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Board of Nursing Officers


Hon. Betty F. Merritt-NURSING ROADMAP

Hon. Carmencita M. Abaquin- Nursing Education

Hon. Leonila A. Faire - Nursing Services

Hon. Marco Antonio C. Sto. Tomas -Nursing Specialty Credentialing Program


Hon. Yolanda C. Arugay -Research and Development

On March 1, 1919, the Board of Examiners for Nurses was created by virtue of
Public Act No. 2808. It was placed under the Department of the Interior with a
physician as the chief executive officer. With the Reorganization Law of 1932,
the supervision of the Board was transferred to the Department of Public
However, on June 17, 1950, Republic Act No. 546 was enacted placing the
Board under the Office of the President. On June 19, 1953, Republic Act No.
877, otherwise known as the “Philippine Nursing Law,” was enacted and for the
first time, the Board was composed of three (3) nurses, a Chairman and two
Members with additional powers and duties. Amendments to Republic Act No.
877 were effected through R.A. No. 4704 enacted on June 18, 1966 which
increased the membership of the Board to five (5) and upgraded the educational
qualification to Master’s degree in Nursing with an age limit of 65 years old.
A landmark law, Republic Act No. 7164 otherwise known as the “Philippine
Nursing Act of 1991,” was enacted on November 21, 1991. This law removed
the age limit for members of the Board, and required ten (10) years of
continuous practice of the profession prior to appointment.

Board of Nursing Officers

Hon. Amelia B. Rosales Hon. Betty F. Merritt

Hon. Carmencita M. Abaquin Hon. Leonila A. Faire

Hon. Marco Antonio C. Sto. Tomas Hon. Perla G. Po

Hon. Yolanda C. Arugay

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Item Title Author Hits

E. Administrative Concerns including Personal and Administrator 126
Professional Development of the BON 7
D. Collaborate with stakeholders for nursing development Administrator 957
(By Hon. Carmencita M. Abaquin)
C. Unifying Nursing Sector Through Good Governance Administrator 782
(By Hon. Merritt)
B. Adherence to Professional, Ethical and Legal Standards Administrator 871
for the health and safety of the public.
A. Leadership 4-7 (By Hon. Perla G. Po, Hon. Amelia B. Administrator 646
Rosales, and Hon. Yolanda C. Arugay)
A. Leadership 3 (By Hon. Perla G. Po, Hon. Amelia B. Administrator 466
Rosales, and Hon. Yolanda C. Arugay)
A. Leadership 2 (By Hon. Perla G. Po, Hon. Amelia B. Administrator 955
Rosales, and Hon. Yolanda C. Arugay)
A. Leadership 1 (By Hon. Perla G. Po, Hon. Amelia B. Administrator 110
Rosales, and Hon. Yolanda C. Arugay) 9

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1. Conduct credible • Recommend to PRC • BoNs Meng/Yolie/Amy/ • February 2008 • Alternative solutions c/o PRC
Nurse Licensure alternative solutions to Marco recommended Application
Examination improve system of NLE considered by PRC division
• BoN Meng, with PRC/ • February 2008 • Plans for
• Coordinate plans and CHED TCNE, ADPCN improvement
efforts with the PRC coordinated with PRC
central & regional central and regional
offices, CHED, DILG, • BoNMeng with PRC • Jan.-Feb. 2008 offices, CHED, DILG
and ADPCN Application Division and ADPCN
• BoNMeng with PRC • April 2008 • Adherence to revised
• Strictly enforce Application Division application guidelines
adherence to revised enforced
“application guidelines” • BoNMeng with Director • February 2008 • Outcome of revised c/o PRC Budget
• Evaluate outcome of Amy Empaynado application scheme or Php 25M
the revised application evaluated for (Bank loan with
scheme • BoNsMeng/Marco with a • June 2009 – improvement 25 years loan -
reputable IT Agency and Walk-In • Better facilities payment
• PRC to explore better TWG on NLE Computerized conducive to NLE strategy)
facilities conducive to • BoNsMeng/Pearl with NLE in place. taking explored
NLE taking PRC, CBGGNP, TWG on • June 2009 –
NLE Modernization Implementation. • Computerization of
• Work towards the “walk in” NLE initiated Php 50,000.00
computerization of • BoNsMeng/Pearl with lobby fund/year
“walk-in” NLE PRC consultants • January 2008 – • Improved quality in Php 50,000.00
onwards the conduct of NLE per year
• Shift from subject-
based NLE into • BoN Meng with PRC
Integrated NLE and • January - • NLE Programs and
promulgate the same; December 2008 Systems Up-to-date
and consistent with
• Regular test • BoNs Marco/Meng existing IT
construction work and • February 2008 procedures/
peer review and adopt technology.
measures to ensure • NLE integrity
validity and reliability ( person/
• Propose alternative examination ensured
designs of retrieving &
shredding test booklets • Promotes/enhances
for the NLE the Professional Image
of the BoN /PRC as
• Promulgate policy on well
“conditioned repeaters”
• Improved Test

