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4 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

Pies, Pies & More Pies!

New York

Created by Penn Publishing Ltd.

Design and layout: Michal & Dekel
Edited by Shoshana Brickman
Photography by Danya Weiner

An Imagine Book
Published by Charlesbridge
85 Main Street, Watertown, MA 02472

and Penn Publishing Ltd.

1 Yehuda Halevi Street, Tel Aviv, Israel 65135

Text © 2010 Viola Goren

Library of Congress
Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Goren, Viola.
Pies, pies & more pies! / Viola Goren ; photography by Danya Weiner.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 978-1-60734-361-5
1. Pies. I. Title. II. Title: Pies, pies, and more pies!
TX773.G657 2010
All rights reserved
For information about custom editions, special sales, premium and corporate purchases, please contact
Imagine Books at
Pies, Pies & More Pies!

Viola Goren

Photography by Danya Weiner

New York
4 Pies, Pies & More Pies!


Pie Essentials

Basic Recipes

Fruits & Berries


Chocolate & Nuts


Sweet Cheese & Apples


Savory Cheese & Vegetables


Meat, Chicken & Fish


Conversion Charts



This book is a collection of pies and tarts inspired by cuisines from all over the world. There are savory
pies for serving as supper and sweet pies for serving as dessert. There are pies with fresh fruit and
vegetables, pies with jam and preserves, pies for people who love chocolate, and pies for people who
are nuts about nuts.

If you’ve never made a pie before, you might be surprised to discover just how easy it is. If you’re a
longtime pie-maker, you’ll be delighted to discover lots of new options. In fact, when it comes to pie
making, the only limits are your imagination and the ingredients in your pantry.

I hope these recipes give you both instruction and inspiration. If you don’t have the berries I recommend
or the type of cheese I use, substitute with something similar that you have on hand. If you love
the result, make a note of it in the margin of the recipe. You may also be tempted to add or omit
ingredients to suit your taste. Note these alterations as well, so that you have a record of your changes
for the next time.

From my experience, making pies is more of an art than a science. If you add a bit too much of one
thing, or put in a bit less of another, it usually doesn’t matter. Pies are forgiving. If the eggs you have
are smaller than usual, or if you ran out of flour and had to substitute with ground almonds, don’t worry
about it.

Of course, there are some elements that do require precision. For example, the ratio of gelatin to liquid
should remain constant (1:6, if you’re wondering), and custard should be watched carefully as it cooks,
to make sure it doesn’t burn. Generally speaking, however, pie making is a relaxing activity; the process
should be almost as enjoyable as the result.

So roll up your sleeves, sprinkle some flour on your rolling pin, and get ready to enjoy making (and
eating!) some delicious pies.

6 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

Pie Essentials

Past r y Do ugh

For many people, making pastry dough is the most intimidating part of the pie-making process. Not all
pies require pastry dough, however. Several of the pies in this book use sheets of phyllo for the crust.
These can be found in the frozen food section of many supermarkets, and are very easy to work with.
Puff pastry is also used in a number of recipes in this book. I’ve included a recipe for puff pastry on
page 16, but since making puff pastry at home requires quite a bit of effort, you may prefer buying a
tasty readymade version.

When it comes to savory and sweet pastry dough, I highly recommend making it yourself. First of all, it’s
easy. It may take you a few tries to get it right, but once you’re familiar with the process, it’s not hard at
all. Second, it’s adaptable. Once you know how to make basic pastry dough, you can jazz it up any way
you like. For example, you can add cinnamon to sweet pastry dough when you’re making apple pie, or
thyme to savory pastry dough when you’re making a cheese tart. Third, pastry dough is easy to freeze.
I recommend making a double batch; roll out the extra and store it in the freezer so that it’s ready to
bake at a moment’s notice.

Here are a few principles to keep in mind when making pastry dough:

B ut te r Always use cold butter when making pastry dough. For non-dairy pastry dough, substitute
cold butter with cold margarine.

C hi lli ng t he do ug h There are two stages in which I recommend chilling pastry dough to make
it easier to handle and prevent shrinkage during baking. One is immediately after the ingredients
have been mixed. At this stage, shape the dough into a thick disc and refrigerate it for at least one
hour. The other is after the dough has been rolled, transferred to a baking pan, trimmed to size, and
crimped. At this stage, the shell should be frozen for at least 30 minutes (and up to several weeks).
Transfer the frozen shell directly to a hot oven to bake.

Pie Essentials 7
Ex tr a dou g h When you make pastry dough, you’ll likely find yourself with a bit more than you
need. Shape the extra dough into a flat disc, wrap it in plastic cling wrap, and freeze it. After you
make a few batches of pastry dough, combine the frozen leftovers to make an entire crust.

G re a si n g pa ns You’ll notice that tart and pie pans containing a pastry dough base are never
greased before baking. There is enough butter in the dough to keep it from sticking to the pan.

H ea v y ( wh i ppi ng ) c re a m I use this in almost all of my pie crusts since it gives them a rich,
smooth flavor. If you want to cut down on fat or make a dairy-free crust, use cold water instead of
cream. You can also substitute heavy cream with lower fat cream or milk. If you find your pastry
dough is too dry, gradually add a bit more liquid.

M i x i ng The best way to mix pastry dough is with a food processor or an electric mixer fitted with
the paddle attachment. Standard household food processors only hold enough dough for a single
batch, so use an electric mixer when you want to double a recipe.

P an s Pie and tart pans can be used interchangeably for most of these recipes. Pie pans are round,
with angled sides and, most often, a permanent base. Tart pans may be round, square, or rectangular.
Many have vertical fluted sides and a removable bottom. When using a tart pan with a removable
bottom, make sure the tart is completely cool before removing it from the pan and serving.

R olli ng ou t t he dou g h To determine the dimensions of the dough needed to line your pan,
measure the base and sides of the pan. For a 9-inch pie pan that is 2 inches deep, you’ll need a
round of dough at least 13 inches in diameter. When cutting dough to fit a pie pan, be a bit generous
since you can always trim the excess.

Te xt ure As you mix the dry ingredients with the butter, your pastry dough should take on a sandy
texture. After adding the liquids, mix the dough just until it forms a ball. Overmixing pastry dough at
any stage of the process will reduce its flakiness and crisp texture.

8 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

Us e yo ur ha n ds ! Hands are your most important tool when preparing pastry dough, since
touching it is the best way to make sure it has the right texture. You’ll also need to use your hands to
roll out the dough and rotate it, press it into the pie pan, and crimp the edges.

F i lli ng s a nd Top p ing s

As you’ll see from the wide range of recipes in this book, almost anything can be used to fill a pie, from
shrimp, anchovies, and chicken to cherries, chocolate mousse, and pastry cream. Here are a few tips
about filling and topping pies:

A dva nce pre pa ra t i on Raisins, apricots, pears, and other ingredients that are combined with
syrup can be prepared several days in advance and left soaking in the refrigerator. In addition to
saving time, pre-soaking enriches their appearance and flavor. Mousses made with melted chocolate
or nut paste should be chilled overnight before whipping. Pies made with cheese are often tastiest
if allowed to cool before serving.

B a in -m ar i e Also known as a water bath, a bain-marie allows you to heat ingredients gently
over steam from simmering water. To make a bain-marie, simply place the ingredients you want
to heat in a heatproof bowl, and place the bowl on top of a pan that contains two or three inches of
simmering water. Make sure the water doesn’t touch the bottom of the bowl, so that only the steam
heats the contents.

C oo ke d fil li ng s When filling a pie with a cooked filling, make sure the filling is at room
temperature before transferring it to the pie shell.

Pie Essentials 9
Egg wash This is made by combining one egg yolk with two teaspoons of water. Use a pastry
brush to brush egg wash on puff pastry and pastry dough before baking to give crusts a glossy,
golden finish.

Eg g s For best results when whipping whole eggs, egg whites, or egg yolks, use eggs that are at
room temperature. It’s best to separate whites from yolk, however, when the eggs are cold. Once
they are separated, bring them to room temperature before whipping.

Flavo ri n g s Orange zest, lemon zest, vanilla, cinnamon, thyme, and liqueurs are excellent flavor
enhancers. You may find that you like a little more (or less) of a certain flavoring. Adjust the recipe
according to your preference, and make a note of the adjustment in the margin of the recipe. If you’re
out of a particular flavoring called for in the recipe, don’t let that stop you. Use your imagination to
find a suitable substitute in your kitchen.

G e la t i n A thickening agent in several pie fillings, unflavored gelatin powder is mixed with liquid
(such as milk or water) at a ratio of 1:6. Let the mixture sit for 10 to 15 minutes, until the liquid is
absorbed. If you’ll be adding the gelatin to a cold batter, melt it in the microwave for a few seconds
after the liquid is absorbed.

P o ur fil li n gs c a re f ully If the filling drips out of a pie shell during baking, you may end up with
a sticky, hard-to-remove mess in your oven. Cream and egg-based fillings are especially risky. Pour
the filling in slowly, and make sure it doesn’t drip over the rim of the pan.

Se a s on al f ru i t Pies with fruit are best when made with fresh fruit that is in season. Feel free to
substitute the fruit in these recipes with the juiciest varieties available, including your favorites.

10 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

Baki ng

B a king ti me s The baking times given in this book are intended as a guide. If you see that your pie
is starting to burn at the given temperature, reduce the oven heat. In general, I recommend baking
pie crusts at 340°F to 360°F. After adding custard or cream-based fillings, reduce the temperature
to about 320°F to keep the filling from becoming too brown.

H ot ove n Always make sure your oven is preheated before baking. Use a small oven thermometer,
if you have one, to verify that the temperature on the dial is the actual temperature in the oven.

K e e p a n ey e on y our pi e If a pie looks ready before it reaches the baking time indicated in the
recipe, or if it doesn’t look ready after that time has passed, adjust the baking time accordingly and
make a note in the margin of the recipe. Don’t be afraid to open the oven door while the pie is baking;
you won’t damage the pie, and it will be easier to check for readiness. If a pie starts to burn before
it’s fully baked, reduce the oven heat or cover the pie with aluminum foil.

P lace pi e pa n s, t ar t pa n s , and ra me ki n s o n a ba ki n g s he et be fore baki ng

Pie and tart fillings often drip during baking, so place pans on a baking sheet during baking to
catch any drips.

R ot a te w hi le ba ki ng Every oven has its own personality. In most cases, one side is hotter than
the other. To ensure even baking, rotate your pie at least once while it bakes.

12 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

F i ni shi ng Tou c hes an d S e rvin g

A pri co t g la z e Brushing this on baked pies and tarts just before serving gives them a lovely
glossy finish. To make apricot glaze, simply combine two to three tablespoons of apricot jam with
one to two tablespoons of water. Heat gently in a small saucepan, or in the microwave, until a
syrup forms; then brush on with a pastry brush. If apricot jam is too tart for your taste buds, add
a bit of sugar.

B ro i li n g Pies topped with meringue or a sprinkle of sugar look terrific when broiled for a few
seconds before serving. Preheat the broiler and broil the pie for a few seconds until the top is brown,
watching constantly to prevent burning. You can also use a kitchen torch to brown the tops.

C oo l i ng an d chi ll i n g Pies should always be cooled after baking to give the flavors a chance
to blend and develop. This is especially important for fruit pies. Some pies are best served chilled.
These can be refrigerated for several hours before serving; if you’re in a rush, place them in the
freezer before serving.

Fre s h i s bes t Most pies are best served the day they are baked.

S t o ra g e Pies can generally be stored for one or two days in the refrigerator. Reheat, if desired,
before serving.

Pie Essentials 13

14 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

• Puff Pastry page 16

• Sweet Pastry Dough page 18

• Savory Pastry Dough page 20

Pie Essentials 15
This recipe produces the light, fluffy pastry used to make sweet pastries such as Pithiviers
Puff Pastry (page 85) and Almond Cream and Pineapple Pastries (page 38), as well as savory pastries
such as the Roasted Eggplant and Cheese Tart (page 106) and Ratatouille Diamond Tartlets
(page 116). It takes a few hours to prepare, so be patient.

Makes about 2½ pounds 1. In an electric mixer fitted with the along one side, so that one-third of
paddle attachment, mix flour, water, dough is uncovered. Fold this area of
salt, softened butter, and vinegar for dough over butter, then fold over a third
4 minutes, until smooth. Shape into a with dough and butter, to make a folded
3½ cups all-purpose flour, plus more rectangle, place on a baking sheet, and package that contains successive
for dusting wrap tightly with plastic cling wrap. layers of dough, butter, dough, butter,
1 cup water Refrigerate for at least 1 hour. and dough.
1 tablespoon salt
2 ounces (½ stick) unsalted butter, 2. In the meantime, place a piece of 4. Rotate package (if necessary) so that
softened parchment paper on your work surface seam is at the right. Roll out package
1 tablespoon vinegar and place cold butter on top. Place a into a rectangle that is about ½ inch
16 ounces (4 sticks) unsalted butter, second piece of parchment paper on thick. Fold bottom third of rectangle
cold top and roll butter with a rolling pin into over center; then fold top third of
a rectangle that is about 1 inch thick. rectangle over center. This method
The area of the butter rectangle must of folding is called 3-fold. Rotate
be two-thirds the area of the dough package so that seam is at the right,
rectangle you’ll be rolling in Step 3. roll out again, and fold again in the
Transfer butter to refrigerator, and same manner.
chill until butter and dough are the
same temperature. 5. Wrap dough and refrigerate for at
least 1 hour; then repeat step 4 to turn
3. On a lightly floured surface, roll the pastry another two times. Wrap
chilled dough into a ½-inch thick dough again and refrigerate for about
rectangle that is one-third larger than three hours. At this stage, the dough
the butter rectangle. Place rolled and may be used immediately, refrigerated
chilled butter onto dough, lining it up for 3 to 4 days, or frozen for 1 month.

16 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

Pie Essentials 17
With this recipe, you’ll have enough pastry for one 9- or 10-inch pie or tart or six 4-inch
Sweet Pastry Dough pies or tarts. Wrap leftover pastry dough in plastic wrap and store in freezer for up to
2 months. For variety, try adding cocoa, vanilla, cinnamon, orange zest, or another favorite
flavoring with the flour.

Makes about 1 pound 1. In an electric mixer fitted with freezing the dough for several days,
the paddle attachment, or in a food wrap it in plastic cling wrap first.
processor, mix flour, sugar, and butter
until texture is sandy. Add egg yolk and 4. Preheat oven to 330°F. Line chilled
1¾ cups all-purpose flour cream, mixing just until dough forms. pie shell with piece of parchment paper
½ cup sugar Shape into a thick round, wrap with or aluminum foil that is larger than
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter, plastic cling wrap, and refrigerate at the shell. Fill with raw beans or baking
cold and cut into small pieces least 1 hour. weights, and bake until edges are dry
1 large egg yolk and lightly golden, about 15 minutes.
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping) 2. On a lightly floured surface, roll out Remove paper and beans and bake
cream chilled dough to about ¼ inch thick. For crust until golden and baked through,
a single crust, cut the dough so that it 10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack
is large enough to cover the base and to cool.
sides of the pan, with a bit extra for
trimming. For several small crusts, cut 5. At this stage, fill the shell with any
out rounds, rerolling the trimmings until type of filling you like. You can also cool
you have used up all the dough. it thoroughly, wrap in plastic cling wrap,
and freeze until ready for use.
3. Wrap dough loosely around rolling
pin and transfer to pan. Press dough
gently into base and along sides of pan.
Trim dough around rim and crimp edges
as desired. Collect trimmed dough,
shape into a disc, and freeze for up to
2 months. Transfer pie shell to freezer
for at least 30 minutes. If you plan on

18 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

Pie Essentials 19
This dough is excellent for making a wide variety of savory pies. Once you’ve mastered the
Savory Pastry Dough basic recipe, spice it up with thyme, parmesan cheese, fresh chives, or paprika. This recipe
makes enough pastry for one 9-or 10-inch pie or tart, or six 4-inch pies or tarts. Wrapped
in plastic wrap, it can be stored in the freezer for up to 2 months.

Makes about 1 pound 1. In an electric mixer fitted with 30 minutes. If you plan on freezing the
the paddle attachment, or in a food dough for several days, wrap it in plastic
processor, mix flour, salt, and butter cling wrap first.
just until texture resembles bread
2 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for crumbs. Add egg and cream, mixing just 4. Preheat oven to 330°F. Line chilled pie
dusting until dough forms. Shape into a thick shell with a piece of parchment paper or
½ teaspoon salt round, wrap with plastic cling wrap, and aluminum foil and fill with raw beans or
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) cold unsalted refrigerate for at least 1 hour. baking weights. Bake until edges are dry
butter, cut into small pieces and lightly golden, about 15 minutes.
1 large egg or 2 large egg yolks 2. On a lightly floured surface, roll out Remove paper and beans and bake
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping) chilled dough to about ¼ inch thick. For crust until golden and baked through,
cream, milk, or water a single crust, cut the dough so that it 10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack
is large enough to cover the base and to cool.
sides of the pan, with a bit extra for
trimming. For several small crusts, 5. At this stage, fill the shell with any
cut out several rounds, rerolling the type of filling you like. You can also cool
trimmings until you have used up all it thoroughly, wrap in plastic cling wrap,
the dough. and freeze until ready for use.

3. Wrap dough loosely around rolling pin

and transfer to pan. Press dough into
base and along sides of pan. Trim dough
around rim, and crimp edges as desired.
Collect trimmed dough, shape into a
disc, and freeze for up to 2 months.
Transfer pie shell to freezer for at least

20 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

Pie Essentials 21

22 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

• Strawberry Tart page 24

• Freeform Fig Pie with a Touch of Orange page 26

• Raspberry Tart with Lemon Crème Brûlée page 28

• Phyllo Baskets with Plums and Nuts page 30

• Apricot Pie with Pistachio-Almond Cream page 32

• Wine-Marinated Pears with Pastry Cream Tart page 34

• Orange Crème Brûlée Pie page 37

• Almond Cream and Pineapple Pastries page 38

• Lemon Meringue Tartlets page 40

• Cinnamon Pumpkin Tart page 42

• Classic Clafouti (French Cherry Custard Tart) page 44

• Phyllo Flowers with Apples page 46

• Fresh Fruit Tart with Pastry Cream page 48

• Mulberry Cream Pie page 51

Pie Essentials 23
These pretty tartlets are an excellent way to celebrate any seasonal berry.
Strawberry Tart Brushing chocolate on the baked tartlet shells before adding the filling helps keep
the pastry flaky.

Makes six 4-inch tartlets 1. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer or food processor, mix flour, sugar, and butter until
texture is sandy. Add egg yolk and cream, mixing just until dough forms. Shape into a thick
disc, wrap with plastic cling wrap, and refrigerate for 1 hour.

Pastry dough 2. On a lightly floured surface, roll out chilled dough to about ¼ inch thick and cut six
1¾ cups all-purpose flour, plus more 6-inch rounds. Transfer rounds to 4-inch round tartlet pans, trim edges, and freeze for
for dusting 30 minutes.
½ cup sugar
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter, 3. Preheat oven to 320°F. Line chilled tart shells with a piece of parchment paper or
cold and cut into small pieces aluminum foil that is larger than the shell, and fill with raw beans or baking weights.
1 large egg yolk Bake until crusts are dry and lightly golden, about 15 minutes. Remove paper and beans
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping) and bake until crusts are golden and baked through, 10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack
cream to cool.

