Sweden Toy Test Report

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Be careful with
Projectile toys
Market survey of projectile firing toys 2001

Summary 5
The toy safety act and the CE-symbol 6
The product safety act 7
Background 7
Injuries 8
Requirements in the standard 9
Purchase 10
Evaluation according to the European Standard 11
Results 11
Conclusion 12
Process 12

Appendix 1 Notes and pictures of the 8 toys (16), which posed a risk for eye injury
Appendix 2 Notes and pictures of the 9 (11) catapults
Appendix 3 Notes about the 23 (28) projectile firing toys, which did not carry warning

Project Administrator: Åsa Lindquist

Konsumentverket/ The Swedish Consumer Agency, KO

tel 08-429 05 00
fax 08-429 89 00

The Swedish Consumer Agency is a governmental body, which oversees that legislation
pertaining to the safety standards of products such as toys, and the Swedish Product
Safety Act, is adhered to. As part of this task, the Agency carried out a market survey of
projectile firing toys during the summer of 2001.
The intention of the survey was to find out if toys of this type, that were available in the
Swedish market, fulfilled current safety requirements.
70 different projectile firing toys were included in the survey. In all, 89 toys were
purchased. However, some of those bought were of the same make and type.
16 toys fulfilled the requirements of the standard (19 including the toys that were of the
same kind).
3 broke before the tests could be carried out (4 including the toys that were of the same
11 could not be tested for kinetic energy.
9 toys were of the catapult type and are, therefore, not included in the Toy Standard. (11
including the toys that were of the same kind)
8 toys failed to fulfil the safety requirements as specified in the Toy Standard (16
including the toys that were of the same kind).
23 toys did not carry warning texts in accordance with the Standard. (28 including the
toys that were of the same kind)

The Toy Safety Act and the mark
Special safety requirements apply for toys in accordance with the Toy Safety Act, a
government directive, and the guidelines defined by the Swedish Consumer Agency
(KOV). The legislation for this is based on a direct translation of the EU Directives
pertaining to the safety of toys (88/378/EEG). A toy may only be sold if it fulfils the
demands made in law regarding safety, information and marking. If a toy is
manufactured in full compliance with the European standard for toy safety, then it is
also considered to have fulfilled the Toy Safety Act. However, should the manufacturer
chose not to make the toy in complete compliance with the standard, the toy must be
type-approved by a third party (a so called Notified Body).
The Swedish Consumer Agency can, supported by the Product Safety Act, take action
should a toy fail to fulfil the safety regulations, even if the toy lives up to the
requirements of the standard or if it has been type-approved. In this instance the
requirements of the standard may have been set too low, or an application of the
standard or regulations has not been established.
If a toy is to fulfil the requirements of the Toy Safety Act, then it must carry the
symbol. The manufacturer (or the importer/representative) has the right to use the
symbol in a process commonly termed self certification. Through this action, the
manufacturer, thereby, confirms that the toy has been made in accordance with the
relevant safety requirements.
Toys that do not carry the symbol may not be sold. It is also against the law to sell a
marked product that does not fulfil the requirements of the act with regard to safety,
information and marking.
As many consumers regard the symbol as a sign of quality, which indicates that a
toy has been tested and declared safe, then it can be very misleading if it is displayed on
a toy that fails to fulfil the requirements of the standard.
A retailer who breaks the law by selling toys that do not fulfil the requirements as stated
in the standard can be tried in a court of law and fined or sent to prison for a maximum
sentence of one year. This applies irrespective of whether the retailer acts intentionally or
unintentionally. Responsibility for taking legal action resides with the Swedish
Consumer Agency / the Consumer Ombudsman.

The Product Safety Act
If a product that is sold in the open market does not fulfil relevant safety legislation and does not comply
with the demands as stated in the standard, then the person responsible for that toy should, in accordance
with the Product Safety Act, take any actions necessary to increase safety. The seller can, for example, be
ordered by the Market Court to cease sales of a particular toy. Non-compliance will result in a fine being
imposed. The seller can also be ordered to recall toys that have already been sold. Recalls can be made
either from the retailer/toy store or from consumers. Information about recalls are usually published in
newspapers to ensure that as many people as possible are aware that the item should be returned. The
person responsible for the sale of the toy can also be ordered to include a warning text or other safety
information with the product.
In reality, only a few cases are referred the Market Court. Instead, the normal practice is that the person
responsible for the toy voluntarily takes any actions necessary after discussions with the Consumer Agency

Legislation states that projectile firing toys may not be constructed in such a way that
they can cause injury to the eyes. The regulations which govern this are specified
according to “Swedish Standard SS-EN 71-1 Safety of toys-Part1: Mechanical and
physical properties. The Agency’s opinion is that projectile firing toys that can
potentially cause eye injury to children should not be available in the shops. The Agency
has, therefore, carried out a market survey of various kinds of projectile firing toys to
find out if this is the case.

There are a number of different projectile firing toys available in the shops. These
• Projectile toys without stored energy (the velocity of the projectile is determined
by the child that uses the toy). Toys in this category include projectiles in the
form of darts and toys with firing mechanisms, which comprise a handle and an
axel, which rotates when the child pulls a string. Bows and arrows are also
projectile toys without stored energy.
• Projectile toys with stored energy. These include guns and rifles where the
velocity of the projectile is determined by a spring fitted inside the toy, which
has a discharge mechanism.


