec61γ and proteins do not bind to SRP, which recognizes only
Sec61β of the translocation channel; cytochrome b5, signal peptides or transmembrane domains as part of a
which participates in lipid metabolism; and Bcl and Bax, nascent polypeptide chain (ie, still attached to the ribo-
which are found on the mitochondrial outer membrane some). Once in the cytoplasm tail-anchored proteins are
and regulate apoptosis. not directed posttranslationally to the Sec61 channel.
Tail-anchored proteins are inserted into membranes Instead, a cytoplasmic ATPase and membrane proteins
by a posttranslational translocation pathway that avoids insert the hydrophobic C-terminal anchor into the
the Sec61 translocation channel. A single stretch of membrane (Fig. 20.10).
hydrophobic amino acids close to the C-terminus anchors First the hydrophobic transmembrane domain of tail-
these proteins in the bilayer with only two to three anchored proteins binds to Get3, a homodimeric, cyto-
hydrophilic residues in the ER lumen and N-terminal plasmic ATPase with an α helical domain. With bound
342 SECTION VI  n  Cellular Organelles and Membrane Trafficking

Ribosome Get3 bond formation and oligomerization. One such factor,

R ognition
n the Hsp70 chaperone BiP, binds unfolded polypeptides
+ by interacting with hydrophobic regions that are nor-
MD C ++
mally sequestered in the protein interior (see Fig. 12.12).
c ng
n These interactions prevent newly synthesized proteins
from aggregating and promote their folding. Cycles of
complex Release
ase BiP binding also bias the movement of the polypeptide
ADP ADP ADP into the ER lumen but not back out. Another enzyme
C+ + called oligosaccharyl transferase adds core sugars to
Integration the growing chain when an asparagine in an appropriate
+ +
sequence context is detected. A fourth enzyme, protein
OR CHLOROPLAST LUMEN Get1-Get2 disulfide isomerase (PDI), catalyzes disulfide exchange
between sulfhydryl groups on cysteines allowing the
TO THE ER OR MITOCHONDRIAL MEMBRANE. Tail-anchored formation of disulfide (S-S) bonds. The oxidizing equiva-
proteins have a short, hydrophobic transmembrane domain flanked on lents to form disulfide bonds flow from flavin adenine
one or both sides by positively charged residues. After the protein dinucleotide (FAD) through two pairs of cysteines of an
emerges from the ribosome, the polypeptide binds to a pretargeting ER membrane protein that oxidizes a pair of cysteines in
complex that direct it to a dimer of the Get3 adenosine triphosphatase
(ATPase). Hydrolysis of ATP closes the transmembrane helix in a
the active site of PDI. PDI then mediates correct forma-
hydrophobic groove for delivery to the target membrane bilayer. ATP tion of disulfide bonds by forming and breaking mixed
binding releases the tail-anchored protein for insertion into the target disulfides with polypeptide substrates until the correct
membrane bilayer. After insertion, the majority of the protein remains disulfides are formed.
in the cytoplasm with only the C-terminal charged residues in the Retention of these folding factors in the ER depends
lumen. ADP, adenosine diphosphate; TMD, transmembrane domain.
(Modified from Hegde RS, Keenan RJ. Tail-anchored membrane
