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First of all I would like to show my heartiest gratitude to the Almighty God who makes us
able to successful compilation of this Business Plan. Then my gratitude goes to
Dr Holger Briel, Our honorable supervisor and lecturer in College of Tourism and Hotel
Management, who always supported us to make this Business Plan appropriately and those
friends who gave me essential information to make this Business Plan.

List of Contents:
Chapter Topic Headings Page no.
… Executive summary 3
1 Industry Analysis 4
2 Management Discussion 5
3 Location and area Analysis 5
4 Target market 7
5 Customer profile 8
6 SWOT Analysis 9
7 Local market and Competition analysis 10
8 Competitors 10
9 Market segments-growth and size 11
10 Customer benefits 11
11 Marketing Mix Strategies 13
12 Staffing 15
13 Service Style and Food Concept 17
14 Suppliers 18
15 Premises 18
16 Administration 20
17 Legalities 20
18 Risk evaluation and Insurance 21
19 Finance and Start-up-Expenses 22
20 Personal & Business Goal/Objectives 23
21 Conclusion 24
… Important Assumptions (1-10) 24-33
… Bibliography 34


Executive summary:

This Business plan has played an important role regarding to the commencement of “Nice

time Restaurant”, a casual Bangladeshi cuisine restaurant. The proposed business plan

forecast approximately €200,000 or TK18,000,000 for total finance, launching and

subsequent growth of the themed Bangladeshi Restaurant in Khulna, one of big city in

Bangladesh and Located in shibbari. The 120 seat restaurant will offer A la Carte meat, fish

and vegetarian-based menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The owners of the business build

up his assurance of the viability of the business built upon the secondary research data,

including statistics on the demography analysis, movement patterns and socio-economic

restructuring of the population. The concept is to supply authentic Bangladeshi food in the

exotic environment. Providing cultural experience for the locals and maintaining the interest

to the Bangladeshi Cuisine among foreigners. Opinion of the owner supports the current

publications that the growing high class & middle class population seek quite different food

service experience, rather than that is currently offered. The highly priced upscale themed

restaurant rarely patronized by the middle class families and business people, mainly due to

the prohibitive pricing. Our purpose is to tap this target markets through carefully designed

marketing and sales program, current and future market analysis, staff training and

positioning of the business. Emphasis is to be made on the creating cultural, rather than

purely food experience through bringing to play various artifacts of the Bangladeshi culture.

The main aim of this restaurant is to attract the business people around Newmarket as well

the business passers-by. For breakfast, different kinds of bread will be offered as well as

varieties of pulses, meat vegetables because these can be made quickly and served. The

targeted markets for the breakfast are heavy vehicle owner, whole seller, shopkeepers, local

business people, and so on.

For the lunch, we will attract official staffs (university & college students) as well as teacher,

local businessmen and businessmen passing through Gulshan who come from different places

like shonadanga, boira, shatkhira, mongla, jessore, and bagherhat and so on. The best way to

attract these types of businessmen is to keep the good relation with local businessmen. The

average spend during the lunch is predicted is 200 taka and 220 taka or €5 in the dinner. To

get the good value of money of customer, background music and excellent environment,

quality of service and food will be provided in order to reach customer expectation

During the initial stage of the business the primary objectives is to furnish the property, to

establish the reliable network of suppliers, to recruit and train staff.

In the long run we are to establish ourselves as the leaders in the local restaurant market with

a loyal clientele base, solid reputation and qualified employees, with opening and

successfully operating to more outlets either on ownership or on franchisee base.

1. Industry Analysis: While talking about food, people of Bangladesh usually perceive spicy

one, our primitive people were very much concern about spices in the food to make it more

delicious, and still People of Bangladesh are very fond of delicious and luxuriousness of

food. However, Italian, Spanish, Greek foods are not well liked through our people. Chinese

foods are accepted, but not much popular, because local people like to have spicy foods.

Without spice, it is not edible to them.

In the year 2012, a survey has estimated that there were 250 outstanding restaurants including

small tea stalls in Khulna city corporation area, but in the New market and university area

only 34 restaurant including Chinese and small tea stalls. 200 - 220 taka per cover is

reasonable price for middle and higher-class people. They are not willing to spend more than

250 taka per cover.

But there are some restaurants provide Unfriendly, untidy services as a result they have failed

to meet customer satisfaction, and they just make profit because people are bound to eat there

lack of alternative restaurants. However, these restaurants never get the family customer

because of their quality of food, service and price. Customers go far away with family in Nice

time Restaurant in Shibbari to get the good food quality, friendly service, clean environment

even though their price is not higher.