Eye injuries can be caused by an impact to the eye as the result of a poorly constructed
toy. This may include a sharp object, which either scratches or penetrates the retina. This
is known as puncture damage.
It may also be that a blunt instrument causes damage (contusion) where the inner part of
the eye is damaged. The fact that there is no complete, national injury reporting system
in Sweden means that it is impossible to accurately determine how many accidents with
serious eye injury occur each year.
Projectile firing toys have been known to cause both eye injury and suffocation. Eye
injuries have occurred when the projectile has been fired unexpectedly, or by mistake.
If the projectile contained in a gun during a game is not shot away, a normal reaction is
to look down the barrel of the gun to see why it’s not working. It is at this point that the
projectile is usually accidentally fired with eye injury as a result.
Suffocation accidents have been caused when small arrows, or the protective part of
small arrows, have detached and become wedged in a child’s throat.
The most common cause of this is that the child has put the end of an arrow in its mouth
to wet the rubber in order to make it stick better when it hits the target and, when doing
so, the end has detached from the rest of the arrow.

Slingshots/catapults, which fire aeroplanes using a rubber band, have been known to
cause, in certain cases, loss of sight. These products are so dangerous that they cannot
be looked upon as toys that are suitable for use by children under the age of 14.
Toy helicopters that lack a protective ring around the rotor blade have also been known
to cause eye injury.

Requirements in the standard

According to the Standard SS-EN 71-1, projectile firing toys and their projectiles should
fulfil the following requirements:
All rigid projectiles shall have a tip radius of at least 2 mm
Resilient materials used as impact surfaces shall not become detached when tested.
Projectiles in the form of darts shall have an impact area of at least 3 cm 2
Helicopter rotors shall have a ring around the perimeter in order to reduce the risk of eye
The kinetic energy of rigid projectiles without resilient impact surfaces shall not exceed
0,08 J.
The kinetic energy of projectiles with resilient impact surfaces shall not exceed 0,5 J
If a firing mechanism can be loaded with other kinds of projectile than the one intended
the user should be made aware of this fact.
Information shall be included with toys which fire projectiles stating that they may
present a danger if other projectiles are used than those intended.
Toys with a kinetic energy that is greater than 0.08 J (at most 0,5 J) should carry a
warning text which says ”Warning! Do not aim at eyes or face”

The Consumer Agency cooperated with consumer advisors in 30 municipalities. The
municipalities which took part were Borås, Falköping, Falun, Grums, Gotland, Gävle,
Göteborg, Haparanda, Härnösand, Huddinge, Karlshamn, Karlstad, Kisa, Kristinehamn,
Malung, Nacka, Nybro, Piteå, Skellefteå, Sollefteå, Sundsvall, Södertälje, Tyresö, Umeå,
Västerås, Västervik Åseda, Åtvidaberg, Östersund and Örebro
Each advisor was asked to buy 3 projectile firing toys, preferably from various retailers.
The toys were bought between April 23rd and May 11, 2001.
Toys from the various municipalities have been encoded according to the following.

B = Borås Mo = Motala
Fk = Falköping Na =Nacka
Fa = Falun Nyb = Nybro
Gr = Grums P = Piteå
Go = Gotland Sk = Skellefteå
Gä = Gävle So = Sollefteå
Gö = Göteborg Su = Sundsvall
Ha =Haparanda Sö = Södertälje
Hä = Härnösand Ty = Tyresö
Hu = Huddinge Um = Umeå
Ka = Karlshamn Vä = Västervik
Ks = Karlstad Vås = Västerås
Ki = Kinda Ås = Åseda
Kr = Kristinehamn Åt = Åtvidaberg
Ma = Malung Ös = Östersund

Evaluation according to the European Standard
Projectile firing toys were tested during the summer by TESTLAB, which is an
accredited test institute. The toys were tested according to the SS-EN 71-1 (1999) Safety
of toys-Part 1 Mechanical and physical properties The results are presented in appendix
1 – 3 and are taken from TESTLAB’s report: R-1012

In all, 70 projectile firing toys were tested. (89 in all including those that were purchased
more than once).
3 of these (4 including those that were purchased more than once) broke before or
during the test phase and therefore we are unable to pass comment on them.
Toys which failed to fulfil the safety requirements.
44 projectiles failed to fulfil the requirements of the toy safety act.
Of these, 8 (16 including those that were purchased more than once) failed to meet
safety regulations (requirements on their construction) according to the standard EN 71,
part 1. The kinetic energy of some toys was too high. On others, the protective plastic
cap detached from the projectile. Another fault discovered was that there was no
protective ring surrounding the rotor blades.
23 projectile firing toys (28 including those that were purchased more than once) did not
carry the warning text that is required for toys that have a kinetic energy that exceeds
0,08 J, but which is under the limit of 0.5 J.
9 toys (11 including those that were purchased more than once) were of a so called
catapult type and are therefore exempt from the EN 71-1 regulations (see point 1 Scope
– “Objects that are fired into free flight when a child releases an elastic band (such as
aircraft and rockets) These are regarded as catapults”.)
Catapults/slingshots are not covered by the EU’s Toy Directive or the Swedish Toy
Safety Act.
Projectiles fired from catapults can have very high kinetic energy and can, therefore,
entail considerable risk for eye injury. This risk is considered so great that no regulations
have been defined as part of the safety standard governing it. Slingshots with projectiles
should not be considered as being toys designed for use by children under the age of 14.
They may not carry the CE symbol and may, thereby, not be freely sold within the EU.
Incorrectly CE-marked slingshot projectiles should, as with all other incorrectly CE
market products, be removed from sale. In 1978 the Swedish Market Court banned the
sale of slingshots and thereafter has the Consumer Ombudsman issued a ban in junction
order on other kinds of similar toys.