on the sequence lysine–aspartic acid–glutamic acid–
protein insertion into the endoplasmic reticulum. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. leucine (KDEL) at the C-termini of these enzymes. If this
2011;12:787–798. See Protein Data Bank [] files 4XTR, sequence is deleted, the mutated protein is transported
4XVU, and 4XWO.) to the Golgi apparatus and secreted from the cell.
Remarkably, addition of KDEL to a normally secreted
ATP the Get3 subunits adopt a conformation, exposing protein results in its accumulation in the ER.
a large hydrophobic groove for binding hydrophobic Folding and assembly factors interact with proteins
substrates. While the target protein is bound to Get3 in throughout their lifetimes in the ER. The following
the cytoplasm, additional cofactors help maintain the sections describe the machinery that controls protein
solubility of its hydrophobic tail and prevent binding to folding and assembly in the ER, mechanisms for sensing
other chaperones. correctly folded or misfolded proteins, and pathways
Next the complex of Get3 with bound tail-anchored for disposing of misfolded proteins that accumulate in
protein is recognized by the Get1–Get2 receptor on the ER.
the ER surface (Fig. 20.10). This interaction promotes
hydrolysis of ATP bound to Get3 and release of the tail- N-Linked Glycosylation
anchored protein into the membrane bilayer. This two- Most proteins synthesized in association with the ER are
step mechanism is reminiscent of the SRP-mediated glycoproteins with covalently attached carbohydrates.
cotranslational insertion pathway, which also involves One class of oligosaccharides is added to asparagine
nucleotide binding (albeit GTP) followed by receptor residues during translocation of the protein into the ER
interaction. Finally, Get3 dissociates from Get1 and is (Fig. 20.11). These asparagine or N-linked oligosac-
recycled back to the cytoplasm for handling the next charides form flexible hydrated branches that can
substrate. Insertion of a tail-anchored protein in a bilayer extend 3 nm from the polypeptide. They frequently
translocates many fewer C-terminal hydrophilic residues make up a sizable portion of the mass of a glycoprotein
across the membrane than the translocation of most and cover a large fraction of its surface. These polar
other transmembrane and soluble proteins. oligosaccharides make proteins more hydrophilic and
less likely to aggregate. By avoiding aggregation, the
Protein Folding and Oligomerization in protein has a higher probability of folding correctly.
Once correctly folded, the protein can leave the ER and
the Endoplasmic Reticulum
move through the secretory pathway, where the sugars
Once nascent polypeptides translocate across the ER can be modified further. The great diversity of oligosac-
bilayer through the Sec61 translocon, they emerge into charides found on secreted proteins is also crucial for
the ER lumen and interact with a wealth of proteins. their functions outside the cell.
Those proteins remove the signal sequence, add oligo- Preformed oligosaccharides are added to asparagine
saccharides, and direct folding by catalyzing disulfide residues. These precursors are composed of 14 sugars
CHAPTER 20  n  Endoplasmic Reticulum 343

