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Mauris pulvinar eu libero eget tempor. Vivamus fermentum suscipit lectus ut viverra.

rhoncus eu ligula in porttitor. Integer vulputate felis nec lobortis dapibus. Praesent vitae justo
id augue fermentum maximus. Sed urna nisl, elementum ut finibus sed, ullamcorper et nunc.
Phasellus ac metus quis ipsum porttitor pharetra non tempus elit.

Curabitur porttitor, est nec cursus pellentesque, nulla dolor rhoncus nunc, at placerat turpis
arcu ac enim. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos
himenaeos. Mauris id tortor sagittis, tempor eros ac, porta nulla. Vestibulum ante ipsum
primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Aenean lorem metus, lacinia
condimentum ligula nec, mattis scelerisque libero. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Duis ac ex et ex aliquam sollicitudin non eu nibh. Vivamus nisi est,
elementum eu vehicula sed, tincidunt vel nibh. Sed pretium ornare maximus. Praesent
interdum euismod aliquam.

Quisque rhoncus metus dolor, sit amet consectetur magna porttitor vel. Morbi lobortis eu ante
quis cursus. Vivamus sit amet tincidunt mauris, ac ultrices elit. Fusce aliquam lectus eu lectus
lacinia, at finibus urna vestibulum. Nulla aliquet urna eget lacinia scelerisque. Praesent id
sapien in est vestibulum aliquam. Vivamus facilisis varius tempor. Aliquam erat volutpat.
Aenean venenatis libero quis massa viverra suscipit. Mauris feugiat purus ligula, auctor
rutrum ex hendrerit ac. Pellentesque at laoreet velit, quis tempus augue. Pellentesque eget
lectus at ante mollis convallis in eu nisl. Maecenas et magna eget augue ultrices lobortis sed
non neque. Aliquam eu efficitur est. Mauris efficitur sapien sit amet ipsum fermentum, quis
varius leo tristique. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per
inceptos himenaeos.

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
Integer turpis ligula, maximus vitae rutrum vitae, suscipit in arcu. Nam nunc turpis, maximus
sed imperdiet eget, elementum sodales dolor. Sed id eros quis nulla congue molestie ac
interdum lorem. Curabitur aliquam auctor blandit. Donec at maximus sapien, sit amet gravida
ex. Proin ante arcu, sagittis auctor ante a, malesuada interdum nibh. Phasellus pellentesque
mi porta iaculis vulputate.

and with admiration she finds the great utility of tragedy in the man’s evoking resignation
and liberation from the will. but this, as he had already suggested, is the pessimist's
perspective therefore being the specific interest and interest in her. “is it the state of fear in
the face of the fearful that you find pleasure in? would you even consider it a sadistic
pleasure?” she wonders, not at all judgemental and instead fascinated.

before a magnificent calamity, before a problem that stimulates anxiety—this conquering

state is what the tragedy chooses, what it glorifies. before tragedy, what is warlike in the soul
and the identity? it seems as though the truth is nothing but a travesty of what an individual
chooses to believe. that of course, is something jinah holds on to. but what does someone like
her say anyways? the bended truth or half a lie? “you choose your words graciously, it is not
something i don’t believe in as well.” she says, red lips skewing to a smile. “truth is only a
truth to what one believes in. my truth can’t be your truth unless you agree with it.”

does his rudimentary instinct aim at mentioning her name, or rather at the sense of what her
name sound at the tip of his tongue, be considered a taste of a joke? at a desirability of
becoming sort of interesting in the eyes of the hybrid? name is the great stimulus to life: how
could one understand it as purposeless, as aimless—as nothing sort of important when clearly
one moves with the great intention to be known. stars had a reason, as they would say. “it is
still a name, a name that you’ll find yourself getting used to. if you one day find out that isn’t
my name, what loss is there?” she gradually says, head dipping with the same respect she’s
once given him since the beginning of their conversation. she had no reason to disrespect
him. one question remains: names also make apparent much that are ugly, hard, and
questionable in life; does it not thereby spoil life for the many that seem to depend on it?
names define a person, and if given to the wrong person, the book reveals majority of the
person’s secrets. jinah wonders if that is the case with him and yet he doesn’t say his name.
“and your name?”

