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Customer Service

1.1 Different reasons involved for using customer service policies.........................................................3
1.2 Purpose of evaluating customer service policy, including how this helpful for further staff training
and development....................................................................................................................................4
2.1 Different methods of communication and how these are used to get better output........................6
2.2 Analysis of how customer perception is influenced by customer service provision..........................7
Task-3 & 4:...................................................................................................................................................9
3.1 Assessment of different sources of information on customer requirements and satisfaction levels 9
3.2 Implementing research on customer requirements and satisfaction level of Cardiff restaurant,
suggesting potential improvement........................................................................................................11
4.1 Delivering customer service in a business and service environment...............................................12
4.2 Reviewing my own performance in the delivery of customer service, as well as recommendation
for improvement...................................................................................................................................12

Actually customer service has always been the main focus for any kind of hospitality. This may
vary individual to individual and carried out depending on customer requirements. Whenever
customers are linked with the hospitality, there create need to ensure customer service policy.
Customer service can be required at any time while consuming a utility. While making customer

service policy there always customer satisfaction is focused because generally customer service
starts from the result of customer satisfaction. This paper is prepared focusing on customer
service policy and showing its importance different aspects are discussed here step by step as
required. Let’s see why customer service is essential and how it can be evaluated in a proper
manner for a UK based hospitality.

1.1 Different reasons involved for using customer service policies
In this part customer service policies of Browns hotel and Cardiff restaurant are analyzed and I
tried to highlight some reasons for which these hospitality industry uses customer service policy.
Customer service policy is a documentary method followed by any kind of hospitality for
bringing effectiveness in their policy. This is some core rules and regulations followed by
organizations. Reason for using customer service policy is to increasing reputation of any
company. Obviously there has some other reasons for which hospitality industries uses customer
service policy and those are discussed here.

Continuous improvement: hospitality organizations want to add value to their services thereby
they ensure customer service so that they improve their ability continuously. They just take
feedback from customer and use it for their improvement. Actually this activity doesn’t stops
rather company does in frequently and timely.

Relationship building: another reason for using customer service policy is relationship building.
They want to capture a client for long run therefore they want to identify customer comfort. This
activity helps in capturing customer for long time as well as also helps to capture the main goal
of the hospitality.

Loyalty maintenance: through the loyalty maintenance program hospitality industries try to
disclose that they are very loyal to the customer. Asking customer requirements frequently helps
in gaining customer loyalty rapidly. Actually this activity directly associated with the

Lifetime value achievement: every organization wants to capture values for long run and if they
can gain it from customer care policy then obviously they will use it. By ensuring customer
satisfaction they try to make a customer into a profitable one.

Need assessment policy: organizations just want make them competitive in the global market.
They are always searching for new ideas that can give more profit. A very common way to
identify the need is to inviting customers and asking their potential needs. The result from the
evaluation is used for the development policy also.

Special policy: hospitality organizations keep some common type of facilities for all but they
also keep some special benefits for specific group of people. These sorts of services may be
given to either handicapped people or to star customers.

Publicity: one of the main hidden reasons for doing customer service is publicity. Hospitality
organizations just want to gain the attention therefore they do this different time within different

For gaining good customer response there has no alternative of excellent customer service. These
sort of reasons for using customer service is detected through searching the customer care policy
of Browns hotel and Cardiff restaurant.

[ CITATION Wik181 \l 1033 ][ CITATION Wik182 \l 1033 ]

1.2 Purpose of evaluating customer service policy, including how this helpful
for further staff training and development
Purpose of evaluating customer service policy:

Purpose of keeping customer service policy is to ensure customer demand. This activity does not
end only with making the policy for customer service but it needs to be implemented properly.
Effectiveness of the entire policy is measured through evaluating this customer care policy.
Whether policy is really working or not it can be identified through evaluation. Here is given
some basic purpose of evaluating customer service policy.

 Evaluation is needed for customer service policy because there has always chance to
create mismatch between actually policy and practicing policy. Mismatches can be
identified only with proper evaluation.