Toys which fulfilled the requirements
16 (19 including those that were purchased more than once) fulfilled the
requirements of safety and construction

The results of previous market surveys carried out on other kinds of toys, such as rattles
and soft toys, showed that between a third and one quarter of all toys available in the
market failed to fulfil the requirements.
It appears the trend has continued. One fourth of those toys surveyed, i.e. 8 projectile
firing toys and 9 catapult projectile firing products, failed to meet safety requirements in
this survey.
It is highly unsatisfactory that so many projectile firing toys and products that can cause
eye injury are available in the market.
It is also a serious issue that the retailers sell catapults which look like toys and which
carry the CE symbol. High levels of energy can be released when these toys are fired,
involving a risk of eye injury. The Swedish market court has previously banned the sale
of so called slingshots.
There is still cause for consumers to be careful when purchasing projectile toys.

The Consumer Agency has written to the suppliers who sold the 8 projectile toys, which
failed to fulfil the safety requirements, and has asked them to cease sales of these
products. Those companies that supplied the projectile firing toys, which have incorrect
markings (23 toys in all) have been informed of this and a request has been made that
the warning texts on their toys be improved.
Those suppliers, who have sold catapults, have been requested to cease sales of such
toys, with reference to the earlier marketing court decision.

Appendix 1
Projectile toys, which posed a risk for injury

Manufac- Country Retailer Code Munici- Name/ Remark – does not CE symbol /
turer/ of origin pality Brand fulfil the requirements warning text
importer stated in SS EN 71- (in Swedish)
Made in Lek- Go 2 Got- Archery 4.17.3 a CE symbol.
Eber Toys China stugan Gr 3 land Set Upper limit 0,5 J for Not suitable for
AB Malmö Hästgatan Bow with max. kinetic energy. children under
Visby 3 long Result 1,06 J the age of 3.
arrows, 4.17.3.c Small parts.
fitted with
a resilient
Eber Toys Made in No Gr 3 Grums Archery 4.17.3 a CE symbol.
AB Malmö China informa- Go2 Set Upper limit 0,5 J for Not suitable for
tion max. kinetic energy. children under
Bow with Result 0,73 J the age of 3.
3 arrows. 4.17.3.c Small parts.

K.E No GEWES Ha 1 Hapa- Archery 4.17.3 a 2 CE symbol.

Mathiasen informat JALA AB randa Set Upper limit 0,5 J for Not suitable for
A/S DK- ion Box 183 Bow with max. kinetic energy. children under
8220 953 24 3 arrows. . the age of 3.
Brabrand Result 0,90 J Small parts.

Brio Made in Jokern Sö 2 Söder- Archery 4.17.1 b CE symbol.

China Leksaker Vås2 tälje Set Protective tip on end of Warning! Do not
Weda- Åt3 Bow with hard projectile detached aim at the eyes.
vägen 10 3 arrows, at 35 and 34 N Only use
152 42 fitted with 4.17.3 a recommended
Södertälje a resilient Upper limit 0,5 J for projectiles.
impact max. kinetic energy.
surface. Result 1,16 J

Brio Made in Belinds Åt 3 Åtvida- Archery 4.17.3 a CE symbol.

China Lekcenter Sö2 berg Set Upper limit 0,5 J for Not suitable for
City- Vås2 Bow with max. kinetic energy. children under
gallerian 3 arrows, Result 0,90, 0,65 and the age of 3.
Tilasplan fitted with 0,65 J Small parts. Do
Åtvida- a resilient 4.17.3 b not shoot or aim
berg impact Upper limit 0,16 J /cm2 at someone. Do
surface for max. kinetic energy not use other
per surface unit of the ammunition.
target area. Sharp tips, can
Result 0,19 J /cm2 damage the eyes.

Manufactu Country Retailer Code Munici- Name/ Remark – does not CE symbol /
rer/ of origin pality Brand fulfil the requirements warning text
importer stated in SS EN 71- (in Swedish)
Brio Made in Billiga Vås 2 Västerås Archery Set 4.17.3 a CE symbol.
China Nisse Sö2 Bow with 3 Upper limit 0,5 J for Warning! Do not
Hallsta- Åt3 arrows, max. kinetic energy. aim at the eyes.
gårds- fitted with a Result 1,24, 1,02 and Only use
gatan 11 soft impact 0,99 J recommended
Västerås area. 4.17.3 b projectile.
Upper limit 0,16 J /cm2
for max. kinetic energy
per surface unit of the
target area.
Result 0,17 J /cm2
Top Toy Made in Toys Gö 3 Göte- Black 4.17.3 a CE symbol.
A/S China ”R” us I borg Knight Upper limit 0,5 J for Not
4000- Göteborg Archery Set max. kinetic energy. recommended
Roskilde Bow with 3 Result 0,6 J for children
Danmark arrows. 4.17.1 b between 0-3
Tips Protective tip on hard years. Small
protected plastic arrow parts.
with foam detached at 38 N.
rubber. 4.17.3 b
Upper limit 0,16 J /cm2
for max. kinetic energy
per surface unit of the
target area.
Result 0,25 J /cm2

