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Summerbridge Hong Kong 2019 Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: Course: Date:

Sarah Dong Public Speaking July 22, 2019
Aim/Objective: Students will be able to . . .
 Understand and use ethos, pathos, and logos in their persuasive arguments
Key Vocabulary:
 Ethos
 Pathos
 Logos
Materials Needed and Physical Classroom Prep:
 Poster paper
 Markers/colored pencils
 Pens/pencils
 Projector and speakers hooked up to laptop
Procedure: Time:

Hook/Do Now:
 5 min

Direct Instruction/Modeling:
 During LP10, we were introduced to commercials as a form of
persuasive speaking
 Ask students if they remember what elements of a
commercial/advertisement makes it so effective and persuasive
 Today, we are going to learn the specific vocabulary regarding the
techniques used to persuade people 10 min
 Pathos: appeal to emotion
 Ethos: convincing the audience by telling them how reliable you
 Logos: appeal to logic, or common sense
 After introducing each vocabulary word, watch a short
advertisement clip that uses that specific technique to try and
convince the viewer to buy their product
 Ask: Which technique is the best?
 All techniques are effective, but it is best to use a combination of as
many as you can

Student Practice/Application:
 During LP10, we made a commercial from a prewritten skit
 Today, using our newly learnt persuasive techniques, we will start
making our own commercials
 If students brought in their own objects they would like to sell, they
could use those as long as they’re appropriate (eg: no cellphones) 20 min
and are interesting enough to make a whole commercial on
 Students who didn’t bring an object will be assigned one
 Students will be giving a pitch to audience members next lesson,
and will try to get them to buy their products
 Students will work on making their commercials, paying attention
to incorporating pathos, ethos, and logos in their speeches
 Students can have a notecard with the main selling points
Summerbridge Hong Kong 2019 Lesson Plan Template

 Focus on preparing what you are going to say!

 Reminder: should be interesting, and get the audience EXCITED!
 Remind students of what we learnt in the past unit: visual aids are
very useful!
 Show students some pictures of physical advertisements (posters,
flyers, etc…)
 Students will be able to make their own poster advertisements to
have as well during their presentation pitches next class.
10 min
Wrap up/Closure:
 Return all paper/writing utensils used
 Outline LP12 to the students:
 4-5 teachers will be invited to the classroom, and students will be
presenting their commercials to the teachers


Relevance to SB Goals:
X English Language Development:
__X_ Love of Learning:
X Building Confidence:

Plan for Upcoming Days:

Next class, we will finish up our commercials, before students present them to the
teachers! That will conclude the persuasive speaking unit. After the persuasive
speaking unit, we will begin ceremonial speaking, and nonverbal public speaking

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