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Journal of Food Safety ISSN 1745-4565


Food Science and Technology Master Programme, State University of Ponta Grossa, Av. Carlos Cavalcanti 4748, Uvaranas Campus, CEP 84.030-
900, Ponta Grossa, PR, Brazil
Department of Food, Federal Technological University of Paraná, Ponta Grossa, PR, Brazil

Corresponding author. ABSTRACT
TEL: 55 42 3220 3775;
FAX: 55 42 3220 3072; This study evaluated the effect of the operations of selection, cleaning and sanitiz-
EMAIL: ing with sodium hypochlorite, on the populations of yeasts and lactic acid bacteria
present in apple cider must, elaborated from commercial and industrial fruit. The
Accepted for Publication February 9, 2014
microbial load differed between the cultivars and classes of fruit. The total popula-
doi: 10.1111/jfs.12107
tions of yeasts and lactic acid bacteria were higher in the industrial fruit. The
operation of selection avoided cross-contamination and the presence of organic
compounds that might react with the chlorine. Washing the apples decreased the
populations of these microorganisms by one logarithmic cycle. Hierarchical
cluster analysis indicated that sanitization was effective at a concentration of
100 mg/L for 5 min. The sanitizer was not effective in totally eliminating the
microorganisms in populations greater than 104 CFU/mL. Selection and washing
help reduce natural microbiota, making sanitization more effective, and positively
affecting food safety and the quality of unpasteurized cider.

This article presents the results, and a thorough discussion, of the use of pre-
fermentation operations that can be used to reduce the microbial load of apple
must, which is to be turned into cider. Among all the various techniques and con-
trols, the three that were most noteworthy were analyzed (selection of fruits,
washing and sanitizing with chlorine, followed by rinsing). These operations
are critical control points, and if they are planned and monitored then can reduce
or eliminate microorganisms (pathogens or not), eliminate or reduce the need
for sulfite, facilitate the cleaning and disinfection of the environment and equip-
ment, increase food safety, and ensure the production of high-quality unpasteur-
ized cider.

organoleptic characteristics and physiological or morpho-

logical defects and infection by microorganisms (Nogueira
Cider is a carbonated or uncarbonated beverage that is and Wosiacki 2012).
obtained by the alcoholic fermentation of apple must and it In the manufacture of cider, the selection and exclusion
is produced in more than 20 countries around the world. of fruit with superficial rot, injuries or different stages of
Apples used for cider processing consist of dessert (sweet ripeness is precarious and often nonexistent. The exclusion
and aromatic) and industrial varieties (bitter, sour and of damaged fruits results in a substantial decrease in the
acid), either blended or unblended. Industrial fruit has total microbiota of fresh must (Parish 1997). The removal
no commercial value for fresh consumption because of of damaged apples before washing is a means to prevent

Journal of Food Safety 34 (2014) 141–149 © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 141