Filling 4. Prepare filling: Sprinkle gelatin in ¼ cup water and let stand for about 15 minutes, until
2 teaspoons unflavored gelatin powder gelatin softens. In the meantime, in a medium bowl, gently mash chopped strawberries
¼ cup + 2 tablespoons water with sugar until sugar dissolves.
1½ pounds fresh strawberries, chopped,
plus ½ pound fresh strawberries, 5. In small bowl, dissolve cornstarch in 2 tablespoons water and add to chopped strawberry
quartered mixture. Transfer mixture to medium saucepan and bring to a boil over medium-high heat.
1 cup sugar Reduce heat to medium and cook until shiny. Mix in gelatin; then remove from heat and set
3 tablespoons cornstarch aside to cool slightly.
2 ounces bittersweet chocolate, melted
6. Assemble pie: Brush baked tartlet shells with melted chocolate. Let set until chocolate
hardens; then spoon in mashed strawberry mixture. Distribute quartered strawberries
evenly among tartlets and refrigerate until filling sets, about 2 hours. Serve chilled.

24 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

26 Pies, Pies & More Pies!
Freeform Fig Pie with I really like freeform pies since you can dispense with the pan and make them any size you
like. Brush the pastry dough with egg wash and sprinkle with white or demerara sugar
a Touch of Orange
before baking to give an extra dimension to the crust.

Makes six 4-inch pies

Pastry dough 1. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer or food processor, mix flour, sugar, and butter until
1¾ cups all-purpose flour, plus more texture is sandy. Add egg yolk and cream, mixing just until dough forms. Shape into a thick
for dusting disc, wrap with plastic cling wrap, and refrigerate for 1 hour.
½ cup sugar
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter, 2. In the meantime, prepare filling: In a medium bowl, gently combine figs, sugar, flour,
cold and cut into small pieces zest, and orange juice. Let sit for about 30 minutes at room temperature.
1 large egg yolk
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping) 3. Preheat oven to 325°F, line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper, and assemble pies:
cream On a lightly floured surface, roll out chilled dough to about ¼ inch thick and cut six 6-inch
rounds. Transfer rounds to baking sheets and fold up 1-inch edges all around to form
Filling baskets. Remove figs from syrup and arrange in center of each round.
2 pounds fresh figs, stems intact, cut
into quarters 4. Brush dough with egg wash and sprinkle with sugar. Bake until crusts are golden and
½ cup sugar, plus more for sprinkling juices bubble at the center, about 40 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool. Serve warm or
½ cup all-purpose flour at room temperature.
2 tablespoons finely grated orange zest
¹⁄³ cup fresh orange juice

Egg wash (page 10)

Fruits & Berries 27

Raspberry Tart with The raspberries in this recipe can be substituted with blueberries, blackberries, or
mulberries. If fresh berries aren’t in season, use high-quality frozen berries. When baking
Lemon Crème Brûlée this or any other tart with a custard filling, keep the oven temperature low so that the
custard maintains its light color.

Makes one 9-inch tart 1. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer or food processor, mix flour, almonds, sugar, and
butter until texture is sandy. Add egg yolk and cream and mix until dough forms. Shape into
a thick disc, wrap with plastic cling wrap, and refrigerate for 1 hour.
Pastry dough
1½ cups all-purpose flour, plus more 2. On a lightly floured surface, roll out chilled dough to about ¼ inch thick and cut into an
for dusting 11-inch round. Wrap dough loosely around rolling pin and transfer to 9-inch tart pan. Trim
½ cup ground almonds edges and freeze for 30 minutes.
½ cup sugar
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter, 3. Preheat oven to 340°F. Line chilled tart shell with parchment paper or aluminum foil
cold and cut into small pieces and fill with raw beans or baking weights. Bake until crust is dry and lightly golden, about
1 large egg yolk 15 minutes. Remove paper and beans and bake until crust is golden and baked through,
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping) 10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool.
4. Reduce heat to 300°F and prepare filling: Using an electric mixer, beat eggs and egg
Crème brûlée filling yolks until light and fluffy.
2 large eggs
2 egg yolks 5. At the same time, in a small saucepan over medium-high heat, bring sugar and lemon
1 cup sugar juice to a boil. Continue boiling and cook until syrup forms; then gradually pour syrup into
½ cup fresh lemon juice eggs while beating. Continue beating and add cream, mixing until combined.
½ cup heavy (whipping) cream
1½ cups raspberries, fresh or frozen 6. Pour mixture into baked tart shell and top with raspberries. Bake until filling sets,
and thawed 30 to 40 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool and then refrigerate for 2 hours, until chilled.
Just before serving, sprinkle with sugar and place under a preheated broiler, or heat with a
¹/³ cup sugar, for topping kitchen torch, until sugar browns.

28 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

30 Pies, Pies & More Pies!
Phyllo Baskets with If you’ve never worked with phyllo pastry before, I highly recommend starting now. Phyllo is
easy to use and requires very little preparation. I brush melted butter between the layers,
Plums and Nuts but you can use vegetable or nut oils if you prefer.

Makes 12 baskets

Cream filling 1. Prepare cream: In an electric mixer, cream butter and sugar until smooth. Continue
4 ounces (1 stick) unsalted butter, mixing and add eggs, one at a time, until incorporated. Mix in walnuts, almonds, and rum;
room temperature then refrigerate for 30 minutes.
½ cup sugar
2 large eggs 2. Preheat oven to 320°F and grease a standard 12-cup muffin tin. Prepare baskets: Lay
2 ounces ground walnuts one phyllo sheet on your work surface and brush lightly with melted butter. Lay a second
2 ounces ground almonds sheet on top and brush with butter. Lay a third sheet on top and brush with butter. Cut
2 tablespoons rum stacks of phyllo into 4 even rectangles, and rotate the pieces in each stack to form a flower
shape. Repeat to make total of 12 phyllo flowers.
Phyllo baskets
12 sheets (about ¾ pound) phyllo dough, 3. Place each phyllo flower inside a muffin cup, pressing into bottom and up sides, and
thawed arranging the corners so they flare out like petals. Spoon chilled nut cream into phyllo
4 ounces (1 stick) unsalted butter, flowers. Arrange overlapping plum slices on top.
4. Bake until phyllo is golden brown, 15 to 20 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool. Just
10 plums, halved, pitted, and cut into before serving, brush baskets with apricot glaze.
thin slices
Apricot glaze (page 13)

Fruits & Berries 31

Apricot Pie with This delicious pie includes pistachio paste, a confectioner’s paste sold in pastry shops that
is made from pistachios and sugar. It’s delicious made with fresh apricots, but when they
Pistachio-Almond aren’t in season (which is most of the year), preserved apricots are a tasty replacement.

Makes one 10 x 20-inch pie

4 ounces (1 stick) unsalted butter, 1. Preheat oven to 360°F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. In a medium bowl,
room temperature cream butter, sugar, and pistachio paste until smooth. Gradually add eggs, one at a time,
½ cup sugar until incorporated. Mix in almonds and rum until smooth.
2 tablespoons pistachio paste
2 large eggs 2. Divide puff pastry in half. On a lightly floured surface, roll out each half and cut into
4 ounces ground blanched almonds 10 x 20-inch rectangle. Place one rectangle on baking sheet and spread cream on top,
2 tablespoons rum leaving a 1-inch border all around. Brush border with egg wash.
All-purpose flour, for dusting
1 pound puff pastry (page 16) 3. Arrange apricot halves in three or four columns on cream. Gently fold remaining pastry
Egg wash (page 10) rectangle in half lengthwise. Cut ½-inch slits along folded edge of pastry, making sure the
9 ounces fresh or canned and drained slits don’t reach the outer edges. Carefully unfold rectangle, and place on top of apricots.
apricots, pitted and halved Press all around with fork to seal the two rectangles together.

4. Brush top with egg wash and bake until pastry is golden, about 40 minutes. Transfer to
wire rack to cool. Serve warm or at room temperature.

32 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

Pie Essentials
34 Pies, Pies & More Pies!
Wine-Marinated Pears The pears in this recipe can be prepared several days in advance. The longer they soak, the
deeper their red color. The pastry cream can also be prepared a day or two in advance.
with Pastry Cream Tart

Makes one 4½ x 14-inch tart

Pears Pastry cream 1. Prepare pears: In a saucepan over

One 32-ounce bottle dry red wine 4 egg yolks high heat, bring wine, cinnamon sticks,
2 cinnamon sticks ¹/³ cup sugar cloves, and peppercorns to a boil. Add
4 whole cloves 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour pears, reduce heat to medium, and
6 black peppercorns 1 tablespoon cornstarch cook for 15 minutes, or until pears are
4 Anjou pears, peeled 1½ cups whole milk slightly soft. Set aside to cool. Transfer
½ vanilla bean, split lengthwise pears and liquid to deep bowl and chill
Pastry dough 2 ounces (½ stick) unsalted butter, for several hours, or up to several days,
1¾ cups all-purpose flour, plus more cut into small pieces stirring occasionally.
for dusting
½ cup sugar 2. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter, or food processor, mix flour, sugar, and
cold and cut into small pieces butter until texture is sandy. Add egg
1 large egg yolk yolk and cream and mix just until dough
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping) forms. Shape into a thick disc, wrap
cream with plastic cling wrap, and refrigerate
for 1 hour.

(continued on next page)

Fruits & Berries 35

(continued from previous page)

3. On a lightly floured surface, roll out Then pour egg mixture into pot with
chilled dough to about ¼ inch thick and remaining milk. Continue cooking over
cut into a 6 ½ x 16-inch rectangle. Wrap low heat, mixing constantly, for about
dough loosely around rolling pin and 5 minutes, until thick.
transfer to a 4 ½ x 14-inch tart pan. Trim
edges and freeze for 30 minutes. 7. Remove mixture from heat and pour
through fine mesh strainer into shallow
4. Preheat oven to 340°F. Line chilled heatproof bowl. Mix in butter until
tart shell with parchment paper or smooth. Cover with plastic cling wrap
aluminum foil and fill with raw beans or so that plastic is flush against surface.
baking weights. Bake until crust is dry Refrigerate until set, about 2 hours.
and lightly golden, about 15 minutes.
Remove paper and beans and bake 8. Assemble tart: Spoon chilled pastry
until crust is golden and baked through, cream into baked tart shell and level
10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack the top with a spatula or flat knife.
to cool. Remove pears from liquid, slice in half
lengthwise, and arrange on top of pastry
5. Prepare pastry cream: In a small cream. Serve immediately.
bowl, mix together egg yolks, sugar,
flour, and cornstarch. Set aside.

6. Pour milk into a small pot. Scrape in

vanilla seeds, add pod as well, and bring
just to a boil over medium-high heat.
Gradually pour about one-third of hot
milk into egg yolk mixture while mixing.

36 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

Orange Crème Crème brûlée, which means burnt cream in French, is a traditional favorite that features
cool custard topped with caramelized sugar. In this pie, the custard is enhanced with
Brûlée Pie refreshing orange juice and zest.

Makes eight 5-inch pies 1. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer or food processor, mix flour, sugar, orange zest, and
butter until texture is sandy. Add egg yolk and cream and mix just until dough forms. Shape
into a thick disc, wrap with plastic cling wrap, and refrigerate for 1 hour. On a lightly floured
surface, roll out chilled dough to about ¼ inch thick and cut into a 12-inch round. Wrap
Pastry dough dough loosely around rolling pin and transfer to 9-inch pie pan. Trim edges and freeze for
1¾ cups all-purpose flour, plus more 30 minutes.
for dusting
½ cup sugar 2. Preheat oven to 320°F. Line chilled pie shell with parchment paper or aluminum foil and
2 tablespoons finely grated orange zest fill with raw beans or baking weights. Bake until crust is dry and lightly golden, about
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter, 15 minutes. Remove paper and beans and bake until crust is golden and baked through,
cold and cut into small pieces about 10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool.
1 large egg yolk
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping) 3. Prepare filling: Using an electric mixer, whisk together the egg yolks and sugar for
cream about 8 minutes, until mixture is light and fluffy. Add orange juice and orange zest, mixing
until smooth.
Crème brûlée filling
6 large egg yolks 4. Heat about 2 inches of water in a pot over medium heat and place a heatproof bowl on
¾ cup sugar, plus more for topping top. Make sure bottom of bowl doesn’t touch simmering water in pot. Place egg mixture
3 tablespoons fresh orange juice in bowl, and whisk while heating for 15 to 20 minutes, until mixture thickens. In the
4 tablespoons finely grated orange meantime, place ice water in larger bowl.
4 ounces (1 stick) unsalted butter, 5. Remove bowl with orange cream from heat and place in larger bowl with ice water.
cut into cubes Gradually mix in butter until smooth, and continue stirring until mixture cools. Spoon
mixture into baked pie shell and refrigerate until thoroughly chilled, about 2 hours. Just
before serving, sprinkle with sugar and place under a preheated broiler, or heat with a
kitchen torch, until sugar browns.

Fruits & Berries 37

Almond Cream and These impressive pastries are best eaten as soon as they’ve cooled. The pineapple can be
replaced with other hard fruits such as nectarines, apricots, or pears.
Pineapple Pastries

Makes eight to ten 2 x 5-inch pastries

4 ounces (1 stick) unsalted butter 1. Cream butter and sugar in an electric mixer until smooth. Continue mixing and add
½ cup sugar eggs, one at a time, until incorporated. Mix in almonds and rum until smooth. Refrigerate
2 large eggs for 30 minutes.
4 ounces ground blanched almonds
2 tablespoons rum 2. Preheat oven to 360°F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Divide puff pastry
All-purpose flour, for dusting in half and roll out each half to about ¼-inch thick. Cut each half into several 2 x 5-inch
1 pound puff pastry (page 16) rectangles. Make a 3-inch cut down the middle of each rectangle.
Egg wash (page 10)
15 pineapple rings, fresh or canned, 3. With floured hands, pick up a rectangle and tuck one end into the vertical cut down
placed in a colander to drain the middle. Bring out the end that was tucked in, roll it over the rectangle a second time,
Apricot glaze (page 13) tuck it into the cut, and bringing it back out. Lay the rectangle on your work surface so
that the ends are flat and there are two twists on either side of the rectangle. Repeat with
remaining rectangles and brush tops with egg wash.

4. Using a piping bag or spoon, place a strip of almond cream along the middle of each
twisted rectangle. Slice each pineapple round into six even chunks and arrange them on
top of cream. Bake until pastry is golden, 15 to 20 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool.
Just before serving, brush with apricot glaze.

38 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

Pie Essentials 39
40 Pies, Pies & More Pies!
Lemon Meringue I use a bain-marie (page 9) to make the meringue in this recipe. This technique allows
you to gently melt the sugar in the egg whites (without making an omelet!). To make the
Tartlets meringue, whip the egg whites at high speed, and whip until the meringue forms a soft
hook. With this technique, you don’t need to worry about over-whipping.

1. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer or food processor, mix flour, sugar, and butter until
Makes six 4-inch tartlets texture is sandy. Add egg yolk and cream and mix just until dough forms. Shape into a thick
disc, wrap with plastic cling wrap, and refrigerate for 1 hour.

2. On a lightly floured surface, roll out chilled dough to about ¼ inch thick and cut six 5-inch
Pastry dough rounds. Transfer rounds to 4-inch tartlet pans, trim edges, and freeze for 30 minutes.
1¾ cups all-purpose flour, plus more
for dusting 3. Preheat oven to 340°F. Line chilled tartlet shells with parchment paper or aluminum foil
½ cup sugar and fill with raw beans or baking weights. Bake until crusts are dry and lightly golden, about
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter, 15 minutes. Remove paper and beans and bake until crusts are golden and baked through,
cold and cut into small pieces 10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool.
1 large egg yolk
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping) 4. Reduce heat to 300°F and prepare filling: In a medium bowl, mix together lemon juice,
cream lemon zest, sugar, eggs, and flour until smooth. Pour through fine mesh strainer into
baked tart shells and bake until filling sets, about 40 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool.
Filling Refrigerate until thoroughly chilled, about 2 hours.
1 cup fresh lemon juice
2 tablespoons finely grated lemon zest 5. Prepare meringue: Heat about 2 inches of water in a pot over medium heat and place a
1¼ cups sugar heatproof bowl on top. Make sure bottom of bowl doesn’t touch simmering water in pot.
4 large eggs Place sugar and egg whites in bowl and whisk while heating until sugar melts, about
¹/³ cup all-purpose flour 3 minutes. Transfer mixture to an electric mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, and whisk
until mixture cools and soft hooked peaks form. This may take several minutes.
Meringue topping
½ cup egg whites (about 4 large egg 6. Transfer meringue to a pastry bag fitted with a V-shaped Saint Honoré pastry tip and pipe
whites) a floral design on top of tartlets, or spread meringue with a rubber spatula. Place tartlets
1 cup sugar under a preheated broiler, or heat with a kitchen torch, until tops are brown. Cool to room
temperature and serve.

Fruits & Berries 41

Cinnamon Pumpkin With a few simple changes, this pie can also be served as a savory dish: for the crust,
replace the sweet pastry dough with savory pastry dough (page 20); for the filling, omit the
Tart sugar and add salt to taste.

Makes one 9-inch tart

Pastry dough 1. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer or food processor, mix flour, cinnamon, sugar, and
1½ cups all-purpose flour, plus more butter until texture is sandy. Add egg yolk and cream and mix just until dough forms. Shape
for dusting into a thick disc, wrap with plastic cling wrap, and refrigerate for 1 hour.
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
½ cup sugar 2. On a lightly floured surface, roll out chilled dough to about ¼ inch thick and cut into an
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter, 11-inch round. Wrap dough loosely around rolling pin and transfer to 9-inch tart pan. Trim
cold and cut into small pieces edges, reserve trimmings, and freeze for 30 minutes.
1 large egg yolk
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping) 3. Preheat oven to 320°F. Line chilled tart shell with parchment paper or aluminum foil and
cream fill with raw beans or baking weights. Bake until crust is dry and lightly golden, about
15 minutes. Remove paper and beans and bake until crust is golden and baked through,
Filling 10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool.
Salted water
1 pound fresh pumpkin, peeled and 4. Reduce heat to 300°F and prepare filling: Bring a pot of salted water to a boil. Add
chopped pumpkin, reduce heat to low, and cook for about 10 minutes, until soft. Drain pumpkin and
½ cup light brown sugar let cool; then transfer to a food processor and process until smooth.
3 egg yolks
½ cup heavy (whipping) cream 5. In a medium bowl, mix together pumpkin, brown sugar, egg yolks, cream, and cinnamon
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon until smooth. Pour filling into baked tart shell. On a lightly floured surface, roll out reserved
dough and cut leaves using cutter. Place leaves on top of filling and brush with egg wash.
Egg wash (page 10) Bake for about 40 minutes, until edges are firm but center is still a bit wobbly. Transfer to
wire rack to cool. Serve warm or at room temperature.