 Evaluation for customer service policy is needed for further development of the entire
policy. Through evaluation new policies can be implemented which is found from the
result of evaluation.
 Another purpose for evaluating customer service policy is determining whether current
policy is working or not. Actually this is an audit procedure.
 Identifying upcoming potentials and also determining whether staff training is needed
again or not. [ CITATION UKe15 \l 1033 ]

In this section I prepared a survey in questionnaire pattern to demonstrate customer service

policy with its operational activity.

 How frequently do you come to visit this restaurant? (once in a month/ once in a week/
 Do you think here has a sound and comfortable environment? (yes/ no)
 Please rate this hospitality as per your satisfaction level. (…………..)
 Will you refer this hospitality to anyone known with you? (maybe/ sure/ never)
 Do you think customer service policy is not good here? (I think it’s not good/ I am happy
with it)
 Have you ever face any problem while staying in this hospitality? (yes/ no)
 Can you give your satisfaction level for this hospitality? (…………..)
 Please rate the efficiency of staffs working here in a scale of 1 to 3 (1/ 2/ 3)
 Do you want to add or delete something from the service policy of this hospitality?
 Do you think customer service policy need to be developed for this hospitality? (I don’t
know/ it’s okay/ yes)

This research should be implemented and the result found from this analysis will be used for
further training and development of the customer care officers. Let’s see how this analysis will
be used in further training and development.

Assist in further training and development:

Evaluation found from this research will be used for the training and development procedure of
the employees. For making this happen at first it need to identify what are the main reasons for

which customers are not satisfied and which factors are helpful in gaining good response from
customers. Then problem arising factors should be developed and maintained continuously with
other works. At the same time further training should be provided to employees and they will
acknowledge about their mistakes. An improvement proposal will be given to solve this problem
and under proper guidance this problem will be solved. It needs to ensure also that employs are
enjoying their work and they are providing quality services. Once employees can learn how they
should interact with customers then they will able to develop them and this will happen when
further training will be ensured.

2.1 Different methods of communication and how these are used to get better
In this level the authority of Browns hotel and Cardiff restaurant want to create a self checklist so
that they can identify correct circumstances for using their communication method. They want to
identify how this method will be effectively used therefore showing its pros and cons this
checklist is presented here with other information’s.

Method of Correct circumstances How method is Advantages of Disadvantages

communication of using methods effectively used the method of the method
Physical Hospitality This method can be Profit Miscommunic
method organizations uses effectively used maximization, ation, extra
physical method of when customer care reputation, funding, lack
communication for officers will be diversity of good
those who are used to with employees
handicapped i.e. dumb physical
people communication
Use of Technology based Technological Profitability, Creating
technology communication is support is must to easiest form larger market
required when ensure this type of of creates larger
organization want communication. communicatio cost,
capture customers Therefore n, good challenging to

from all levels organizations must medium to maintain the
ensure technology spread the task within
first. business time.
Personal Customer care officers Without having First Wrong
appearance must develop their good personal impression appearance
own appearance so characteristics benefit, also
that they can employees cannot beneficial in discourages
communicate well do well. You gaining customers
should remember loyalty, helps with the
excellent employee in holding a hospitality.
performance also customer for Customer
affect in long time also switches to
profitability. other
also for this.
Body language Existence of both This method will be Helps in Your body
verbal and physical effectively used expressing language may
method of when customer care promptly, not liked by
communication officer will able to understanding the customer,
requires body clarify his/her become easier incorrect body
language service activity language
with showing body creates
language also confusions

2.2 Analysis of how customer perception is influenced by customer service

In this part I want to show how customer care officers will approach with customers and how
customer perception is influenced for customer service provision. Basically customers can show
positive as well as negative perceptions for the behaviors of the employees but obviously it
depends on direct interaction of employees.