further increases in the microbial load of the water that is Cider can be prepared by spontaneous fermentation or
used (washing, rinsing and hydraulic transport water) and by inoculum using commercial yeasts and bacteria. There
to reduce the contamination of other apples in the tank is a diversity of wild species of Saccharomyces and
(Snowdon et al. 2006). Fruits with injuries or cuts can be nonconventional yeasts on the surface of apples that come
quickly contaminated by microorganisms (Janisiewicz et al. from the fruit itself and the processing equipment (Michel
1999; Kenney and Beuchat 2002). et al. 1988; Laplace et al. 1998; Coton et al. 2006; Valles et al.
The lack of efficient methods to remove wild and 2007; Bedriñana et al. 2010). These microorganisms develop
unwanted microorganisms in apples leads to the necessity a complex fermentation process, which can result in prod-
for the application of a combination of mechanical ucts with variation in standards of identity and sensory
methods (chemical washes, high-pressure sprays and brush- quality, and if they are present in populations above
ing) or new methods (ozone, ultraviolet light and pulsed 105 CFU/mL they can even compromise the quality of ciders
electric field) and sanitization treatments that may be effec- prepared with commercial yeast inoculums.
tive in achieving the necessary reductions (Kenney and Likewise, lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are always present,
Beuchat 2002). However, the sanitization process is often and their population can reach 109 CFU/mL. In acid apple
not performed, on the grounds that the operation of musts, these bacteria can promote the decarboxylation of
extracting the apple must is continuous, which generates malic acid into lactic acid and reduce the acidic taste, which
more costs, because, as well as the equipment and sanitizer can be positive for the quality of the cider. However, in
(often chlorinated compounds), this will require efficient musts with low acidity, this is not necessary, and depending
rinsing because waste can harm the alcoholic fermentation on the species of LAB, other metabolites may be synthesized
and/or sensory quality of the cider. in excess, such as diacetyl and geraniol, which de-
In countries that utilize industrial apple varieties, the characterize the flavor of cider (Jarvis and Lea 2000;
fruit is mainly collected from the ground (indicating the Reguant and Bordons 2003).
point of harvest). The production of fruit can occur in asso- To solve this problem, the addition of sulfite (SO2) in the
ciation with action from livestock (sheep, goats and cattle) triturated material (before pressing), or in the apple must
or manure can be used as fertilizer, making the soil an envi- and after fermentation, becomes usual and necessary. In
ronment with a high concentration of pathogens; because Brazil, the legislation allows the addition of up to 350 mg/L
of this factor, the fruit should not be harvested from the of sulfite, well above the doses used in some European
ground. These practices are common in the U.S.A. and in countries, where the limit is 180 mg/L (Nogueira and
European countries, where there have been reports of Wosiacki 2012). This compound has bacteriostatic, anti-
numerous outbreaks of illness (17 cases between 1972 and fungal and antioxidant properties (Jarvis and Lea 2000).
2012) associated with unpasteurized apple juice and cider Besides these advantages, yeasts, mainly of the Saccharomy-
caused by Escherichia coli 0157:H7, Salmonella and ces genus, exhibit resistance to sulfite, which avoids compe-
Cryptosporidium parvus (Millard et al. 1994; Parish 1997; tition from other microorganisms, allowing them to
Mihajlovic et al. 2013), in addition to the high presence of multiply and dominate the fermentation medium (Lea and
coliforms. E. coli is the main contaminating microorganism Drilleau 2003). Although sulfites do not cause a true allergic
because it causes infection at low concentrations and sur- reaction, sulfite-sensitive people may experience similar
vives high acidity (pH ≤ 4.6) for up to 4 weeks (Zhao et al. reactions to people with food allergies. Asthma sufferers are
1993; Keene et al. 1994; Miller and Kaspar 1994; Mihajlovic most at risk to sulfite sensitivity and other forms of sulfite
et al. 2013). Other forms of contamination by pathogens in reactions (Vally et al. 2009).
this product, including irrigation water, lack of hygiene Many producers have used post-harvest chlorination for
practices in collection and disinfection of transport boxes, sanitizing fruits, because of its rapid action, easy application
as well as the period and conditions of storage, have all been and complete dissociation in water (Hong and Gross 1998).
documented (Buchanan et al. 1999; Uljas and Ingham 2000; Chlorine rinses are frequently used, with concentrations
Garcia et al. 2006). varying from 50 to 200 mg/L, and with typical contact times
In the U.S.A., cider (hard cider) is not subject to the of from less than 5–20 min (Artés et al. 2009). This com-
Food and Drug Administration Juice Rule requirements pound is a strong oxidizing agent with broad-spectrum
of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points. The fermen- antimicrobial activity (Joshi et al. 2013). Some of the disad-
tation process itself is an effective means of reducing patho- vantages associated with its use are that high concentrations
gen load and patulin contamination. However, many (up to 250 mg/L) can cause discoloration and modify
microorganisms (yeast and bacteria), can still affect cider the aroma of fruits; it also has low efficiency at high pH
quality and stability, so Standard Sanitary Operating Proce- (Oliveira et al. 2003). When NaClO is added to water, it
dures (SSOPs) and product stabilization should still be increases pH and generates hypochlorous acid (HOCl),
addressed in the production plan (Uljas and Ingham 2000). which is the active antimicrobial species. The acid