Core mannose oligosaccharide
linked to dolichol by a high-
energy phosphate bond
Sugars not
to scale

Oligosaccharide N
Dolichol transferase
Transfer across
the ER membrane

Addition of more ASN

mannose units
Transfer of core
to an asparagine
side chain

FIGURE 20.11  DOLICHOL PATHWAY. A core oligosaccharide consisting of mannose and N-acetylglucosamine is synthesized in the cyto-
plasm, attached through high-energy pyrophosphate bonds to dolichol in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane. Following transfer across
the ER bilayer, the addition of sugars imported into the ER completes the core structure. The oligosaccharide-transferase complex transfers the
completed oligosaccharide to the consensus Asn-X-Ser/Thr motif of a nascent chain as it enters the lumen of the ER.

(three glucoses, nine mannoses, and two N-acetyl glucos- oxidoreductase, closely related to PDI. ERp57 bound
amines) (Glc3Man9GlcNAc2). They are synthesized in to calnexin and calreticulin catalyzes intramolecular
a stepwise fashion while attached to the ER membrane disulfide bond interchange during protein folding.
by dolichol phosphate (a long-chained, unsaturated Once glucosidase II removes the remaining glucose
isoprenoid alcohol with pyrophosphate at one end; residue on the core glycan, the glycoprotein is released
Fig. 20.11). Assembly of the oligosaccharide precursor from calnexin/ERp57. The glycoprotein is now free to
involves 14 separate transfer reactions: seven on the leave the ER unless it is recognized by a soluble enzyme,
cytoplasmic face of the ER and seven in the lumen. uridine diphosphate (UDP)-Glc:glycoprotein glucosyl-
Midway in this process, the glycolipid flips from facing transferase (GT). GT reglucosylates incompletely folded
the cytoplasm to facing the lumen of the ER. Once facing glycoproteins, so it serves as a folding sensor in the
the ER lumen, the enzyme oligosaccharyltransferase cycle. When reglucosylated by GT, the glycoprotein goes
transfers the complete oligosaccharide from dolichol to through another cycle of binding to calnexin or calre-
asparagine side chains on the nascent polypeptide con- ticulin. The glycoprotein stays in the cycle until it is
tained in the sequences Asn-X-Ser/Thr, where X is any properly folded and oligomerized, at which point it
amino acid other than proline. This sequence is recog- enters the secretory pathway. If the protein fails to fold
nized after it has emerged a distance of 12 to 14 residues or oligomerize properly, it is removed from the cycle by
out of the translocon into the ER lumen. being translocated out of the ER into the cytoplasm,
where it is degraded. If participation in the cycle is
Calnexin/Calreticulin Cycle inhibited, for example, by blocking the action of the
Once the core oligosaccharide has been added, the glucosidases, the folding efficiency decreases. In this
glycoprotein begins a cycle of modifications that help it case, the glycoprotein may associate with BiP, which
achieve its fully folded state. This calnexin cycle (Fig. cooperates with the calnexin cycle in helping the protein
20.12) starts when glucosidases I and II remove the first to fold correctly.
two glucose residues of the core glycan. The resulting Many polypeptides transferred to the ER are subunits
monoglucosylated transmembrane or soluble proteins of multiprotein complexes that assemble before leaving
bind to calnexin, a type I transmembrane protein in the ER. Because each polypeptide is synthesized on a
the ER lumen (Fig. 20.12). Monoglucosylated soluble separate ribosome and because the synthesis of the
proteins also bind to calreticulin, a soluble protein chains composing a complex may be unbalanced, BiP
in the ER lumen similar to calnexin. Both are mono- and other chaperones must protect hydrophobic sur-
meric, calcium-binding proteins related to sugar-binding faces and promote subunit interactions before export.
lectin proteins from legumes. Binding to calnexin or For example, chaperones play a critical role in loading
calreticulin prevents glycoproteins from aggregating and antigenic peptides onto major histocompatibility
exposes them to glycoprotein to ERp57, a thiol-disulfide complex type I proteins in the ER (see Fig. 27.8D). These
344 SECTION VI  n  Cellular Organelles and Membrane Trafficking

Transport into Reverse transport
Translocon ER lumen ER MEMBRANE into cytoplasm
for proteasomal
Unfolded UMP
Nascent EDEM
Glucosidase I UDP UDP•G
S Glucosidase II H S Correctly
S H S Glucosyl- folded Incorrectly
G transferase protein folded Exit to
G Mannose core G
protein Golgi
G 3 Glucoses Glc1Man9
B. Calnexin ER domain Glc3Man9

do Glucosidase II S
ma Binding
in S Release G S
Thioloxido- H Man8–7
ER LUMEN Calnexin G


THE ER. A, Glucosidases I and II rapidly remove two of three glucoses from newly synthesized, unfolded glycoprotein. The calnexin-
thioloxidoreductase complex binds the monoglucosylated protein. Glucosidase II removes the remaining glucose, releasing the protein. If the
released protein is folded, it can exit the ER. If unfolded, it is recognized by glucosyltransferase and reglucosylated so that it reenters the
folding cycle until folding is complete, or it enters the degradation pathway by interacting with EDEM (ER degradation-enhancing α-mannosidase-
like protein) and a retrograde translocation channel, which deliver the unfolded polypeptide to the proteasome for degradation. Thioloxidore-
ductases catalyze rearrangements of disulfide bonds during folding. (Glc, glucose; Man, mannose; UDP, uridine diphosphate; UMP, uridine
monophosphate.) B, Three-dimensional structure of calnexin showing a globular, lectin-binding domain and an extended arm composed of
four repeat modules that folds around a sugar residue after it binds to the globular domain.

