Notes 2 Mineral Dressing Notes by Prof. SBS Tekam

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Notes 2:

By : Prof. S.B.S.Tekam, Head Mining Engg.

Mineralogical investigations Mineralogical investigation means

investigate the mineral regarding its all physical chemical,
mechanical and optical properties like density, specific gravity,
colour hardness, shape, size, electrical properties ,mechanical
properties etc . This will help in deciding the best method of
mineral processing and also help in selection of appropriate
machine for their processing. At every stage during the life cycle
of a mineral deposit, from exploration to resource evaluation,
mine planning, plant design and operation, product quality
control, and through to closure and site rehabilitation, the
information from mineralogical investigations should form an
integral part of the knowledge base related to the resource.
Mineralogical investigation during exploration provides an early
indication of likely later extraction processes required. It can
also be used to constrain endmember variability for
geometallurgical mapping and for process control modelling.
Mineralogy for feasibility studies includes 1) Quantification of
significant minerals 2) Determination of mineral compositions,
and 3) The description and quantification of factors such as size,
shape, texture, associations, and liberation characteristics of the
minerals in ore samples.

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