2. Management Discussion:

The initial management team depends on the founders themselves, with little back-up. As we

grow, we will take on additional help in certain key areas. Part of our basic philosophy will

be to run our executive management "lean and mean." We will not add additional overhead

until absolutely necessary. This will mean that the initial staff support team will have to

"wear many hats," so to speak. By doing this, we will keep our overhead as low as possible,

allowing us to adequately staff our restaurants. At present time, Rajib is the sole individual

firmly committed to the Rajib’s “Nice time” concept. Others, who have helped on the

development of this business plan, have expressed a desire to join in this venture at the

appropriate time. No shortage of qualified staff or management from local labor pools in each

market area is expected. One of our key principles in site selection is the availability of staff

in the immediate area.

Management details:

The managing director of the company will be:


Manager and Owner of the Hospitality Industry

11/2, Nazurul avenue, Kulna – 7A, KDA

Telephone 008801711668634,008801914617475

Educational Background:

Bachelor of Arts Degree in Hospitality Management

College of Tourism & Hotel management, Cyprus.

Higher Diploma in Hotel Administration

American Hotel & motel Association, U.S.A.

Working Experience:

3 years work experience as Restaurant manager in Hilton Hotel, Nicosia, Cyprus.

2 years experience as a Sales manager in Ruposhi Bangla Hotel, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Computer Skills:

*Microsoft word *Microsoft excel *Microsoft Power-Point *Graphics

*Video editing etc

3. Location and Area Analysis:

The location of this restaurant is in a main point of Khulna city. The name of the place is

Shibbai where most of the business complex, government, non-government offices, schools,

college, university, residential hostels and many tourist attractions are in touch.

One of the greatest advantages of this location is a long transportation route with other four

districts and connected by this place and the middle transit point is in Mongla shipyard.

The largest shopping complex (new market), whole sell market (fultola), Aziz road which is

another shopping mall, Balaka & cineplus two famous cinema halls are also located in this

area and only five minutes walking distance from the Restaurant. All the foodservice is

privately owned except government hospitals, government hostels for students. However,

most of the restaurants in daulotpur area are profitable and quality of customers is excellent.

There are many government offices, non government offices, travel agencies, exclusive

residential area, also the a govt. university in the country KUET (Khulna University of

Engineering Technology), Khulna medical college, near about another 12 well known

government and private college and university around 3 Km in Shibbari. Just across the main

road largest shopping complex of Bangladesh named Zia Shopping Mall, Khulna New

Market, Aziz Market (whole sell garments, clothing, jewelries), also few cinema halls around

the Shibbari. Just behind this area there are many foreign embassies, shopping complex such

as Poleis Bazaar, Esan Plaza, T.N.T (National Tale Communication) National Museum, Press

conference center. In this place, Crime rate is lowest comparing to other cities or towns

because it is between police station and Khulna Metropolitan police check post.

There are about 15,000 people living surrounding the Shibbari area. Majority person of this

people is government officials, businessman, non- government employees and students.

Officially they work from 9 am until 5 pm and the business people until 10pm. The Average

income of Government official is 30,000 – 35,000 Tk (€350-400) in month and non-

Government official around TK.40,000 (€450). But business people incomes are not bound.

They get break during the working hours. Among the employees, most of them have their

lunch break in the restaurant depending on their demand and income. Few of them have their

own transportation system. They usually come in the office in Bus, taxi or baby taxi or


4. Target market:

There are about 15,000 people living surrounding the Shibbari area. The restaurant’s target

market will be middle class and higher-class people as well as students. This level of people

cannot go everywhere. They want some quality food and good environment even though the

price will be bit higher. They do not like to be congested. They want good environment so

that they can pass their time comfortably and enjoy their time and for this reason, they isolate

place to eliminate hunger and want to feel comfortable. Nice time restaurant will attract

officials at breakfast, lunch, businessmen, and family members at dinner. We want to attract

students throughout the day.

5. Customer profile

5.1 Business people: Majority person of this people is government officials, businessman,

non- government employees and students. Officially they work from 9 am until 5 pm and the

business people until 10pm. The Average income of Government official is 30,000 - 35,000

Tk (€350-400) in month and non-Government official around TK. 40,000 (€450). But

business people incomes are not bound. They get break during the working hours. Among the

employees, most of them have their lunch break in the restaurant depending on their demand

and income. Few of them have their own transportation system. They usually come in the

office either in Bus, taxi or baby taxi.

5.2 Students: There are so many college and university near by, students stay in hostels.

Generally the hostel foods are not enjoyable so once in a while they would want to come to

the restaurant to enjoy a good meal. There will be special students prices, which would attract

them very often.

5.3 Families: The restaurant will attract families with child that want to spend quality time

together. For families with child we have some extra facility about child, also we have

separate menu for child.

6. SWOT Analysis:

6.1 Strengths:

 Nice time has the vast demandable food items, location and specific customer.

 Target customers are not far away from business place.

 Nice Time is central part of the capital so resources are easy to arrange.