Toyman Made in New Ks 3 Karl- Cross-Bow 4.17.3 a CE symbol

AB Hong Toys stad Gun with 3 Upper limit 0,5 J for WARNING!
Brovägen Kong Drottnin arrows max. kinetic energy. Firing
12 266 97 ggatan fitted with a Result 0,52 J mechanism.
Hjärnarp 15 soft impact 4.17.1 b Mind your eyes.
Karlstad area. Protective area on tip
of hard projectile
detached at 54 and 57

Manufactu Country Retailer Code Municip Name/ Remark – does not CE symbol /
rer/ of origin ality Brand fulfil the requirements warning text
importer stated in SS EN 71- (in Swedish)
Toyman Made in Lekstugan Go 1 Gotland Swat Police 4.17.1 b CE symbol.
AB China Hästgatan Pistol set Protective area on tip Not suitable for
Brovägen Visby Rifle and of hard projectile children under
12 pistol with detached at 18 N the age of 3.
266 97 3 small, Small parts.
Hjärnarp soft arrows
Sweden fitted with a 4.17.3.c
Paul Günter Made in New Toys Ks 1 Karlstad Free Flight 4.17.2 CE symbol
KG Germany Drottning- Model Ring around the rotor
D-84 301 gatan 15 Helicopter blade missing
Eggenfelde Karlstad Helicopter
n to build.
Not stated
12 266 97
Eber Toys Made in Barnens So 3 Sollef-teå Air Force 4.17.2 CE symbol.
Box 9084 China Lyckoland Helicopter Ring around the rotor Not suitable for
20039 Storgatan blade missing children under
Malmö Sollefteå the age of 3.
Small parts.
Game Made in Lekplanet Su 1 Sund- Sky Copter 4.17.2 CE symbol.
Global China en Tynnes svall Helicopter Ring around the rotor Not
Toys AB AB with ”pull blade missing recommended
Box 116 Kyrko- out string” for children
431 22 gatan 21 between 0-3
Mölndal Sundsvall years. Small

Manufac Country Retailer Code Munici- Name/ Remark – does not CE symbol /
turer/ of origin pality Brand fulfil the requirements warning text
importer stated in SS EN 71- (in Swedish)
Brio Made in Kringlans Sö 3 Söder- Pop 4.17.2 a CE symbol.
China Leksaker Åt1 tälje Suction Tip The projectile’s impact Not suitable for
Box 613 Ör2 Blow Gun area is less than 3 cm2 children under
151 27 with 5 soft Result 2,54 cm2 the age of 3.
Södertälje projectiles. (Additional warning Small parts.
text missing)
Brio Made in Belinds Åt 1 Åtvida- Pop 4.17.2 a CE symbol.
Not on China Lekcenter Sö3 berg Suction Tip The projectile’s impact Not suitable for
package: City- Ör2 Blow Gun. area is less than 3 cm2 children under
Brioväg gallerian Darts. Result 2,54 cm2 the age of 3.
Osby Tilasplan Blow Gun (Additional warning Small parts.
Åtvida- with 5 soft text missing)
berg projectiles
Brio Made in Brio- Ör 2 Örebro Pop 4.17.2 a CE symbol.
Not on China Lekcenter Sö3 Suction Tip The projectile’s impact Not suitable for
package: Nygatan Åt1 Blow Gun. area is less than 3 cm2 children under
Brioväg Örebro Darts. Result 2,54 cm2 the age of 3.
Osby Blow Gun (Additional warning Small parts.
with 5 soft text missing)
projectiles 4.17.3.c
KD AB Made in OBS Sk 1 Skellef- Pop 4.17.2 a CE symbol.
Box 15 China Stormark- teå Suction Tip The projectile’s impact Not suitable for
200, nad Blow Gun. area is less than 3 cm2 children under
10465 Gymnasiev Darts. Result 2,54 cm2 the age of 3.
Stock- Skellefteå Blow Gun (Additional warning Small parts.
holm with 6 foam text missing)
rubber 4.17.3.c

Pictures of the nine projectile toys, which do not fulfil the requirements concerning the risk
for eye injury.

Vås 2 Both the total kinetic energy and kinetic energy per unit area are over the limit. 1.24, 1,02 och 0,99 J
och 0.17 J/cm². .

Vås 2 is identical with Sö2, Åt3, Gr3, Go2, and Ha1

Gö 3 Bow and arrows. Protective area on tip in form of foam rubber. Detached at 38 N. Both the total kinetic
energy and kinetic energy per unit area are over the limit. 0.6 J / 0.25 J/cm².

Ks 3 Bow and arrows. Protective area on tip of projectile detached at two of the three arrows at 54 respective
57 N. Kinetic energy is over the limit. 0.52 J.