• New strategies of
handling Test Booklets
after each NLE
adopted by PRC-BON

• Resolution developed

2. Administer Oath • Continue to explore • BoNsMarco/Leonie 2008 • February 2008 • Oathtaking Php 5-7 M
of Professionals to new and better ways of strategies NOT (above)
New Nurses administering MASS PERMANENT.
Oath taking of New Alternative models
Nurses. • BoNs Amy/Yolie 2009 employed to provide
better access to as
• Evaluate new ways of • BoNs Pearl/Betty 2010 many inductees in all
administering MASS parts of the country
Oath taking of New
3. Initiate • Create a BoN • BoNs Marco/Meng with • April 2008 • BoN Amendments Php 500,000.00/
amendments to the Amendments Nursing Organizations Committee – created year until
Philippine Nursing Committee • April 2008 • Draft Amendments – approved and
Act of 2002 (R.A. • BON Amendments PREPARED implementation
9173) • BoN and Amendments Committee • July 2008 • Public Hearing –
Committee to call for a CONDUCTED
Nursing Law “Con-Con– • October 2008
Like” undertaking and • Proposed
formulate as well its • January 2009 Amendments with
Proposed I.R.R. (to I.R.R. – ready for
include budget and • BON Amendments • April 2009 submission to both
penalties); Committee transforms Houses of Congress.
into an Oversight-
• Formulate feasible Advocacy Group • “Implementation
“implementation Milestones” prepared
milestones” for the hypothetically in
Amended Nursing Law; anticipation of the
passage of all
• Undertake massive, amendatory
nationwide provisions.
dissemination of the
amended Nursing Law • Information-Action
through BON Website, Plan prepared/ready
print media news for implementation.
journals/newsletters of • Well-informed
Nursing Organizations stakeholders.
and health care
facilities. • 100% compliance of
• Deputize various
Nursing Organizations
to monitor
implementation and
report results to the
4. Conduct hearings • Provide in the BoN • BoNsMeng/Pearl/Betty • October 2007 • Resolved LEGAL Php 110,000.00
and investigations Newsletter a section to Newsletter Staff CASES disseminated
to carry “Legal Matters” in to nursing
resolve complaints every issue stakeholders;
regarding nurses. • BoNs Marco/Pearl • March 2008
• BON Website to • Complaints
include developments forwarded to BON are
on Legal Matters • BoNs Marco/Betty attended to/ reported
to stakeholders for
• Strengthen appropriate
mechanisms to utilize feedbacking.
the BoN’s “motu propio”
prerogatives and
5. Enforce • Establish linkage with • BoNs Marco /Meng • December • Working relationship Php 50,000.00
adherence to the CHED on the regulation 2007 with CHED clearly
requirement of of Review Centers and established
obtaining permit/ Nursing Institutions
clearance from the conducting In-Service • 100% compliance of
BON to undertake Educational Programs Review Centers to set
in-service • BoNs Marco/Meng with guidelines
educational • Formulate joint- CHED • January 2008
programs or conduct guidelines with the • Guidelines regulating
review classes for CHED REVIEW CENTERS
both local and • BoNs Marco/Meng with • March 2008 established by CHED
international • Create Registry of CHED, DTI including CHED with involvement of
examinations Local/International Regional Offices, PRC BON
Review Centers and Regional Offices, DTI in
their Faculty-Members LGUs • Nursing Review
operating in the Center Registry
Philippines • Beginning April established with
• Marco/Meng with CHED, 2008 Faculty Profile data
• Create Registry of DTI including CHED base
Nursing Institutions and Regional Offices, PRC
their Faculty - Members Regional Offices, DTI in • Registry of Nursing
conducting In-Service LGUs • Beginning April Institutions offering
Educational Programs. 2008 In-Service Educational
Programs with
• Information • July 2008 established Faculty
dissemination to all Profile data base
stakeholders • CHED and BoN
• Stakeholders aware
• Implement CHED-BoN of the Regulatory
Guidelines with Guidelines for local &
adequate mechanisms foreign review
for monitoring programs of Review
compliance. Centers

• Joint Monitoring
Guidelines from CHED
and BON functional.
Hon. Marco Antonio C. Sto Tomas

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