 Advertise to the different media before opening and even after opening as well.

 On going, marketing policy will be much higher than others do.

 We can change direction quickly if we find that our marketing is not working.

 We have low overheads, so we can offer good value to customers.

 This will be much more hygienic and clean than others.

6.2 Weaknesses:

 Nice Time is completely new business concept.

 Marketing policy may not affect the customer

 This restaurant will not attract all levels of customer.

6.3 Opportunities:

 Local government wants to encourage local businesses.

 Our competitors may be slow to adopt new technologies.

 If the business goes well I do not have to spend a lot of money for advertising.

 Repeat customer will bring more customers through word of mouth.

 Satisfied customer can bring reputation and loyalty.

6.4 Threats:

 Political instability is the biggest issue of threat.

 During hartal (strike) period, it has to remain close. If not there is possibility to be


 Circumstances of random hartal (strike), no employee and customer will be able to

come out from house that is great damage for business.

 Hartal is basically political violence or a demand against government from general

people that started from liberation war. Once it was demand but now political party’s


 It has two types of affect good or bad. For business it’s always worse.

7. Local Market and Competition Analysis:

Before deciding to locate our business in Dhanmondi, the owner studied local competition

strength and weakness to determine the viability of a new addition to the local market. We

contracted the local chamber of the commerce and the local restaurant association to identify

the possible competition we could face. There are few restaurants in this area, which offer

food and service but not same quality like Midnight Sun Restaurant. So competition already

exists, we forecast that it might higher and higher after two or three years of business

existence. The owner expects that the competition will primarily concentrate more likely in

the themed and fast food end of the market. In my opinion, there are following ways to secure

our future survival and growth.

 Improvement of their product and upgrading the quality of the food and service we offer.

 Extensively exploit marketing and sales techniques

 Create loyal and repeat customer through our first year of operation.

 Use on going marketing and sales techniques.

 Emphasize on the quality of food, standard level of service, cleanliness.

 Offer varieties of food including vegetarian.

 Analyze the competitor’s selling techniques.

Get involved with the employees in order to keep them satisfied and get good service. All

employees will be trained.

8. Competitors:

Most of the Bangladeshi restaurants offer almost similar product.


 The city night Restaurant

Strength- Good position not very crowded area. Quality food as well as quality customer well

trained staff, nice design, place for social events and gatherings.

Weaknesses- very often they change their chef, so the quality of food and speed of its

preparation goes down.

 Sun light Restaurant

Strength: very strong promotion with the help of local business people. Good quality of food.

Weaknesses: all the young people gather there, always crowded so family people, couple, and

quite people does not like to go there.

 Boisakhi Restaurant

Strength: providing banquet for local companies in the national setting, quick service attracts


Weaknesses: food is only meat and fish based and definitely not suitable for vegetarians.

 Restaurant heaven

Strength: Wide selection of fish dishes, they have good reputation about food and service.

Weaknesses: unexpectedly low standers of cleaning ness, rude and unfriendly staffs.

9. Market segments-growth and Size:

It has been seen that in Shibbari area the number of young business man are increasing very

fast and these young business man have tendency to spend more than adult businessman.

These types of customer prefer well decorated, good food quality as well service. It has been

noticed that many improvements have been done in last 5 years. But high quality of

restaurant has not been built yet like Nice Time what the owner intending to open. Noticing

current situation of Shibbari, we assume that there is need of high quality restaurant what we

are intending to set up will be very successful.

10. Customer Benefits:


10.1 Breakfast:

1. The owner will offer different kinds of bread like Nan bread, rolls bread, ordinary

bread, varied types of pulses, which is very popular for breakfast.

2. The owner will offer meat based curry to eat with bread, Lentil with vegetables,

Moglai, offer all the seasonal vegetables as well as fried eggs and so on.

3. Our average spend on breakfast is forecasted to be 90 taka which is competitive price

with the competitor.

4. Service will be quick, efficient.

10.2 Lunch-time:

1. The owner will offer Singhara, somocha, parata for the budget-limited people & for

students who do not have much money to spend also special package for student


2. The owner will offer verity of Starter, fresh vegetables and so on.

3. The owner will offer seasonal fish like hilsha, katla, koi.shing, magur, sarpoti, pangas,

tellapea, Roi and so on.

4. The owner will offer Varity of meats, steaks, grill and so on.

5. Our average spend during the lunch is forecasted to be 210 taka.

6. Service will be quick, friendly and efficient.

10.3 Dinner time:

1. The owner will offer variety collection of starter, salads, and vegetables and so on.

2. The owner will offer seasonal fish, different meat like chicken, beef, mutton and

obviously seasonal vegetables.

3. The owner will provide two separate menus of meat based and vegetables based for

choosing the right stuff for our customer.