Go 1 Crossbow.
Protective area on tip of projectile detached at 18 N

So 3 Helicopter. Ring around the rotor blade is missing

Ks 1 Helicopter . Ring around the rotor blade is missing

Su 1 Helicopter Ring around the rotor blade is missing.

Ör 2 Blow gun. The impact area is less than 3 cm2. Resultat 2,54 cm2.

Ör 2 is identical with Sö3, Åt1and Sk1

Appendix 2
9 (11) Catapults
A compilation of projectile firing products which carry the CE symbol, but which are not classified as toys
according to SS EN 71-1;1999

Manufac- Country Art nr retailer Code Munici Name/ Remark. The CE symbol /
turer/ of origin pality Brand following warning text
importer information is (in Swedish)
available in SS EN
Mathiasen No Marked Barnens Gä 3 Gävle Water 1. Scope. 24 CE symbol.
A/S DK- informa- with Hus Skol- Blaster paragraph: Product Not suitable for
8220 tion 460 16 gången 6 Fun Play which is exempt from children under
Brabrand/ Gävle Slingshot this standard. the age of 3.
Leksam with 3 soft Catapult. Small parts.
Ängel- balls and
holm 20 small C.1 Incorrectly
balloons carries the CE symbol
Åhléns Made in Marked Åhléns Gö 1 Göte- Cloud 1. Scope. 24 CE symbol.
AB China with City borg Busters paragraph: Product Not suitable for
118 90 91002 Göteborg Fantasy which is exempt from children under
Stockholm Flyers this standard. the age of 3.
Catapult. Small parts.
aircraft C.1 Incorrectly
with rubber carries the CE symbol
Kinetic energy tested.
Result 1,61 J. (Upper
limit for toy 0,5 J)
1997 Paul Made in Marked Gewes Ha 3 Hapara Delta 1. Scope. 24 CE symbol.
Günther Germany with Jala AB nda Günther paragraph: Product
KG Art.-Nr. Box 183 Schleuder which is exempt from
D-84301 1446 953 24 Segler this standard.
Eggen- Haparan- Catapult- Catapult.
felden da Glider
P.O. Box C.1 Incorrectly
11 48 Projectile carries the CE symbol
with rubber Kinetic energy tested.
band Result 1,79 J. (Upper
limit for toy 0,5 J)
Åhléns Made in Marked Åhléns Ks 2 Karl- Cloud 1. Scope. 24 CE symbol.
AB China with Karlstad stad Busters paragraph: Product Not suitable for
118 90 91002 Järnvägsg Fantasy which is exempt from children under
Stockholm 65225 Flyers this standard. the age of 3.
Karlstad Catapult. Small parts.
aircraft C.1 Incorrectly
with rubber carries the CE symbol
Kinetic energy tested.
Result 1,55 J. (Upper
limit for toy 0,5 J)

Manufac- Country Art nr Retailer Code Munici- Name/ Remark. The CE symbol /
turer/ of origin pality Brand following information warning text
importer is available in SS EN
Brio Made in 1025602 Leksaks Na 2 Nacka Sky Flyer 1. Scope. 24 paragraph: CE symbol
China 4 forum Glider with Product which is Warning! Do
Marked Nacka AB rubber exempt from this not aim at the
with No Box 4145 band standard. Catapult. eyes.
8021 A 131 04
Nacka C.1 Incorrectly carries
the CE symbol

Tension tested. Nose

detached at 41 N.
(Upper limit for toys 60
Åhléns AB Made in Marked Åhléns P1 Piteå Cloud 1. Scope. 24 paragraph: CE symbol.
118 90 China with No Piteå Busters Product which is Not suitable for
Stockholm 91002 Västerg. Fantasy exempt from this children under
Piteå Flyers standard. Catapult. the age of 3.
Small parts.
Projectile C.1 Incorrectly carries
aircraft the CE symbol
with rubber
band Kinetic energy tested.
Result 1,67 J. (Upper
limit for toy 0,5 J)
K. E. No 621020 B Sabel P 3 Piteå Fun Play 1. Scope. 24 paragraph: CE symbol.
Mathiasen informa- Marked AB Toy Club Product which is Small parts.
A/S DK- tion with Framnäsv exempt from this
8220 11020 ägen Rocket standard. Catapult.
Brabrand/ Box 128 with
Leksam Öjebyn parachute C.1 Incorrectly carries
Box 1192 the CE symbol
262 63
Ängelholm Kinetic energy tested.
Result 2,64 J. (Upper
limit for toy 0,5 J)
1997 Paul Made in Art. Nr Barnens Su 2 Sund- Günther 1. Scope. 24 paragraph: CE symbol
Günther Germany 1454 Hus svall Red Cat Product which is Warning! Must
KG Box 15 1454 exempt from this not be used
D-84301 119 Catapult- standard. Catapult. near high
Eggen- 85015 Glider voltage power
felden Sundsvall C.1 Incorrectly carries cables.
P.O. Box Projectile the CE symbol
11 48 aircraft
with rubber Kinetic energy tested.
band Result 2,77 J. (Upper
limit for toy 0,5 J)

