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Teacher: Course: Date:

Rebecca Ericson Storytelling
Aim/Objective: Students will be able to . . .
Understand all five types of conflict.

Key Vocabulary:

Materials Needed and Physical Classroom Prep:

Colored paper
Hula hoops
5 slips of paper x2

Procedure: Time:
Do Now/Hook:
Teacher skits – Teachers will perform simple skits reenacting types of 15min
conflict. Students will guess between character vs. self, character vs.
character, and character vs. society by holding up a colored paper. Then,
the teachers will introduce two new types of conflicts through skits
(character vs. nature and character vs. fate), and ask students to write
guesses for what those types of conflict might be called.
Skit #1: Two people fighting over the last piece of pizza.
Skit #2: Someone trying to decide what to eat.
Skit #3: Someone who wants to buy pizza, but the president announces
that today is No Pizza Day.
Skit #4: Someone is going to buy pizza, but a typhoon hits and they have
to go home.
Skit #5: Someone is going to buy pizza, but every store is out of pizza.

Direct Instruction/Modeling:
Types of Conflict –With hand motions, the teacher will introduce the last 2 10min
of the 5 types of conflict. For each one, visuals will be displayed
illustrating how those conflicts are manifested in popular stories.
-Character vs. Nature (knock your hands together twice then make a big
circle with your hands).
-Character vs. Fate (knock your hands together twice then shrug).

Student Practice/Application: 15min

Conflict Jump – Inside the ASM hall. Split the students into two teams. In
between them, place a path of hula hoops (as many as possible. Between
10-20). Place one team on each end, along with a bowl with 5 slips of
paper (labeled with the types of conflict: see below). Each team will send a
representative from their team to hop on one foot through the hula hoop
path, starting from opposite ends. Once they meet in the middle, the two
students will play rock paper scissors. The winner is allowed to continue,
while the loser returns to their group. The losing side sends out another
student to hop on the path and play the winner as soon as the loser starts to

return to their side. The goal is to have someone from your side
successfully hop to the other side and retrieve one of the 5 slips of paper
(which has a type of conflict written on it). Whichever team can get all 5
slips of paper wins.
If the explanation was confusing check out this video (based off of this)

Wrap up/Closure: 5min

Back to the room for a question of the day: What type of conflict is the
scariest to you?

Clean Up

Continue to brainstorm stories from their life that they would like to share

Relevance to SB Goals:
_X_ English Language Development: Analyzing and describing conflict situations
_X_ Love of Learning: Active learning with hand signs
_X_ Building Confidence: Working individually and in groups as a team

Plan for Upcoming Days:

Start learning about plot

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