142 Journal of Food Safety 34 (2014) 141–149 © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

dissociates readily to hypochlorite ions (OCl−) at high pH, remove excess sanitizer and sent for the processing of the
or chlorine gas (Cl2) at low pH, thus the pH must be kept in must.
the range of 6.5−7.5 for HOCl to be stable and efficient, and
to reduce the risk of corrosion of metallic processing equip-
Apple Must Processing
ment (Artés et al. 2009; Joshi et al. 2013; Ramos et al. 2013).
Chlorination can be a strategy to decrease the popula- The apples (Gala and Fuji) were separated into commercial
tions of yeasts and LAB that may compromise or alter the and industrial categories and divided into four groups. For
quality of the beverage (Lang et al. 1999; Lea and Drilleau each sanitizing condition, 1 kg of fruit was used, and
2003; Guerrero-Beltrán et al. 2005) in addition to increasing samples of freshly extracted juice from unwashed apples,
the food safety of unpasteurized ciders, which depend only apples washed with potable water and apples subjected to
on their acidity, ethanol content and the addition of chemi- sanitization with sodium hypochlorite (2.5% active chlo-
cal preservatives (Downing 1989). rine), according to the conditions presented in item 2.3,
Therefore, the selection, washing, sanitizing and monitor- were analyzed. After sanitizing, the juice processing was per-
ing of the quality of apples are critical control points, and formed using a domestic extractor (Juicer extractor model
they are extremely important for companies producing NCF01 cod. 1260-01; Mondial M.K. Eletrodomesticos Ldta.,
unpasteurized cider. This study aimed to evaluate the effect Conceição do Jacuípe, Bahia, Brazil).
of the selection, washing and chlorination of fruits on
the wild yeast and lactic bacteria populations present in
Microbiological Analysis
apple must.
The populations of total yeasts (SCH), oxidative yeasts
(OXY) and LAB were monitored because of their significant
presence in apples, their greater resistance to sulfite (rather
than pathogenic) microorganisms and because it is known
that they change the standard of quality of unpasteurized
Sodium hypochlorite (Vitta Pury) was purchased from ciders (Snowdon et al. 2006; Pizarro et al. 2009).
Meneghetti Industry (São Paulo, Brazil). Agar was acquired
from HiMedia (Mumbai, India). Lysine was acquired from OXY. Dilutions were made from freshly extracted juices
Biotec (Pinhais, Brazil). Potato dextrose agar (PDA) and according to Tortora et al. (2010). The AgarLys culture
Man, Rogosa and Sharp Agar (MRS) were purchased from medium was prepared using agar and lysine, diluted in dis-
Acumedia (Lansing, MI). tilled water, according to the manufacturer’s specifications.
The sterilization of the medium and glassware were per-
formed in an autoclave (Phoenix VA 13811) for 15 min
Selection and Washing of Fruits
(121C, 1.01 kgf/cm). The analysis procedure was performed
Samples of 52 kg of Gala and Fuji apples, from the 2010– as described by Nogueira et al. (2007), using about 100 μL
2011 harvest, were classified as industrial (apples with of the sample, with scattering and using a Drigalski spatula.
physiological and morphological defects, scars and rot) and The plates were then incubated at 26C for 24 h, with sub-
commercial (without the defects previously described). The sequent counting of specific colonies. The results were
fruits were manually washed in potable water. expressed as CFU/mL.

SCH. The culture medium was PDA, which was hydrated

Sanitization of Apples with
and sterilized according to the manufacturer’s specifica-
Sodium Hypochlorite
tions. About 10 mL of culture medium and 50 μL of 10%
Different concentrations of sodium hypochlorite (2.5%) tartaric acid (Biotec, Pinhais, Brazil), were poured into
and different immersion times (0, 5, 15 and 20 min) were 90 mm Petri plates and subsequently, the solid medium
used for the experiments. For each treatment (1 kg of fruit), received 100 μL of sample following the same analysis of
different concentrations of sodium hypochlorite were OXY as described in the previous section. After incubation
diluted in 3 L of distilled water with pH 6.81 (84.8% of at 26C for 48 h, the colonies were manually counted and the
chlorine in HOCl and 15.2% of chlorine in OCl−). The solu- result was expressed in CFU/mL (Nogueira et al. 2007).
tions and sanitization processes were performed at tempera-
tures between 3 and 4C. The sanitizing conditions were: LAB. The determination of LAB was performed on selec-
apples without the sanitizing agent (control), 50, 100, 150 tive medium, using MRS, dissolved in distilled water, fol-
and 200 mg/L, at times of 5, 15 and 20 min, respectively. lowed by sterilization. The Pour Plate procedure was used
The fruits were subsequently rinsed in clean water (3 L) to by inoculating 1 mL of sterile sample on the plate and then