42 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

44 Pies, Pies & More Pies!
Classic Clafouti Though this classic pie originates in France, it is perfectly suited to American cherries.
The cherries can be replaced with any other berry (except strawberries). For a slightly
(French Cherry Custard Tart) crunchy texture, sprinkle white sugar onto pie about 10 minutes before it is finished baking.

Makes one 9-inch tart

Pastry dough 1. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer or food processor, mix flour, sugar, and butter until
1½ cups all-purpose flour, plus more texture is sandy. Add egg yolk and cream and mix just until dough forms. Shape into a thick
for dusting disc, wrap with plastic cling wrap, and refrigerate for 1 hour.
½ cup sugar
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter, 2. On a lightly floured surface, roll out chilled dough to about ¼ inch thick and cut into an
cold and cut into small pieces 11-inch round. Wrap dough loosely around rolling pin and transfer to 9-inch tart pan. Trim
1 large egg yolk edges and freeze for 30 minutes.
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping)
cream 3. Preheat oven to 320°F. Line chilled tart shell with parchment paper or aluminum foil and
fill with raw beans or baking weights. Bake until crust is dry and lightly golden, about
Filling 15 minutes. Remove paper and beans and bake until crust is golden and baked through,
2½ cups cherries, halved and pitted 10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool.
3 large eggs
3 large egg yolks 4. Prepare filling: Place cherries in a colander and let sit for about 30 minutes to drain.
¾ cups sugar Separately, in a large bowl, whisk together eggs, egg yolks, sugar, and brandy until smooth.
1 tablespoon cherry brandy Mix in cream until combined.
½ cups heavy (whipping) cream
5. Arrange cherries on baked tart shell and pour egg mixture over top. Bake until filling
Confectioner’s sugar, for sprinkling sets and top is golden, about 40 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool. Serve at room
temperature. Sprinkle with confectioner’s sugar before serving.

Fruits & Berries 45

Phyllo Flowers with This pretty pastry looks impressive but is really quite easy to make. The dough, made with
sheets of phyllo dough and melted butter, is particularly simple.

Makes eight 5-inch pies

Pistachio-almond filling 1. Prepare filling: In a medium bowl, cream butter, sugar, and pistachio paste until smooth.
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter, Add eggs, one at a time, until incorporated. Mix in almonds until smooth.
room temperature
¾ cup sugar 2. Preheat oven to 340°F and grease eight 5-inch pie pans with butter. Lay one phyllo sheet
2½ tablespoons pistachio paste on your work surface and brush lightly with melted butter. Lay a second sheet on top and
2 large eggs brush with butter. Repeat two more times, for a total of four layers of phyllo. Cut phyllo in
5 ounces ground blanched almonds half lengthwise, then widthwise to make four even rectangles. Repeat to make a total of
eight rectangles.
Phyllo flowers
8 sheets (about ½ pound) phyllo dough, 3. Assemble pies: Place each phyllo rectangle inside a pie pan, pressing into bottom and
thawed up sides. Spoon in even amounts of filling. Arrange apples slices in a fan, starting at
3 ounces (¾ stick) unsalted butter, the outside and working your way inward. Brush apples with brandy and melted butter,
melted sprinkle with sugar, and bake until apples and phyllo are golden, 20 to 25 minutes. Transfer
to wire rack and let cool. Sprinkle with confectioner’s sugar or brush with apricot glaze
8 Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored, before serving.
halved lengthwise, and thinly sliced
¼ cup apple brandy
¹/³ cup sugar

Confectioner’s sugar or apricot glaze

(page 13)

46 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

Fresh Fruit Tart with This pretty tart is filled with a pastry cream, also known as crème patissiere, a beloved
French cream. It’s delicious with any seasonal fruit or berry. If you use berries, omit the
Pastry Cream
apricot glaze and sprinkle with confectioner’s sugar instead.

Makes one 9-inch tart

Pastry dough To pp i ng 1. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer

1¼ cups all-purpose flour, plus more 4 egg yolks or food processor, mix flour, almonds,
for dusting ½ pound fresh strawberries, kiwi, and sugar. Scrape in vanilla seeds, and
½ cup ground blanched almonds or melon, cut into 1-inch slices reserve pod for another use. Add butter
¾ cup sugar Apricot glaze (page 13) and mix until texture is sandy. Add egg
½ vanilla bean, split lengthwise yolk and cream and mix until dough
6 ounces (1½ sticks) unsalted butter, forms. Shape into a thick disc, wrap with
cold and cut into small pieces plastic cling wrap, and refrigerate for
1 large egg yolk 1 hour.
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping)
cream 2. On a lightly floured surface, roll out
chilled dough to about ¼ inch thick and
Filling cut into an 11-inch round. Wrap dough
4 large egg yolks loosely around rolling pin and transfer
¹/³ cup sugar to 9-inch tart pan. Trim edges and
1 tablespoon all-purpose flour freeze for 30 minutes.
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1½ cups whole milk 3. Preheat oven to 340°F. Line chilled
½ vanilla bean, split lengthwise tart shell with parchment paper or
aluminum foil and fill with raw beans or

(continued on page 50)

48 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

(continued from page 48)

baking weights. Bake until crust is dry 6. Remove mixture from heat and pour
and lightly golden, about 15 minutes. through fine mesh strainer into shallow
Remove paper and beans and bake until heatproof bowl. Cover with plastic cling
crust is golden and baked through, wrap so that plastic is flush against
10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack surface. Refrigerate until set, about
to cool. 2 hours.

4. Prepare filling: In a small bowl, mix 7. Assemble tart: Pour chilled cream
together egg yolks, sugar, flour, and into baked tart shell and level with
cornstarch, and set aside. spatula or flat knife. Arrange fruit on
top. Just before serving, brush with
5. Pour milk into a small pot. Scrape in apricot glaze.
vanilla seeds, add pod as well, and bring
just to a boil over medium-high heat.
Gradually pour about one-third of hot
milk into egg yolk mixture while mixing;
then pour egg mixture into pot with
remaining milk. Continue cooking over
low heat, mixing constantly, for about
5 minutes, until thick.

50 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

This delicious pie is perfect for showing off the season’s freshest berries. I suggest
Mulberry Cream Pie using a mixture of light and dark mulberries. If raspberries or blueberries are in season,
you can add these as well.

Makes one 9-inch pie 1. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer or food processor, mix flour, sugar, orange zest, and
butter until texture is sandy. Add egg yolk and cream and mix just until dough forms. Shape
into a thick disc, wrap with plastic cling wrap, and refrigerate for 1 hour.

Pastry dough 2. On a lightly floured surface, roll out chilled dough to about ¼ inch thick and cut into a
1¾ cups all-purpose flour, plus more 12-inch round. Wrap dough loosely around rolling pin and transfer to 9-inch pie pan. Trim
for dusting edges and freeze for 30 minutes.
½ cup sugar
2 tablespoons finely grated orange zest 3. Preheat oven to 320°F. Line chilled pie shell with parchment paper or aluminum foil
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter, and fill with raw beans or baking weights. Bake until crust is dry and lightly golden, about
cold and cut into small pieces 15 minutes. Remove paper and beans and bake until crust is golden and baked through,
1 large egg yolk 10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool.
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping)
cream 4. Prepare pastry cream: In a small bowl, mix together egg yolks, sugar, flour, and
cornstarch. Set aside.
Cream filling
4 large egg yolks 5. Pour milk into a small pot. Scrape in vanilla seeds, add pod as well, and bring just to
³ cup sugar a boil over medium-high heat. Gradually pour about one-third of hot milk into egg yolk
1 tablespoon all-purpose flour mixture while mixing; then pour egg mixture into pot with remaining milk. Continue cooking
1 tablespoon cornstarch over low heat, mixing constantly for about 5 minutes, until thick.
1½ cups whole milk
½ vanilla bean, split lengthwise 6. Remove mixture from heat and let cool. Pour into baked pie shell. Bake until filling sets,
½ pound fresh black and white about 40 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool; then refrigerate until chilled, at least
mulberries 2 hours. Just before serving, arrange mulberries on top and dust with confectioner’s sugar.

Confectioner’s sugar, for dusting

Fruits & Berries 51

& Nuts

52 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

• Crostata di Quattro page 54

• Mississippi Mud Tart page 56

• Panforte (Traditional Italian Fruitcake) page 58

• Hazelnut Mousse Pie page 61

• Pear and Chocolate Truffle Tartlets page 62

• Orange-Chocolate Saint-Honoré Tart page 64

• Peanut Tartlets with Maple Syrup and

Chocolate Mousse page 66

• Nutty Tartlets page 69

• Pistachio-Almond Cream Tart with Cherry Jam

and Streusel page 70

• Linzer Pie page 72

• Chocolate Pecan Pie page 73

Pie Essentials 53
54 Pies, Pies & More Pies!
Crostata This tart is ideal for using up leftover fillings. Use the fillings suggested below or substitute
with items in your refrigerator or freezer. With savory pastry dough (page 20) and fillings,
di Quattro the same tart can serve as a main dish.

Makes one 9-inch tart 1. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer or food processor, mix flour, sugar, and butter until
texture is sandy. Add egg yolk and cream and mix just until dough forms. Shape into a thick
disc, wrap with plastic cling wrap, and refrigerate for 1 hour.

Pastry dough 2. On a lightly floured surface, roll out chilled dough to about ¼ inch thick and cut into an
1¾ cups all-purpose flour, plus more 11-inch round. Wrap dough loosely around rolling pin and transfer to 9-inch tart pan. Trim
for dusting edges, reserve trimmings, and freeze for 30 minutes.
½ cup sugar
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter, 3. Preheat oven to 340°F. Line chilled tart shell with parchment paper or aluminum foil
cold and cut into small pieces and fill with raw beans or baking weights. Bake until crust is dry and lightly golden, about
1 large egg yolk 15 minutes. Remove paper and beans and bake until crust is golden and baked through,
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping) 10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool.
4. On a lightly floured surface, roll out reserved dough into one 9-inch roll, and two 4½-inch
Filling rolls. Place longer roll across middle of tart shell, and pinch into a thin strip while pressing
1 cup raspberry jam it to the base of the shell. Press in smaller dough rolls on either side, to form a + shape in
1 cup pastry cream (page 48) the middle of the tart.
¹⁄³ cup almond cream (page 83)
3 pear halves in wine (page 63) 5. Assemble tart: Spoon raspberry jam into one quarter, spoon pastry cream into another,
¹⁄³ cup pistachio-almond cream (page 70) spread almond cream topped with pear halves into the third, and spoon pistachio cream
½ cup ground pistachios into the fourth. In a small bowl, combine pistachios, sugar, and egg white. Pour mixture
1 tablespoon sugar over pistachio cream. Bake at 300°F until crust is golden, about 40 minutes. Transfer to
½ egg white wire rack to cool. Serve warm or at room temperature.

Chocolate & Nuts 55

Mississippi Mud With a chocolate crust and filling, this traditional favorite is just right for chocolate lovers.
Be sure to remove the pie from the oven before the filling sets so that it is really fudgy. To
Tart make it easier to slice, put the pie in the freezer for a few minutes.

Makes one 9-inch tart 1. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer or food processor, mix flour, sugar, cocoa, and
butter until texture is sandy. Add egg yolk and cream and mix just until dough forms. Shape
into a thick disc, wrap with plastic cling wrap, and refrigerate for 1 hour.

Pastry dough 2. On a lightly floured surface, roll out chilled dough to about ¼ inch thick and cut into an
1¼ cups all-purpose flour, plus more 11-inch round. Wrap dough loosely around rolling pin and transfer to 9-inch tart pan. Trim
for dusting edges and freeze for 30 minutes.
½ cup sugar
½ cup cocoa powder 3. Preheat oven to 340°F. Line chilled tart shell with parchment paper or aluminum foil
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter, and fill with raw beans or baking weights. Bake until crust is dry and lightly golden, about
cold and cut into small pieces 15 minutes. Remove paper and beans and bake until crust is golden and baked through,
1 large egg yolk 10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool.
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping)
cream 4. Reduce heat to 300°F and prepare filling: Heat about 2 inches of water in a pot over
medium heat and place a heatproof bowl on top. Make sure bottom of bowl doesn’t touch
Filling simmering water in pot. Place butter and chocolate in bowl and melt while stirring.
7 ounces (1¾ sticks) unsalted butter,
cut into pieces 5. Beat eggs and sugar for about 5 minutes, until light and airy. Add melted chocolate and
6 ounces bittersweet chocolate, flour, mixing until smooth.
cut into pieces
5 large eggs 6. Pour filling into baked tart shell and bake for 30 to 40 minutes, until filling sets around
1½ cups sugar the edges but center is still wobbly. Transfer to wire rack to cool. Serve warm or at room
¾ cup all-purpose flour temperature so that chocolate is soft and creamy.

56 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

Panforte The twist on this traditional Italian fruitcake is the flaky pastry crust. If you like, omit the
crust and bake the fruitcake filling in a foil-lined pan. Make sure the panforte is completely
(Traditional Italian Fruitcake)
cool before slicing. Made without pastry dough, it can be stored in a cool, dry place for up to
3 weeks.

Makes one 10 x 13-inch tart

Pastry dough Filling 1. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer

1¾ cups all-purpose flour, plus more 8 ounces raw whole almonds or food processor, mix flour, sugar, and
for dusting 8 ounces raw whole hazelnuts butter until texture is sandy. Add egg
½ cup sugar 1 cup honey yolk and cream and mix just until dough
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter, 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice forms. Shape into a thick disc, wrap with
cold and cut into small pieces 3 tablespoons fresh orange juice plastic cling wrap, and refrigerate for
1 large egg yolk 5 ounces figs 1 hour.
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping) 5 ounces dark raisins
cream 5 ounces golden raisins 2. On a lightly floured surface, roll out
2 tablespoons finely grated lemon zest chilled dough to about ¼ inch thick and
2 tablespoons finely grated orange zest cut into a 12 x 15-inch rectangle. Wrap
½ cup all-purpose flour dough loosely around rolling pin and
½ cup cocoa powder transfer to 10 x 13-inch tart pan. Trim
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon edges and freeze for 30 minutes.
¹⁄³ teaspoon ground cloves
Pinch of ground nutmeg 3. Preheat oven to 340°F. Line chilled
¹⁄³ cup confectioner’s sugar, pie shell with parchment paper or
for sprinkling aluminum foil and fill with raw beans or
baking weights. Bake until crust is dry

(continued on page 60)

58 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

(continued from page 58)

and lightly golden, about 15 minutes. 6. Transfer honey mixture to large

Remove paper and beans and bake until mixing bowl and add flour, cocoa,
crust is golden and baked through, cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg. Mix until
10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack combined. Add almonds and hazelnuts
to cool. and mix until uniform.

4. Increase heat to 350°F and prepare 7. Spread mixture evenly in baked tart
filling: Spread almonds and hazelnuts shell and bake for 30 to 40 minutes.
on a baking sheet and toast for about Transfer to wire rack to cool. Sprinkle
10 minutes, until fragrant and hazelnut with confectioner’s sugar before serving.
skins begin to crack. Cool; then remove
skins by rubbing the hazelnuts between
your palms.

5. Reduce heat to 320°F. In a small

saucepan over medium-high heat, bring
honey, lemon juice, and orange juice to
a boil. Let mixture cool; then transfer
to a food processor. Add figs, raisins,
lemon zest, and orange zest, and
process until smooth.

60 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

This pie must be thoroughly chilled before serving. If you don’t have enough time to let it
Hazelnut Mousse Pie chill in the refrigerator, put it in the freezer.

Makes one 9-inch pie 1. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer or food processor, mix flour, sugar, and almonds.
Scrape in vanilla seeds and reserve pod for another use. Add butter and mix until texture
is sandy. Add egg yolk and cream and mix just until dough forms. Shape into a thick disc,
wrap with plastic cling wrap, and refrigerate for 1 hour.
Pastry dough
1 cup all-purpose flour, plus more 2. On a lightly floured surface, roll out chilled dough to about ¼ inch thick and cut into a
for dusting 12-inch round. Wrap dough loosely around rolling pin and transfer to 9-inch pie pan. Trim
½ cup sugar edges and freeze for 30 minutes.
¾ cup ground blanched almonds
1 vanilla bean, split lengthwise 3. Preheat oven to 340°F. Line chilled pie shell with parchment paper or aluminum foil
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter, and fill with raw beans or baking weights. Bake until crust is dry and lightly golden, about
cold and cut into small pieces 15 minutes. Remove paper and beans and bake until crust is golden and baked through,
1 large egg yolk 10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool.
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping)
cream 4. Prepare filling: In a small pot, bring ¹⁄³ cup cream to a boil over medium heat. In a
separate small pot, melt sugar over medium heat until golden. Carefully add hot cream
Filling to melted sugar while mixing, and continue heating over low heat for 1 or 2 minutes, until
¹⁄³ plus 1¾ cups heavy (whipping) cream smooth. Mix in butter until smooth. Remove from heat and mix in chocolate and hazelnut
¹⁄³ cup sugar paste until smooth. Set aside to cool.
3 ounces (¾ stick) unsalted butter
8 ounces bittersweet chocolate, cut into 5. Whip remaining 1¾ cups cream until soft peaks form. Working in batches, gently fold in
small pieces hazelnut mixture until combined. Spoon mixture into baked pie shell and smooth top with
3 ounces hazelnut paste spatula or flat knife. Refrigerate until thoroughly chilled, about 4 hours. Serve chilled.

Chocolate & Nuts 61

62 Pies, Pies & More Pies!
Pear and Chocolate Cooking the pears in wine sauce imbues them with delicious flavor. Since the pears can be
stored for up to two weeks in the refrigerator, you can make a double batch and use half in
Truffle Tartlets another recipe. You can also make a double batch of truffles and serve the extras on the side.

Makes six 1-cup tartlets

Pears 1. Prepare pears: In a medium saucepan, combine wine, sugar, and allspice. Scrape in
One 32-ounce bottle dry red wine vanilla seeds, add pod as well, and bring to a boil over medium heat. Add pears, reduce
1 cup sugar heat to low, and cook for about 20 minutes, or until pears soften slightly. Set aside to cool.
4 whole allspice berries At this stage, the pears can be refrigerated in the wine sauce for up to 2 weeks.
1 vanilla bean, split lengthwise
6 Anjou pears, peeled but with 2. Prepare truffles: In a small pot, bring cream just to a boil over medium heat. Remove
stems intact from heat and mix in chocolate until smooth. Cool to room temperature; then refrigerate
for about 1 hour. Shape chilled mixture into ½-inch balls.
Tru ffles
½ cup heavy (whipping) cream 3. Prepare filling: In a medium bowl, mix flour, sugar, butter, cocoa, baking powder, and
7 ounces bittersweet chocolate, cut into eggs until smooth.
small pieces
4. Preheat oven to 320°F and assemble tartlets: Remove pears from wine mixture. Insert
Filling an apple corer in the bottom of each pear, pushing it upward to remove core but leaving
1 cup all-purpose flour top of the pear intact. Make a small cut just below the stem to release the core and provide
1 cup sugar an opening through which the truffle can bubble out. Press a truffle into hollowed center
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter, of each pear, and place pears in 1-cup ramekins. Pour filling evenly into each ramekin.
melted Arrange ramekins on baking sheet and bake until filling sets, about 20 minutes. Transfer to
2 tablespoons cocoa powder wire rack to cool. Serve warm or at room temperature.
1 tablespoon baking powder
2 large eggs

Chocolate & Nuts 63

Orange-Chocolate Prepare the mousse a day in advance and refrigerate it before whipping. An ordinary
pastry tip can substitute for the V-shaped Saint Honoré tip, or you can spread the mousse
Saint-Honoré Tart with a spatula.