chaperones also protect cell surface receptors and trimming of mannoses (Fig. 20.12). The concentration
secreted proteins from binding potential ligands that are of mannosidases in the ER is low, so the terminal
also imported into the ER and that could activate them mannoses of the core oligosaccharide are unlikely to be
prematurely. trimmed from newly synthesized proteins if they fold
promptly. On the other hand, if folding is prolonged, the
Protein Degradation in the Endoplasmic terminal glucose and mannose residues are lost from
Reticulum and the Unfolded the core oligosaccharide making them a substrate for a
Protein Response membrane-bound ER protein called EDEM (for “ER
degradation-enhancing α-mannosidase-like protein”).
Protein Degradation in Endoplasmic Reticulum EDEM directs the glycoprotein to the retrotranslocation
Improperly folded polypeptides, excess subunits of channel for extraction to the cytoplasm. Sec61 is one
oligomeric assemblies, or incorrectly assembled oligo- candidate for the retrotranslocon, but the nature and
mers are degraded rather than being exported from the mechanism of this pathway are still being investigated.
ER (Fig. 20.12). The degradation process, termed ER- In the cytoplasm the Bag6 complex (comprised of
associated degradation (ERAD), prevents accumula- Bag6, TRC35α, and ubl4A) prevents aggregation of these
tion of unsalvageable, misfolded proteins in the ER. proteins until they are ubiquitinated and degraded by
Misfolded glycoproteins are recognized, retrotranslo- proteasomes.
cated across the ER membrane to the cytoplasm, ubiqui- Sometimes proteins with signal sequences fail to
tylated (see Fig. 23.3), and then degraded by the translocate into the ER and are mislocalized to the cyto-
proteasome in the cytoplasm. plasm. This can happen if there are mutations in the
The ERAD mechanism distinguishes misfolded or signal sequence, certain stresses, or intrinsic inefficien-
unassembled glycoprotein subunits from bona fide cies in their translocation. The Bag6 complex and pro-
folding intermediates by linking degradation to the teasomes dispose of these proteins.
CHAPTER 20  n  Endoplasmic Reticulum 345

A. ATF6 pathway B. IRE1 pathway C. PERK pathway

2. S1P and S2P proteases 1. With stress, BiP binds 1. With stress, PERK
cleave AFT6 yielding to unfolded proteins phosphorylates
a cytosolic fragment releasing itself from translation initiation
IRE1 factor 2 (eIF2)

2. IRE1

1. With stress, membrane- 3. IRE1 dimer binds

bound AFT6 transits to, then splices
from ER to Golgi XBP1 mRNA

2. eIF2 attenuates
translation to reduce
number of unfolded
proteins in the ER

3. ATF6 fragment migrates 4. Mature XBP1 mRNA encodes

to nucleus to activate a transcription factor whose
transcription of product activates
UPR genes UPR target genes

LUM (ER). A, ATF6 (activating transcription factor 6) pathway. B, IRE1 (inositol requiring 1) pathway. C, PERK (PKR-like endoplasmic reticulum
kinase) pathway. mRNA, messenger RNA.

Stress Responses in the Endoplasmic Reticulum the capacity of the ER to promote protein folding
Conditions that flood the ER with excess protein or depending on the demand. Metazoan cells have all three
result in accumulation of misfolded proteins trigger the pathways, but yeast have only IRE1.
unfolded protein response (UPR; Fig. 20.13). Essen- Under normal conditions the concentration of BiP in
tially, any condition in which protein import exceeds the the ER lumen exceeds the concentration of unfolded
protein-folding capacity of the ER triggers the UPR: proteins, so free BiP is available to bind to the luminal
misfolding of mutant proteins, inhibition of ER glycosyl- domains of three ER transmembrane proteins, ATF6,
ation (eg, by the drug tunicamycin), inhibition of disulfide IRE1 and PERK (PKR-like endoplasmic reticulum kinase).
formation (by reducing agents), or even overproduction These interactions with BiP retain ATF6 in the ER and
of normal proteins. To compensate for these events, this prevent the dimerization of IRE1 and PERK, keeping
stress-induced signaling pathway upregulates genes that them inactive.
are required to synthesize the entire ER, including its If unfolded proteins in the lumen of the ER bind to
folding machinery. In yeast, the UPR activates more than all of the BiP, IRE1 is free to dimerize. This activates the
300 genes involved with all aspects of ER function, endoribonuclease activity of the cytoplasmic domain of
including lipid synthesis, protein translocation, protein IRE1, allowing it to remove a small intron from the mes-
folding, glycosylation, and degradation, as well as export senger RNA (mRNA) for XBP1, a bZIP (basic leucine
to and retrieval from the Golgi apparatus. Developmental zipper) domain–containing transcription factor
programs in metazoans may work through the same (see Fig. 10.14). Removing this intron alters the transla-
genetic controls to determine the abundance of ER in tional reading frame of XBP1 allowing the mRNA to
differentiated cells, producing, for example, extensive encode a potent transcriptional activator of genes for ER
ER in secretory cells such as plasma, liver, and pancreatic proteins.
acinar cells. Similarly, without free BiP in the ER lumen, PERK
The UPR depends on three ER transmembrane pro- dimerizes and phosphorylates eukaryotic translation
teins that sense and respond to stress in the ER: ATF6 initiation factor 2 (eIF2). This reduces the frequency
(activating transcription factor 6); IRE1 (inositol requir- of AUG codon recognition and slows the rate of transla-
ing 1); and PERK/PEK (PKR-like endoplasmic reticulum tion initiation on many mRNAs. However, mRNAs for
kinase/pancreatic eIF2a kinase) (Fig. 20.13). Each of many proteins involved in cell survival and ER functions
these proteins has a different mechanism but all initiate are preferentially translated under these conditions.
signaling pathways that regulate the production of pro- Accumulated unfolded proteins release BiP from ATF6,
teins required for ER function. This allows cells to adjust causing ER transmembrane protein to be transported to
346 SECTION VI  n  Cellular Organelles and Membrane Trafficking