4. Our average spend is forecasted 190 taka excluding soft drink, water and so on.

5. The owner will offer special flambé service.

6. Special service, quickly, friendly in exotic atmosphere.

11. Marketing Mix Strategies:

Our strategy is based on serving our niche markets well. The seniors, baby-boomers, families

with young children, blue collar workers, middle income individuals, and most of mid-

Bangladesh can all enjoy the dining experience at “Nice Time Restaurant”

11.1 Product:

 The menu: The menu will be the special selling tool. Background logo, special

deigned computerized typed in the two languages: Bangla and English it will be attached to

the covers using the clippers. A verity of starters will be offered. The main course will be

divided into vegetarian, fish and meat selection. Popular dished will be included as well as

some exceptional dishes French fries, jacket potatoes, grill fish and fried chicken. Very small

amount of salad will be served with the main dishes with no extra charge. Fast food and

snacks will be offered which no restaurant offers yet in this area. During the breakfast time,

limited items of food will be served. At lunch and dinner, varieties of food will be offered.

Almost all drinks will be available except alcoholic beverages.

 Decoration – White and cream will be used in the restaurant decoration, logo, on the

menu and leaflets. Green is very popular color in this area and will give a sophisticated

appearance to the restaurant.

 Environment– Well designed and colorful patterns, waiting staff wearing the nice &

tidy national outfit with the logo of Midnight Sun, gold fish & turtle in the aquarium,

altogether we thought that creating an exotic atmosphere. Very slow music will be played in

the breakfast time. At lunch and dinner during the busy time, fast English songs will be

played which is very popular in Bangladesh especially in Shibbari area. During the slow

period slow English music or Bengali, music will be played which could give a nice

atmosphere to the customer. We are viewing the environment; we are going to create as

having the same weight of importance of food. Special cabin will provide for

women/couple/family that will be really quiet and calm place and will be non-smoking zone.

11.2 Price:

Based on current market research the owner has found that there is a gap in that area for a

restaurant for high middle class people. Selling price for the average 15-40% food cost based.

Starter TK 40

Soft drink/ Tea/coffee /water 25

Main course (including rice) 120

Vegetables 25

Average food 210

However, food cost may vary depending one item to another.

This price equal or 2% more than our competitors, customers average spend, located within

the range of 5 kilometer. It is assumed that the price structure in he second case reflect higher

expense, capital and revenue expenditure, from another side price can not be less if the target

market is upper/middle scale, with the food and service of the adequately higher quality.

 Special flambé services will be more expensive than average price.

 Special student menu (also takeaway) will be cheap than average price.

N.B. Due to the religious and government restriction, we are unable to offer any alcoholic

drink in the restaurant

11.3 Promotion:

Advertisings are considered as the backbone of business, there is a saying in English

“circulation is precede”. In the starting the expense for this advertising is Tk40,000 which

will include advertising in the TV media, news papers, Trade Magazines also leaflet services

through the local communities, apart from this the owner has an extra monthly expense on

advertising as well, that belongs to the special events

 Pre-opening: The owner have decide to make a trial opening to introduce the product

to his friends, and relatives, it will be one or two weeks, during that period staff will have

opportunities to have final job training, also owner have chance to know about weakness and


 Opening party: To introduce the restaurant local union members, union chairman,

businessman, politician, government officials, British embassies, manager of foreign and

local companies, suppliers, tourist agencies, and TV media’s staffs will be invited. We will

also invite our neighbors for public relation purpose as well as the potential customers. Hand

bills, posters, press release will be distributed to the local shops, offices, schools.

 Special promotion: The leaflets, bearing the information about the restaurant,

collateral materials with the restaurant logo: pen, calendars, and key rings, note pads are to

distribute. The promotional message can be displayed on the buses, taxies, and cars’,

traveling through the city also most of the bus stands.

Special menu will be providing according to season. One meal will be giving free for every

15 meals for a group or complimentary birth day cakes for celebration parties. Special type of

food will be offering during different occasion such as Eidul-fitar, Ramadan, Pohela boisakh

(Bangla New Year) and so on. In addition, another special package will be offered for the

students in reasonable price based.

 In-house promotion: Sometime, the owner will give some attractive gifts to the

customers such as logo’s pen, key rings, sometimes soft drinks and dishes “on the house”.

 Distribution of business card: The restaurant business card will be English presented

in appealing format distributed to the, local business people, government offices, foreign

embassies & foreign company employees also business cards will be places on the table in

the holder.

 Publicity and public relation: Different associations, schools and colleges, trade

magazines are made in each year, giving complimentary lunch or dinned to the director, head

of the department and his few colleagues, our name and product can be placed in the

magazines. Also many journalists and representatives from media, newspapers, and

magazines will be invited and given complementary to them. They will publish their writings

including our name and product.

