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HRM 604 MODULE – 07

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HRM 604 MODULE – 07 2

HRM 604 Module – 07

Discussion 1: Barriers to Competence

1 (A) Contrast & Comparison the Barriers that are faced by HRM professionals in

Competency Modeling

In implementation of competency modeling, one of the greatest barriers is the high costs

of formulating the model along with its implementation. It also includes lack of availability of

time for development of professional solutions. Moreover, the HRM professionals are also

hindered by the financial constraint as the barrier (David & William, 2004).

1 (B) The Challenges posed by these Barriers to HRM Professionals

As Smith (2015) highlighted that the time constraint barrier acts leads to one of the

biggest challenge to HRM professionals that is successful change management. Whereas, both

the time and cost barrier also contributes to the challenge of lack of training required to build up

the competencies of employees. This specific training is primarily focus upon acquiring practical

and theoretical professional knowledge with regards to the soft skills’ development. Whereas, the

financial constraint leads to the challenge of including all of the employees in development

programs and implementation of the concept of competency modeling.

Discussion 1: Selection of an LMS for your Organization

According to the current organization situation, the iSpring Learn LMS must be

implemented, as it is one of those cloud-based learning management systems (LMS) that is

highly versatile and have unique features. In addition, it can around more than 160,000 users. It

has detailed custom reports and a completely integrated strong authoring tool

(, 2019). These reports can also be used by the organization for identifying
HRM 604 MODULE – 07 3

those knowledge and skills where the employee may be lacking. Moreover, it has flexible pricing

plans and is the perfect solution according to the organizational needs.

Discussion 2: Barriers to HRM Competency Development

2 (A) The Barriers to Competency Modeling in Organizations and their Relationships to

Barriers in HRM Specified Competencies

According to Stone, Webster and Schoonover (2013) the first barrier faced by HRM

professionals is reconstruction of the management system in line with the financial and time

constraints as it will hinder in acquiring the competencies. Second is the limited cooperation

between the HR and other organizational department which makes it difficult to acquire the

transferrable competencies. Third is the application of tools for increasing the qualifications of

the employees led by the time and budgetary constraints. Fourth is the continuous learning led by

the financial and time constraints.

2 (B) Actions that can be undertaken by HRM Professionals for overcoming these Barriers

To overcome these barriers significantly, the HRM professionals must promote adult

learning which will help them in overcoming the continuous learning barrier. Secondly, they

must set new standards for employee qualifications. Third, they must be involved completely in

educating the organization and the employees (Stevens, 2013).

Discussion: Computer-Based vs Supervised Training

In the absence of supervisors, training of employees can take place through technology.

For example, by using the organizational training program - the Morf Learning. This will

eventually help the organization in grooming and attracting millennials for giving their best

performance in different types of professions (Morf Media, 2015). It also has a focus group

known as M-ideation which help organizations in bringing the brightest and best of the
HRM 604 MODULE – 07 4

employees’ qualities. It also helps employees in raising awareness relative to their career growth.

Whereas, it helps employees in recruiting and searching for new candidates.

HRM 604 MODULE – 07 5


Barriers in competency development (n.d.). Retrieved from

David, D., & William, R. J. (2004). Competency-Based Human Resource Management. Davies–

Black Publishing, California. (2019). iSpring Learn | Mobile LMS | Corporate Learning Management.

Retrieved from

Morf Media, I. (08/27/2015). Morf Learning Helps Companies Bridge the Skills Gap with

Digital Training for the Mobile Workforce. Business Wire (English)

Smith, C. (2015). 5 barriers to change management and how to easily overcome them. Retrieved



Stevens, G. W. (2013). A critical review of the science and practice of competency

modeling. Human Resource Development Review, 12(1), 86-107.

Stone, T. H., Webster, B. D., & Schoonover, S. (2013). What do we know about competency

modeling?. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 21(3), 334-338.

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