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Question Bank for Direction

1.What is mis-en-scene? How it’s understanding different from theatre?

2.What is time compression and time expansion ?Illustrate with an example For both from your life

3.What do you understand by aesthetics ?How does the elements of a film Effect it’s aesthetics?

4. write a note on intertextuality focusing on films and television

5.Explain the differences on viewing and meaning making in cinema and Television .

6.What are the different kind of magnifications ?How does it add to the Expression and treatment of the
film?explain with an example of a scene .

7.What is a director role in all the three processes of production?

8.What do you understand by male gaze referring to the essay by Laura Mulvey ?

9.What is an active audience in television referring from John fiske.

10.Discuss the term “cinema is a language”.

11.Explain the following “A filmic shot is never less than a sentence “

12. Mise-en-scene is to space what montage is to time .please elaborate on the Sentence .

13. Write a 1 min screenplay with one character in continuous space and time.

Short Notes-
1. male gaze
2. director’s role in pre-production process
3. montage
4. polysemy
5. Active audience
6. Time compression
7. Aesthetics
8. Intertextuality
9. Meaning making in television

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