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Business law is a part of law which determine the commerce and business. It has been seen that
business law has been considered as a branch of civil law which focuses on the public law and
private law. Business law plays an important role to govern the start, manage buy and sell of any
kind of business. Additionally, it has been observed that different states and countries have their
different business and federal law. Business laws helps the organisation to the professional
management to realise the ethics of business. It is mandatory for the organisation or business to
follow the ethics and regulation of the laws which enforce the organisation to amend those laws
in their daily activities.
Various sources of Law
There are three types of sources of UK laws and legislation which includes common law,
legislation and Human Rights Act 1998(c.42). As per Besson and d'Aspremont (2017), source of
business also sheds light on the business laws which is mandatory for the employer to follow the
Equality Act 2010(c.15). The equality acts helps the organisation to maintain equality between
the employees and the employer. In Addition to this, Common law is the rules and regulation
which keeps the law remain in the common throughout their business. In addition to this,
Statutory law and administrative law also have the same value in respect to their business. It is
the responsibility of the management team of the startup business to follow such laws in their
Statutory law is referred to the public act which focuses on employee empowerment and the
administrative law sheds light on the implementation of tools and techniques of the
administrative rules.
Effectiveness of the legal system
Legal system of the business laws have their control over the business and it sheds light on the
management system of the employee and also for the owner. There are different types of laws
which plays an important role in the legal system which are as follows:
● The Law of contract: This law is mandatory for the startup business because in start up
business the essential elements are legal objective, performance possibility, contact
capacity. There are various types of contacts which includes valid contract between the
clients and the agents, Bilateral contract include the agreement between the two clients
which sheds light on the fulfillment of their bargain.
● Laws of sales: Laws of sales includes the product sales to different client and different
agent. For instance, it has been observed that the sales agreement has legally binding,
even if the price of sales is not included in the agreement.
● Laws of Agency: The laws of agency is the business relationship between the various
types of agent. It is mandatory for the agent to follow The Contracts (Applicable Law)
Act 1990 (c.16). In this law if the agent has not been able to fulfill the requirement of the
organisation then the agent may be blacklisted from the organisation.
Role of Government in law making
The role of government in lawmaking has responsible to frame the outline how the country is
run. It is the responsibility of the government to manage the things in their day to day activities.
The government has been responsible to set the taxes and they decide how much money is to be
spent for the public interest. According to Kerwin and Furlong (2018), lawmaking is the part of
parliamentary and it has been divided into three functions. It is the responsibility of the
Parliament to take about the core values in their law making which are as follows:
● It is mandatory to constitute the interest of citizens.
● It is the responsibility of the parliament authority to pass the laws in such a way that
helps the startup business and the employee of the organisation.
● Monitor the actions of the government and their implication of laws for the common
citizen and for the start up business.
Justification for the common law and statutory follows in the justice court
It is general that higher court always ruled the lower court in the country. Statutory law has been
applied for a specific case and the common law has frame on the behalf of common citizens
without considering the specific issues and problems. As per Teasdale (2017), statutory laws are
developed by the government of a state or nation and these are organized and codified into law
Critical and coherent evaluation of the law and legal system
It has been observed that there are three main issues that can be formed within the structure of
laws for the protection of business. The choice of laws depends on the directive. As per Haigh
(2018), the legal system is a system in which the organisation have to follow the rules and
regulations. In legal system contract and employment law has an amend effect in their business.
On the contrary Lynk (2015), have mentioned that the employment contract is one of the
categories of contract that sheds lights on the labour law. It has been observed that employment
contract starts to decrease from the market in the employee commences and it forces the
employee to follow the laws that can be either verbal or written. As per Beaumont (2017), the
employe are also advised to take the risk in their action of termination. On the other hand Barlow
(2019), have mentioned it is the responsibility of the management team in an organisation to
promote and monitor the implementation of laws.
Considering the specific example about the company, employment and contract law in
their business.
The impact of company laws on the business plays an important role in the business which
includes the regulation on wealth and the pricing strategies of the investors. According to Hopt
(2019), company law includes companies Act 2006(c.46), it has been observed that in the UK
companies follows the act to maintain the relationship between the clients and the agent related
to their business. For instance, it has been observed that with the maximize in corporation taxes
focus on the profit of the business. Value added tax includes tax policy which help the
stakeholder to margin their tax in the bottom line.
Additionally, employment law affect the business in the contrast of employment law. It forces
the employer to maintain the relation between the employees and employer in terms of their
hiring, firing and job losses. Additionally, it protects the business in layoffs, unemployment and
in termination. For instance, it has been seen that the employement law protects the employee
from the age discrimination, discrimination based ojn the religious, gender, sexuality and race.
Contract law enforces the business to maintain the relationship between the clients and the agent.
Additionally, it has been observed that with the implementation of the contract law the organiser
can easily signed a contract between employee.
Difference between legislation, standards and regulations to investigate the potential
The difference between the legislation, standards and regulations to determine the potential
business are as follows:
Legislation: It is defined as a system of rules or statutes formed by the government bodies of a
country, city or state. Additionally, legislation is the set of rules which have been followed
internally and externally. It is mandatory for the citizens to follow the rules and regulations of
the country which has proposed by the president or Governor of the nation.
Standard: Standard is the guidelines or the specification for the products, system and the
service. It is mandatory for the start up business to ensure the quality of the products, the safety
of their employees and the efficiency of their employees. It has been observed that there are a set
of documents present in their handbook which help the organisation to ensure the quality, safety
of their employees.
Regulation: It is the instruction for the implementation of the laws in the country. According to
Hallward-Driemeier and Pritchett (2015), it is the responsibility of the government to monitor the
effect of the legislation. The legislation can formed by the parliament and the government is
responsible to maintain such regulation and evaluate the changes.
It can be concluded that business laws for start up includes the equality act, contract law,
employment law. These are the law which every organisation have to follow to maintain the
cordial relationship in the environment. There are various sources of laws name Human Right
Act, Legislation and Common law. Furthermore, it has been observed that laws of contract, agent
and sales creates a positive impact on the business. The role of government is to monitor the laws
and uplift the laws for the common citizens. The legislation, standard and regulation plays an
essential role in the business. In addition to this, the advantages and the disadvantages of the
legal structure helps the organisation to maintain the relationship between the agent and the
client. In respect to this, the organisation must be taken care about the bank loan and the goods
trapping to maintain the growth of the organisation.

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