Tension tested. Nose

detached at 41 N.
(Upper limit for toys 60

Manufac- Country Art nr Retailer Code Munici Name/ Remark. The CE symbol /
turer/ of origin pality Brand following warning text
importer information is
available in SS EN
ICA Made in 45891 Maxi Um 2 Umeå Sling Shot 1. Scope. 24 CE symbol
Specialvar China 69264 ICA Water paragraph: Product
or AB 4 Stor- Bomb which is exempt from
412 95 marknad this standard.
Göteborg Strömpil Slingshot Catapult.
-platsen for 16
90743 balloons C.1 Incorrectly
Umeå which carries the CE symbol
should be
filled with
Brio Made in 7 056 Billiga Vås 1 Västerås Water 1. Scope. 24 CE symbol
China 259 2 Nisse Bomb paragraph: Product
04051 Hallsta- Sling Shot which is exempt from
gårds- this standard.
gatan Slingshot Catapult.
Västerås for 51
balloons C.1 Incorrectly
which carries the CE symbol
should be
filled with
Brio Made in 7056 Lek- Ös 3 Öster- Water 1. Scope. 24 CE symbol
China 2592 stugan sund Bomb paragraph: Product
04051 Prästgat Sling Shot which is exempt from
Öster this standard.
sund Slingshot Catapult.
for 50
balloons C.1 Incorrectly
which carries the CE symbol
should be
filled with

Pictures of catapults

Gä 3 Catapult.

Gö 1 Catapult

Ha 3 Catapult

Ks 2 Catapult.

Na 2 Catapult.

P1 Catapult.

P 3 Catapult.

Su 2 Catapult.

Um 2 Catapult.

Vås 1 Catapult.

Ös 3 Catapult.

Appendix 3
Projectile firing toys which do not fulfil the requirements for product markings in accordance with
SS EN 71-1;1999

Manufac Coun Retailer Code Muni- Name/ Remark. The CE symbol / warning
turer/ try of cipa- Brand following text
importer origin ity information is
available in SS
EN 71-1;1999
Hasbro Made Barnvaru B 2 Borås Transfor- 4.17.3.c CE symbol
UK Ltd. in huset mers Projectiles with
Caswell China Box 497 Generation 2 kinetic energy
Way, 503 13 Blue, red and over 0,08 J should
Newport, Borås white truck be equipped with
Gwent with 2 a warning due to
NP9 missiles. The risk of eye injury
OYH truck’s shape (Result 0,13 J)
can be altered Warning text is
and adapted. missing

Monneret Made BR- Fa 3 Falun Senior Projectiles with CE symbol

BP 509 in Leksaker Archery kinetic energy Not suitable for children
39002 France Östra Sport over 0,08 J should under the age of three.
Lons–le- Hamn- Bow with be equipped with Small parts that can
gatan 8
Saunier 791 70
two arrows a warning due to easily be swallowed.
Falun and a target. risk of eye injury Shapes and edges can
(Result 0,41 J) change. ATTENTION!
This game is only
Doubtful if the intended for use with the
warning text rubber tipped arrows that
fulfils applicable are included. Do not
requirements. throw the arrows at close
range. This might be
Speed Made Leksaksb Fk 1 Fal- Air Gun Projectiles with Not suitable for children
Toys in utiken P2 köping Power and kinetic energy under the age of three.
S-263 01 China MYS- reality over 0,08 J should (Small parts).
Höganäs PYS be equipped with
Rifle with a warning due to
521 42 soft risk of eye injury
Falköping ammunition (Result 0,12 J)
Warning text is

Åhléns Made Åhléns Go 3 Got- Space Police Projectiles with CE symbol

AB in Vä3 land Mission kinetic energy Not suitable for children
118 90 China Squad over 0,08 J should under the age of three.
Stock- Pistol with 5 be equipped with (Small parts).
holm soft arrows. a warning due to
risk of eye injury
(Result 0,16 J)
Warning text is

Manufac Coun- Retailer Code Munici- Name/ Remark. The following CE symbol /
turer/ try of pality Brand information is available warning text
importer origin in SS EN 71-1;1999
Brio AB Made Gr 1 Grums Dart Blaster Projectiles with kinetic CE symbol
Osby in One yellow energy over 0,08 J should Not suitable for
China and one be equipped with a children under the
orange pistol warning due to risk of eye age of three. (Small
with 6 soft injury parts).
arrows. (Result 0,12 and 0,10J)
Warning text is missing

Toyman Made Barnens Gä 2 Gävle Bonanza Projectiles with kinetic CE symbol.