 Name of the restaurant: The name of the restaurant will be most efficient

promotional tools. Simple meanings of the restaurant name “Nice Time” means special

lovely moment so it will be attract people.

11.4 Place:

Shibbari is the central Point Khulna City. Almost all local people are businessmen. Many

people come from different city work here and stay. About 1 kilometers far is largest bus

terminal and about all biggest university campus and hotel near by, government offices, also

most of the biggest shopping complex around the Shibbari area. This is one of the important

business places for Khulna city. Most of the local people are businessmen generation by

generation. They do not have enough light of education. The restaurants already exist in that

area attracts all levels of customer, which has bad impression on quality customer. For the

quality customer there is a need for a restaurant, which will meet the customer expectation.

12. Staffing:

The owner of the planned restaurant will actively involved in every section of the business,

he will do his best to run the restaurant and he will take every necessary step in order to be

profitable. He will handle inventory, bookkeeping, promotional activities, scheduling of all

the staff, cashiering, even he will hold the managerial position. The owner will need a

professional chef who will be selected through circular or personal contact. Analyses of the

competitive wages policies; estimated wages for selected chef will be 17,000 taka. One cook,

two assistant cook, one restaurant manager, restaurant captain, and five regular waiters also

another three waiters will be part-time based.

The selected staff has to be at least college passed and has to have personal technical skill

such as make the acquaintance of the customer, serve them in very polite way, wearing clean

cloths and smiling face. Previous experience will be given priority. Every staff will be

friendly with customer even with the other colleagues so that good environment can be

created and every body can enjoy not any personal conflict with each other. Employee costs

are relatively very low in Bangladesh compared to other European countries.

13. Service style and Food concept

Our service style will either be fast-food, which offers food types that range from burgers,

fries, soups and sandwiches; mid-scale, which has full course meals at value prices; or

upscale, offering full service meals with high-class ambiance and, in turn, higher prices.

After narrowing our establishment to one of these three options, we can narrow our style of

food choices. Is there a particular type of cuisine that we see our self serving? Do we prefer

pizza or soup? Sandwiches or Chinese? Choosing our food concept goes hand-in-hand with

our choice in service style.

 USP (Our unique selling proposition): Observing all the other restaurants service

and food quality we came approach to a new idea of our unique selling, which is hot dish

(main course) that will serve in an extra ordinary manner. For example, the dishes will be

kept hot constantly on the customer table by using small stove while they will be having their

meals. In addition, this process is using only few hospitality outlets through the world. The

second process is flambé service according to the demand; usually this flambé service is not

available in any other restaurant in Bangladesh.


We are expecting that people will choose our restaurant that deserves the finest products that

we can provide. At the fairest charge possible, this can be accomplished by pricing our

services competitively and by providing a friendly, well trained of staff of professional who

will perform their job correctly. Since we personally motivate our employee and trained by

good example, apart from this our interior decoration, ambience, safety and cleanliness may

attract more consumers in prospective.

Another aspect that will make our restaurant unique will be the special price that will be

offered to students, which will be very attractive to them. Students will have to show their

school or college I.D card.

14. Suppliers:

The owner have chosen the following suppliers, depending on their ability to supply the

fresh product at the competitive prices in time and most of them are well know, good

reputation, quick delivery and reliable.

Butchery – Rail Bazar is well known for butchery.

Dairy goods – Local dairy(Milk vita products).

Fruit and vegetables – Local greenery shops(New market).

Whole foods – Local food suppliers(Azad products).

Dry goods /cleaning materials – Local good suppliers (Radhuni products).

All sales are to be cash basis .On the other side; we apply for credit facilities, as far as the

payments to our suppliers are concerned. As the business is establishing so the suppliers

accept, 35% on cash and 65% on credit. We hope that in the second year we win the trust of

our suppliers and extend our credit facilities.

15. Premises:

The owner plans on location his business in the mega city Dhaka. The owner prefers to

purchase the premises rather than lease or rent. Location is suitability for customer parking

facilities will be taken from the close by petrol station. Still some parking facilities will be

kept behind the restaurant. Almost all of the customers are walk by. It is located walk able

distance from the all markets and shopping complex.

The entrance is clearly visible from the all markets, high way. Adequate floor space is given.

The owner estimated current space requirements for the 120-seat restaurant: four main areas

are as follows:

 Seating customer (Dinning)

 Food preparation

 Storage

 Others deliveries, guest WC’s, rubbish, office space.

Area % of total Sq.ft

Dining 50 1000

Food preparation 20 460

Storage 10 180

Cleaning/wash-up 7.5 135

Guest cloaks 7.5 135

Staff WC’s 5 90

Total 100 2000sq.ft

Design and décor – The best shape is rectangular. Floor, walls, tiled works will be attractive

exterior, interior and desirable to customer. Flooring would be tiled, wooden restaurant’s

furniture; wash-up area also will be tiled-easy to clean.

