RTM 3235 Metode Elemen Hingga: (Finite Element Method) (2 CR.)

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03.00 – 04.40 PM

RTM 3235
Metode Elemen Hingga
(Finite Element Method) (2 cr.)
Armansyah Ginting
Professor in Manufacturing
Laboratory of Machining Processes, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sumatera Utara
Tuesday, 21 April 2020
03.00 – 04.40 PM

Plane Trusses
(example) e1

solution using MS

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Solution using
MS Excel
(run file

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– This exercise is aimed to raise your understanding on how to solve
plane truss problem using FEM with the aid of MS Excel.
– The sequences of solution are given and the calculations for [K],
{u} dan {R} have been done.
Exercise 1 – Study them carefully!
– And, for the goal as aforementioned, you are asked to continue
the calculation for obtaining “normal stress for all trusses (element
1 to 4), and their reaction force as well”.

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Exercise 1
(run file

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– LANJUTKAN PERHITUNGAN pada file M10Ex.xls:
– Normal stress untuk setiap elemen truss,
– Gaya reaksi untuk setiap elemen truss.

Quiz Kecil M10

– Jawaban dalam format XLS dengan nama file
(no_absen)_NIM_MEH_QKM10.xls dan kirim ke
machining@usu.ac.id paling lambat pukul 17.00 WIB (hari ini,
Selasa, 21 April 2020).

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Thank you and have a nice day…

Stay alert of COVID-19.

Keep social and physical distancing.

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