AB in Hus Wild Western energy over 0,08 J should Firing mechanism.
Brovägen China Skolgång series. Bow be equipped with a Mind your eyes.
266 97 Gävle with 3 hard warning due to risk of eye
Hjärnarp arrows with injury (Result 0,4 J)
protected Warning text is not
tips. according to EN 71-1
Grossist- Made GEWES Ha 2 Haparan Super Flyers Projectiles with kinetic CE symbol
service in JALA AB Ki3 da Hip Planes energy over 0,08 J should Not suitable for
Box 1430 China Box 183 Ty1 Flying Club be equipped with a children under the
171 27 953 24 Pistol to fire warning due to risk of eye age of three. (Small
Solna da
two place for. injury parts).
(Result 0,35 J)
Warning text is missing
SpeedToy Made AB Hu 1 Hud- Indian Projectiles with kinetic CE symbol
S-26301 in Kjellberg dinge Archery Set energy over 0,08 J should Not suitable for
Höganäs China s Present Bow with be equipped with a children under the
Leksaker three arrows. warning due to risk of eye age of three. (Small
Forell- injury parts).
torget 8 (Result 0,15 J)
Hud- Warning text is missing
K. E. Made City- Ka 2 Karls- Soldier Force 4.17.3 a 2 CE symbol
Mathiase in huset hamn Dart Gun Upper limit 0,5 J for Small parts.
n China Drott- Play Set maximum kinetic energy.
DK-8220 ning- Pistol with 5 Result 0,12 J
Brabrand gatan 57 soft
Not on 37436 projectiles. Warning text is missing
packaging Karls-
: hamn
Grossist- Made Ki 3 Kisa Super Flyers 4.17.3 a 2 CE symbol
service in Ha2 Hip Planes Upper limit 0,5 J for Not suitable for
Box 1430 China Ty1 maximum kinetic energy. children under the
171 27 Pistol that Resultat 0,50 J age of three. (Small
Solna fires two parts).
aircraft. Warning text missing.

Manufac Coun- Retailer Code Munici Name/ Remark. The following CE symbol /
turer/ try of pality Brand information is warning text
importer origin available in SS EN 71-
Brio Made in Leksaken Kr 1 Kristine Bollastic Projectiles with kinetic CE symbol
Not on China Kungs- hamn Blaster energy over 0,08 J Not suitable for
packaging gatan 47 Bazooka should be equipped with children under
68131 Mega a warning due to risk of the age of three.
Brio AB Kristine- Pulsar eye injury (Small parts).
Briogatan hamn Automatic (Result 0,21 J)
283 83 Air pump Warning text is
Osby Bazooka missing
With 6
plastic balls See comments below*
that are
fired as you
Brio AB Made in Dala- Ma 1 Malung Dart Blaster Projectiles with kinetic CE symbol
Osby China Ridå Pistol with energy over 0,08 J ATTENTION!
Per 5 soft should be equipped with Not suitable for
Svensson arrows a warning due to risk of children under
AB eye injury the age of three.
Albacksg. (Result 0,11 J) (Small parts).
Malung Warning text is
No Made in Modeskat Na 3 Nacka Press n´ Projectiles with kinetic CE symbol.
informati China ten launch energy over 0,08 J
on. Fisksätra Racing set should be equipped with
Perhaps Centrum 2 aircraft a warning due to risk of
Leksam Nacka that are eye injury
AB fired away Warning text is
Box 1192 at the touch missing
262 23 of a button.
Ängelhol Name of representative
m or importer missing.

Importer: Made in Nybro Nyb1 Nybro Play Projectiles with kinetic CE symbol
Game China Lek o Vä2 Archery Set energy over 0,08 J Not suitable for
Global Hobby Bow with should be equipped with children under
Toys AB AB three a warning due to risk of the age of three.
Box 116 38221 arrows. eye injury (Small parts).
431 22 Nybro (Result 0,23, 0,29 and
Mölndal 0,33 J)
Warning text is
Toyman Made in Nybro Nyb 2 Nybro Police Projectiles with kinetic CE symbol
AB China Lek o S.W.A.T energy over 0,08 J Not suitable for
Brovägen Hobby Play should be equipped with children under
26697 AB Equipment a warning due to risk of the age of three.
Hjaernarp Box 16 Pistol with eye injury (Small parts).
Sweden 38221 5 soft (Result 0,19 J)
Nybro projectiles Warning text is

Manufactu Coun- Retailer Code Munici Name/ Remark. The following CE symbol /
rer try of pality Brand information is warning text
/importer origin available in SS EN 71-
Speed Toy Made in B Sabel P2 Piteå Air Gun Projectiles with kinetic CE symbol
S-263 01 China AB Fk1 Fire Power energy over 0,08 J Not suitable for
Höganäs Box 128 and Reality should be equipped with children under
Öjebyn a warning due to risk of the age of three.
Rifle with 5 eye injury (Small parts).
plastic (Result 0,15 J)
bullets Warning text is

Toyman AB Made in (Barnens Sk 2 Skellef- S.W.A.T. Projectiles with kinetic CE symbol

