Grid Connected Solar Roof Top

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What is Grid Connected

Roof Top Solar Power Plant

Solar Photovoltaic
PV system, is a power system designed
to supply usable solar power by means
of photovoltaic's. It consists of an
arrangement of several components,
including solar panels to absorb and
convert sunlight into electricity, a solar
inverter to change the electric current
from DC to AC, as well as mounting
,cabling and other electrical
accessories to set up a working system.
V S Technology Services LLP
Contact : 9930934972, E-Mail:
What is Net Meter

Net metering is a billing mechanism that

credits solar energy system owners for the
electricity they add to the grid. For example, if
a residential customer has a PV system on the
home's rooftop, it may generate more
electricity than the home uses during daylight
hours. If the home is net-metered, the
electricity meter will run backwards to provide
a credit against what electricity is consumed at
V S Technology Services LLP
Contact : 9930934972, E-Mail:
Maharashtra Net Meter Policy

V S Technology Services LLP

Contact : 9930934972, E-Mail:
What is Solar Panel
Solar panels are devices that convert
light into electricity. They are called
"solar" panels because most of the
time, the most powerful source of
light available is the Sun, called Sol by
astronomers. Some scientists call
them photovoltaic which means,
basically, "light-electricity."

V S Technology Services LLP

Contact : 9930934972, E-Mail:
Consumers of electricity having minimum
sanctioned load of 1.25KW and maximum of
12.50 MW who intend to generate their own
electricity and desire to contribute towards
environmental protection can install solar PV
plants on roof-tops/ walls/open area of
individual households, industries, commercial
establishments, institutions, residential
complexes, schools, colleges, hospitals, sheds,
cold stores, govt. And semi-govt. Buildings,
etc. The maximum capacity of solar power
plant to be installed in a building would be
80% of the sanctioned electricity load of that
V S Technology Services LLP
Contact : 9930934972, E-Mail:
Net Metering Application Procedure
- Submission of Application
• For installation of solar power plant the applicant has to register/apply
online at any one the sites with copy of latest electricity bill and
available shadow free area at the top of roof/ walls/ open space within
the compound.

• Time: 3 to 4 Week

- Approval For Installation

• After verification, DISCOM will give online approval to the applicant for
installation of required capacity Solar Power Plant.

• Time : 4 Week

V S Technology Services LLP

Contact : 9930934972, E-Mail:
Installation of Solar Power Plant

After approval from DISCOM, applicant will

contact V S Technology Services LLP to install
solar power plant and submit online work
completion report along with photograph of the
system and single line diagram of the
synchronizing and protection arrangements.

V S Technology Services LLP

Contact : 9930934972, E-Mail:
Installation of Bi-directional Meter

After receiving project completion report,

Bi-directional meter would be installed at
the premises of the beneficiary by DISCOM.
For this, applicant has to deposit prescribed
fee of Bi-Directional meter at Sub Divisional
Office of DISCOM.

V S Technology Services LLP

Contact : 9930934972, E-Mail:
Commercial & ROI of Solar Roof Top
Power Plant

V S Technology Services LLP

Contact : 9930934972, E-Mail:
Let’s Understand a “10KW Solar Power Plant Scenario”

Scope Of Work

• Design of 10KW Rooftop

• Supply of 10KW Solar Panels
• Supply of On-Line Inverter 15 KW
• Supply of Galvanized Mounting Structure, Civil Work, Electrical Equipment, Cables and
• Application & Agreement
• Approval for Net Metering
• Installation & Commissioning
V S Technology Services LLP
Contact : 9930934972, E-Mail:
Daily Power Production
• 10KW Solar P.V array
• 250 wp x 40 panel = 10000 wp
• Hourly out put : 10000 wp at 1000 w/h/mt2 sun radiance
• Perfect Sun hours average 4.5 hrs per day
• Per day power output will be 4.5 x 10 = 45 kWh
• Yearly production will be 45x 365 = 16425 kWh

V S Technology Services LLP

Contact : 9930934972, E-Mail:
Yearly Gross Saving Comparison
From Grid

• The Cost of one kWh will be INR 8 inclusive of taxes so daily saving
will be INR 360/-

• Yearly Saving will be : 16425 kWh x 8 = 1,31,400/-

V S Technology Services LLP

Contact : 9930934972, E-Mail:
Pay back period in comparison with grid
• The Cost of the System :- 8,50,000 /- (Approximately)
*(Installation, GST and Transportation Extra)
* (Battery Backup not Part of above Costing, need to consider as Extra as per requirement)

• Subsidy Amount : 2,55,000/- (Considering 30% Subsidy)

• Saving with Grid :- 1,31,400/- Per Year

• Pay back period with grid is = 4.5 years

V S Technology Services LLP
Contact : 9930934972, E-Mail:
Environmental effect

• For Producing 1 Unit of Electricity there is emission of

0.6 kg of Co2in atmosphere.

• You Contribute to reduce Co2 from atmosphere by

16425x.06 = 9855 kg per year 9855 kg

V S Technology Services LLP

Contact : 9930934972, E-Mail:
Financial Benefits for Installing Solar Roof Top
• Accelerated Depreciation in Income Tax
• 30% Subsidy form Government
• Power Sell Agreement with your DISCOM
• Pay Back Period is 4.5 Yrs.
• Life of System is 25 Yrs.
• A Gift to Our Environment

V S Technology Services LLP

Contact : 9930934972, E-Mail:
Individual Benefits
Consumer becomes generator for his own electricity requirements.

Reduction in electricity Bills.

Elimination of minimum monthly charges.

Generation during the day time when demand is high.

Sale Electricity while away from Home During Vacation

V S Technology Services LLP
Contact : 9930934972, E-Mail:
V S Technology Services LLP
A Solar EPC Company

Contact : 9930934972

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