the Golgi apparatus, where it is cleaved by S1P and S2P also contribute to diseases of the central and peripheral
proteases to produce a soluble fragment that is released nervous systems, including Alzheimer disease.
into the cytoplasm. The fragment moves to the nucleus,
where it activates the transcription of target genes, Lipid Biosynthesis, Metabolism,
including XBP1. and Transport Within the
Aspects of the UPR pathway involving IRE1 and PERK
are also important for promoting differentiation in higher
Endoplasmic Reticulum
eukaryotic cells. For example, IRE1 is activated during ER membranes synthesize all of the major classes of
B-lymphocyte differentiation into a plasma cell (see lipids and their precursors that are formed within
Fig. 28.9), during which the ER expands fivefold to cells. These include phosphoglycerides, cholesterol, and
accommodate the synthesis and secretion of immuno- ceramide. ER enzymes participating in phosphoglyceride
globulins. Activation of the innate immune response (see synthesis have their active sites facing the cytoplasm,
Fig. 28.6), for example by lipopolysaccharide treatment, where most lipid precursors are synthesized. Synthesis
also activates IRE1. PERK activity is also required for begins with the conjugation of two activated fatty acids
B-cell differentiation and/or survival. to glycerol-3 phosphate to form phosphatidic acid,
which can be dephosphorylated to produce diacylglyc-
Diseases Linked to Protein Folding in the ER erol (DAG; see Fig. 26.4). Neither phosphatidic acid nor
The ER synthesizes all the proteins for the exocytic DAG is a major component of membranes; however,
and endocytic pathways, so it is not surprising that both are used in the synthesis of the four major phos-
many diseases result from proteins failing to pass ER phoglycerides: phosphatidylcholine (PC), phospha-
quality control. Many metabolic disorders, including tidylethanolamine (PE), phosphatidylserine (PS),
some lysosomal storage diseases (see Appendix 23.1), and phosphatidylinositol (PI) (see Fig. 13.2). The
are a direct consequence of key enzymes failing to be most abundant phospholipids, PC and PE, are produced
exported from the ER. The most common form of cystic with the activated head groups, cytidine diphosphate
fibrosis results from the inability of cells to export a (CDP)-choline and CDP-ethanolamine. PI synthesis is by
mutant form of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regula- a distinct route using inositol and CDP-DAG produced
tor to the cell surface, where it normally functions as a from phosphatidic acid (see Fig. 26.7). PS synthesis (in
chloride channel in the respiratory system and pancreas mammalian cells) is an energy-independent exchange of
(see Fig. 17.4). Similarly, the inability of the liver to polar head groups of PE. Head group exchange of phos-
secrete mutated forms of α1-antitrypsin into the blood pholipids occurs primarily in the ER but may also occur
predisposes affected individuals to the lung disease in other organelles.
emphysema. Normally, α1-antitrypsin protects tissues by Biosynthesis of lipids in the cytoplasmic leaflet of the
inhibiting extracellular proteases such as elastase, which ER creates a topologic problem by restricting membrane
is produced by neutrophils. Mutations causing disease growth to that side of the membrane. Individual lipids
prevent α1-antitrypsin folding in the ER, resulting in its move to the leaflet facing the ER lumen by flipping
degradation. The resulting deficiency in α1-antitrypsin across the bilayer (Fig. 20.14). This transfer across the
circulating in the blood allows elastase to destroy lung ER bilayer is much faster than in vesicles of pure lipids,
tissue, leading to emphysema. In severe cases, mutant owing to protein translocators called flippases. The
forms of the protein not only fail to be exported from the flippases in the ER membrane catalyze movements of
ER but also elude degradation pathways, accumulating most phospholipids in both directions without consum-
as insoluble aggregates that induce stress responses and ing metabolic energy (Fig. 20.14A). Thus they distribute
liver failure. lipids symmetrically across the ER bilayer. These key
In some conditions, the UPR helps compensate, in enzymes have not yet been identified.
part, for mutations in cargo proteins. In congenital Pumps using ATP hydrolysis as their energy source
hypothyroidism, mutant thyroglobulin (the precursor redistribute lipids across the membrane bilayers of the
of thyroid hormone) is not exported efficiently from the Golgi apparatus and plasma membrane (Fig. 20.14B).
ER. Excess protein accumulates as insoluble aggregates P4-type ATPases (see Fig. 14.7; also called aminophos-
in the ER. Feedback pathways trigger massive prolifera- pholipid translocases) mediate fast exchange of PS and
tion of ER in an attempt to produce normal levels of PE from the extracellular leaflet to cytoplasmic leaflet
circulating hormone. Similarly, in mild forms of osteo- of the plasma membrane. Keeping PS in the extracel-
genesis imperfecta (see Chapter 32), osteoblasts lular leaflet low is important because PS on the cell
assemble and secrete defective procollagen chains for surface is a signal for macrophages to engulf apoptotic
bone synthesis. As a result, the resulting bone tissue is cells (see Fig. 46.7) and activates blood platelets (see
weak. The alternative, complete loss of procollagen by Fig. 30.14). Keeping PE levels high in the cytoplasmic
retention and degradation of the mutant procollagen in leaflet facilitates endocytic budding events at the plasma
the ER, would be lethal. Faulty ER quality control may membrane because of PE’s cone-like shape, which
CHAPTER 20  n  Endoplasmic Reticulum 347