Makes one 9-inch tart

Mousse 1. Prepare mousse: In a small pot, combine 1 cup of cream and orange zest, and bring to
1 cup plus ¾ cup heavy (whipping) a boil over medium heat. Remove from heat and mix in chocolate until smooth. Transfer to
cream a medium bowl and cool to room temperature. Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours,
2 tablespoons finely grated orange zest preferably overnight.
10 ounces bittersweet chocolate,
cut into small pieces 2. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer or food processor, mix flour, sugar, orange zest, and
butter until texture is sandy. Add egg yolk and cream and mix just until dough forms. Shape
Pastry dough into a thick disc, wrap with plastic cling wrap, and refrigerate for 1 hour.
1¾ cups all-purpose flour, plus more
for dusting 3. On a lightly floured surface, roll out chilled dough to about ¼ inch thick and cut into an
½ cup sugar 11-inch round. Wrap dough loosely around rolling pin and transfer to 9-inch tart pan. Trim
2 tablespoons finely grated orange zest edges and freeze for 30 minutes.
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter,
cold and cut into small pieces 4. Preheat oven to 320°F. Line chilled tart shell with parchment paper or aluminum foil
1 large egg yolk and fill with raw beans or baking weights. Bake until crust is dry and lightly golden, about
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping) 15 minutes. Remove paper and beans and bake until crust is golden and baked through,
cream 10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool.

5. Using an electric mixer, whip mousse and remaining ¾ cup whipping cream on low
speed. Gradually increase whipping speed to high, and whip until smooth. Transfer mousse
to a piping bag fitted with a V-shaped Saint Honoré pastry tip and pipe in alternating angles
into baked pie shells. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours before serving.

64 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

Pie Essentials 65
Peanut Tartlets with Prepare the mousse a day in advance and refrigerate it before whipping. If you have leftover
peanut toffee, drop it by spoonfuls onto a greased baking sheet to make delicious bite-size
Maple Syrup and peanut brittle.
Chocolate Mousse

Makes eight to ten 2 x 4-inch tartlets

Mousse Peanut toffee 1. Prepare mousse: In a small pot, bring

1 cup heavy (whipping) cream 4 cups raw peanuts cream to a boil over medium heat. Mix
5 ounces milk chocolate, cut into 1¼ cups heavy (whipping) cream in chocolate until smooth. Transfer
small pieces 1½ cups sugar to a small bowl and cool to room
¼ cup maple syrup temperature. Cover and refrigerate for
Pastry dough 2 ounces (½ stick) unsalted butter, at least 2 hours, preferably overnight.
1½ cups all-purpose flour, plus more cut into small pieces
for dusting 1½ tablespoons orange-flavored 2. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer
½ cup ground raw peanuts liqueur or food processor, mix flour, peanuts,
½ cup sugar Cocoa powder, optional sugar, orange zest, and butter until
2 tablespoons finely grated orange zest texture is sandy. Add egg yolk and
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter, cream and mix just until dough forms.
cold and cut into small pieces Shape into a thick disc, wrap with
1 large egg yolk plastic cling wrap, and refrigerate for
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping) 1 hour.
3. On a lightly floured surface, roll out
chilled dough to about ¼ inch thick
and cut into eight to ten 2 x 4-inch

(continued on page 68)

66 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

(continued from page 66)

rectangles. Transfer rectangles to a small pot, combine sugar and maple

baking sheet and freeze for 30 minutes. syrup and heat over medium heat until
caramelized. Carefully pour hot cream
4. Preheat oven to 340°F. Place into caramelized sugar mixture, stirring
parchment paper or aluminum foil on while heating until a smooth sauce
top of each rectangle, and top with raw forms. Add butter and liqueur, remove
beans or baking weights. Bake until from heat, and mix until smooth. Mix in
crust is dry and lightly golden, about toasted peanuts until evenly combined.
15 minutes. Remove paper and beans
and bake until crust is golden and baked 7. Assemble tarts: Spoon peanut
through, 10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to mixture onto baked tart shells and
wire rack to cool. refrigerate until chilled, at least 2 hours.
Just before serving, whip chocolate
5. Increase heat to 350°F and prepare mousse until light and fluffy. Transfer
toffee: Arrange peanuts on a baking mousse to a piping bag fitted with a
sheet and toast for about 8 minutes, round tip and pipe dots of mousse
until fragrant. Set aside to cool. around each tart, or spread mousse
with spatula or flat knife. Sprinkle
6. In a small pot, bring cream just to a with cocoa.
boil over medium heat. In a separate

68 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

These tiny, loaf-shaped tartlets are perfect as a sweet and satisfying snack. Replace any of
Nutty Tartlets the nuts listed below with your favorite varieties.

Makes eight to ten 2½ x 5-inch pies

Pastry dough 1. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer or food processor, mix flour, sugar, and butter until
1¾ cups all-purpose flour, plus more texture is sandy. Add egg yolk and cream and mix just until dough forms. Shape into a thick
for dusting disc, wrap with plastic cling wrap, and refrigerate for 1 hour.
½ cup sugar
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter, 2. On a lightly floured surface, roll out chilled dough to about ¼ inch thick and cut eight to
cold and cut into small pieces ten 6½ x 9-inch rectangles. Transfer rectangles to 2½ x 5-inch loaf pans. Trim edges and
1 large egg yolk freeze for 30 minutes.
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping)
cream 3. Preheat oven to 340°F. Line chilled tartlet shells with parchment paper or aluminum
foil and fill with raw beans or baking weights. Bake until crusts are dry and lightly golden,
Filling about 15 minutes. Remove paper and beans and bake until crusts are golden and baked
1 cup raw walnuts through, 10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool.
1 cup raw hazelnuts
½ cup raw pistachios 4. Increase heat to 350°F and prepare filling: Arrange walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, and
½ cup raw pecans pecans on baking sheet, and toast for about 10 minutes, until hazelnut skins begin to
1 cup sugar crack. Cool; then remove skins by rubbing the hazelnuts gently between your palms.
¹⁄³ cup glucose
3 tablespoons honey 5. In a small pot, heat sugar, glucose, honey, and water over medium-high heat until
½ cup water caramel forms. In a separate pot, heat cream over medium-high heat just until boiling.
¾ cup heavy (whipping) cream Add boiling cream to caramel gradually, while mixing. When mixture is smooth, remove
2 ounces (½ stick) unsalted butter immediately from heat and mix in butter until smooth. Mix in nuts until evenly combined.
Spoon mixture into baked pie shells and set aside to cool. Serve at room temperature.

Chocolate & Nuts 69

Pistachio-Almond This colorful, attractive pie features green pistachios, red cherries, and a golden crust. If you
have homemade jam or preserves, it’s a great recipe for showing them off.
Cream Tart with Cherry
Jam and Streusel

Streusel top ping aluminum foil and fill with raw beans or
½ cup sugar baking weights. Bake until crust is dry
Makes one 9-inch tart ½ cup all-purpose flour and lightly golden, about 15 minutes.
½ cup coarsely chopped raw pistachios Remove paper and beans and bake until
2 ounces (½ stick) unsalted butter, crust is golden and baked through, 10 to
Pastry dough cold and cut into small pieces 15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool.
1½ cups all-purpose flour, plus more
for dusting ½ cup high-quality cherry jam 4. Prepare cream: In an electric mixer,
½ cup ground raw pistachios mix pistachio paste, butter, and sugar
½ cup sugar until smooth. Add eggs, one at a time,
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter, 1. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer until incorporated. Mix in almonds and
cold and cut into small pieces or food processor, mix flour, pistachios, cornstarch; then add liqueur.
1 large egg yolk sugar, and butter until texture is sandy.
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping) Add egg yolk and cream and mix just 5. Prepare streusel topping: In an
cream until dough forms. Shape into a thick electric mixer, mix sugar, flour,
disc, wrap with plastic cling wrap, and pistachios, and butter just until crumbly.
Pistachio-a lmond cream refrigerate for 1 hour.
2 tablespoons pistachio paste 6. Assemble tart: Spread jam evenly on
4 ounces (1 stick) unsalted butter, room 2. On a lightly floured surface, roll out base of baked tart shell. Spoon cream
temperature and cut into small pieces chilled dough to about ¼ inch thick and on top and smooth with spatula or flat
½ cup sugar cut into an 11-inch round. Wrap dough knife. Sprinkle streusel in a wide ring
2 large eggs loosely around rolling pin and transfer around tart, leaving a circle of filling
½ cup ground blanched almonds to 9-inch tart pan. Trim edges and visible in the center. Bake until filling
3 tablespoons cornstarch freeze for 30 minutes. sets and streusel is golden, about
3 tablespoons almond-flavored liqueur 30 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to
3. Preheat oven to 340°F and line chilled cool. Serve at room temperature.
tart shell with parchment paper or

70 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

This recipe is inspired by the classic Austrian pastry made with nutty dough, sweet jam,
Linzer Pie and a lattice topping. If you have trouble making the lattice topping (see photo page 81),
simply place the pastry strips on top of the pie without weaving them. For a crunchier
topping, brush the pastry with egg wash and sprinkle with sugar before baking.

Makes one 9-inch pie

½ cup raw pecans 1. Heat oven to 350°F. Spread pecans and hazelnuts on a baking sheet and toast for
1 cup raw hazelnuts about 10 minutes, until fragrant. After letting them cool, remove the skins by rubbing the
2 cups all-purpose flour, plus more hazelnuts between your palms. Transfer pecans, skinned hazelnuts, and ½ cup flour to
for dusting food processor and process until mixture is the texture of flour.
8 ounces (2 sticks) unsalted butter,
cold and cut into small pieces 2. Using an electric mixer, cream butter and sugar until smooth. Continue mixing and add
1 cup sugar egg yolks, one at a time, until combined. Add processed nuts, remaining 1½ cups flour,
2 large egg yolks cinnamon, and cloves, and process until dough forms. Shape into a thick disc, wrap with
1½ teaspoons ground cinnamon plastic cling wrap, and refrigerate for 1 hour.
¼ teaspoon ground cloves
1 cup raspberry jam 3. Divide chilled dough into two pieces, one about twice as big as the other. Return smaller
piece to refrigerator. On a lightly floured surface, roll out larger piece to about ¼ inch thick
and cut into a 12-inch round. Wrap dough loosely around rolling pin and transfer to 9-inch
pie pan. Trim edges and freeze for 30 minutes.

4. Preheat oven to 320°F. Pour jam into frozen pie shell. On a lightly floured surface, roll
out reserved dough and cut several ½-inch-wide strips. Arrange strips in a lattice pattern
on top of filling (see photo page 81) and bake until top crust is golden, about 40 minutes.
Transfer to wire rack to cool. Serve warm or at room temperature.

72 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

When I make this pie, I often prepare a double batch of the filling and use the extra to make
Chocolate Pecan Pie truffles. Simply refrigerate the filling for an hour or two and then roll it into 1-inch balls.
Coat the balls with cocoa powder, confectioner’s sugar, or ground nuts before serving.

Makes one 9-inch pie

Pastry dough 1. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer or food processor, mix flour, sugar, and butter until
1¾ cups all-purpose flour, plus more texture is sandy. Add egg yolk and cream and mix just until dough forms. Shape into a thick
for dusting disc, wrap with plastic cling wrap, and refrigerate for 1 hour.
½ cup sugar
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter, 2. On a lightly floured surface, roll out chilled dough to about ¼ inch thick and cut into a
cold and cut into small pieces 12-inch round. Wrap dough loosely around rolling pin and transfer to 9-inch pie pan. Trim
1 large egg yolk edges and freeze for 30 minutes.
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping)
cream 3. Preheat oven to 320°F. Line chilled pie shell with parchment paper or aluminum foil
and fill with raw beans or baking weights. Bake until crust is dry and lightly golden, about
Pecan filling 15 minutes. Remove paper and beans and bake until crust is golden and baked through,
1½ cups raw pecan halves 10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool.
1½ cups heavy (whipping) cream
10 ounces bittersweet chocolate, 4. Turn up oven heat to 350°F and prepare filling: Spread pecans on baking sheet and
cut into small pieces toast for about 8 minutes, until fragrant. Cool, set aside 10 pecans halves for garnish, and
5 ounces milk chocolate, coarsely grind the rest.
cut into small pieces
2 ounces (½ stick) unsalted butter 5. In a small pot over medium heat, bring cream just to a boil. Remove from heat and mix
in chocolate and butter until smooth. Mix in ground pecans until evenly combined. Pour
mixture into baked pie shell and arrange reserved pecan halves on top. Refrigerate for at
least 2 hours, until set. Serve chilled.

Chocolate & Nuts 73

Cheese &

74 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

• Tarte Tatin (Upside-Down Apple Tart) page 76

• Apple Parfait Pie page 77

• Rustic Double-Crust Apple Pie page 78

• Apple and Poppy Seed Cream Tart page 80

• Normandy Pie page 83

• Pithiviers page 84

• Apple and Cheese Streusel page 86

• Rum Raisin Cream Cheese Pie page 89

• Cream Cheese Maple Tartlets page 90

• Double-Crust Ricotta Pie with Pine Nuts

and Dried Fruit page 92

• Espresso and Mascarpone Cheese Pie page 95

• Chocolate Marble Cheesecake Tart page 96

Pie Essentials 75
Tarte Tatin This classic tart is usually made with apples, but if you’d like to try it with pears, go right
ahead. If the pears are soft, there’s no need to cook them in advance.
(Upside-Down Apple Tart)

Makes one 9-inch pie 1. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer or food processor, mix flour, cinnamon, sugar, and
butter until texture is sandy. Add egg yolk and cream and mix just until dough forms. Shape
into a thick disc, wrap with plastic cling wrap, and refrigerate for 1 hour.

Pastry dough 2. On a lightly floured surface, roll out chilled dough to about ¼ inch thick and cut into a
1¾ cups all-purpose flour, plus more 12-inch round. Wrap dough loosely around rolling pin and transfer to 9-inch pie pan. Trim
for dusting edges and freeze for 30 minutes.
½ cup sugar
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter, 3. Preheat oven to 340°F. Line chilled pie shell with parchment paper or aluminum foil
cold and cut into small pieces and fill with raw beans or baking weights. Bake until crust is dry and lightly golden, about
1 large egg yolk 15 minutes. Remove paper and beans and bake until crust is golden and baked through,
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping) 10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool.
4. Reduce heat to 320°F and prepare filling: In a large bowl, mix together apples, brown
Filling sugar, and lemon juice. Transfer to baked pie shell, even out the top, and bake until crust
8 to 10 Granny Smith apples, peeled, and apples are golden, about 40 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool completely.
cored, and thinly sliced
½ cup brown sugar 5. Prepare meringue: Heat about 2 inches of water in a pot over medium heat and place a
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice heatproof bowl on top. Make sure bottom of bowl doesn’t touch simmering water in pot.
Place sugar and egg whites in bowl and whisk while heating until sugar dissolves, about
Meringue topping 3 minutes. Transfer mixture to an electric mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, and
1 cup sugar whisk until meringue cools and soft peaks form. Don’t worry if this takes a few minutes,
½ cup egg whites (about 4 large eggs) since the meringue cannot be over mixed at this stage.

6. Pile meringue on top of cooled pie. Place under a preheated broiler, or heat with a
kitchen torch, until top is brown.

76 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

Apple Parfait Pie This refreshing frozen pie is a perfect summer treat. To keep the crust crisp, remove it
from the oven 5 minutes before it’s fully baked, brush it with a beaten egg, and return it to
the oven.

1. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer or food processor, mix flour, sugar, cinnamon, and
butter until texture is sandy. Add egg yolk and cream and mix just until dough forms. Shape
Makes one 9-inch pie into a thick disc, wrap with plastic cling wrap, and refrigerate for 1 hour.

2. On a lightly floured surface, roll out chilled dough to about ¼ inch thick and cut into a
12-inch round. Wrap dough loosely around rolling pin and transfer to 9-inch pie pan. Trim
Pastry d ough edges and freeze for 30 minutes.
1¾ cups all-purpose flour, plus more
for dusting 3. Preheat oven to 320°F. Line chilled pie shell with parchment paper or aluminum foil
½ cup sugar and fill with raw beans or baking weights. Bake until crust is dry and lightly golden, about
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 15 minutes. Remove paper and beans and bake until crust is golden and baked through,
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter, 10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool.
cold and cut into small pieces
1 large egg yolk 4. Prepare filling: In a medium bowl, mix together egg yolks and sugar until combined.
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping)
cream 5. In a medium saucepan, heat milk just until boiling. Gradually pour about one-third of
hot milk into egg mixture while whisking; then pour egg mixture into saucepan with
Filling remaining milk. Continue cooking mixture over low heat, stirring constantly and making
5 large egg yolks sure it doesn’t boil, until it thickens enough to coat the back of a spoon. Remove mixture
¾ cup sugar from heat and pour through fine mesh strainer into heatproof bowl. Set aside to cool to
1 cup whole milk room temperature.
1 cup heavy (whipping) cream
5 ounces applesauce 6. Using an electric mixer, whip cream until soft peaks form. In a small bowl, combine
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice applesauce and lemon juice. Mix applesauce into cooled egg mixture; then fold egg mixture
into whipped cream until evenly combined.

7. Spoon filling into baked pie shell, and freeze for at least 2 hours. Let sit at room
temperature for about 10 minutes before serving.

Sweet Cheese & Apples 77

Rustic Double-Crust The top pastry in this recipe can be replaced with a streusel topping. If you like, following
the streusel topping recipe on page 70, or simply process leftover, chilled dough in a food
Apple Pie processor with a bit of sugar and flour.

Makes one 9-inch pie 1. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer or food processor, mix flour, sugar, and butter until
texture is sandy. Add egg yolks and cream, and mix just until dough forms. Shape into a
thick disc, wrap with plastic cling wrap, and refrigerate for 1 hour.