Brovägen China Hus) teå Play energy over 0,08 J Not suitable for
26697 Magasi- Equipment should be equipped with children under
Hjaernarp net i Police a warning due to risk of the age of three.
Sweden Skellefteå Pistol with eye injury (Small parts).
AB 6 soft (Result 0,21 J) WARNING!
931 42 projectiles. Warning text is not Firing
Skellefteå Other according to EN 71-1 mechanism.
objects are Mind your eyes.
included in
the kit.
Toyman AB Made in (Barnens Sk 3 Skellef- Tarzan Projectiles with kinetic CE symbol
Brovägen China Hus) teå Jungle energy over 0,08 J WARNING!
26697 Magasine Hunting Set should be equipped with Firing
Hjaernarp ti Bow with 3 a warning due to risk of mechanism.
Sweden Skellefteå arrows, eye injury Mind your eyes.
AB knife and (Result 0,43 J)
Uppfinna other Warning text is not
rvägen 5 equipment according to EN 71-1
931 42
Drivabola- Made in RIMI Sö 1 Söder- Soft Dart Projectiles with kinetic CE symbol
gen AB China Weda tälje Target Set energy over 0,08 J Not suitable for
Box 62 Bergahol Air Gun should be equipped with children under
283 21 ms-vägen Target a warning due to risk of the age of three.
Osby 11-13 Game eye injury (Small parts).
Södertälje Power (Result 0,18 J)
Rangers Warning text is
Pistol with missing
5 soft
Grossist- Made in Lek- Ty 1 Tyresö Super Projectiles with kinetic CE symbol
service China Pärlan Ha2 Flyers Hip energy over 0,08 J Not suitable for
Box 1430 AB Kr3 Planes should be equipped with children under
171 27 Marknads a warning due to risk of the age of three.
Solna gränd Pistol to fire eye injury (Small parts).
Alrico Tyresö two aircraft. (Result 0,43 and 0.33J)
Solna Warning text is

Manufactu Coun- Retailer Code Munici Name/ Remark. The CE symbol /
rer/ try of pality Brand following warning text
importer origin information is
available in SS EN
Leksam AB Made in Lek- Ty 2 Tyresö Soft Shot Projectiles with CE symbol
S-263 21 China Pärlan Target kinetic energy over Not suitable for
Höganäs AB Game Play 0,08 J should be children under
Marknads Set equipped with a the age of three.
gränd 23 Rifle and warning due to risk of (Small parts).
Tyresö pistol with eye injury
six soft (Result 0,14 till 0,19 J Never use any
projectiles Warning text is not accessories than
according to EN 71-1 those included.
Never aim at
people or
Toyman AB Made in Barnens Um 3 Umeå S.W.A.T. Projectiles with CE symbol
Brovägen China Hus Play kinetic energy over Not suitable for
12 Björn- Equipment 0,08 J should be children under
26697 vägen 11 Police equipped with a the age of three.
Hjaernarp 90640 Pistol with warning due to risk of (Small parts).
Sweden Umeå 6 soft eye injury
projectiles. (Result 0,12 J)
Other Warning text is
objects are missing
included in
the kit.
Speed Toys Made in Billiga Vås 3 Västerås Special Projectiles with CE symbol
S-263 01 China Nisse Mission kinetic energy over Not suitable for
Höganäs Hallsta- MP 5 K 0,08 J should be children under
gårds- Ball equipped with a the age of three.
gatan 11 Shooting warning due to risk of (Small parts).
721 38 and Sound eye injury
Västerås Gun (Result 0,09 J)
Warning text is
Machine missing
gun with Additional comments
med 4 balls. see below*
Game Made in Kerstins Vä 2 Väster- Play Projectiles with CE symbol
Global Toys China Leksaks- Nyb1 vik Archery Set kinetic energy over Not suitable for
AB hörna Bow with 3 0,08 J should be children under
Box 116 Storgatan arrows, etc. equipped with a the age of three.
43122 59333 warning due to risk of (Small parts).
Mölndal Västervik eye injury
(Result 0,31 J)
Warning text is

Manufactu Land of Retailer Code Munici Name/ Remark. The CE symbol /
rer/ origin pality Brand following warning text
importer information is
available in SS EN
Åhléns AB Made in Åhléns Vä 3 Väster- Space Projectiles with CE symbol
118 90 China Västra Go3 vik Police kinetic energy over Not suitable for
Stockholm Kyrko- Mission 0,08 J should be children under
gatan 34 Squad equipped with a the age of three.
593 33 Dart Gun warning due to risk of (Small parts).
Västervik Play set eye injury
Pistol with (Result 0,15 J)
5 soft Warning text is
arrows. missing

Brio Made in Åseda Ås 1 Uppvi- Dart Blaster Projectiles with CE symbol

Not on China Färg- dinge Shoots Soft kinetic energy over WARNING! Not
packaging: handel and Safe 0,08 J should be suitable for
283 83 Box 42 Darts equipped with a children under
Osby 360 70 2 pistols warning due to risk of the age of three.
Åseda with 6 soft eye injury (Small parts).
arrows. (Result 0,09 J)
Warning text is

Brio Made in Åseda Ås 3 Uppvi- Space Projectiles with CE symbol

Not on China Färghandel dinge Adven- kinetic energy over WARNING! Not
packaging: Box 42 ture 0,08 J should be suitable for
282 83 360 70 Galactic equipped with a children under
Osby Åseda Ball Pistol warning due to risk of the age of three.
eye injury (Small parts).
Pistol with (Result 0,10 J)
4 balls in Warning text is
different missing
colours. Additional comments
see below*
Game Made in Brio- Ör 3 Örebro Force Team Projectiles with CE symbol
Global Toys China Lekcenter kinetic energy over WARNING! Not
AB Nygatan Pistol with 0,08 J should be suitable for
Box 116 32 six soft equipped with a children under
431 22 702 11 projectiles warning due to risk of the age of three.
Mölndal Örebro eye injury (Small parts).
(Result 0,23 J)
Warning text is

* Balls are deemed to be soft projectiles. The criteria for what are soft and what are hard
projectiles is not stated in the Standard.


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