C2 O
A. Flippase in ER B. ABC transporter Acetyl CoA
ATPase C6
Flippase HMG CoA 2 NADPH
C6 CH3
Mevalonate HO CH2 CH2 C CH2 C –
PE or PS PC Cholesterol O O
Isopentyl PP H2C
OF THE MEMBRANE BILAYER. A, Uncharacterized flippases in the Isopentyl PP
endoplasmic reticulum (ER) catalyze the exchange of lipids between C10 CH3 CH3 O O
leaflets promoting lipid symmetry across the ER bilayer. B, ABC Geranyl PP H3C C C CH2 CH2 C C CH2 O P O P O
transporter ATPases in the plasma membrane use ATP hydrolysis to H H O– O–
Isopentyl PP
transfer phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE)
from the extracellular leaflet to the cytoplasmic leaflet of the plasma Farnesyl PP 3 Isoprene groups
membrane. PC, phosphatidylcholine.
Farnesyl PP
expands the cytoplasmic leaflet relative to the extracel- Squalene 6 Isoprene groups
lular leaflet. Certain ABC transporters (see Fig. 14.10; NADPH + O2
also called floppases) facilitate the translocation of PC,
glycosphingolipids, and cholesterol from the extracel-
lular leaflet to the cytoplasmic leaflet. In liver cells, this CH3
process translocates lipids to the extracellular leaflet of C27
the apical plasma membrane where they are released Cholesterol CH3
into the bile.
Cholesterol Synthesis and Metabolism CH2
Cholesterol is maintained in animal cells by a combina- H3C C H
tion of de novo synthesis (Fig. 20.15) in the ER and CH3
receptor-mediated endocytosis of lipoprotein particles
containing esterified cholesterol (see Chapter 22). Coor- FIGURE 20.15  BIOSYNTHESIS OF CHOLESTEROL. Choles-
terol is synthesized from acetyl coenzyme A (CoA). Synthesis of meva-
dinated regulation of these two processes precisely lonate from 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA (HMG-CoA) is closely
maintains the physiological level of cholesterol in cellular regulated by controlling the concentration of the enzyme, HMG-CoA
membranes. Peroxisomes also may participate in aspects reductase, as shown in Figure 20.16. Five-carbon isoprene groups 
of cholesterol synthesis and metabolism. are the building blocks (yellow) for making a 10-carbon geranyl-
Twenty-two sequential steps are required to synthe- pyrophosphate (PP), a 15-carbon farnesyl-pyrophosphate, and
30-carbon squalene intermediates. Several reactions add a hydroxyl
size cholesterol from acetate (Fig. 20.15). Cytoplasmic group and join squalene into four rings to make cholesterol. NADP/
enzymes catalyze the initial steps, using water-soluble NADPH, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate.
molecules to produce farnesyl-pyrophosphate from
acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA). An important exception
is the step going from 3-hydroxy-3methylglutaryl CoA leading to cholesterol take place in the ER, cholesterol
(HMG-CoA) to mevalonate. A carefully regulated, integral is not a resident ER lipid and is rapidly exported to
membrane protein of the ER (Fig. 20.15), HMG-CoA post-ER membranes, including the plasma membrane,
reductase, catalyzes this key step. Millions of people where it constitutes up to 50% of the bilayer. Chapter
take drugs called statins that inhibit HMG-CoA reductase 21 discusses the distribution of cholesterol in different
and lower cholesterol levels in the blood, an effective organelles and current ideas regarding its transport.
treatment to reduce cardiovascular disease owing to Feedback loops sense the cholesterol content of the
arteriosclerosis. Enzymes in the ER bilayer catalyze ER membrane and regulate both the synthesis and deg-
the subsequent condensation of farnesyl-pyrophosphate radation of enzymes that synthesize cholesterol (Fig.
to make squalene, and cyclization to cholesterol, pro- 20.16). High cholesterol levels inhibit the synthesis and
gressively less-polar molecules. Although the final steps stimulate the destruction of key synthetic enzymes. A
348 SECTION VI  n  Cellular Organelles and Membrane Trafficking

