Arche U Gaudel-Dead Star

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Arche Udtohan Gaudel

By Paz Marquez Benitez

The short story “Dead Star” written by Paz Marquez Benitez represents presence
that were not recognized. It pertains to and speaks about relationships and emotions
that may have existed but were not realized. In the end, such unrealized relationships
and emotions lost their meanings and essence as were likened by the author to a dead

1. Characterize the love of Alfredo towards Julia:

The emotions felt by Alfredo and Julia towards each other cannot
be characterized as that of love. In the story, their attraction to one
another is forbidden and is a taboo phenomenon. Although the same felt
to be real, they never accepted such mutual attraction and just kept it to
themselves and did not bother to confess the same. They followed what is
morally accepted as right in their society and wilted to the social
However, the truth still remains that they have not intently
examined their sentiments and feelings. Therefore, when they reunited,
they no longer have the same passion they used to feel towards each
other eight years ago. Their emotions became a transient and fleeting
occurrence. They became an illusion of something that can no longer be
2. Characterize the love of Alfredo towards Esperanza:
What was felt by Alfredo towards his wife was truly love. Although it
was not as fiery as that of Esperanza’s, still his feelings for the latter was
after all love. Despite the attraction towards Julia and despite the events
leaving him second-guessing with respect to their engagement and
upcoming wedding, what he felt for Esperanza was love.
Love comes to those who were not expecting it to come but love is
also a choice. May be his love for Esperanza was sort of shaken by his
transient attraction towards Julia, but he still chose Esperanza. He chose
to uphold what he thinks was morally right and prevented himself from
hurting not just Esperanza but everyone who loved them both as a couple.
He manly chose Esperanza and did not wasted his long term
relationship with her over an uncertain feelings of attraction towards Julia
who is someone new to him and is thus interesting.
3. Why do you think the story is entitled “Dead Star”?
For me, the short story was entitled Dead Star because the title
depicts the emotions that were left unspoken of. At first, Alfredo thought
that his attractions towards Julia were real. But as the years passed by
without seeing Julia or even just having a glimpse of her, he realized that
he no longer has the same passions for her. His feelings faded just like
that of the dead star wherein he still remembers the persons and the
memories but no longer the feelings.

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