Journal of Food Safety 34 (2014) 141–149 © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 143

pouring approximately 15 mL of MRS medium (about related to factors such as climate, degree of ripeness, injuries
45C), homogenized with circular movements, and awaiting and the incidence of superficial rot (Parish 1997). However,
complete solidification, with the subsequent addition of an it was found that not all the populations of microorganisms
overlayer. The plates were incubated at 28C for 8 days, with were higher in the industrial fruit. The natural yeasts of the
subsequent counting of specific colonies. The results were Saccharomyces genus showed a high population for the
expressed as CFU/mL (Nogueira et al. 2007). industrial fruit of both cultivars (105–106 CFU/mL). In fresh
apple musts, the yeasts population varies between 103 and
104 CFU/mL (Le Quéré and Drilleau 1998; Dierings et al.
Hierarchical Cluster Analysis
2013). The populations of OXY were very similar between
Data were presented as means. Hierarchical cluster analysis the industrial and commercial apples, but showed large
(HCA) was performed to evaluate the similarity between variations among cultivars (104–107 CFU/mL). Dierings
the microbiological data obtained from the Gala and Fuji et al. (2013) found a similar variation between the popula-
apples using an array of three variables (LAB, OXY and Sac- tion of OXYs in apple musts (103–106 CFU/mL). The LAB
charomyces genus [SCH] ) of each fruit sample that received count was similar in the musts of the Gala cultivar, but
different treatments. The data were autoscaled, and the showed large variations in the commercial and industrial
similarity of the samples was calculated, based on the musts of the Fuji cultivar, with values of 103–105 CFU/mL,
Euclidean distance. Ward’s method was used to form and respectively. The LAB were the microorganisms that showed
suggest groups of similar samples. The clustering imposed most variation in the fresh apple musts, reaching values
a hierarchy on this similarity, making it possible to have greater than 200 % (Dierings et al. 2013). The vegetative
a two-dimensional view of the whole set of samples used in form of the filamentous fungi does not survive chlorine,
the study (Braga et al. 2013). In order to compare the results sulfite or fermentation. However, enzymes produced by
within the three recovered groupings, Levene’s test was con- these fungi remain, and they can compromise the sensory
ducted to check the homogeneity of variance. Kruskal– quality of cider, turning volatile phenolic compounds into
Wallis, analysis of variance and multiple comparison tests unpleasant aromas in the final product (Snowdon et al.
were applied to verify differences between the clusters. A 2006; Nogueira and Wosiacki 2012) requiring the removal
P-value below 0.05 was considered significant. All statistical of fruit with phytopathological defects caused by filamen-
analyses were performed using Statistica software v. 7 tous fungi.
(Statsoft, Tulsa, OK). The operation of washing and rinsing of industrial and
commercial fruits in running potable water decreased the
population of all the evaluated microorganisms by one
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION logarithmic cycle, regardless of the initial count (Fig. 2).
Figure 1 shows the effect of classifying the apples into com- Lang et al. (1999) and Buchanan et al. (1999) observed that
mercial and industrial fruits for the evaluated microorgan- an increase in coliform and E. coli count can occur in reused
isms. The Gala apples had a higher microbial load washing water, which results in a larger population of these
compared with the Fuji cultivar. This may have been mainly bacteria, and possibly other microorganisms in the must.
Thus, the washing water should always be potable water that
has not been reused. The brushing of fruit is recommended
when they are very dirty or when they have been collected
from the soil. In France, the harvest of apples begins when
50% of the fruits are on the ground, indicating the degree of
ripeness that is ideal for processing (Lea and Drilleau 2003).
According to Uljas and Ingham (2000), of the 93 cider pro-
ducers in the region of Wisconsin (U.S.A.), 93% washed
their apples, 87% reported brushing their apples, and only
16% sanitized their fruits. These results are similar to
a survey of the cider producers in Virginia (U.S.A.), where
93% washed their fruits, 64% used brushing and 37% used
disinfectants (Wright et al. 2000).
These results (Figs. 1 and 2) demonstrate that operations
that are performed prior to the extraction of apple must,
INDUSTRIAL) ON WILD YEAST AND LACTIC ACID BACTERIA POPULA- such as the selection of apples (mainly with drawing those
TIONS IN APPLE MUST with rot and injuries) and washing with clean, nonreused
SCH, total yeasts; OXY, oxidative yeasts, LAB: lactic acid bacteria. water, significantly decreases the concentration of organic

144 Journal of Food Safety 34 (2014) 141–149 © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


SCH, total yeasts; OXY, oxidative yeasts; LAB,
lactic acid bacteria; cg, commercial Gala; ig,
industrial Gala; cf, commercial Fuji; if, indus-
trial Fuji.