Ways of Right ways of showing approach Impact upon their perception

Quality Obviously employees should ensure If customers feel quality is very
maintenance the best quality service. Right way to good then obviously they will
showing this can be live kitchen room. interact positively even they will
also recommend it to others.
Maintain loyalty Loyalty maintenance is a must. Maintenance of loyalty helps in
Interacting positively, prompt capturing customers for long run
response are the sign of loyalty even customers don’t want to switch
for this.
Listen actively Active listening is much needed while Active listening is also a sign of
communicating with customers. For good hospitality this characteristics
this employees should be attentive also helps in making more
while taking orders productivity
Avoid negative Customers has right to ask any sort of This kind of behavior of employs
questions questions regarding the hospitality and shows politeness of employees
the duty of employees is to answer thereby customers become happy
them. In this process customers may with service also.
ask negate questions but every staff
should response positively.
Use positive Employees should always react Positivity directly impact on the
instead of positively. They should bring productivity of the hospitality
negative positivity in their mind as well as in therefore negative factors also
statement their behavior damages the image of hospitality.
Be careful in Employees should use simple words If employees are careful in using
using words while communicating with customers. words then customers become bound
They must not puzzle. While to keep positive perception about the
communicating they should also do it hospitality.
Anticipate Customers always has different sorts If customers can find employees of
customer of queries because they want to know the hospitality are attentive then they
queries and new offers. Duty of every employee is will obviously come back to the
objections to ensure customer about that timely. hospitality.
Keep the While serving staff should inform to It helps in capturing customer
customer every customers about the dish. It perception positively and promptly.

informed may be regarding the hygiene issues, This kind of behavior also shows
fat or other sort of things containing ethics in the hospitality.
in the dish.

Task-3 & 4:
3.1 Assessment of different sources of information on customer requirements
and satisfaction levels
Usually hospitality organizations take feedback to know their actual position in the market. This
indicated the satisfaction level of the consumer that comes from the feedback of the consumer.
These feedbacks are the main sources of collecting customer requirements and also help to know
about their satisfaction level. Here is given different feedback methods used by Browns hotel and
Cardiff restaurant.

1. Live chat system: it is an online based feedback collection method. Anyone can connect
with it simply with mobile phone, laptop, PC or notebook.
o Pros and cons: its advantage is it is one of the easiest methods to collect feedback on the
other hand disadvantage is organizations may not found customers for live chat in their
desired time.
2. Feedback form in site: hospitality organizations also provide feedback form in their
website. Actually this is a very commonly used feedback collection method.
o Pros and cons: its advantage is easy accessibility while its disadvantage is most
customers don’t want to give feedback here.
3. Direct call to customer: now organizations are really very conscious about their
hospitality even now they make direct call to consumer and ask for the quality of their
o Pros and cons: using this method hospitality organization can reach near to the customer
directly but disadvantage is some customers don’t response here.
4. Social channel monitoring: in the social channel monitoring method hospitality
organizations uses spying software’s. They find their activity in social media and collect
feedback from that.

o Pros and cons: actual reaction can be collected using this feedback method but it is a
costly one and also time consuming than others.
5. Ask for feedback in order confirmation letter: it’s a modern feedback collection
method where feedback is asked in the order confirmation letter. When consumer
confirms their purchase then instantly they collect feedback.
o Pros and cons: instantly feedback can be collected therefore it is very transparent but
due to fast feedback collection method so sometimes they don’t find accurate
6. Ask feedback in return of gift: actually it is rarely used system where customers are
called for gift first then while delivering gift organizations also collect feedback from
o Pros and cons: using this method organization can get attention of large number of
audiences easily but it is costly one.
7. App based feedback: separate application software is developed here for taking
customer feedback. Organizations can separate their evaluation from others using this
o Pros and cons: customers find it is a nice one and they response with it promptly but it
its cost is very high then other methods.
8. Ask for feedback just after consumption: for collecting feedback hospitality
organization keep a feedback form as well as they also keep voting system on the
Excellency of their service level.
o Pros and cons: feedback from every customer is ensured when this method is used but
some customers become angry for this also!