Pastry dough 2. Divide chilled dough into two pieces, with one piece about twice as big as the other.
3½ cups all-purpose flour, plus more Return smaller piece to refrigerator. On a lightly floured surface, roll out larger piece to
for dusting about ¼ inch thick and cut into a 12-inch round. Wrap dough loosely around rolling pin and
¾ cup sugar transfer to 9-inch pie pan. Trim edges and freeze for 30 minutes.
10 ounces (2½ sticks) unsalted butter,
cold and cut into small pieces 3. Preheat oven to 340°F. Line chilled pie shell with parchment paper or aluminum foil
2 large egg yolks and fill with raw beans or baking weights. Bake until crust is dry and lightly golden, about
¼ cup heavy (whipping) cream 15 minutes. Remove paper and beans and bake until crust is golden and baked through,
10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool.
4 ounces (1 stick) unsalted butter 4. Prepare filling: In a large pan, melt butter over medium heat. Add apples, sugar, and
10 Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored, cinnamon, and cook for about 10 minutes, until apples are soft. Remove from heat and set
and cut into ½-inch cubes aside to cool.
¾ cup sugar
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon 5. Transfer apple mixture to baked pie shell and even out. On a lightly floured surface,
roll out smaller piece of dough into a 10-inch round. Cut out several leaf-shaped air
Egg wash (page 10) vents, and reserve cutouts. Place round of dough on top of filling and crimp edges to seal.
Arrange leaf-shaped cutouts on top in a decorative pattern. Brush with egg wash and bake
until top crust is golden, about 40 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool. Serve warm or at
room temperature.

78 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

Apple and Poppy Seed Use freshly ground poppy seeds when you make this tart. Store ground poppy seeds in the
freezer after grinding to prevent them from becoming bitter.
Cream Tart

Makes one 10-inch tart

Pastry dough Filling 1. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer

2½ cups all-purpose flour, plus more 2 ounces (½ stick) unsalted butter or food processor, mix flour, sugar, and
for dusting 4 Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored, butter until texture is sandy. Add egg
¾ cup sugar and cut into ½-inch cubes yolk and cream and mix just until dough
6 ounces (1½ sticks) unsalted butter, ¼ cup sugar, plus more for sprinkling forms. Shape into a thick disc, wrap
cold and cut into small pieces ¼ cup light raisins with plastic cling wrap, and refrigerate
1 large egg yolk for 1 hour.
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping) Egg wash (page 10)
cream 2. On a lightly floured surface, roll out
chilled dough to about ¼ inch thick
Cream and cut into a 12-inch round. Wrap
1 cup whole milk dough loosely around rolling pin and
4 ounces (1 stick) unsalted butter transfer to tart pan. Trim edges, reserve
½ cup sugar trimmings, and freeze for 30 minutes.
2 tablespoons honey
5 ounces poppy seeds 3. Preheat oven to 320°F. Line chilled
3 ounces cookie or cake crumbs tart shell with parchment paper or
1 Granny Smith apple, peeled, cored, aluminum foil and fill with raw beans or
and grated baking weights. Bake until crust is dry
and lightly golden, about 15 minutes.

(continued on page 82)

80 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

(continued from page 80)

Remove paper and beans and bake until surface, roll out reserved dough and
crust is golden and baked through, 10 to cut several ½-inch-wide strips. Use
15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool. scalloped pizza cutter for a zigzag edge.
Arrange strips in lattice pattern on top
4. Increase heat to 340°F and prepare of filling. Brush lattice with egg wash,
poppy seed cream: In a medium pot, sprinkle with sugar, and bake until top
heat milk, butter, sugar, and honey is golden, 30 to 40 minutes. Transfer
over medium heat. Bring just to a boil. to wire rack to cool. Serve warm or at
Remove from heat, mix in poppy seeds room temperature.
and cookie crumbs, and let cool. Mix in
grated apple and set aside.

5. Prepare filling: In a medium pan, melt

butter over medium heat. Add apples
and sugar and cook for about 5 minutes,
just until apples soften. Mix in raisins.
Remove from heat and set aside to cool.

6. Assemble pie: Arrange apple filling

in baked tart shell and spoon poppy
seed cream on top. On a lightly floured

82 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

If you have leftover filling when making this recipe, pour it into miniature silicon muffin
Normandy Pie cups and bake for about 20 minutes, until set, for a delicious bite-size treat.

Makes one 9-inch pie

Pastry dough 1. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer or food processor, mix flour, sugar, and butter until
1¾ cups all-purpose flour, plus more texture is sandy. Add egg yolk and cream and mix just until dough forms. Shape into a thick
for dusting disc, wrap with plastic cling wrap, and refrigerate for 1 hour.
½ cup sugar
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter, 2. On a lightly floured surface, roll out chilled dough to about ¼ inch thick and cut into a
cold and cut into small pieces 12-inch round. Wrap dough loosely around rolling pin and transfer to 9-inch pie pan. Trim
1 large egg yolk edges and freeze for 30 minutes.
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping)
cream 3. Preheat oven to 320°F. Line chilled pie shell with parchment paper or aluminum foil
and fill with raw beans or baking weights. Bake until crust is dry and lightly golden, about
Filling 15 minutes. Remove paper and beans and bake until crust is golden and baked through,
1 cup heavy (whipping) cream 10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool.
2 large eggs
3 large egg yolks 4. Reduce oven to 320°F and prepare filling: In a medium bowl, combine cream, eggs,
2 tablespoons cornstarch egg yolks, and cornstarch. Scrape in vanilla seeds and reserve pod for another use. Mix
½ vanilla bean, split lengthwise until combined.
6 or 7 Granny Smith apples, peeled,
cored, and cut into ½-inch cubes 5. Arrange apples in baked pie shell, evening them out with your hands, then pour cream
mixture over top. Bake until filling sets, about 40 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool.
Serve warm or at room temperature.

Sweet Cheese & Apples 83

84 Pies, Pies & More Pies!
This classic flaky pie is best eaten a few hours after baking. For variety, replace the
Pithiviers ground almonds with desiccated coconut, or the apples with cherries, plums, or another
seasonal fruit.

Makes six 1-cup tartlets 1. Prepare apples: In a saucepan over high heat, bring wine, cinnamon, cloves, and
peppercorns to a boil. Add apples, reduce heat to medium, and cook for 15 minutes, or
until apples are slightly soft. Set aside to cool. Transfer apples and liquid to a large bowl
and chill for several hours, and up to several days, stirring occasionally.
One 32-ounce bottle dry red wine 2. Prepare cream: Using an electric mixer, cream butter and sugar until smooth. Add eggs,
2 cinnamon sticks one at a time, until incorporated. Mix in almonds until combined.
4 whole cloves
6 black peppercorns 3. Preheat oven to 380°F, line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper, and assemble
6 Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored, pithiviers: On a lightly floured surface, roll out 1 pound of puff pastry to about ¼ inch thick.
and halved lengthwise Cut out six 5-inch rounds and transfer to baking sheets.

Almond cream 4. Remove apples from liquid and slice. Arrange slices in a single layer on each pastry
8 ounces (2 sticks) unsalted butter, round, leaving a ½-inch border all around. Place a mound of almond cream on top; then
room temperature arrange a second layer of apple slices on cream. Brush border with egg wash.
1 cup sugar
3 large eggs 5. Roll out remaining 1 pound of puff pastry to about ¼-inch thick and cut six 5-inch
8 ounces ground blanched almonds rounds. Cut a small vent in center each round and lay rounds on top of apples. Use a fork
to press edges together all around and seal the rounds together; then use a sharp knife to
All-purpose flour, for dusting cut scalloped edges. (Not only does this make a lovely edge, but it helps stick the top and
2 pounds puff pastry (page 16) bottom layers of pastry together.) Brush tops with egg wash and cut decorative lines.

Egg wash (page 10) 6. Bake at 380°F for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to 330°F and bake until pastry is golden,
about 20 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool. Serve warm or at room temperature.

Sweet Cheese & Apples 85

Apple and Cheese To make a lower-fat version of this tart, replace the cream cheese with low-fat, soft white
cheese. Because low-fat cheeses tend to be a bit watery, use a cheesecloth to allow the
Streusel excess liquid to drain over a few hours.

Makes one 10 x 13-inch tart

Pastry dough Streusel top ping 1. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer

1¾ cups all-purpose flour, plus more ½ cup sugar or food processor, mix flour, sugar, and
for dusting ½ cup all-purpose flour butter until texture is sandy. Add egg
½ cup sugar ½ cup walnuts, ground yolk and cream and mix just until dough
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter, ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon forms. Shape into a thick disc, wrap with
cold and cut into small pieces 2 ounces (½ stick) unsalted butter, plastic cling wrap, and refrigerate for
1 large egg yolk cold and cut into small pieces 1 hour.
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping)
cream ¹⁄³ cup confectioner’s sugar, 2. On a lightly floured surface, roll out
for sprinkling chilled dough to about ¼ inch thick and
Filling cut into a 12 x 15-inch rectangle. Wrap
2 ounces (½ stick) butter dough loosely around rolling pin and
4 Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored, transfer to 10 x 13-inch tart pan. Trim
and cut into eighths edges and freeze for 30 minutes.
1 pound cream cheese
¾ cups sugar 3. Preheat oven to 320°F. Line chilled
¼ vanilla bean, split lengthwise tart shell with parchment paper or
2 large eggs aluminum foil and fill with raw beans or
1 tablespoon flour baking weights. Bake until crust is dry
2 tablespoons cornstarch and lightly golden, about 15 minutes.
1 cup light raisins
(continued on page 88)

86 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

(continued from page 86)

Remove paper and beans and bake on top. Scatter evenly with topping.
until crust is golden and baked through, Bake until topping is golden,
10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack about 40 minutes. Transfer to wire
to cool. rack to cool. Serve warm or at
room temperature. Sprinkle with
4. Prepare filling: In a medium pan, melt confectioner’s sugar before serving.
butter over medium heat. Add apples
and sauté until soft. Set aside to cool.

5. In a medium bowl, combine cream

cheese and sugar. Scrape in vanilla
seeds and reserve pod for another use.
Beat mixture until smooth. Add eggs,
one at a time, until incorporated. Mix in
flour, cornstarch, and raisins.

6. Prepare topping: In an electric mixer,

mix sugar, flour, walnuts, cinnamon,
and butter just until crumbly.

7. Assemble tart: Pour cheese mixture

into baked tart shell and arrange apples

88 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

Rum Raisin Cream For best results, prepare the raisins a few days in advance to make them plump and juicy.
You can replace the rum with brandy or whiskey, or omit the alcohol altogether.
Cheese Pie

Makes one 9-inch pie

Raisins 1. Prepare raisins: In a small saucepan, bring water and sugar to a boil over medium
1 cup water heat. Remove from heat and mix in rum. Stir in raisins and let cool to room temperature.
½ cup sugar Transfer to a small bowl, cover, and refrigerate for 2 to 3 days.
3 tablespoons rum
¾ cup dark raisins 2. Preheat oven to 320°F, lightly grease a 9-inch pie pan, and prepare crust: In a medium
bowl, combine graham cracker crumbs, sugar, and butter. Press mixture along base and
Crust sides of pie pan and bake for 10 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool.
2½ cups graham cracker crumbs
3 tablespoons brown sugar 3. Reduce heat to 300°F and prepare filling: Using an electric mixer, beat cream cheese
4 ounces (1 stick) unsalted butter, and sugars until smooth. Add orange zest and orange juice and mix until combined. Add
melted eggs, one at a time, mixing thoroughly after each addition. Add sour cream and stir
until mixture is smooth. Remove raisins from liquid and mix into cheese mixture with a
Cheese filling large spoon.
16 ounces (2 packages) cream cheese,
room temperature 4. Pour mixture into baked pie shell and bake until filling sets, about 50 minutes. Turn
½ cup sugar off heat, open oven door, and let pie cool in oven to room temperature. Refrigerate until
½ cup brown sugar completely chilled, about 6 hours. Serve chilled.
2 tablespoons finely grated orange zest
3 tablespoons fresh orange juice
3 large eggs
5 ounces sour cream

Sweet Cheese & Apples 89

Cream Cheese Maple The maple syrup in this recipe can be replaced with any favorite sweet syrup. Try caramel
sauce, chocolate sauce, or date honey.

Makes six 4-inch tarts 1. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer or food processor, mix flour, sugar, and butter until
texture is sandy. Add egg yolk and cream and mix just until dough forms. Shape into a thick
disc, wrap with plastic cling wrap, and refrigerate for 1 hour.

Pastry dough 2. On a lightly floured surface, roll out chilled dough to about ¼ inch thick and cut
1¾ cups all-purpose flour six 6-inch rounds. Transfer rounds to 4-inch tartlet pans, trim edges, and freeze for
½ cup sugar 30 minutes.
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter,
cold and cut into small pieces 3. Preheat oven to 340°F. Line chilled tart shells with parchment paper or aluminum foil
1 large egg yolk and fill with raw beans or baking weights. Bake until crust is dry and lightly golden, about
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping) 15 minutes. Remove paper and beans and bake until crust is golden and baked through,
cream 10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool.

Filling 4. Prepare filling: Sprinkle gelatin in milk and let stand until gelatin softens, about
2 teaspoons unflavored gelatin powder 10 minutes. Heat mixture in microwave for a few seconds, until gelatin melts. Set aside.
¼ cup whole milk
½ cup sugar 5. In a medium bowl, mix sugar, sour cream, and cream cheese until sugar dissolves. Mix
2 tablespoons sour cream in melted gelatin until evenly combined.
10 ounces cream cheese,
room temperature 6. Using an electric mixer, whip cream until stable peaks form. Fold cheese mixture into
1 cup heavy (whipping) cream whipped cream until evenly combined. Spoon filling into baked tart shells and top each tart
¹⁄³ cup maple syrup with a tablespoon of maple syrup. Use a fork to make swirls on top. Refrigerate for at least
4 hours, until set. Serve chilled.

90 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

92 Pies, Pies & More Pies!
Double-Crust Ricotta Every mouthful of this pie features a variety of delicious flavors. If you like, replace the rum
with brandy or whisky. You can select your own dried fruit combinations.
Pie with Pine Nuts and
Dried Fruit

Makes one 9-inch pie

Pastry d ough Ca ra melized pine nuts 1. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer

3½ cups all-purpose flour, plus more 1 cup pine nuts or food processor, mix flour, baking
for dusting Vegetable oil, for greasing powder, sugars, cinnamon, and butter
1 teaspoon baking powder ¼ cup water until texture is sandy. Add egg yolks
½ cup light brown sugar 1 cup white sugar and cream, and mix just until dough
¼ cup white sugar forms. Shape into a thick disc, wrap with
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon Filling plastic cling wrap, and refrigerate for
10 ounces (2½ sticks) unsalted butter, 1½ pounds ricotta cheese 1 hour.
cold and cut into small pieces 1 cup sugar
2 large egg yolks 2 tablespoons finely grated lemon zest 2. Divide chilled dough into two pieces,
2 tablespoons heavy (whipping) cream one about twice as big as the other.
Confectioner’s sugar, for sprinkling Return smaller piece to refrigerator. On
Dried fruit a lightly floured surface, roll out larger
½ cup water, boiling piece to about ¼ inch thick and cut into
2 tablespoons white sugar a 12-inch round. Wrap dough loosely
3 tablespoons rum around rolling pin and transfer to 9-inch
½ cup dried apricots, cut into small pie pan. Trim edges and freeze for
cubes 30 minutes.
¹⁄³ cup dark raisins

(continued on next page)

Sweet Cheese & Apples 93

(continued from previous page)

3. Preheat oven to 340°F. Line chilled mixture in a thin layer on greased

pie shell with parchment paper or baking sheet. Set aside to cool. Break
aluminum foil and fill with raw beans or into small pieces.
baking weights. Bake until crust is dry
and lightly golden, about 15 minutes. 6. Prepare filling: In an electric mixer,
Remove paper and beans and bake until mix cheese, sugar, and lemon zest until
crust is golden and baked through, 10 to smooth. Drain dried fruit and, using a
15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool. large spoon, mix fruit and caramelized
pine nuts into cheese mixture.
4. Prepare dried fruit: In a small
heatproof bowl, combine boiling water, 7. Reduce oven heat to 300°F and
sugar, and rum. Mix in apricots and assemble pie: Spoon filling into baked
raisins and let sit for about 1 hour. pie shell. On a lightly floured surface,
roll out smaller piece of dough into a
5. Prepare pine nuts: Spread pine nuts 10-inch round. Pierce round several
on baking sheet and toast for about 8 times with fork to make vents; then
minutes, until fragrant. Remove from place on top of filling, and crimp edges
baking sheet and set aside to cool. to seal. Bake for about 1 hour, until
Lightly grease same baking sheet. In a crust is golden and filling bubbles.
small pot, bring water and sugar to a Transfer to wire rack to cool. Serve
boil over high heat Cook until sugar is warm or at room temperature.
golden. Mix in pine nuts; then spread

94 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

Espresso and This pie is inspired by the popular Italian dessert, tiramisu. It contains mascarpone cheese
and coffee, a winning combination. You can replace the mascarpone cheese with regular
Mascarpone Cheese Pie cream cheese, or with soft white cheese that has been drained of excess liquid.

Makes one 9-inch pie

Pastry d ough 1. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer or food processor, mix flour, sugar, coffee, and
1¾ cups all-purpose flour, plus more butter until texture is sandy. Add egg yolk and cream and mix just until dough forms. Shape
for dusting into a thick disc, wrap with plastic cling wrap, and refrigerate for 1 hour.
½ cup sugar
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter, 2. On a lightly floured surface, roll out chilled dough to about ¼ inch thick and cut into a
cold and cut into small pieces 12-inch round. Wrap dough loosely around rolling pin and transfer to 9-inch pie pan. Press
1 large egg yolk round into pie pan, trim edges, and transfer to freezer for 30 minutes.
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping)
cream 3. Preheat oven to 320°F. Line chilled pie shell with parchment paper or aluminum foil
and fill with raw beans or baking weights. Bake until crust is dry and lightly golden, about
Filling 15 minutes. Remove paper and beans and bake until crust is golden and baked through,
2 teaspoons unflavored gelatin powder 10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool.
¼ cup water
8 ounces mascarpone cheese 4. Prepare filling: Sprinkle gelatin in water and let stand for about 15 minutes, until gelatin
¹⁄³ cup confectioner’s sugar softens. In the meantime, in an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat
¼ cup espresso, or 2 teaspoons instant cheese and sugar until smooth. Heat gelatin in microwave for a few seconds to melt; then
coffee, dissolved in 2 teaspoons water gradually add to cheese mixture, along with espresso, until combined.
1 cup heavy (whipping) cream
Cocoa powder, for dusting 5. In a separate bowl, whip cream until peaks form. Fold cheese mixture into whipped
cream until evenly combined. Spoon filling into baked pie shell and refrigerate until set.
Dust with cocoa before serving.

Sweet Cheese & Apples 95

96 Pies, Pies & More Pies!
Chocolate Marble This tart can be made with ordinary pastry dough, as described below, or with a chocolatey
dough. To make the latter, replace ½ cup of flour with ½ cup of cocoa powder.
Cheesecake Tart

Makes one 9-inch tart 1. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer or food processor, mix flour, sugar, and butter until
texture is sandy. Add egg yolk and cream and mix just until dough forms. Shape into a thick
disc, wrap with plastic cling wrap, and refrigerate for 1 hour.