compounds that can react with chlorine, either inactivating OXY and LAB were dependent on the microbial load, the
it or forming chlorinated by-products, with potentially sensitivity of the microorganisms to sodium hypochlorite,
adverse health effects (Ramos et al. 2013). There are various the concentration of the sanitizer, and the reaction time
techniques and products for the disinfection of apples that (Tables 1 and 2).
are described in the literature (Evrendilek et al. 1999; Zook The similarity among the samples was evaluated using
et al. 1999; Rogers and Ryser 2004; Ramos et al. 2013), but HCA and three clusters were recovered (Fig. 3).
which are not being used in practice due in part, to the cost, The samples in cluster 1 (Table 3) represent the higher
availability of technology and lack of knowledge of produc- counts for all the evaluated microorganisms (SCH, OXY,
ers. Thus, chlorine continues to be the most commonly used LAB). This cluster was formed mainly by samples that had
sanitizer because of its efficacy, cost-effectiveness ratio and not been washed and sanitized (Fig. 3). Cluster 3 showed
simplicity of use (Joshi et al. 2013; Ramos et al. 2013). intermediate count values for samples that were mainly sub-
Because of this, the sanitization of apples with chlorine is mitted to lower hypochlorite concentrations (50 mg/L).
the sanitizing operation that can be most feasibly used, Cluster 2 presented the lowest counts for all the microor-
mainly by small cider producers. ganisms. This cluster was formed by all treated samples and
Tables 1 and 2 show the effect of the chlorine sanitization it is conclusive that a treatment using 100 mg/L for 5 min
on the microorganisms in apples, which was classified into can be effective in eliminating the majority of fermentative
two groups: commercial and industrial. The results show and OXYs and LAB. This treatment, with shorter time and
that the effect of sanitizing on the elimination of SCH, OXY followed by efficient rinsing, is sufficient to decrease the
and LAB was not effective. A study by Kenney and Beuchat population of microorganisms to levels that do not affect
(2002), which investigated the possibility of treating apples the development of commercial yeasts and reduce the risk
with sanitizers, verified that treatment with sodium hypo- of remaining residue, which might alter the sensory charac-
chlorite at 200 mg/L did not significantly reduce the teristics of the beverage, such as the formation of “off”
number of yeasts and molds on the surface of the apples. flavors. It is ideal for an industrial process (Suslow 1997;
Chlorine kills only what it directly comes into contact with. Ramos et al. 2013) HCA was successfully used to classify the
Water films that form on very small contours on plant sur- treated samples with respect to the concentration and time
faces may prevent the chlorinated water from directly con- of sanitization to be used for reduction/removal of SHC,
tacting the target microorganisms. In the present study, OXY and LAB.
surfactants were not used in the process to reduce the These unit operations (selection, washing/rinsing and
surface tension of the water, which may have influenced the sanitization) can reduce or avoid the use of the preservative
efficiency of chlorination (Suslow 1997). sulfite, which is responsible for symptoms of allergic reac-
However, it was possible to observe a reduction in micro- tions in people sensitive to this chemical compound (Vally
organisms at concentrations above 50 mg/L (Tables 1 and et al. 2009), especially in countries that permit concentra-
2). The initial populations of SCH between 102 and 103 were tions above 300 mg/L, which can affect the sensory quality
completely removed at concentrations of 100, 150 and of the cider (Nogueira and Wosiacki 2012).
200 mg/L; in populations above 104 CFU/mL the same The microorganisms evaluated in this study had a higher
treatments were ineffective (Tables 1 and 2). The effects on resistance to the sanitizer than strains that are pathogenic to

Journal of Food Safety 34 (2014) 141–149 © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 145

Sodium hipochlorite concentration (mg/L) and immersion times (min)

50 100 150 200

Gala apples MO 0′* 5′* 15′* 20′* 5′* 15′* 20′* 5′* 15′* 20′* 5′* 15′* 20′*

Commercial SCH 6.80 × 103 2.80 × 103 0.00 2.50 × 104 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
OXY 2.50 × 105 6.40 × 105 1.20 × 104 3.31 × 106 1.80 × 104 4.20 × 104 1.80 × 104 4.10 × 103 0.00 7.60 × 103 0.00 0.00 2.61 × 104
LAB 7.70 × 103 3.00 × 105 3.40 × 102 1.37 × 103 0.00 6.10 × 102 9.10 × 103 0.00 2.60 × 102 3.40 × 103 1.20 × 102 6.10 × 103 0.00
Industrial SCH 9.00 × 105 9.80 × 103 3.00 × 103 0.00 0.00 7.90 × 103 5.50 × 103 3.00 × 103 1.59 × 104 0.00 1.61 × 104 0.00 0.00
OXY 4.50 × 105 7.60 × 103 1.01 × 105 0.00 4.60 × 104 2.10 × 105 2.50 × 105 1.11 × 104 2.48 × 105 1.08 × 105 3.10 × 105 3.80 × 103 6.40 × 103
LAB 1.14 × 104 6.10 × 102 4.10 × 104 6.30 × 104 2.40 × 103 0.00 7.20 × 102 5.20 × 102 4.00 × 103 0.00 2.90 × 103 1.51 × 103 9.70 × 102

Note: * Time (minutes) immersion in sodium hypochlorite solution at 4–5C.