3.2 Implementing research on customer requirements and satisfaction level of

Cardiff restaurant, suggesting potential improvement
For completing this task we just asked same question to 50 people who already visited Cardiff
restaurant and accumulated the result. This research is made in questionnaire pattern. We just
randomly asked same questions and found some results. Here is given the outcome of this

a) How frequently do you come to visit this restaurant?

Answer: 57% people said monthly, 22% people said weekly and the rest said they go
b) Do you think here has a sound and comfortable environment?
Answer: everyone told its yes and they are satisfied.
c) Please rate this hospitality as per your satisfaction level.
Answer: Except 4 people everyone wants to give 3 stars to the service pattern of this
hospitality and others given 2 stars.
d) Will you refer this hospitality to anyone known with you?
Answer: no one said ‘never’ and 62 % people said ‘sure’ and the rest said they are ‘not
e) Do you think customer service policy is not good here?
Answer: all said they are happy with the customer service policy of Cardiff restaurant.
f) Have you ever face any problem while staying in this hospitality?
Answer: no one said ‘yes’
g) Can you give your satisfaction level for this hospitality?
Answer: most people are not sure about this but almost everyone said they are satisfied.
h) Please rate the efficiency of staffs working here in a scale of 1 to 3
Answer: 83% visitors given 3 where 17% visitors given 2.
i) Do you want to add or delete something from the service policy of this hospitality?
Answer: only 4 people said they want more customization but others didn’t answer this
j) Do you think customer service policy need to be developed for this hospitality?
Answer: 74% people said ‘its ok’ and others said ‘don’t know’

Improvement proposal for this hospitality: through researching about this hospitality I found
most people was satisfied with the service of Cardiff restaurant. Beyond this I think they should
expand their market more and if they add different traditional food of different countries in their
menu it will be nice also. I think some promo offers can also added in some dishes for
maintaining economy. If they look for more customization then it will be awesome also.

4.1 Delivering customer service in a business and service environment

When hospitality is something like restaurant related business then conducting customer service
normally implies order taking and meeting the required order. But completing this task is not so

easy for this hospitality business. Here lot of thing come together and it needs to handle timely
and accurately. You cannot refuse orders from your customer even when you are extremely busy
in order taking. In the order taking section here different types of orders come together and you
have to manage them accurately. Same time you also need to receive calls for taking orders. One
person should also have computer knowledge for this job. This person should also know about
their available dishes and their prices. But while taking lots of orders together you have to
calculate how many dishes are left and for how many dishes you can confirm for order. If these
things are arranged then there has nothing special in this just complete order and complete other
procedure for order fulfillment. If fulfillment is completed then one should pass it to the delivery
section for order completion. But delivery must be completed within time also.

4.2 Reviewing my own performance in the delivery of customer service, as

well as recommendation for improvement
While playing this role I was conducting my job as a trainee here. I have good communication
ability and it helped me lot to take orders accurately because I made my customer busy in saying
the description about the dish, in this time I confirmed my order and placed it in food delivery
section. While taking orders I was really fast in making bills also. I did packing and attached the
bill with this promptly. After completion of this my duty was to arrange all orders for delivery.
At first I promptly arranged it and gone to the counter and I was ready for delivery in time also. I
told customers to become calm and I started making delivery sequentially.

In the customer service environment these things are really difficult for you if you are not fast
because your customers don’t want to take any excuse. They don’t want to understand your hurry
but you have to be prepared for it. I have little experience in this field therefore I made it good
but I think there have some place where I can develop myself in this section. I think I cannot
serve promptly when pressure becomes too high. I think have to learn more how to manage more
dishes promptly at a time. I also need to develop my ability in exchanging cash also.

Activity of customer service is not so easy task. There have lots of things to learn from this.
While completing this paper different issues are discussed here. I also tried to show how
employees should interact. Actually every organization should make a standard for customer

service provision. If hospitality organizations become more conscious about their responsibility
then I think they will able to improve their ability also. I think all my findings will be enough to
successfully completion of my required task.


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