Assignment 01: Management Information System

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Assignment 01


Course code: BA-3213
Assignment On:
Information Technology Support A Company

Business Processes.

Submitted To
Farzana Akther
Assistant Professor,
Department Of Business Administration,
North Western University, Khulna.

Submitted By
Abir Foysal
Id: 20173014101
3rd Year 2nd Semester
Department Of Business

Submission Date
Introduction: Information technology is the study of engineering computer application to support
the operation of an organization. Information technology is a technology that makes use of
electronics to input, process, output, transmit and receive data and information. Information
technology It consists of a number of Modern advancements such computer, internet, websites,
surfing, e-mail, e-commerce, e-governance, video-conference, cellular phones, paging, fax
machines, smart cards, credit cards, ATM cards etc.

Information technology support a company’s business processes and decision making and its
competitive advantage. Now I describe it:
1.Support Business Process: -Information technology impacts every aspect of a company’s
processes. From marketing to sales, to supply chain and inventory management, everything is
impacted by technology. Ensuring your organization has the right technology is crucial to

maximize efficiency and revenue. In an organization number of transactions occurs every day. It’s
almost impossible to keep the record of these transactions manually. So in order to keep the
systematic record of day to day transaction, considering the value of time, in the most accurate
form, organizations use Information Technology. Use of information Technology has made a
workplace more productive and scientific. During the entire business process from dealing with
supplier to reaching a costumer, information technology plays a very important role to make things
happen smoothly.

For Example: - Most retail stores now use computer -based information systems to help them
record costumer purchases, keep track of inventory, pay employs but new merchandise, and
evaluate sales trends, store operations would grind to a halt without the support of such information
2. Support decision making: -Information system also help stores managers and other business
professionals make Better decisions. Today everything is connected through computer.
Information technology provides a platform for a company to connect the global world
with internet. Internet has a wide range of customers, buyers, service providers, technical staff,
etc. Information system and technology provide various channels to communication like E-mail,
Instant messages, SMS servers to all employees at any time all over the world. This type of
software helps to saving time and cost. Software are very important for a company for instant
Information of stocks, assets valuation, sales, purchases, and service.

Decision making is very easy to the management after IT because its provide latest information to
the management for employee, stocks, sales, purchase, and services, etc. The management can
make a decision after check information technology reports.
For example:- Decisions on what lines of merchandise need to be added or discontinued or on
what kind of investing they require, are typically made after an analysis provided by computer -
based information systems. This not only supports the decisions making of stores managers, buyers
and others but also helps them look for ways to gain an advantage over other retailers in the
competition for customers.
Support Competitive advantage: - Business decisions are based on the data’s and information
provided to decision makers and information technology ensures the accuracy and reliability of
the information collected. In this competitive business environment it’s very important that

decisions taken are as per the scenario and in the favor of organization considering the competitors
around so here we can see the direct impact of information technology in decision making.
Through the use of information technology, data’s and information are to be collected and are to
be supplied to all the sectors of organization as per the importance. Decision making department
uses these data’s to evaluate the performance of organization and all the plans and policies are
made as per the information and data’s provided. If the decision making department is provided
the accurate data then the department takes the appropriate policy and plans as per the need of the
situation. When the decisions are taken, through the use of information technology they can be
implemented effectively and also it becomes easy to control the decision, since outcomes of
decision can be monitored systematically. This way efficiency of the decision becomes more.
When your decisions are appropriate and efficient, you can be able to face the competition with
appropriate strategies to win the war.
For Example: - Store management might make a decision to install touch screen kiosks in all
stores, with links to their E-commerce website for online shopping .This might attract new
customer and build customers locality because of the ease of shopping and buying merchandise
provide products and services that give a business a comparative advantage over its competitors.

Information Systems Support Business Processes And Activity:- Information systems is a

integrated set of components for collecting, storing and processing data ad for delivering
information, knowledge, and digital products. Businesses rely on information systems to carry out
and manage their operations, interact with their customers and suppliers, and compete in the
marketplace. Most business organizations are becoming more and more dependent on information
systems to manage and maintain their internal organization infrastructures.

It is necessity to maintain up-to-date, complete and accurate information to stay competitive in

the changing world. Organizations utilize many types of information systems to assist in their daily
operations. Speed is the key to all the business processes of today. The need of a business to adapt
to the technology to handle information system is a must considering that all types of business
have to compete with current and emerging competitors to capture majority of the market and to
innovate better products and services. Being the first to introduce a new product in the market
leaves a significant mark to the industry and will definitely give a competitive edge.

Such advantage is not possible without the help of information system and technology.

Conclusion: -Information technology plays important role in business, and it can be an
important enabler of business success and innovation.

First of all, Information system and technology provide various channels to

communication like E-mail, Instant messages, SMS servers to all employees at any time
all over the world. This type of software helps to saving time and cost.

Second, Businesses regularly utilize computer-based information systems in order to

record customer purchases, keep track of inventory, pay employees, buy new
merchandise, and evaluate sales trends. Without the support of information technology,
businesses would ultimately fall apart. For example if a business did not choose to use
computer-based information systems, they wouldn't be able to evaluate what items were
selling better than others and ultimately lose valuable information for future success.
Information technology can also aid in decision making for a business. Decisions are
made based on analysis provided by computer-based information systems. For example a
store manager may make the decision whether to discontinue an item for sale or keep it
on the floor due to analysis of sales trends provided by computer-based systems.

Finally, Information technology helps a business create a competitive advantage.

Competitive advantage is a product or service that an organization’s customers place a
greater value on than similar offerings from a competitor.

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