Counts were expressed in CFU/mL.
MO, microorganism; SCH, total yeast; OXY, oxidative yeasts; LAB, lactic acid bacteria.


Sodium hipochlorite concentration (mg/L) and immersion times (min)

50 100 150 200

Fuji apples MO 0′* 5′* 15′* 20′* 5′* 15′* 20′* 5′* 15′* 20′* 5′* 15′* 20′*
2 3 3
Commercial SCH 3.00 × 10 4.60 × 10 2.50 × 10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
OXY 2.30 × 103 3.20 × 103 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.40 × 104 3.90 × 103 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.50 × 104 2.80 × 103 0
LAB 1.70 × 102 8.60 × 102 6.80 × 102 3.90 × 102 0.00 6.60 × 102 5.00 × 102 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Industrial SCH 2.50 × 104 0.00 0.00 1.34 × 104 0.00 5.20 × 104 0.00 4.00 × 102 4.10 × 104 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
OXY 6.90 × 104 2.70 × 104 3.40 × 104 1.76 × 105 2.50 × 104 3.60 × 104 2.50 × 105 1.42 × 104 2.50 × 105 1.46 × 104 4.50 × 104 4.60 × 103 2.50 × 105
LAB 5.00 × 102 3.10 × 103 2.60 × 102 1.08 × 105 6.20 × 103 3.70 × 103 1.53 × 104 1.50 × 102 1.03 × 104 6.20 × 102 6.50 × 102 1.41 × 103 2.50 × 104

Note: * Time (min) immersion in sodium hypochlorite solution at 4–5C.

Counts were expressed in CFU/mL.
MO, microorganism; SCH, total yeast; OXY, oxidative yeasts; LAB, lactic acid bacteria.

Journal of Food Safety 34 (2014) 141–149 © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


IG, industrial Gala; CG, commercial Gala; IF, industrial Fuji; CF, commercial Fuji; (I), control; (II), 50 mg/L–0 min; (III), 50 mg/L–5 min; (IV), 50 mg/L–
15 min; (V), 50 mg/L–20 min; (VI), 100 mg/L–5 min; (VII), 100 mg/L–15 min; (VIII), 100 mg/L–20 min; (IX), 150 mg/L–5 min; (X), 150 mg/L–15 min;
(XI), 150 mg/L–20 min; (XII), 200 mg/L–5 min; (XIII), 200 mg/L–15 min; (XIV), 200 mg/L–20 min.

humans. Consequently, their reduction or elimination may produces a beverage with greater food safety and at the
represent an indicator of the effectiveness of this compound same time maintains the sensory quality of the product.
against pathogens.
Therefore, adopting SSOPs that incorporate critical pre-
fermentation control points, such as harvesting, storage,
sorting, washing, sanitizing, rinsing of fruit, and the
cleaning/disinfection of plant and equipment, are proce- The authors are deeply grateful to the National Council of
dures that guarantee a lower microbial load in apple must, Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq), Arau-
eliminating or reducing the need to add sulfite and also caria Foundation (FA), and Coordination for the Improve-
decreasing the amount of microorganisms, which facilitates ment of Personnel in Higher Level (CAPES) for financial
the cleaning and disinfection of plant and equipment and support and scholarships.


Microorganisms Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3 P-value* P-value**
PROPOSED SCH 1.81 × 10 a 6
4.21 × 10 b 3
1.57 × 10 ab5
<0.0001 0.0016
OXY 3.15 × 106a 5.27 × 104b 7.14 × 105ab <0.0001 0.0015
LAB 2.21 × 105a 1.94 × 103c 4.16 × 104b <0.0001 <0.0001

Notes: P-value*: probability value obtained by Levene’s Test.

P-value** – probability value obtained by Kruskal–Wallis’ Test – analysis of variance. Different
letters represent averages with values significantly different (P < 0.05) and the same letter means
no significant difference (P > 0.05).

Journal of Food Safety 34 (2014) 141–149 © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 147

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