Pastry dough 2. On a lightly floured surface, roll out chilled dough to about ¼ inch thick and cut into an
1¾ cups all-purpose flour, plus more 11-inch round. Wrap dough loosely around rolling pin and transfer to 9-inch tart pan. Press
for dusting round into pie pan, trim edges, and freeze for 30 minutes.
½ cup sugar
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter, 3. Preheat oven to 320°F. Line chilled pie shell with parchment paper or aluminum foil
cold and cut into small pieces and fill with raw beans or baking weights. Bake until crust is dry and lightly golden, about
1 large egg yolk 15 minutes. Remove paper and beans and bake until crust is golden and baked through,
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping) 10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool.
4. Reduce heat to 310°F and prepare filling: Using an electric mixer, beat cream cheese,
Filling sour cream, and sugar until smooth. Mix in orange zest. Add eggs, one at a time, mixing
15 ounces cream cheese thoroughly after each addition. Divide mixture between two bowls, with one bowl
4 tablespoons sour cream containing twice as much as the other. Add cocoa to bowl with smaller amount and mix
¹⁄³ cup sugar until combined.
2 tablespoons finely grated orange zest
3 large eggs 5. Spoon about one-third of white mixture into baked tart shell, then. Add one-third of
3½ tablespoons cocoa powder chocolate mixture. Alternate between mixtures until tart shell is filled; then draw a fork
through the filling for a marbleized effect. Bake until filling sets, 30 to 40 minutes. Transfer
to wire rack to cool. Refrigerate for at least 6 hours before serving. Serve chilled.

Sweet Cheese & Apples 97

Cheese &

98 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

• Onion Tarte Tatin (Upside-Down Onion Pie) page 100

• Leek, Sundried Tomato, and Parmesan Pie page 102

• Mushroom Pie with Crème Fraiche and Chives page 103

• Cherry Tomato Tart with Fresh Basil and Mozzarella page 104

• Roasted Eggplant and Cheese Tart page 106

• Three Onion and Thyme Tart page 108

• Sweet Potato Pie with Thyme and Blue Cheese page 109

• Spinach, Onion, and Pine Nut Pie page 110

• Broccoli, Feta, and Walnut Tart page 112

• Pear, Walnut, and Blue Cheese Pie page 113

• Asparagus, Parmesan, and Olive Tart page 114

• Ratatouille Diamond Tartlets page 116

• Cheese and Fresh Herb Pie page 118

• Pissaladière (French Pizza Pie) page 119

• Mediterranean Focaccia Pie page 120

• Vol-au-Vent (Puff Pastry with Brie and Mushrooms) page 122

• Tiropita (Traditional Greek Tart) page 124

Pie Essentials 99
Onion Tarte Tatin This savory version of the popular French apple pie works best when made in a one-piece
pie pan with a non-removable base. You can replace the onions with cherry tomatoes; just
(Upside-Down Onion Pie)
don’t cook the tomatoes in advance, and omit the brown sugar.

Makes one 9-inch tart

Pastry dough 1. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer or food processor, mix flour, baking powder, salt,
2 cups all-purpose flour cheese, and butter just until texture resembles bread crumbs. Add egg and cream, mixing
½ teaspoon baking powder just until dough forms. Shape into a thick disc, wrap with plastic cling wrap, and refrigerate
½ teaspoon salt for 1 hour.
1 cup grated Parmesan cheese
6 ounces (1½ sticks) unsalted butter, 2. Preheat oven to 360°F, line a baking sheet with aluminum foil, and prepare filling: In a
cold and cut into small pieces medium bowl, toss onions with oil, brown sugar, vinegar, salt, and pepper. Arrange onions
1 large egg or 2 large egg yolks in a single layer on baking sheet and roast for 20 to 30 minutes, or until golden. Set aside
2 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping) to cool.
cream, milk, or water
3. Assemble pie: Line a 9-inch tart pan with parchment paper and arrange onion quarters
Filling in a spiral that starts at the outside and finishes in the center.
6 medium white onions, peeled
and quartered 4. On a lightly floured surface, roll out chilled dough to about ¼ inch thick and cut into a
6 medium Bermuda onions, peeled 10-inch round. Lay round on onions, tucking it inside the pan all around the edges. Pierce
and quartered several steam vents with a fork or sharp knife. Bake until top is golden, 30 to 40 minutes.
¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil Transfer to wire rack to cool. To serve, invert pie onto large serving plate.
¼ cup light brown sugar
½ cup balsamic vinegar
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

100 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

Leek, Sundried Tomato, This colorful pie is lovely at Sunday brunch. Make sure you wash the leeks thoroughly
before cooking them, to remove any sand that may be trapped in its layers.
and Parmesan Pie

Makes one 10-inch tart

Pastry dough 1. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer or food processor, mix flour, salt, thyme, and butter
2 cups all-purpose flour, plus more until texture is crumbly. Add egg and cream, and mix until dough forms. Shape into a thick
for dusting disc, wrap with plastic cling wrap, and refrigerate for 1 hour.
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon fresh thyme leaves 2. On a lightly floured surface, roll out chilled dough to about ¼ inch thick and cut into a
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter, 12-inch round. Wrap dough loosely around rolling pin and transfer to a 10-inch tart pan.
cold and cut into small pieces Trim edges and freeze for 30 minutes.
1 large egg or 2 egg yolks
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping) 3. Preheat oven to 320°F. Line chilled tart shell with parchment paper or aluminum foil
cream, milk, or water and fill with raw beans or baking weights. Bake until crust is dry and lightly golden, about
15 minutes. Remove paper and beans and bake until crust is golden and baked through,
Filling 10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool.
3 medium leeks, white part only,
trimmed and thoroughly washed 4. Prepare filling: Slice leeks in half lengthwise; then cut into thin slices. In a medium
1 ounce (¼ stick) unsalted butter frying pan, melt butter over medium heat. Add leeks and cook gently until soft, about
1 cup chopped dried cherry tomatoes 10 minutes. Add dried cherry tomatoes, salt, and pepper, and cook for 5 minutes. Mix
Salt and freshly ground pepper in cheese, remove from heat, and set aside to cool. Separately, in a medium bowl, mix
1 cup grated Parmesan cheese together cream, eggs, garlic, nutmeg, salt, and pepper.
2 cups heavy (whipping) cream
2 large eggs 5. Assemble pie: Place leek mixture in baked tart shell. Pour in cream mixture and bake
1 clove garlic, crushed until filling is golden and firm, about 40 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool. Serve warm
Pinch of ground nutmeg or at room temperature.

102 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

Mushroom Pie with There’s some disagreement about the best time to wash mushrooms when using them
in a recipe. I suggest washing them right before use so that they’re clean but don’t lose
Crème Fraiche and Chives any flavor.

Makes one 10-inch tart

Pastry dough 1. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer or food processor, mix flour, salt, chives, and butter
2 cups all-purpose flour until texture is crumbly. Add egg and cream, mixing just until dough forms. Shape into
½ teaspoon salt a thick disc, wrap with plastic cling wrap, and refrigerate for 1 hour. On a lightly floured
1 tablespoon chopped fresh chives surface, roll out chilled dough to about ¼ inch thick and cut into a 12-inch round. Wrap
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter, dough loosely around rolling pin and transfer to a 10-inch tart pan. Trim edges and freeze
cold and cut into small pieces for 30 minutes.
1 large egg or 2 large egg yolks
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping) 2. Preheat oven to 320°F. Line chilled tart shell with parchment paper or aluminum foil
cream, milk, or water and fill with raw beans or baking weights. Bake until crust is dry and lightly golden, about
15 minutes. Remove paper and beans and bake until crust is golden and baked through,
Filling 10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool.
2 shitake mushrooms
Boiling water, for soaking 3. Prepare filling: In a small heatproof bowl, soak shitake mushrooms in boiling water for
1 ounce (¼ stick) unsalted butter about 10 minutes. Drain mushrooms and chop.
2 medium onions, chopped
2 cups chopped button mushrooms 4. In a medium frying pan, melt butter over medium heat. Add onions and cook gently until
2 medium wild mushrooms golden, about 10 minutes. Add mushrooms and cook for about 10 minutes. Remove from
4 tablespoons crème fraiche heat, mix in crème fraiche, and set aside to cool. In a medium bowl, mix together heavy
2 cups heavy (whipping) cream cream, eggs, garlic, chives, salt, and pepper.
2 large eggs
1 clove garlic, crushed 5. Assemble pie: Arrange mushroom mixture on bottom of baked tart shell. Pour in cream
1 tablespoon chopped fresh chives mixture and bake until filling is golden and firm, about 40 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to
Salt and freshly ground pepper cool. Serve warm or at room temperature.

Savory Cheese & Vegetables 103

Cherry Tomato Tart For a Sunday brunch or light lunch, this flavorful tart is a sure hit. The mozzarella can be
replaced with another mild-flavored cheese.
with Fresh Basil and

Makes one 4½ x 14-inch tart

Pastry dough 1. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer or food processor, mix flour, salt, and butter until
2 cups all-purpose flour texture is crumbly. Add egg and cream, mixing just until dough forms. Shape into a thick
½ teaspoon salt disc, wrap with plastic cling wrap, and refrigerate for 1 hour.
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter,
cold and cut into small pieces 2. On a lightly floured surface, roll out chilled dough to about ¼ inch thick and cut into a
1 large egg or 2 large egg yolks 6½ x 16-inch rectangle. Wrap dough loosely around rolling pin and transfer to a 4½ x 14-
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping) inch tart pan. Trim edges and freeze for 30 minutes.
cream, milk, or water
3. Preheat oven to 340°F. Line chilled tart shell with parchment paper or aluminum foil
and fill with raw beans or baking weights. Bake until crust is dry and lightly golden, about
Filling 15 minutes. Remove paper and beans and bake until crust is golden and baked through,
7 ounces mozzarella cheese, 10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool.
thinly sliced
¼ pound whole cherry tomatoes 4. Increase heat to 360°F and assemble pie: Arrange mozzarella in baked tart shell and top
½ cup heavy (whipping) cream with cherry tomatoes. In a medium bowl, mix together cream, sour cream, eggs, garlic,
3 tablespoons sour cream basil, salt, and pepper. Pour cream mixture into shell and bake until filling sets, about
2 large eggs 40 minutes. Transfer to wire rack and let cool. Serve slightly warm or at room temperature.
2 cloves garlic, crushed
5 sprigs fresh basil, leaves only,
Salt and freshly ground pepper

104 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

106 Pies, Pies & More Pies!
Roasted Eggplant and This tart features a diagonal, lattice-style topping. If you have trouble weaving strips of
dough into a lattice, simply lay them diagonally, or in rows.
Cheese Tart

Makes one 8-inch square tart

All-purpose flour, for dusting 1. On a lightly floured surface, roll out puff pastry to about ¼-inch thick. Cut out a 10-inch
1 pound puff pastry (page 16) square and transfer it to an 8-inch square tart pan. Trim edges, reserve trimming, and
1 medium eggplant freeze for 30 minutes.
½ cup whipping (heavy) cream
2 large eggs 2. Preheat oven to 360°F. Line chilled tart shell with parchment paper or aluminum foil
4 ounces feta cheese and fill with raw beans or baking weights. Bake until crust is dry and lightly golden, about
4 ounces Parmesan cheese 15 minutes. Remove paper and beans and bake until crust is golden and baked through,
1 clove garlic, crushed 10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool.
Pinch of ground nutmeg
Salt and freshly ground black pepper 3. Pierce eggplant all over with a fork and wrap in aluminum foil. Bake until eggplant is
soft, about 1 hour. Set aside until cool enough to touch; then scoop out flesh and place in
medium bowl.

4. Mix in cream, eggs, cheeses, garlic, nutmeg, salt, and pepper until combined. Transfer
mixture to baked tart shell. On a lightly floured surface, roll out reserved dough and cut
several ½-inch-wide strips. Arrange strips in a diagonal crisscross on top. Bake until filling
sets and top is golden, about 40 minutes. Transfer to wire rack and let cool. Serve warm or
at room temperature.

Savory Cheese & Vegetables 107

Three Onion and This flavorful pie is just right for people who love sautéed onions. Be sure to wash the
leeks thoroughly before slicing, since lots of sand can be lodged inside this vegetable’s
Thyme Tart delicate layers.

Makes one 10-inch tart 2 tablespoons all-purpose white flour and lightly golden, about 15 minutes.
1 cup heavy (whipping) cream Remove paper and beans and bake until
3 large eggs crust is golden and baked through,
½ cup sour cream 10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack
Pastry dough to cool.
2 cups all-purpose flour
½ teaspoon salt 4. Reduce heat to 320°F and prepare
1 tablespoon fresh thyme leaves 1. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer or filling: Slice leeks in half lengthwise;
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter, food processor, mix flour, thyme, salt, then cut into thin slices. In a medium
cold and cut into small pieces and butter just until texture resembles frying pan, heat butter and oil over
1 large egg or 2 large egg yolks bread crumbs. Add egg and cream, medium heat. Add leeks, onions,
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping) mixing just until dough forms. Shape shallots, garlic, sugar, salt, and
cream, milk, or water into a thick disc, wrap with plastic cling pepper. Cook gently while stirring until
wrap, and refrigerate for 1 hour. vegetables are soft and golden, about
15 minutes. Add flour and cook for
Filling 2. On a lightly floured surface, roll out another 2 minutes. Remove from heat
2 leeks, white part only, trimmed chilled dough to about ¼ inch thick and and set aside to cool.
and thoroughly washed cut into a 12-inch round. Wrap dough
2 ounces (½ stick) unsalted butter loosely around rolling pin and transfer 5. In a medium bowl, combine cream,
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil to a 10-inch tart pan. Trim edges and eggs, and sour cream. Mix in onion
3 medium onions, halved and thinly freeze for about 30 minutes. mixture until evenly combined. Pour
sliced cream mixture into shell and bake for
8 shallots, thinly sliced 3. Preheat oven to 330°F. Line chilled about 40 minutes, until filling sets
4 cloves garlic, crushed tart shell with parchment paper or and is golden. Transfer to wire rack
1 tablespoon sugar aluminum foil and fill with raw beans or and let cool. Serve slightly warm or at
Salt and freshly ground black pepper baking weights. Bake until crust is dry room temperature.

108 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

Sweet Potato Pie with For a Sunday brunch or light lunch, this flavorful tart is a sure hit. The mozzarella can be
replaced with another mild-flavored cheese.
Thyme and Blue Cheese

Makes one 8-inch square tart

Pastry dough 1. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer or food processor, mix flour, thyme, salt, and butter
2 cups all-purpose flour just until texture resembles bread crumbs. Add egg and cream, mixing just until dough
½ teaspoon salt forms. Shape into a thick disc, wrap with plastic cling wrap, and refrigerate for 1 hour.
1 tablespoon fresh thyme leaves
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter, 2. On a lightly floured surface, roll out chilled dough to about ¼ inch thick and cut into a
cold and cut into small pieces 12-inch round. Wrap dough loosely around rolling pin and transfer to 9-inch pie pan. Trim
1 large egg or 2 large egg yolks edges and freeze for 30 minutes.
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping)
cream, milk, or water 3. Preheat oven to 330°F. Line chilled tart shell with parchment paper or aluminum foil
and fill with raw beans or baking weights. Bake until crust is dry and lightly golden, about
15 minutes. Remove paper and beans and bake until crust is golden and baked through,
Filling 10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool.
2 sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into
½-inch cubes 4. Increase heat to 360°F, line a baking sheet with parchment paper, and prepare filling: In
¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil a medium bowl, toss sweet potatoes with oil, sugar, thyme, salt, and pepper. Arrange on
¼ cup brown sugar baking sheet and roast for 15 minutes, or until sweet potatoes are soft. Set aside to cool.
1 tablespoon fresh thyme leaves
Salt and freshly ground black pepper 5. Reduce heat to 320°F and assemble pie: Arrange sweet potatoes in baked pie shell and
5 ounces blue cheese, grated sprinkle cheese evenly on top. In a medium bowl, combine cream, crème fraiche, eggs,
1 cup heavy (whipping) cream salt, and pepper. Pour cream mixture into shell and bake for about 40 minutes, until filling
½ cup crème fraiche sets and crust is golden. Transfer to wire rack to cool. Serve warm or at room temperature.
2 large eggs

Savory Cheese & Vegetables 109

Spinach, Onion, and The crust in this pie is easy to make. All you need is readymade phyllo dough and some
melted butter. Be sure to set aside the trimmed edges of phyllo dough to make the
Pine Nut Pie decorated top.

Makes one 10-inch pie

5 sheets phyllo dough, thawed 1. Preheat oven to 325°F and lightly grease a 10-inch pie pan with butter. Lay 1 phyllo sheet
2 ounces (½ stick) unsalted butter, in pan. Brush with melted butter. Top with another phyllo sheet and brush with butter.
melted Repeat until you have a stack of 5 phyllo sheets brushed with butter. Trim edges of phyllo to
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil make a ½-inch border all around, and reserve trimmings.
2 medium onions, chopped
10 ounces fresh spinach, washed 2. In a medium frying pan, heat oil over medium-high heat. Add onions and sauté for about
thoroughly, tough stems removed 5 minutes, until soft. Add spinach, nutmeg, salt, and pepper, and cook until spinach is soft,
Pinch of ground nutmeg about 2 minutes. Set aside to cool.
Salt and freshly ground pepper
2 large eggs 3. Assemble pie: Transfer spinach mixture to pie shell. In a medium bowl, combine
1 cup heavy (whipping) cream eggs, cream, cheese, salt, and pepper. Pour cream mixture over spinach, arrange phyllo
4 ounces Parmesan cheese, grated trimmings in a flower shape on top, and sprinkle with pine nuts. Bake until filling sets and
2 ounces raw pine nuts phyllo is brown, about 30 to 40 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool. Serve warm or at
room temperature.

110 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

Broccoli, Feta, and Served with a side salad, this tart makes a satisfying and flavorful lunch. Both the feta and
walnuts can be replaced with alternates of your choice. Instead of broccoli, you can use
Walnut Tart asparagus or Brussels sprouts when they’re in season.

Makes one 10-inch round tart

Pastry dough 1. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer or food processor, mix flour, salt, and butter just
2 cups all-purpose flour, plus more until texture resembles bread crumbs. Add egg and cream, and mix just until dough forms.
for dusting Shape into a thick disc, wrap with plastic cling wrap, and refrigerate for 1 hour.
½ teaspoon salt
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter, 2. On a lightly floured surface, roll out chilled dough to about ¼ inch thick and cut into a
cold and cut into small pieces 12-inch round. Wrap dough loosely around rolling pin and transfer to 10-inch tart pan. Trim
1 large egg or 2 large egg yolks edges and freeze for 30 minutes.
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping)
cream, milk, or water 3. Preheat oven to 330°F. Line chilled tart shell with parchment paper or aluminum foil
and fill with raw beans or baking weights. Bake until crust is dry and lightly golden, about
Filling 15 minutes. Remove paper and beans and bake until crust is golden and baked through,
2 ounces (½ stick) unsalted butter 10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool.
2 medium onions, chopped
¾ pound broccoli florets, blanched 4. Reduce heat to 320°F and prepare filling: In a medium frying pan, melt butter over
8 ounces feta cheese medium heat. Add onions and gently sauté for about 5 minutes. Add broccoli and sauté
2 large eggs until liquids evaporate. Remove from heat, mix in cheese, and set aside to cool.
1 cup heavy (whipping) cream
3 tablespoons crème fraiche 5. In a separate bowl, combine eggs, cream, crème fraiche, salt, and pepper. Mix in
Salt and freshly ground black pepper broccoli until evenly combined. Pour filling into baked tart shell, sprinkle walnuts on top,
½ cup walnuts, coarsely chopped and bake until filling sets, about 40 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool. Serve warm or at
room temperature.

