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Name:______________ Date:___ 6th grade WS

Rocks and Soil

Q1. Weathering of rocks is due to:

A. Harsh weather conditions

B. flow of rivers

C. Heat

D. Light winds

Q2. The lowest level of sedimented rock is called:

A. Sofa rock

B. Bed rock

C. Cushion rock

D. Layer rock

Q3. Most plants usually grow in which pH conditions?

A. 10

B. 6

C. 4

D. 1

Q4. Loam consists of which type of soil for the most part of it;

A. Sand

B. Silt

C. Clay

D. All of the above

Q5. Rocks usually formed from rocky fragments are called:

A. Molten rocks

B. Sedimentary rocks

C. Igneous rocks

D. None of the above

Q6. If Igneous and Sedimentary rocks are pressurised together under extreme
conditions, we get:

A. Intrusive igneous rocks

B. Pressurised Sedimentary rocks

C. Metamorphic rocks

D. Both B and C

Q7. The outer core of the Earth is mainly composed of:

A. Iron

B. Nickel

C. Cobalt

D. Both A and B

Q8. Rocks from which metals can be obtained are called:

A. Metal rocks

B. Ores

C. Parent rocks

D. Synthesised rocks

Q9. In the olden days, Marble was used for:

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A. Construction purposes

B. Making tools

C. Decoration purposes

D. None of the above

Q10. The layer below top soil is known as:

A. topsoil

B. subsoil

C. undersoil

D. root soil

Long Answer Qs:

Q1. The passage of soil through water is called drainage.

a) Describe an experiment in which you can measure the drainage rate of a particular soil,
consider 2 samples are presented to you in this case.
b) How would you alter the experiment to measure water retention capacity instead of the
water drainage. Explain in terms on apparatus if required and procedure

Q2. Weathering is the process through which soil is formed.

a) Briefly explain how this process occurs keeping some general factors like weather in
b) What does the term ‘humus’ mean?
c) Approximate the components of soil and also estimate the volume or the percentage of
volume they occupy in terms of small stones, sand, silt and clay

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Q3. Some of the lava from volcanoes melts to form rocks.

a) What are these kinds of rocks called?

b) These rocks are further divided into 2 parts, name them.
c) Describe any 2 uses of these rocks
d) Some of these rocks cool down rapidly. What happens to the physical characteristics of
these rocks in such cases?

Q4. Describe an experiment in which you can measure the amount of air in soil.
Supplement Question:

Currently the only plausible theory about the universe coming into existing scientifically is
the big bang theory. Research further on this topic

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