Gas, electricity, water, drainage, sewage, WC’S ventilation, water heating and cooling system

will be excellent and modern way.


Equipment requirements: We carefully considered the fixtures and equipment. We may

need the number and kinds of fixtures and equipments required for the proper performance of

the restaurant.

16. Administration:

The owner of the business will settle the payment to its suppliers 35% in cash and rest 65%

will be paid by the credit after two month. The invoice should send to the owner 3 days

before the goods supply. All the transaction will be recorded in a journal daily based and at

the end of the month it will transfer to the loss and profit accounts. The owner will be

responsible for accounts and finance and the business year will bring to the end in month


17. Legalities:

In accordance with the business law of the Bangladesh, the certificate, registering name of the

business must take from the local city corporation. We have to pay 50,000 taka or €500 to get

the license from Khulna city corporation registration office.

This business will govern by the owner (proprietorship), since it is a small business and profit

is expected to be fairly enough for one, and the capital of the business is limited as well. As a

result, the owner has to avoid partnership.

The trading name of this business will be given “Nice Time” restaurant. A survey by the

owner through the country has found that there is no restaurant and other hospitality outlets

by the name “Nice Time”.

Besides, the business required operational permits from the fire-brigade control inspection,

Sanitation inspection, and has to be registered as a legal entity with Water, Gas and

Electricity Authorities.

The demanded Tax by the government on income can be acquired from the provision of the

Khulna Income Tax Ordinance. For VAT the business has to be registered by the local


Licenses and permits needed

 Trade license

 Local area business permit

 Health Department Permit

 Sign Permit

 HACCP certificate

 Fire Department Permit

 Air and Water Pollution Control Permit

 Country Permit

18. Risk evaluation and insurance:

Our business has evaluated different risks. Suppose bankruptcy, if business fall in to loss and

not be able the settle the loan. To avoid this risk, business has ability to grants more loan

from bank showing other assets. The critical risks facing this business, and contingencies to

deal with them, are: Lack of work- to be covered by a renewed and ongoing focus on

marketing Liability – to be covered by professional indemnity insurance Injury to the

managing director – to be covered by workers compensation

The owner discussed with one insurance company agent that the annual cost of our business

insurance coverage would be 25,000 taka for the first operating year 30,000 taka for second

year and 45,000 taka for third year. In addition to insurance coverage, the owner will take

many other steps to guard the business against business losses.


19. Finance and Start-up-Expenses:

The owner has determined that the amount of capital needed to launch business effectively

and realistically. The source of capital need to start the business will come totally 18,000,000

taka or €200,000. 20% of the capital provided by the student Government loan by the 10% on

interest rate. Its objective is to encourage the development of private entrepreneurship. They

provide funds in order to develop the economy of the country promote self-employment and

reduce unemployment. 40% of the capital is provided from the owner’s private sources or

savings and remaining 40% coming from the public sources. As agreement and proof the

owner land as security if the owner will unable to run the business or go bankruptcy.

Forecasting Start-up Expenses

Start-up-Expenses Amount (Euro) Description

Rent €20,000 Fee to be paid before opening
Licenses and permits €12,000 Check with city or state offices
Advertising €8,000 Promotion for opening the business
Cash €30,000 Amount needed for the cash register
Decorating €12,000 Estimate based on bid if appropriate
Fixtures and Equipment €45,000 Use actual bids
Insurance €8,000 Bid from insurance office
Services €3,000 Cleaning, guard etc.
Miscellaneous €5,000 All other costs
Professional fees €12,000 Include Chef, Attorney etc.
Starting Inventory €25,000 The amount of inventory required
Suppliers €10,000 Raw, cleaning materials suppliers etc.
Unexpected expenses €5000 Include an amount for the unexpected
Others €5000 Others expenses
Total Start-up-Expenses €200,000 Total amounts of costs before opening

19.1 Financial Projections:

 Sales – Nice Time is basing its projected sales on the assumption that the first unit

will open on July 1, 2014. We have projected sales on the low side using €2.5 million Euros

per year per restaurant. We did not factor in any sales growth for subsequent years.

 Cost of Goods Sold - The cost of goods sold was determined by taking actual Profit

and Loss statements from various restaurant concepts and then using our pricing structure and

guest counts to arrive at costs.

 Management Payroll - Figures are based upon the use of five managers per unit at

our maximum bonus and salary levels. If we use four managers per restaurant, this will lower

our payroll.

 Fixed and Variable Expenses - The various fixed and variable expenses were

determined by taking actual numbers from several different restaurant concepts.

 Marketing Fees - These funds will be used for the production of various marketing


 Advertising - These funds will be used, if necessary, to maintain our sales at

projected levels. If we are running significantly ahead of our sales projections, then these

funds may not be necessary.