112 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

Pear, Walnut, and Who says savory pies can’t have a bit of sweetness too? This pie features the classic
combination of fresh pears, toasted walnuts, and blue cheese.
Blue Cheese Pie

Makes one 9-inch pie

Pastry dough 1. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer or food processor, mix flour, salt, and butter just
2 cups all-purpose flour, plus more until texture resembles bread crumbs. Add egg and cream, and mix just until dough forms.
for dusting Shape into a thick disc, wrap with plastic cling wrap, and refrigerate for 1 hour.
½ teaspoon salt
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter, 2. On a lightly floured surface, roll out chilled dough to about ¼ inch thick and cut into a
cold and cut into small pieces 12-inch round. Wrap dough loosely around rolling pin and transfer to 9-inch pie pan. Trim
1 large egg or 2 large egg yolks edges and freeze for 30 minutes.
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping)
cream, milk, or water 3. Preheat oven to 330°F. Line chilled pie shell with parchment paper or aluminum foil
and fill with raw beans or baking weights. Bake until crust is dry and lightly golden, about
Filling 15 minutes. Remove paper and beans and bake until crust is golden and baked through,
2 ounces (½ stick) unsalted butter 10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool.
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1 teaspoon fennel seeds 4. Reduce heat to 320°F and prepare filling: In a medium frying pan, melt butter over
1 medium onion, halved and thinly sliced medium heat. Add dill seeds, sugar, and onion, and cook gently for about 5 minutes. Add
4 Anjou pears, peeled, cored, and sliced pears and sauté for 5 minutes, until pears are soft but still firm. Mix in cheese and cook for
into thin rounds about 1 minute. Remove from heat and set aside to cool.
9 ounces blue cheese, crumbled
¾ cup heavy (whipping) cream 5. In a small bowl, combine cream, eggs, nutmeg, salt, and pepper. Gently fold in pear
2 large eggs mixture until combined. Transfer filling to baked tart shell, sprinkle with walnuts, and bake
Pinch of ground nutmeg until filling sets and crust is golden, about 40 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool. Serve
Salt and freshly ground pepper warm or at room temperature.
½ cup coarsely chopped walnuts
Savory Cheese & Vegetables 113
114 Pies, Pies & More Pies!
Asparagus, Parmesan, The asparagus in this attractive tart can be replaced with broccoli florets or fresh Brussels
sprouts. Pour the filling carefully into the tart shell so that it doesn’t drip over the edges.
and Olive Tart

Makes one 4½ x 14-inch tart

Pastry dough 1. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer or food processor, mix flour, salt, cheese, and butter
2 cups all-purpose flour, plus more just until texture resembles bread crumbs. Add egg and cream, and mix just until dough
for dusting forms. Shape into a thick disc, wrap with plastic cling wrap, and refrigerate for 1 hour.
½ teaspoon salt
3 ounces Parmesan cheese, grated 2. On a lightly floured surface, roll out chilled dough to about ¼ inch thick and cut into a
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter, 6½ x 16-inch rectangle. Wrap dough loosely around rolling pin and transfer to a 4½ x 14-
cold and cut into small pieces inch tart pan. Trim edges and freeze for 30 minutes.
1 large egg or 2 large egg yolks
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping) 3. Preheat oven to 340°F. Line chilled tart shell with parchment paper or aluminum foil
cream, milk, or water and fill with raw beans or baking weights. Bake until crust is dry and lightly golden, about
15 minutes. Remove paper and beans and bake until crust is golden and baked through,
Filling 10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool.
2 ounces (½ stick) unsalted butter
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 4. Reduce heat to 320°F and prepare filling: In a medium frying pan, heat butter and oil
2 onions, cut into small cubes over medium heat until butter melts. Add onions and cook gently until golden, about
8 ounces fresh asparagus, cut into 10 minutes. Add asparagus, salt, and pepper, and sauté for about 2 minutes. Remove from
3½-inch spears, blanched heat, mix in cheese, and set aside to cool.
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
8 ounces Parmesan cheese, grated 5. In a separate bowl, mix together cream and eggs until smooth. Gently mix in asparagus
½ cup heavy (whipping) cream and transfer filling to baked tart shell, arranging asparagus as desired. Distribute olives on
2 large eggs top and bake until filling sets, about 40 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool. Serve warm
½ cup pitted Kalamata olives or at room temperature.

Savory Cheese & Vegetables 115

Ratatouille Diamond I’ve dressed up these diamond-shaped tartlets with ratatouille, but you can substitute with
any filling you like. For something else savory, try sautéed mushrooms or spinach; for a
Tartlets sweet filling, try baked apples or almond cream.

Makes eight 5 x 5-inch servings

All-purpose flour, for dusting 1. Preheat oven to 360°F and line 2 large baking sheets with parchment paper. On a lightly
1 pound puff pastry (page 16) floured surface, roll out puff pastry to about ¼ inch thick. Cut eight 5 x 5-inch squares; then
Egg wash (page 10) cut a ¹⁄³-inch border around each to create set of inner squares.
¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil
1 medium eggplant, cut into ½-inch 2. Brush egg wash all around edges of inner squares. Carefully lift one corner of frame and
cubes fold diagonally over inner square, placing frame corner on opposite corner of inner square.
1 medium onion, cut into ½-inch cubes Press gently to affix. Lift opposite frame corner, fold diagonally in the other direction, and
1 medium yellow bell pepper, cut into press gently on opposite inner corner.
½-inch cubes
1 medium red bell pepper, cut into 3. Repeat to make eight folded diamonds and arrange on baking sheet. Brush frames
1½-inch cubes with egg wash, and pierce inner squares a few times with a fork. Bake until golden, about
1 medium zucchini, cut into ½-inch 15 minutes.
¾ cup tomato paste 4. In the meantime, prepare filling: In a large frying pan, heat oil over medium-high heat.
1 tablespoon fresh sage Add eggplant, onion, peppers, and zucchini and cook for about 10 minutes, until vegetables
Salt and freshly ground black pepper soften. Remove from heat and mix in tomato paste, sage, salt, and pepper. Spoon filling
into baked pastry diamonds and serve.

116 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

Pie Essentials 117
Cheese and Fresh When making this pie, feel free to alter the herbs according to what you’ve got growing in
the garden, or what’s freshest at the greengrocer’s. Best served slightly warm or at room
Herb Pie temperature.

Makes one 9-inch pie

Pastry dough 2 large eggs 3. Preheat oven to 330°F. Line chilled

2 cups all-purpose flour, plus more 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour pie shell with parchment paper or
for dusting Pinch of ground nutmeg aluminum foil and fill with raw beans or
½ teaspoon salt Salt and freshly ground black pepper baking weights. Bake until crust is dry
1 tablespoon sweet paprika and lightly golden, about 15 minutes.
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter, Remove paper and beans and bake until
cold and cut into small pieces crust is golden and baked through,
1 large egg or 2 large egg yolks 10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping) to cool.
cream, milk, or water 1. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer or
food processor, mix flour, salt, paprika, 4. Reduce heat to 320°F and prepare
Filling and butter just until texture resembles filling: In a medium frying pan, melt
1 ounce (¼ stick) unsalted butter bread crumbs. Add egg and cream, and butter over medium heat. Add scallions,
½ bunch scallions, finely chopped mix just until dough forms. Shape into a garlic, chives, parsley, and thyme, and
2 cloves garlic, crushed thick disc, wrap with plastic cling wrap, sauté for 3 minutes. Remove from heat,
½ cup chopped fresh chives and refrigerate for 1 hour. mix in cheeses, and set aside to cool.
½ cup chopped fresh parsley
1 tablespoon fresh thyme leaves 2. On a lightly floured surface, roll out 5. In a medium bowl, mix together
5 ounces goat cheese chilled dough to about ¼ inch thick and cream, crème fraiche, eggs, flour,
5 ounces grated Parmesan cheese cut into a 12-inch round. Wrap dough nutmeg, salt, and pepper. Mix in cheese
5 ounces grated cheddar cheese loosely around rolling pin and transfer mixture. Transfer to baked pie shell and
1 cup heavy (whipping) cream to 9-inch pie pan. Trim edges and freeze bake until filling sets, about 40 minutes.
½ cup crème fraiche for 30 minutes. Transfer to wire rack and let cool.

118 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

Pissaladière If you love pizza, you’ll love this French pizza pie. It features a flavorful tapenade made from
olives, anchovies, and garlic.
(French Pizza Pie)

Makes one 10-inch pie

Dough 1. Prepare dough: Place water in bowl of an electric mixer. Sprinkle in yeast; then add flour
¾ cup water and sugar. Using the paddle attachment, mix on medium speed for 3 to 4 minutes. Add oil
½ ounce fresh yeast and salt and knead for about 3 minutes, until dough is soft and a bit sticky.
2 cups all-purpose flour, plus more
for dusting 2. Transfer dough to lightly floured bowl, cover with damp kitchen towel, and set aside until
½ teaspoon sugar dough doubles in volume. Depending on the temperature of your kitchen, this will take
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil about 2 hours.
¾ teaspoon salt
3. In the meantime, prepare topping: In a medium frying pan, heat oil over medium-low
To p p i ng heat. Add onions and 2 cloves garlic, and cook gently for about 15 minutes, until onion is
¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil soft but not golden. Remove from heat and set aside.
3 onions, halved and thinly sliced
4 cloves garlic, crushed 4. In bowl of food processor, process remaining 2 cloves garlic, olives, reserved anchovy oil,
1 cup pitted Kalamata olives and thyme. Process until a smooth paste forms.
One 2-ounce package oil-packed
anchovies, oil drained and reserved 5. Assemble pie: Preheat oven to 380°F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
Handful fresh thyme leaves Knead dough gently to reduce volume; then roll into a 12-inch round. Roll edges inward to
Pinch of ground nutmeg form raised edge. Transfer dough to baking sheet, spread olive paste on top, and distribute
Salt and freshly ground black pepper onions and anchovies. Bake until crust is golden, about 20 minutes. Transfer to wire rack
and serve warm.

Savory Cheese & Vegetables 119

Mediterranean Omit the topping in this recipe to make a simple but delicious focaccia: After rolling out the
dough, let it rise a bit. Then make indentations with your fingers, drizzle on some olive oil,
Focaccia Pie sprinkle with rosemary and coarse salt, and bake as instructed.

Makes one 11-inch pie

Dough 1. Prepare dough: Place water in the bowl of an electric mixer. Sprinkle in yeast and flour.
1¼ cups water Using the paddle attachment, mix on medium speed for 3 to 4 minutes. Add oil and salt and
½ ounce fresh yeast knead for about 3 minutes, until dough is soft and a bit sticky.
2 cups bread flour
2 cup all-purpose flour, plus more 2. Transfer dough to a lightly floured bowl, cover with a damp kitchen towel, and set aside
for dusting until dough doubles in volume. Depending on the temperature of your kitchen, this will take
5 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil about 2 hours.
¼ teaspoon salt
3. In the meantime, prepare topping: In a large frying pan, heat 2 tablespoons oil over
To p p i ng medium-high heat. Add eggplant, salt, and pepper, and sauté just until soft. Remove
½ cup extra-virgin olive oil eggplant using a slotted spoon and set aside. Add more oil to pan if necessary; then sauté
1 medium eggplant zucchini just until soft. Set aside, Sauté peppers, followed by mushrooms, just until soft.
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 medium zucchini 4. Preheat oven to 360°F, line a baking sheet with parchment paper, and assemble
1 medium red pepper focaccia. Knead dough gently to reduce volume and roll into 11-inch round. Transfer to
1 medium yellow pepper baking sheet, arrange vegetables on top, and sprinkle with oregano and cheese. Bake until
8 white button mushrooms crust is golden, about 30 minutes. Transfer to wire rack and serve warm.
Handful fresh oregano or thyme leaves
2 ounces mozzarella cheese, grated

120 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

Vol-au-Vent This classic tart can be served with either sweet or savory fillings. Try topping it with pastry
cream and nuts, or fresh fruit with apricot glaze.
(Puff Pastry with Brie
and Mushrooms)

Makes one 5 x 12-inch tart

All-purpose flour, for dusting 1. Preheat oven to 360°F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. On a lightly floured
1 pound puff pastry (page 16) surface, roll out puff pastry to about ¼-inch thick. Cut a 7 x 14-inch rectangle; then cut a
Egg wash (page 10) 5 x 12-inch rectangle from the middle of the larger rectangle. Transfer smaller rectangle to
2 ounces (½ stick) unsalted butter baking sheet and brush borders with egg wash.
2 medium onions, chopped
1 pound white button mushrooms, 2. Trim edges of puff pastry strips left from larger rectangle to make two 1 x 12-inch
sliced strips and two 1 x 5-inch strips. Place strips on pastry rectangle to form raised border.
¾ cup fresh (whipping) cream Brush border with egg wash and bake until golden, about 20 minutes. Transfer to wire
Handful fresh thyme leaves rack to cool.
Salt and freshly ground pepper
2 ounces Brie cheese, grated 3. In a medium frying pan, melt butter over medium heat. Add onions and mushrooms and
cook gently for about 5 minutes, until soft. Add cream, thyme, salt, and pepper, and cook
for 5 minutes. Set aside to cool. Pour mixture into baked tart shell and sprinkle cheese on
top. Just before serving, place tart under a preheated broiler for about 5 minutes, just until
cheese melts.

122 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

Pie Essentials 123
124 Pies, Pies & More Pies!
Tiropita The trick to achieving beautiful slices when serving this pie is to mark them in the top
layers of phyllo before baking.
(Traditional Greek Tart)

Makes one 10 x 14-inch tart

3 cups whole milk 1. In a medium pot, combine milk, semolina, and butter. Bring just to a boil over
¾ cup semolina medium-high heat. Reduce heat and simmer for about 5 minutes, until mixture thickens.
3 ounces (¾ stick) unsalted butter, Remove mixture from heat and mix in cheeses, eggs, nutmeg, white pepper, and salt. Set
room temperature aside to cool.
10 ounces feta cheese
6 ounces cheddar cheese 2. Preheat oven to 320°F. Lay 1 phyllo sheet on your work surface and brush lightly with
4 large eggs melted butter. Lay a second sheet on top and brush with butter. Lay a third sheet on top
Pinch of ground nutmeg and brush with butter. Tuck phyllo sheets into a 10 x 14-inch tart pan. Do not trim edges
White pepper since they will be folded over filling.
6 sheets (about ³⁄8 pound) phyllo dough, 3. Pour filling into tart pan, smooth top with flat knife or spatula, and fold over phyllo edges
thawed to cover.
2 ounces (½ stick) unsalted butter,
melted 4. Lay 1 phyllo sheet on your work surface and brush lightly with melted butter. Lay a
second sheet on top and brush with butter. Lay a third sheet of phyllo on top. Cut stack
of phyllo into a 10 x 14-inch rectangle and place on top of tart. Using a sharp knife, cut
through top layers of phyllo to make eight even pieces. Bake until pastry is golden, about
40 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool. Serve warm or at room temperature.

Savory Cheese & Vegetables 125

& Fish

126 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

• Chicken Liver Pâté Terrine page 128

• Freeform Chicken Pies page 131

• Chicken Pot Pie page 132

• Anchovy and Pepper Tartlets page 134

• Salmon, Mushroom, Crème Fraiche,

and Chive Pot Pies page 136

• Shrimp and Pepper Tartlets page 138

• Shepherd’s Pie page 139

• Quiche Lorraine page 140

Pie Essentials 127

128 Pies, Pies & More Pies!
Chicken Liver Pâté This impressive dish makes a nutritious and hearty meal. Perfect for serving at Sunday
supper on a cold winter day.

Makes one 12 x 5 x 3-inch loaf

Pastry dough Filling 1. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer

3½ cups all-purpose flour, plus more ½ pound chicken livers or food processor, mix flour, salt, and
for dusting ½ cup port wine butter just until texture resembles bread
1 teaspoon salt ½ cup extra-virgin olive oil crumbs. Add egg yolks and cream, and
10 ounces (2½ sticks) unsalted butter, Salt and freshly ground black pepper mix just until dough forms. Shape into a
cold and cut into small pieces 2 medium onions, cut into small cubes thick disc, wrap with plastic cling wrap,
3 large egg yolks 6 celery stalks, sliced thin and refrigerate for 1 hour.
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping) 2 medium carrots, cut into small cubes
cream, milk, or water 4 cloves garlic, crushed 2. Prepare filling: In a shallow non-
1½ pounds ground chicken reactive dish, combine chicken livers
Butter, for greasing and port. Cover and refrigerate for
about 1 hour.
Egg wash (page 10)
3. In a medium frying pan, heat
1 tablespoon oil over medium-high heat.
Remove livers from port and reserve
port. Sauté livers, salt, and pepper for
5 to 10 minutes, until livers are brown
but still moist. Remove from heat

(continued on next page)

Meat, Chicken & Fish 129

(continued from previous page)

and let cool; then transfer to a food Do not trim flaps since they will be
processor and process with reserved folded over filling.
port until smooth.
6. Place one-third of ground chicken
4. Add more oil to pan, if necessary, and mixture in loaf pan. Top with liver
sauté onions, celery, carrots, garlic, salt, mixture and then spoon on remaining
and pepper over medium heat for 5 to 10 chicken mixture. Fold extra flaps of
minutes, until soft. Let vegetables cool; dough over chicken filling and brush
then transfer to a medium bowl and mix with egg wash.
with ground chicken.
7. On a lightly floured surface, roll
5. Preheat oven to 300°F and grease a remaining piece of dough into a 12 x
12 x 5 x 3-inch loaf pan. Divide chilled 3-inch rectangle. Cut a 1-inch round
dough into two pieces, one about twice vent in the middle; then place on top
as big as the other. Return smaller of filling. Tuck in edges of dough all
piece to refrigerator. On a lightly floured around. Brush top with egg wash, and
surface, roll out larger piece into a bake for 1½ hours. If dough begins to
20 x 13-inch rectangle. Wrap dough brown too early, cover with a piece of
loosely around rolling pin and transfer aluminum foil. Transfer to wire rack to
to loaf pan, pressing against the sides cool. Serve warm.
and bottom and leaving even flaps of
dough on both long sides of the pan.

130 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

If you have leftover cooked chicken in the refrigerator, this is an excellent recipe for serving
Freeform Chicken Pies it in style. If you don’t have all the vegetables listed below, feel free to make substitutions.

