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Michelle Andrus


1. Name and describe the EXPECTED overall psycho-social developmental level of your class according
to Erikson’s theory. Use the LCAS class data set information.

For this assignment I am continuing to analyze the student data pack for the fourth grade. The
data pack that I am looking at is Student Assignment Diagnostics: Grade 4 Class A. The age range for this
grade level would be ages 8-10 years old. This age range puts the students under Erikson’s fourth stage
of psycho-social development: industry versus inferiority.

2. Name and describe the EXPECTED overall moral developmental level of your class according to
Kohlberg’s theory. Use the LCAS class data set information.

As stated before, I am continuing my analysis on Class A of my data pack. Since the age range is
between 8-10 years old, the students will be under the second stage of Kohlberg’s theory of moral
reasoning: market exchange. Students who are 10 will most likely begin to see a change in their moral
reasoning as they begin to transition into the third stage of Kohlberg’s theory: Interpersonal Harmony. (I
included both stages in the chart because half of the class were 10 year olds and it is an important

3. Using the Table below, describe what can be expected behaviorally from the students in your class
with the predominant psycho-social developmental level. Then describe how that information about
these students should impact your classroom practice in the areas of instruction, assessment, and
classroom management. (As you begin typing in the spaces below the indicators, they will expand to
accept your content.)

Predominant What insight does Erikson’s theory give Implications from Erikson’s theory about
(EXPECTED) you about the expected behaviors by classroom practice (instruction,
Psycho-Social most of this class assessment, management, etc.)
Level in the Class
Students in this stage of psycho social Students will benefit from challenging
#4 Industry vs. development enjoy the feeling of activities that test their ability. Students
Inferiority success and the achievement of that are able to overcoming and defeat
mastering a skill. Through their these challenges will gain a sense of
accomplishments, students will gain a competence. When the students have
sense of competence. Students also achieved a skill or accomplished
want to see their success. On the something, they want to see their
other hand, if students at this level success being recognized. Therefore,
continue to fail they will develop a hanging student work, giving stickers,
sense of inferiority. and various other ways to recognize
student achievement. To ensure that
students are successful at this stage of
development and do not develop a
sense of inferiority, it is important to
offer assistance to the students and to

give them challenges that are

developmentally accurate.

4. Using the Table below, describe what can be expected regarding decision-making processes from the
students in your at the expected moral developmental level. Then describe how that information about
these students should impact your classroom practice in the areas of instruction, assessment, and
classroom management. (As you begin typing in the spaces below the indicators, they will expand to
accept your content.)

Predominant What insight does Kohlberg’s theory give Implications from Kohlberg’s theory about
(EXPECTED) Moral you about the expected behaviors by classroom practice (instruction,
Developmental most of this class assessment, management, etc.)
Level in the Class
#2 Fair Market Students in this stage of moral Students’ decisions are internally driven
Exchange reasoning have a goal to seek rewards. at this stage of moral reasoning. When
Their question is “What is in it for deciding how to behave in class, the
me?” Students at this stage are student may make their decision based
mastering the skill of obeying the rules on if they will gain any reward from it…if
in order to receive some sort of not then the student may act out
gratification that will benefit them as because there is nothing beneficial for
an individual. In addition, students them in acting in correspondence to the
may only act morally if there is a rules. Therefore, teachers should
benefit for them involved. arrange class discipline around a set of
positive praise and rewards. Rather than
recognizing the bad behavior in class,
teachers should recognize students with
good behavior because it will encourage
other students to be well behaved so
that they may be rewarded as well.
#3 Interpersonal Students in this stage of moral Students at this stage of moral
Harmony (10 reasoning have a goal of gaining reasoning are seeking approval and
year olds) approval or avoiding disapproval when acceptance by others in consideration to
it comes to their choices. Their societal norms. Students in this stage
question is “Will it make others happy may be persuaded by peer pressure, and
with me?” Students in this stage are as a teacher it is important to help the
becoming more aware of the societal student develop their independence and
norms and are seeking acceptance for ability to reject peer pressure. Students
their behaviors. Their actions are at this stage will also more likely obey
based on the opinions of others. school rules because they are wanting to
make others happy by their behaviors.

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