Bubble o Bill

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The Bona-Fide Biography of Bubble O’Bill

An important historical story as documented by

DR. Jametholomule L. Forsterino
The coveted ice cream ‘Bubble O’Bill’ first
came to prominence in Australia in 1985,
this is the true story of how that came to
28 June 1880
Glenrowan Inn, Glenrowan, Victoria.

‘I’m shot to shit Ned, you get out of here, we’ll hold
them off, it’s over. We’re done.’ Joe yelled over the
Ned left through the back door of the Glenrowan
Inn. He slipped off his armour and stumbled into the

Ned spent a few nights under the gum trees.

Ned then came across a small farm, but he had no
money, so he offered his labour in exchange for a
bath and a place to sleep. To hide his identity, he
introduced himself as Bill.

The farmer accepted his offer.

The farmer prepared the bath for Ned/Bill.

“More bubbles please” Ned/Bill asked.

Bill worked hard on the farm.
After a hard day’s work, Bill loved a bubble bath.

The farmer nicknamed him Bubble O’Bill.

One day working his limbs off in the fields, a car
appeared in the paddock.

Marty McFly yelled through the window, “Get in,

we have to go back to the future”

A baffled Bubble O’Bill got into the car.

15 January 1985
Milk Bar, Western Suburbs of Sydney.
“Oh Fuck, not again” Marty exclaimed, looking
over at Bill.

Bubble O’Bill had frozen due to time travel

Needing to dispose of the body, Marty placed
Bubble O’Bill in the freezer of the Milk Bar.
Esteemed Ice Creamologist, Mr. Rjómaís,
discovered the lone Bubble O’Bill in the milk bar,
located in the western suburbs of Sydney. Upon
tasting the delicacy, he went on to reproduce it,
and sell it across the nation through a partnership
with Streets Ice Cream.
To be continued…
In the next edition we will travel with Bubble O’Bill
to the outback of Australia.

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