Makes eight 4-inch pies

Pastry d ough ½ cup pitted Kalamata olives until soft. Remove with a slotted
2 cups all-purpose flour, plus more spoon and add to bowl. Add more oil if
for dusting Egg wash (page 10) necessary; then sauté peppers until soft
½ teaspoon salt ½ cup fresh basil and add to bowl.
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter,
cold and cut into small pieces 3. Add chicken, tomatoes, cheese, and
1 large egg or 2 large egg yolks olives to vegetables in bowl.
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping) 1. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer
cream, milk, or water or food processor, mix flour, salt, and 4. Preheat oven to 320°F and line
butter just until texture resembles bread 2 baking sheets with parchment paper.
crumbs. Add egg and cream, mixing just Divide chilled dough into eight even
Filling until dough forms. Shape into a thick pieces. On a lightly floured surface, roll
½ cup extra-virgin olive oil disc, wrap with plastic cling wrap, and out each piece into a 5-inch round that
1 medium eggplant, with peel, refrigerate for 1 hour. is about ¼ inch thick. Transfer rounds
cut into 1-inch cubes to baking sheets. Leaving a 1-inch
3 medium zucchini, with peel, 2. In the meantime, prepare filling: In a border all around, pile filling into middle
cut into 1-inch cubes medium frying pan, heat 2 tablespoons of each. Gently fold up edges to form
2 red bell peppers, cut into chunks oil over medium heat. Add eggplant and a basket. Brush with egg wash and
1 yellow bell pepper, cut into chunks sauté for about 10 minutes, until soft. sprinkle with basil. Bake until dough is
½ pound cooked chicken Remove eggplant with a slotted spoon golden, about 30 minutes. Serve warm.
4 tomatoes, cut into 1-inch cubes and set aside in a large bowl. Add more
6 ounces goat cheese oil if necessary; then sauté zucchini

Meat, Chicken & Fish 131

This pie can be made with garden fresh peas, carrots, and potatoes, or with mixed frozen
Chicken Pot Pie vegetables.

Makes six 8-ounce individual pies

Salted water 1. Preheat oven to 360°F. Bring a pot of salted water to a boil. Add carrots and potatoes,
2 carrots, chopped into ¹⁄8-inch cubes reduce heat to low, and cook until soft, about 10 minutes. Remove from heat, drain, and
2 potatoes, peeled and chopped into set aside.
¹⁄8-inch cubes
4 ounces (1 stick) unsalted butter 2. In a medium frying pan, melt butter over medium heat. Mix in flour and cook for about
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour 2 minutes, until mixture thickens. Add cream and mix until smooth. Remove from heat
1 cup heavy (whipping) cream and mix in sour cream, eggs, parsley, salt, and pepper. Mix in chicken, peas, carrots, and
½ cup sour cream potatoes until evenly combined. Distribute mixture evenly among six 8-ounce ramekins.
3 large eggs
Handful fresh parsley 3. On a lightly floured surface, roll out puff pastry to about ¼-inch thick. Cut rounds that are
Salt and freshly ground black pepper the same size as your ramekins (using an inverted ramekin for help). With a sharp knife,
1 pound cooked chicken, broken into cut a vent in the center of each round. Place rounds on ramekins, gently pressing the sides
chunks to secure. Place ramekins on a baking sheet and brush tops with egg wash. Bake until
1 cup green peas, blanched golden, about 30 minutes. Serve hot.
All-purpose flour, for dusting
½ pound puff pastry (page 16)
Egg wash (page 10)

132 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

Anchovy and Pepper With three colors of peppers and fragrant anchovies, these tartlets are a treat for all of the
senses. Impressive and delicious, they are also quite easy to make!

Makes eight 4 x 6-inch tartlets

½ cup balsamic vinegar 1. Preheat oven to 360°F. In a medium frying pan, heat vinegar, sugar, and onions over
½ cup brown sugar medium-high heat until onions caramelize. Remove from pan and set aside. In same
3 medium onions, halved and sliced pan, heat oil over medium-high heat. Add peppers, salt, and pepper, and sauté for about
¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil 5 minutes, until soft. Remove from heat and set aside.
1 red bell pepper, sliced into strips
1 orange bell pepper, sliced into strips 2. On a lightly floured surface, roll out puff pastry to about ¼ inch thick and cut into eight
1 yellow bell pepper sliced into strips 4 x 6-inch rectangles. Arrange onions, peppers, and anchovies on top of each, leaving a
Salt and freshly ground black pepper ¹⁄³-inch border all around. Distribute thyme on top, and brush borders with egg wash. Bake
All-purpose flour, for dusting until pastry is golden, about 20 minutes. Serve warm.
1 pound puff pastry (page 16)
20 oil-packed anchovy filets, oil drained
and discarded
Handful fresh thyme leaves
Egg wash (page 10)

134 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

136 Pies, Pies & More Pies!
Salmon, Mushroom, This is a great recipe for using frozen pieces of salmon that aren’t quite nice enough for
serving on their own. Instead of dough, each pie is topped with an overlapping ring of
Crème Fraiche, and potato slices.
Chive Pot Pies

Makes eight 4 x 6-inch tartlets

2 ounces (½ stick) unsalted butter 1. Preheat oven to 320°F. In a large frying pan, heat butter and oil over medium-high heat
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil until butter melts. Add salmon and cook for about 5 minutes, until lightly browned. Remove
1 pound salmon fillet, cut into 1-inch salmon with a slotted spoon and set aside. Place onions in same pan and sauté until
cubes golden, about 5 minutes. Add mushrooms and continue to cook for about 3 minutes, until
2 medium onions, chopped liquids evaporate. Remove from heat and set aside.
½ pound button mushrooms, sliced
1 cup heavy (whipping) cream 2. In a medium bowl, combine cream, crème fraiche, and eggs. Gently mix in salmon,
1 cup crème fraiche onions, and chives until evenly combined.
2 large eggs
Handful chives, chopped 3. Divide mixture evenly among six 8-ounce ramekins, and top with overlapping potato
6 medium potatoes, sliced into slices arranged in a ring. Place ramekins on a baking sheet and bake until potatoes are
thin rounds soft and golden, about 40 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool. Serve warm.

Meat, Chicken & Fish 137

Shrimp and Pepper These loaf-sized pies are topped with gremolata, a flavorful garnish made with lemon zest,
fresh parsley, and garlic.

Makes eight to ten 2½ by 5-inch pies

Pastry dough 1. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer or food processor, mix flour, salt, and butter just
2 cups all purpose-flour, plus more until texture resembles bread crumbs. Add egg and cream, mixing just until dough forms.
for dusting Shape into a thick disc, wrap with plastic cling wrap, and refrigerate for 1 hour.
½ teaspoon salt
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter, 2. On a lightly floured surface, roll out chilled dough to about ¼ inch thick and cut eight to
cold and cut into small pieces ten 6½ x 9-inch rectangles. Transfer rectangles to 2½ x 5-inch loaf pans. Trim edges and
1 large egg or 2 large egg yolks freeze for 30 minutes.
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping)
cream, milk, or water 3. Preheat oven to 340°F. Line chilled tartlet shells with parchment paper or aluminum foil
and fill with raw beans or baking weights. Bake until crust is dry and lightly golden, about
15 minutes. Remove paper and beans and bake until crust is golden and baked through,
Filling 10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool.
¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil
2 red bell peppers, cut into strips 4. Prepare filling: In a medium frying pan, heat oil over medium-high heat. Add peppers,
2 yellow bell peppers, cut into strips salt, and pepper, and sauté for about 5 minutes, until soft. Remove peppers from pan with
Salt and freshly ground pepper a slotted spoon and set aside. Add shrimp and wine to frying pan and cook over medium
½ pound fresh shrimp, cleaned heat for about 5 minutes, until shrimp are pinkish and cooked through.
and deveined
1 cup white wine 5. Assemble pies: Arrange sautéed peppers in baked tart shells and top with shrimp. In a
2 tablespoons finely grated lemon zest small bowl, combine lemon zest, parsley, and garlic. Sprinkle mixture evenly over shrimp
2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley and serve.
3 cloves garlic, coarsely chopped

138 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

This dish is traditionally made with ground beef, but I’ve used ground lamb in this recipe.
Shepherd’s Pie You can also use ground turkey or chicken.

Makes one 9-inch pie

To p p i ng 1. Preheat oven to 320°F and prepare topping: Bring a pot of salted water to a boil. Add
Salted water potatoes, reduce heat to medium-low, and cook until soft, 15 to 20 minutes. Drain potatoes
5 medium potatoes, peeled and cut and transfer to a medium bowl. Add butter, crème fraiche, milk, nutmeg, salt, and pepper,
into 1-inch chunks and mash until evenly combined.
1 ounce (¼ stick) unsalted butter,
cut into small pieces 2. In the meantime, prepare filling: In a large pot, heat oil over medium-high heat. Add
¼ cup crème fraiche onion, celery, and carrots, and cook until soft, about 5 minutes. Add corn and lamb and
¼ cup whole milk sauté until lamb is lightly browned, about 5 minutes.
Pinch of ground nutmeg
Salt and freshly ground pepper 3. Transfer lamb mixture to 9-inch pie pan. Top with mashed potatoes and press top with
fork to make a textured surface. Bake until golden, about 20 minutes. Let stand for a few
minutes before serving. Garnish with parsley.
¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil
1 medium onion, finely chopped
3 celery stalks, finely chopped
3 medium carrots, finely chopped
1 cup cooked corn kernels, frozen and
thawed, or canned and drained
2 pounds ground lamb
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
for garnish

Meat, Chicken & Fish 139

This favorite quiche features crispy bacon in a creamy filling. An excellent dish for serving
Quiche Lorraine at Sunday brunch.

Makes one 9-inch tart

Pastry dough 1. Prepare pastry: In an electric mixer or food processor, mix flour, salt, thyme, and butter
2 cups all-purpose flour, plus more just until texture resembles bread crumbs. Add egg and cream, mixing just until dough
for dusting forms. Shape into a thick disc, wrap with plastic cling wrap, and refrigerate for 1 hour.
½ teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon fresh thyme leaves 2. On a lightly floured surface, roll out dough to about ¼ inch thick and cut an 11-inch
5 ounces (1¼ sticks) unsalted butter, round. Wrap dough loosely around rolling pin and transfer to 9-inch tart pan. Trim edges
cold and cut into small pieces and freeze for 30 minutes.
1 large egg or 2 large egg yolks
3 tablespoons cold heavy (whipping) 3. Preheat oven to 330°F. Line chilled tart shell with parchment paper or aluminum foil
cream, milk, or water and fill with raw beans or baking weights. Bake until crust is dry and lightly golden, about
15 minutes. Remove paper and beans and bake until crust is golden and baked through,
10 to 15 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool.
10 ounces bacon, sliced into 4. Preparing filling: In a frying pan over medium-high heat, fry bacon until crisp and
½-inch strips golden, about 5 minutes. Remove bacon from frying pan using a slotted spoon and set
1 medium onion, chopped aside. Add onion to same pan and sauté over medium heat until soft, about 5 minutes.
2 cups heavy (whipping) cream
3 large eggs 5. In a medium bowl, combine cream and eggs. Add bacon, onion, salt, and pepper. Pour
Salt and freshly ground pepper mixture into baked tart shell and bake until filling sets, about 40 minutes. Transfer to wire
rack to cool. Serve warm or at room temperature.

140 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

Conversion Charts
The recipes that appear in this cookbook use the standard United States method for
measuring liquid and dry or solid ingredients (teaspoons, tablespoons, and cups). The
information on this chart is provided to help cooks outside the U.S. successfully use these
recipes. All equivalents are approximate.


A standard cup measure of a dry or solid (To convert ounces to grams, multiply the (To convert inches to centimeters multiply
ingredient will vary in weight depending on the number of ounces by 30.) number of inches by 2.5.)
type of ingredient. A standard cup of liquid is
1 oz = ¹⁄16 lb = 30g 1 in = 2.5 cm
the same volume for any type of liquid.
4 oz = ¼ lb = 120g 6 in = ½ ft = 15 cm
Use the following chart when converting
8 oz = ½ lb = 240g 12 in = 1 ft = 30 cm
standard cup measures to grams (weight) or
12 oz = 1 lb = 480g 36 in = 3 ft = 1 yd = 90 cm
milliliters (volume). 40 in = 100 cm = 1m

Standard Fine Grain Granular Liquid Liquid

(ex. (ex. (ex. (ex. (ex.
flour) rice) sugar) butter) milk)
Fahrenheit Celsius Gas Mark ¼ tsp = 1 ml
1 140 g 150 g 190 g 200 g 240 ml ½ tsp = 2 ml
¾ 105 g 113 g 143 g 150 g 180 ml Freeze Water 32° F 0° C 1 tsp = 5 ml
²⁄³ 93 g 100 g 125 g 133 g 160 ml Room Temperature 68° F 20° C 3 tsp = 1 tbls ½ fl oz = 15 ml
½ 70 g 75 g 95 g 100 g 120 ml Boil Water 212° F 100° C 2 tbls = ¹⁄8 cup = 1 fl oz = 30 ml
¹⁄³ 47 g 50 g 63 g 67 g 80 ml Bake 325° F 160° C 3 4 tbls = ¼ cup = 2 fl oz = 60 ml
¼ 35 g 38 g 48 g 50 g 60 ml 350° F 180° C 4 5¹⁄³ tbls = ¹⁄³ cup = 3 fl oz = 80 ml
¼ 18 g 19 g 24 g 25 g 30 ml 375° F 190° C 5 8 tbls = ½ cup = 4 fl oz = 120 ml
400° F 200° C 6 10²⁄³ tbls = ²⁄³ cup = 5 fl oz = 160 ml
425° F 220° C 7 12 tbls = ¾ cup = 6 fl oz = 180 ml
450° F 230° C 8 16 tbls = 1 cup = 8 fl oz = 240 ml
Broil Grill 1 pt = 2 cups = 16 fl oz = 480 ml
1 qt = 4 cups = 32 fl oz = 960 ml
33 fl oz = 1000 ml = 1 liter

142 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

Cream Cheese Maple Tartlets 90 Freeform Fig Pie with a Touch of
cherries Orange 26
Classic Clafouti (French Cherry Fresh Fruit Tart with Pastry Cream 48
Custard Tart) 44
Cherry Tomato Tart with Fresh Basil G
A and Mozzarella 104 green peas 132
almond cream 32, 55, 70, 85 chicken
Almond Cream and Pineapple Chicken Liver Pâté Terrine 128 H
Pastries, 38 Chicken Pot Pie 132 hazelnut paste 61
almonds 28, 31, 32, 46, 48, 55, 58, 61, Freeform Chicken Pies 131 hazelnuts 58, 69, 72
70, 85 chives 103 Hazelnut Mousse Pie 61
anchovies 119 chocolate 24, 56, 61, 63, 64, 66, 97 honey 58, 69, 80
Anchovy and Pepper Tartlets 134 Chocolate Marble Cheesecake Tart 96
apples 46, 76, 78, 83, 85 Chocolate Mousse 66 J
Apple and Cheese Streusel 86 Chocolate Pecan Pie 73 jam 13, 55, 70, 72
Apple and Poppy Seed Cream Tart 80 Cinnamon Pumpkin Tart 42
Apple Parfait Pie 77 cocoa powder 56, 58, 63, 66, 95, 97 K
apricot glaze 13, 31, 38, 46, 48, 122 corn 139 kiwi 48
Apricot Pie with Pistachio-Almond crème brûlée 28, 37
Cream 32 crème fraiche 103, 109, 112, 118, 137 L
Asparagus, Parmesan, and Crostata di Quattro 54 lamb 139
Olive Tart 114 leeks 108
D Leek, Sundried Tomato, and
B Double-Crust Ricotta Pie with Pine Nuts Parmesan Pie 102
bacon 140 and Dried Fruit 92 Lemon Meringue Tartlets 40
broccoli Linzer Pie 72
Broccoli, Feta, and Walnut Tart 112 E
eggplant 107, 116, 120, 131 M
C Espresso and Mascarpone maple syrup 66, 90
carrots 129, 132, 139 Cheese Pie 95 Mediterranean Focaccia Pie 120
celery 129, 139 Essentials 7-13 melon 48
cheese 86, 89, 90, 93, 95, 97, 102, 104, 107, Mississippi Mud Tart 56
109, 110, 112, 113, 115, 118, 122, 125, 131 F Mulberry Cream Pie 51
Cheese and Fresh Herb Pie 118 figs 58 mushrooms 120, 122, 137

Index 143
Mushroom Pie with Crème Fraiche pistachio paste 32, 46, 55, 70 spinach
and Chives 103 pistachios 32, 55, 69, 70, Spinach, Onion, and Pine Nut Pie 110
Pistachio-Almond Cream Tart with strawberries 24, 48
N Cherry Jam and Streusel 70 Strawberry Tart 24
Normandy Pie 83 Pithiviers 84 Sweet Pastry Dough 18
Nutty Tartlets 69 plums 30 Sweet Potato Pie with Thyme and Blue
poppy seeds 80 Cheese 109
O potatoes 132, 137, 139
olives 115, 119, 131 Puff Pastry 16, 32, 38, 85, 116, 122, T
onions 108, 110, 112, 115, 116, 119, 122, 132, 134 Tarte Tatin (Upside-Down Apple Tart) 76
129, 134, 137, 140 pumpkin 42 Three Onion and Thyme Tart 108
Onion Tarte Tatin (Upside-Down Tiropita (Traditional Greek Tart) 124
Onion Pie) 100 Q tomatoes (cherry) 100, 102, 104, 131
Orange Crème Brûlée Pie 37 Quiche Lorraine 140
Orange-Chocolate Saint-Honoré Tart 64 V
R vanilla bean 10, 18, 35, 48, 50, 51, 61, 63,
P raisins 58, 80, 86, 93 83, 86, 88
Panforte (Traditional Italian Fruitcake) 58 Rum Raisin Cream Cheese Pie 89 Vol-au-Vent (Puff Pastry with Brie and
pastry cream 35, 48, 51, 55 Raspberry Tart with Lemon Crème Mushrooms) 122
peanuts Brûlée 28
Peanut Tartlets with Maple Syrup Ratatouille Diamond Tartlets 116 W
and pears 55 Roasted Eggplant and Cheese Tart 106 walnuts 31, 69, 86, 112, 113
Pear and Chocolate Truffle Tartlets 62 rum, 31, 32, 38, 93, wine 63, 85, 129, 138
Pear, Walnut, and Blue Cheese Pie 113 Rum Raisin Cream Cheese Pie 89 Wine-Marinated Pears with Pastry
Wine-Marinated Pears with Pastry Rustic Double-Crust Apple Pie 78 Cream Tart 34
Cream Tart 34
pecans 69, 72, 73 S Z
peppers 116, 120, 131, 134, 134, 138 Salmon, Mushroom, Crème Fraiche, zucchini 116, 120, 131
phyllo pastry 7, 110, 125 and Chive Pot Pies 136
Phyllo Baskets with Plums and Nuts 31 Savory Pastry Dough 20
Phyllo Flowers with Apples 46 semolina 125
pine nuts 93, 110 Shepherd’s Pie 139
pineapples 38 Shrimp and Pepper Tartlets 138
Pissaladière (French Pizza Pie) 119 sour cream 89, 90, 97, 104, 108, 132

144 Pies, Pies & More Pies!

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