A. High cholesterol = Cholesterol- Destroyed by

sensing proteasome
C bHLH- segments
in the endoplasmic C
reticulum N

Cholesterol Cholesterol



B. Low cholesterol bHLH- Increased

SCAP delivers SREBP C bHLH- zip SRE expression
to proteases in the C zip NUCLEUS of cholesterol-
Golgi apparatus synthesizing
N enzymes
within Cleavage 2
Insig SCAP Site 1 C Site 2
protease protease
Cleavage 1 GOLGI LUMEN

FIGURE 20.16  CONTROL OF CHOLESTEROL BIOSYNTHESIS BY PROTEOLYSIS. A, High-cholesterol conditions. Cholesterol-sensing

transmembrane segments (pink) of SCAP (SREBP cleavage-activation protein) retain intact SREBP (sterol regulatory element-binding protein) in
the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) through an interaction with Insig. Similar cholesterol-sensing transmembrane segments of β-hydroxy-β-
methylglutaryl-coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase stimulate its destruction by proteolysis. B, Low-cholesterol conditions. Insig dissociates from
SCAP and SREBP, allowing these molecules to move to the Golgi apparatus where the membrane-anchored site 1 serine protease cleaves the
loop of SREBP in the lumen. Subsequently, a transmembrane zinc-protease cleaves SREBP at a second site within the bilayer, releasing the
basic helix-loop-helix-zip (bHLH-zip) transcription factor. This factor enters the nucleus, where it activates genes for cholesterol biosynthetic
enzymes by steroid-response elements (SREs).