"Jinah" he tries the name on his tongue, like a sample taste of an addictive drug, ready to
devour and destroy the unsuspecting victim of its intention "and if I don't believe you?" He
tested, looking for a reaction that could not be seen by the visible eye, an answer he could not
obtain, yet amused by the chase it provided. Rarely amused? If he looked around the street
currently, he'd ponder rather he was amused, or if he simply lost his mind in the amusement
of using other people's vulnerability to enslave them to their deepest fears.

"See, that's where you and I are different" he admitted as he glanced towards the fight
approaching them, observing them in mock amusement. "I find it more desperate when the
voice is heard, the actions are seen, and people..." he paused intentionally, letting his
statement collect power by the way his body did not push forward to prevent the violence, to
end the suffering of the man whose blood stained the concrete. "People are fickle, and they
only help those who would benefit them.."

"As for deciphering the truth..." the man spewed blood from his abused mouth, abrasions and
heavy trauma morphing his face into swollen limps, yet his eyes were focused on something
more delectable, someone within his reach yet a fraction of space to far to collect and grab
"every lie contains a percentage of truth to them. If you don't like the answer as to what is
true, you simply change the course of it. You make it a truth" he shrugged, walking away
from the cries of help, the regret of a man whose actions led him into trouble.

"What are you doing tonight?" Casual once again, but the way he glanced over his shoulder
with the mischievous glint of trouble, would underline the red letters fast approaching, that
casual was not his normal style of fun.

Mauris pulvinar eu libero eget tempor. Vivamus fermentum suscipit lectus ut viverra. Nam
rhoncus eu ligula in porttitor. Integer vulputate felis nec lobortis dapibus. Praesent vitae justo
id augue fermentum maximus. Sed urna nisl, elementum ut finibus sed, ullamcorper et nunc.
Phasellus ac metus quis ipsum porttitor pharetra non tempus elit.

Curabitur porttitor, est nec cursus pellentesque, nulla dolor rhoncus nunc, at placerat turpis
arcu ac enim. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos
himenaeos. Mauris id tortor sagittis, tempor eros ac, porta nulla. Vestibulum ante ipsum
primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Aenean lorem metus, lacinia
condimentum ligula nec, mattis scelerisque libero. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Duis ac ex et ex aliquam sollicitudin non eu nibh. Vivamus nisi est,
elementum eu vehicula sed, tincidunt vel nibh. Sed pretium ornare maximus. Praesent
interdum euismod aliquam.

Quisque rhoncus metus dolor, sit amet consectetur magna porttitor vel. Morbi lobortis eu ante
quis cursus. Vivamus sit amet tincidunt mauris, ac ultrices elit. Fusce aliquam lectus eu lectus
lacinia, at finibus urna vestibulum. Nulla aliquet urna eget lacinia scelerisque. Praesent id
sapien in est vestibulum aliquam. Vivamus facilisis varius tempor. Aliquam erat volutpat.
Aenean venenatis libero quis massa viverra suscipit. Mauris feugiat purus ligula, auctor
rutrum ex hendrerit ac. Pellentesque at laoreet velit, quis tempus augue. Pellentesque eget
lectus at ante mollis convallis in eu nisl. Maecenas et magna eget augue ultrices lobortis sed
non neque. Aliquam eu efficitur est. Mauris efficitur sapien sit amet ipsum fermentum, quis
varius leo tristique. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per
inceptos himenaeos.

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
Integer turpis ligula, maximus vitae rutrum vitae, suscipit in arcu. Nam nunc turpis, maximus
sed imperdiet eget, elementum sodales dolor. Sed id eros quis nulla congue molestie ac
interdum lorem. Curabitur aliquam auctor blandit. Donec at maximus sapien, sit amet gravida
ex. Proin ante arcu, sagittis auctor ante a, malesuada interdum nibh. Phasellus pellentesque
mi porta iaculis vulputate.

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