 Management Fees - We will use these dollars for accounting and payroll services of

our firm. As we grow in size, this cost burden will shrink per store due to efficiencies in


20. Personal & Business Goal/Objectives:

 Personal Goals: One of the reasons for the owner going into this business is

to be self-employed. To successfully run and establish this business displays the abilities he

has received in the course of his education.

 Business Goals: The short term goals would be to pay back all the loans

procured with interest. Long-term goals include business to become an exclusive restaurant

among entire restaurant of Khulna city by providing higher quality of service, delicious

foods, which will meet the basic demand of its prospective guests for their satisfaction.

A future goal of the restaurant would be to expand and increase the size of the restaurant. In

the long run we are to establish ourselves as the leaders in the local restaurant market with a

loyal clientele base, solid reputation and qualified employees, with opening and successfully

operating to more outlets either on ownership or on franchisee base.

21. Conclusion:

This business plan will be using as a working tool for the successful operation of the “Nice

Time Restaurant”. The location and area analysis, target market analysis, SWOT and local

marker & competitor analysis all suggest that the restaurant will be popular and successful.

The owner understands that in the expectations, due to circumstances beyond control,

customer needs and preferences will change. Our dedication is to run the business according

to business plan we made what would work as a working tool. We will change our strategy

according to trends in the hospitality industry in Daulatpur area. To acquire our objectives we

will be looking at our sales, production, personnel, inventory, customer profile and demand,

customer satisfaction, repeat customer, disbursements etc.

Important Assumptions
Assumption no: 1. List of equipment:
1 Dish washing machine
2 Refrigerators
2 gas Chula/stoves
1 grill stove
1 deep fryer
1 boiler
1 microwave
25 tables
130 chairs
All the items will be chosen depending on their quality, price and guarantee given by the

Assumption no: 2. Break-Even Analysis

Variable Costs:

1. 33.00% - Cost of goods sold.

2. 16.50% - Employee payroll.
3. .39% - Credit card charges.
4. .57% - Marketing fees.
5. 1.50% - Management fees.
6. 2.00% - Advertising.
7. 1.85% - Management bonus.
8. 3.00% - Employee payroll taxes and benefits.
9. 1.60% - Paper and cleaning.

60.41% - Total variable costs.

Annul Fixed Costs:

1. €120,000 - Management salaries.

2. €27,000 - Management payroll taxes and benefits.
3. €15,000 - Group insurance.
4. €57,000 - Controllable expenses minus credit card charges and paper/cleaning.
5. €28,000 - Other expenses minus marketing fees, advertising, and management fees.
6. €35,000 - Depreciation.

€282,000 - Total fixed costs.

Break-even Analysis
Monthly Units Break-even €107,000
Monthly Revenue Break-even €107,000
Assumptions …
Average Per-Unit Revenue €1.00
Average Per-Unit Variable Cost €0.60

Estimated Monthly Fixed Cost €40,000

€0 €40,000 €80,000 €120,000 €200,000

Monthly Break even point

Break even point = where the intersection with 0

Assumption no: 3 Ratios

 Return on capital employed (return on net asset)

Net profit before long term interest and tax

Total Assets less Creditors due within year 1
X 100

X 100 = 3.53%

 Gross profit margin

Gross profit
X 100

X 100 = 65.02%

 Net profit margin

Net profit before long term interest & tax

X 100

X 100 = 8.40%

 Asset turnover


Total assets less current liabilities

= 1.95

 Current ratio

Current assets
Current Liabilities

= 2.2:1

Assumption no: 4
Sales Forecast for first operating year (August- July) 2014
Month No. of covers No. of days Average cost Total sales
of each covers (Taka)
August 30 31 210 144150
September 60 30 210 232500
October 75 31 210 336350
November 85 30 210 325500
December 70 31 210 336350
January 120 30 210 372000
February 75 28 210 282100
March 80 31 210 288300
April 85 30 210 302250
May 95 31 210 288300
June 90 30 210 255750
July 100 31 210 312325
 Capacity of the restaurant: 120 covers.

Assumption no: 5

Projected Profit and Loss accounts: 2014 2015 2016

Sales €2,000,500 €4,500,700 €8,555,300

Direct Cost of Sales €500,000 €1,327,610 €3,250,000

Production Payroll €478,406 €1,064,582 €2,030,000
------------ ------------ ------------
Total Cost of Sales €1,044,017 €2,672,192 €5,190,000
Gross Margin €600,589 €1,972,408 €3,810,000
Gross Margin % 35.51% 40.74% 45.33%
€32,892 €92,892 €80,000
Production Expense €5,427 €15,327 €29,700
------------ ------------ ------------
Total Sales and
€38,319 €108,219 €209,700
Marketing Expenses
Sales and Marketing
2.33% 2.33% 2.33%
G&A Payroll €152,675 €193,000 €304,000
Depreciation €42,504 €127,500 €255,000
Fixed Costs €44,652 €133,962 €267,924
Variable Costs €94,565 €267,065 €517,500
Utilities €40,002 €120,000 €240,000
Insurance €4,002 €12,000 €24,000
Payroll Taxes €109,931 €219,052 €414,888
------------ ------------ ------------
Total General and
Administrative €488,331 €1,072,579 €2,023,312
General and
29.69% 23.09% 22.48%
Administrative %
------------ ------------ ------------
Total Operating
€526,651 €1,180,798 €2,233,012
Taxes Incurred €17,727 €197,903 €400,818
Net Profit €56,212 €593,708 €1,176,170

