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Comparison between 3 principles of busbar protection

type High Impedance HZ low Impedance LZ Very low Impedance

middle Impédance MZ
Static technology Numerical technology
Historic 1980 2000

Equipment Mx3DV23A + X2DV23RI MBCZ (800 projects) P740 (1000 projects)

P122 + Rstab + Métrosil DIFB (300 projects) P746 (100 projects)
P721 + P791 DIFBCL (70 projects)
P723 + P793
Comparison between 3 principles of busbar protection

type High Impedance HZ low Impedance LZ Very low Impedance

Medium Impedance MZ
Static technology Numerical technology

RL IBias I1 I2
1/1 1/0,5

1000/1 Id 500/1 1000/1 PU PU 500/5

Metrosil FO FO

= Rd CU
Comparison between 3 principles of busbar protection

type High Impedance HZ low Impedance LZ Very low Impedance

Medium Impédance MZ
Static technology Numerical technology

Idif Idif Idif

Tripping area
Tripping area Tripping area

I> %=0,4 %=0,6

Id>2 Id>2

Ibias Ibias

Typically trip 35ms 8ms 13ms for P740

time 15 ms for P746
Comparison between 3 principles of busbar protection

type High Impedance HZ low Impedance LZ Very low Impedance

Medium Impédance MZ
Static technology Numerical technology

Stability Due to stability resistance Due to stability resistance Slope characteristic

+ Special software algorithm
Slope characteristic -Saturation for P740
-Phase directionnel
comparison for P746

Mesure Centralised Centralised Centralised / Distributed

Calcul Centralised Centralised Centralised or Distributed P740

Centralised P746

Decision Centralised Centralised Centralised or Distributed P740

Centralised P746
Protected zone 1 zone max 6 zones max 8 zones max
Comparison between 3 principles of busbar protection

type High Impedance HZ low Impedance LZ Very low Impedance

Medium Impédance MZ
Static technology Numerical technology

CT Type •Class X (or TPX) •Class TPY •Class TPY

mandatory • differents ratio for the •differents ratio for the bays
•Same ratio for the bays bays
•independant core for the • none independant core •none independant core for the
other protections for the other protections other protections
Vk > 2ISCC (RCT + 2RB) P > RB / Rd + RB Vk > ISCC(RCT + 2RB) P746
Vk > 0.5ISCC(RCT + 2RB) P741
with with with
Vk = CT knee point
ISCC = max short circuit RB = loop burden Vk = CT knee point
in the CT Rd = differential resistance ISCC = max short circuit in the CT
RCT = secondary CT
RB = loop burden RCT = secondary CT resistance
RB = loop burden
Comparison between 3 principles of busbar protection

type High Impedance HZ low Impedance LZ Very low Impedance

Medium Impédance MZ
Static technology Numerical technology

Advantages • very simple •CT class TPY can be used •CT class TPY can be used
characteristic: (MAX I) •TC ratio different can be •TC ratio different can be used
•Very cheap for used •1 core for many protections
equipment •1 core for many protections can be used
can be used •Low impedance
• breaker failure protection •Distributed mode can be used
can be implemented •Dynamic topology
•8 zones max
•Numerical technology
•breaker failure protection can
be implemented

Disadvantages •CT classe X only •Auxiliary (interposing) CT

•TC ratio identics have to be used
•Calcul of stability •Calcul of differential
resistance and Métrosil resistance following
•Centralised only application
•Centralised only

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