Insights About Lasallian Saint

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Alcalde, Jason D.


Insights about Lasallian Saints

First of all, in St. Jaime Hilario Barbal’s life, the main takeaway that I was able to
get was even with all the circumstances that we face in life, we should be brave enough
to withstand everything. St. Jaime had hearing problems and experienced a “Religious
War”, but it did not stop him in teaching the word of God. Like him, we should have
steadfast principles and values in order to do significant things in our lives that God
called us to do despite hindrances. In order to do greater things in life and have a
mindset like St. Jaime, I believe that education is really an important tool in doing so
and it’s sad that until now, many children are still not able to have access to quality
education that’s why St. Jaime Hilario Barbal inspired me to become an advocate for
education. For me, education is the primary source and the ticket to a better future.

Then, in St. Benilde Romancon’s life, the main takeaway that I was able to get
was even with all the blessings and opportunities in our lives, we should not forget to
share them to others and give back to the community. Not everyone has the same
privilege that we have that’s why St. Benilde made me realize how lucky I am to have
food on my table and a comfy bed to sleep on, because poverty is still the world’s
number 1 problem until this very moment. In the poorest areas of the world, it’s poverty
that kills children’s dreams that’s why it’s a challenge for us by God to be his instrument
in becoming a torch of hope for the kids of tomorrow. We should be devoted enough in
helping and serving others who are in need because we are their only hope. We should
have the initiative and drive to make a difference even with our own little ways.

On the other hand, In St. Miguel Febres Cordero’s life, the main takeaway that I
was able to get was even in a young age, we must be compassionate enough to others
especially those of the oppressed. When they cannot speak and stand for themselves,
we should be their voice and feet. In times of opposition and resentment towards
powerful forces like the government because they’re doing something wrong, we must
be brave enough to call them out and criticize them. We should not remain neutral and
apolitical when we clearly see our fellow citizens are being oppressed. Despite having
an unhealthy state in the middle of a revolution, it did not stop St. Miguel in helping
others and be socially responsible for those who are in need, and I think that is what we
should all aspire to be especially right now in this time of the pandemic.

Similarly, in St. Solomon Leclercq’s life, the main takeaway that I was able to get
was even though powerful forces like the government is doing something that strips us
away from our rights, we should remain strong and vigilant in opposing them. We
should be empathetic and sympathetic to the struggles and difficulties of others caused
by the government’s tyranny and help them in any possible way we can. We should
always be aware of what’s happening around us even though we’re not experiencing it
first-hand. We should be sensitive enough to know that everyone has their own battle to
overcome in life. Lastly, we should remain faithful to what we believe in and keep our
zeal for service burning. Because at the end of the day, we’re not doing this for
ourselves, but we’re doing this for others who trust us.

Last but not the least, in St. Mutien-Marie Wiaux, the main takeaway that I was
able to get was be myself and pursue what I really love doing in my life. Not everyone is
brave enough to risk something they’re not familiar with, but in St. Mutien-Marie’s case,
the struggles and challenges that were surrounding him, did not hinder him in answering
the call of God and I think that is what everyone should learn today. We should not be
afraid to be who we really are, and we should start doing what really makes us happy.
In the end, passion enables someone to succeed in something. We should not let other
people’s opinion matter because this is our life and we should do something purposeful
and meaningful with it. We should persevere more with the right amount of piety,
humility, and sensibility rather than intellect, we will do great things for our society.

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