transcription factor precursor, steroid regulator element- transferase helps lower cholesterol levels in the ER
binding protein (SREBP), controls the expression of bilayer by catalyzing the formation of cholesterol esters,
these genes (see Fig. 23.10). When cholesterol is abun- a storage form of cholesterol.
dant, SREBP cleavage-activating protein (SCAP), a
partner protein with cholesterol-sensing transmembrane Ceramide Synthesis
segments (see Fig. 23.11), retains SREBP in the ER owing Ceramide, the backbone of all sphingolipids (see
to interactions with the protein Insig. When the mem- Fig. 13.3), also begins its synthesis on the cytoplasmic
brane cholesterol level is low, SCAP and Insig do not face of ER membranes. It is made through sequential
interact. The SREBP–SCAP complex is therefore free to condensation of the amino acid serine with two fatty
move to the Golgi apparatus, where two successive acids. Ceramide is transported to the Golgi apparatus by
proteolytic cleavages release the N-terminal domain of a nonvesicular pathway (see the next section), where
SREBP, a basic helix-loop-helix leucine zipper transcrip- enzymes on the luminal leaflet either add oligosaccha-
tion factor, into the cytoplasm. (The Golgi proteases that ride chains to form glycosphingolipids or add a choline
are responsible for cleaving SREBP are SP1 and SP2, the head group to form sphingomyelin (see Fig. 13.3 and
same ones used to process ATF6 during the UPR [Fig. Chapter 21).
20.13].) In the nucleus, the transcription factor binds
steroid regulatory elements, enhancers for a wide range Lipid Movements Between Organelles
of genes encoding enzymes that synthesize cholesterol Lipids diffuse rapidly in the plane of the bilayer and
and other lipids, as well as low-density lipoprotein recep- slowly flip-flop across the bilayer (see Chapter 13), but
tors that take up cholesterol from outside the cell (see their hydrophobic nature makes free diffusion between
Fig. 23.10). Cholesterol also regulates degradation of adjacent bilayers through the aqueous cytoplasm ther-
HMG-CoA reductase, which has cholesterol-sensing modynamically unfavorable and very slow. Budding and
transmembrane domains similar to SCAP. Abundant fusion of vesicles is a major pathway for moving lipids
cholesterol targets HMG-CoA reductase for degradation between organelles (see Chapter 21). However, lipid-
by the proteolytic pathway that disposes of unfolded transfer proteins (LTPs) can mediate direct exchange
proteins through the proteasome (Fig. 20.12; also of individual lipid molecules between bilayers at mem-
see Chapter 23). The enzyme acyl-CoA-cholesterol brane contact sites (Fig. 20.17A–B). Plant LTPs are tiny
CHAPTER 20  n  Endoplasmic Reticulum 349

A LTPs B Lipid transfer at a membrane contact site C Autoinhibited OSBP


PH domains

lipid transfer Active OSBP FFAT
protein moves tethered to VAP motifs
lipids between VAP
bilayers Cholesterol PI4P

FFAT Lipid-binding

Cholesterol Active complex

FIGURE 20.17  MECHANISMS OF LIPID MOVEMENTS BETWEEN MEMBRANE BILAYERS. A, Cytoplasmic lipid transfer proteins bind
membrane lipids and transfer them to other membranes. B, Model for lipid transfer at contact sites between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and
Golgi apparatus membranes. The VAP protein anchored to the ER binds the FFAT motif of OSBP, while the PH domain of OSBP associates with
phosphatidylinositol (PI)-4P in the Golgi apparatus membrane. The lipid binding domains of OSBP transfer cholesterol from the ER to the Golgi
apparatus and PI4P in the opposite direction while swinging on tethers between the two membranes. C, Domain organization of autoinhibited
OSBP (oxysterol-binding protein). (Modified from Mesmin B, Antonny B. The counterflow transport of sterols and PI4P. Biochim Biophys Acta.

(9-kD) proteins with a hydrophobic pocket that binds a apparatus. Another example is the oxysterol-binding
range of lipids and facilitates their movements between protein (OSBP) that binds to VAP-A in the ER and Arf1-
membranes. GTPase in the Golgi apparatus. The lipid-binding domain
Animals have several families of LTPs with different promotes the counter-flow of cholesterol from the ER to
structures but related strategies for binding particular the Golgi apparatus and PI4P in the opposite direction.
lipid molecules. Often a hinged “cover” protects the This helps the cell tune its cholesterol levels according
lipid-binding pocket, allowing the lipid-binding domain to the PI4P level in the Golgi. VAP also recruits
to embed partially into the cytoplasmic leaflet of a mem- other proteins with FFAT-like motifs to ER membrane
brane bilayer. contact sites.
Some LTPs consist of a single lipid-binding domain, so
they extract a lipid from a membrane and then diffuse ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
through the cytoplasm to deliver the lipid to another
We thank Craig Blackstone, Ramanujan Hegde, and
membrane like plant LTPs. Other LTPs have additional
Rebecca Voorhees for their suggestions on revisions to
domains (Fig. 20.17B). Many have a ligand-binding
this chapter.
domain such as a PH domain (see Fig. 25.10) that binds
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