The Year of Divine Favor: Ask God

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 Year  of  Divine  Favor  

At  the  beginning  of  January,  this  year,  the  Lord  spoke  to  me  and  said  this  year  is  the  
year  of  divine  favor.  For  the  past  eight  months  by  the  leading  of  the  Holy  Spirit  I  have  
searched  the  scriptures  in  pursuit  of  what  God’s  word  says  about  favor.  What  I  have  
learned  in  my  search  through  the  Bible  for  scriptures  that  speak  of  God’s  favor  is  that  
the  word  is  rich  and  full  of  His  favor  towards  us.    I  have  also  learned  the  importance  of  
meditating  upon  the  word,  declaring  the  word  over  myself  and  of  course  praying  the  
word.  In  fact  the  word  of  God  in  Isaiah  55:11  says,  So  shall  My  word  be  that  goes  forth  
from  My  mouth;  It  shall  not  return  to  Me  void,  But  it  shall  accomplish  what  I  please,  
And  it  shall  prosper  in  the  thing  for  which  I  sent  it.  During  the  month  of  September  the  
scriptures  that  follow  are  to  be  meditated  upon,  declared  and  prayed.  I  believe  that  in  
so  doing  we  will  experience  the  favor  of  God  like  we  have  never  seen  before.  

 Declare and decree the favor  God  promised  Abraham  in  Genesis  12:2,  And  I  will  
make  of  you  a  great  nation,  and  I  will  bless  you  [with  abundant  increase  of  favors]  
and  make  your  name  famous  and  distinguished,  and  you  will  be  a  blessing  
[dispensing  good  to  others].  The  Amplified  Bible  

Ask God  to  let  the  beauty  and  delightfulness  and  favor  of  the  Lord  our  God  be  upon  
us;  confirm  and  establish  the  work  of  our  hands-­‐yes,  the  work  of  our  hands,  confirm  
and  establish  it  (Psalm  90:17).  The  Amplified  Bible  
Pray that  God  increase  you  more  and  more,  you  and  your  children  as  the  word  says  
in  Psalms  115:14.  King  James  Version.  As  you  meditate  upon  and  pray  this  word  ask  
God  to  increase  you  with  more  of  His  wisdom,  grace,  holiness,  knowledge  and  joy.    

Ask God,  to  cause  you  to  increase  in  wisdom  and  stature,  and  in  favor  with  God  and  
man  like  Jesus,  Luke  2:52.  King  James  Version  

May the Lord,  the  God  of  your  ancestors,  increase  you  a  thousand  times  and  bless  
you  as  He  has  promised!,  Deuteronomy  1:11.  New  International  Version  

May the Lord  show  you  His  favor  and  give  you  peace”  Numbers  6:26.  New  Living  
Offer  this  praise  to  our  God,  Glory  to  God  in  the  highest  heaven,  and  on  earth  peace  
to  those  on  whom  His  favor  rests,  Luke  2:14.  New  International  Version  
Meditate on this,  For  you  are  a  people  holy  to  the  Lord  your  God.  Out  of  all  the  
peoples  on  the  face  of  the  earth,  the  Lord  has  chosen  you  to  be  His  treasured  
possession,  Deuteronomy  14:2.  New  International  Version  
Reflect upon this,  From  the  fullness  of  His  grace  we  all  have  received  one  blessing  
after  another,  John  1:16.  New  International  Version  
Declare  this,  For  the  Lord  is  a  sun  and  shield,  the  Lord  bestows  (present)  grace  and  
favor  and  (future)  glory  (honor,  splendor,  and  heavenly  bliss)!  No  good  thing  will  He  
withhold  from  those  who  walk  uprightly,  Psalms  84:11.  The  Amplified  Bible  

God says,  I  will  look  on  you  with  Favor  and  make  you  fruitful  and  increase  your  
numbers,  and  I  will  keep  my  covenant  with  you,  Leviticus  26:9.  New  International  
Declare this,  Surely,  Lord,  You  bless  the  righteous;  You  surround  them  with  Your  
favor  as  with  a  shield,  Psalms  5:12.  New  International  Version  
Remember,  He  who  diligently  seeks  good  seeks  [God’s]  favor,  but  he  who  searches  
after  evil,  it  shall  come  upon  him,  Proverbs  11:27.  The  Amplified  Bible  
Be  mindful  of  this,  A  good  man  obtains  favor  from  the  Lord,  but  a  man  of  wicked  
devices  He  condemns,  Proverbs  12:2.  The  Amplified  Bible  

Earnestly entreat God by saying,  I  entreated  Your  favor  with  my  whole  heart;  Be  
merciful  to  me  according  to  Your  word,  Psalms  119:58.  New  King  James  Version  

Pray,  Lord,  let  your  ear  be  attentive  to  the  prayer  of  this  your  servant  and  to  the  
prayer  of  your  servants  who  delight  in  revering  Your  Name.  Give  your  servant  
success  today  by  granting  him  favor  in  the  presence  of  this  man.  I  was  a  cupbearer  
to  the  king,  Nehemiah  1:11.  New  International  Version  
But  I  Pray  to  You,  Lord,  in  the  time  of  Your  favor;  in  Your  great  love,  O,  God,  answer  
me  with  Your  sure  salvation,  Psalms  69:13.  New  International  Version  

Meditate on this,  O  God,  we  have  heard  of  the  glorious  miracles  You  did  in  the  days  of  
long  ago.  Our  forefathers  have  told  us  how  you  drove  the  heathen  nations  from  this  
land  and  gave  it  all  to  us,  spreading  Israel  from  one  end  of  the  country  to  the  other.  
They  did  not  conquer  by  their  own  strength  and  skill,  but  by  Your  mighty  power  and  
because  you  smiled  upon  and  favored  them,  Psalms  44:1-­‐3.  The  Living  Bible  
Be mindful of this,  For  His  anger  lasts  only  a  moment,  but  His  favor  lasts  a  lifetime!  
Weeping  may  last  through  the  night,  but  joy  comes  with  the  morning,  Psalms  30:5.  
New  Living  Translation  
Make  this  declaration,  Your  favor,  O  Lord,  made  me  as  secure  as  a  mountain.  Then  
You  turned  away  from  me,  and  I  was  shattered,  Psalms  30:7.  New  Living  Translation  
Lord, as we pray, meditate upon, and decree and declare, these scriptures, may the
power of Your word take root and grow us even the more in our faith. This we ask in
Jesus Name. Amen
Watchman Nee says, “Obtaining an answer to prayer is not the highest goal of prayer.
The purpose of prayer is that we be one with God’s will so that God can work”.

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