Assumption no: 6
Projected Balance Sheet:
Current Assets 2013 2014 2015
Cash €373,521 €1,273,550 €2,936,268
Inventory €91,875 €259,788 €502,781

Other Current Assets €100,000 €100,000 €100,000

Total Current Assets €565,396 €1,633,338 €3,539,049

Long-term Assets €1,500,000 €1,500,000 €1,500,000

€42,504 €170,004 €425,004
Total long-term assets €1,457,496 €1,329,996 €1,074.996
Total Assets €2,022,892 €2,963,334 €4,614,045
Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable €171,681 €518,415 €992,955
Total Liabilities €171,681 €518,415 €992,955

Retained Earnings (€208,945) (€152,733) €440,974

Total Capital €1,851,212 €2,444,919 €3,621,090
Total Liabilities and €2,963,334 €4,614,045

Net worth €2,444,919 €3,621,090

Assumption no: 7

As a reference when the owner made a Restaurant industry analysis, find out that a survey
has done by Khulna City Corporation in 2012, there are 250 restaurants, chine’s restaurant in
Dhaka city including small tea stall. But in Dhanmondi, New market and university are only
200 including tea stall.

Category Number
High class Restaurant 15
Middle class Restaurant 36
Small Restaurant 37
Chinese Restaurant 28
Small Snacks 25
Tea stall 59
Total 200

Source: City Corporation data statistic 2012 & friend survey from Brojolal University.

Assumption no: 8
Estimated wages & Salaries per month for “Nice Time” restaurant employee included the
General Manager (the owner).

General Manager ( the owner) TK 120,000

Restaurant Manger( restaurant Captain) TK 22,500 + tips

Chef ( Responsible for cooking) TK 17,000

Cook/ kitchen Helper TK 10,000

Waiter (5 * 5000) TK 25,000 + tips

Part-timer (3*2500), per hour TK 35 TK 7,500 + tips.

Assumption no: 9

Managing Director
Rajibul hasan


Director of Director of Sales & Director of

Finance Marketing Production

Manager Manager Manager

Sales Purchasing
controller Controller

Chef 1

Waiter 1 Waiter 2 Waiter 3 Waiter 4 So on..

Nice Time’s projected Organizational Chart

Assumption no: 10

The Menu

Name Price
Dall 20

Dall with Vegetables 20

Beef/ Chicken /MUTTON Boona 45
KHICHUDI( Rice with beef.chiken,and mutton) 50
Tea/ Coffee 15
Lunch Menu & Dinner menu
Starter Price
Soup of the Day TK
Chinese Mixed Soup 35
Chicken Noodle Soup
Vegetable Noodle Soup
Hot and Sour Soup
Tomato Egg Drop Soup
French Onion Soup
Tomato Cream Soup
Chicken Mushroom Soup
Chicken Prince Soup
Potato Lick Soup
Vegetables 25
Mixed Vegetable Salad
Green Salad
Chicken Egg Salad
Russian Salad
Chef’s Salad
Tuna Salad
Tomato Salad

Chicken/beef/mutton rolls 15
Vegetables spring rolls
Boiled Rice
Vegetable Fried Rice
Chicken Fried Rice
Fort Special Fried Rice
Chicken Suchlike with Rice

Curry items Price

Chicken/ Beef/ Mutton curry 85
Duck /Prawn Curry 95
Steak Price
Chicken/ Beef Lamb/ Mutton
Garlic Steak

Briany Price
Chicken/Beef/mutton 85
Prawn/ King prawn/Vegetables 95
Fish Dishes Price
Roi/Katol/Boya/hilsa 70
Sing/Magur/Koi/ Fish curry 60
Sweet Items Price
Dodi/Miste/Chana/Ros Moliy/ 20
Ice cream/Cake/Paies
Refreshment Price
Singara/Somoca/puri/Fiazo,/Mogly 25
Dinner Menu Price
Soup of the Day 35
Main course(seems lunch) including rice
Special Flambé Service 200
Sweet seems Lunch
Drinks Price
All kind of soft drinks/Lassi/ & different kinds ok shake 20-30


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