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Descriptive statistics

It is a process of summarizing a given data by describing the basic features of the data in the

study. It helps us to present quantitative descriptions of the study in a proper manageable way

and to describe what the data of our study shows.

For example: collecting data of people consuming coke, Fanta and sprite and calculating mean,

median, etc.[ CITATION Ber00 \l 1033 ]

Inferential statistics

It is a statistical method of analyzing the data by taking the sample of a population to draw

meaningful conclusions in a study. This type of statistical method is used when the population is

very big.

For instance: taking sample of some restaurants of Kathmandu valley for finding out the

preference of customers of Kathmandu valley.[CITATION Asa05 \l 1033 ]

A sample

Sample can be defined as the set of data collected from a statistical population by following

certain procedure that represents the characteristics of the whole population.

For example: collecting data from 10 random students of a class where total number of students

is 60 for knowing the grades[ CITATION Lin18 \l 1033 ].

A population

A population may be the entire group of people, object, events, measurements, etc. from which

sample is drawn while doing any research.

For example: All the students of Presidential Business School is the population where students of

any semester can be the sample.

Qualitative Variable

Those variables which are not numeric are said to be qualitative variable. They are also known as

categorical variable and do not have any natural order[ CITATION Wer89 \l 1033 ]

For example: colour, religion, gender, etc.

Quantitative Variable

Variables that can be represented in numbers, which carries numeric value, and can be added,

subtracted and perform other mathematical calculations are known as quantitative variable.

For example: age, weight, population, etc.

Discrete Variable

Variables whose value can only be finite numbers i.e. can be counted are discrete variable which

means it can only have limited number of values.

For instance: hair colour, as colours of hair can be limited that can be counted.

Continuous Variable

A variable that can take any value and whose value is obtained by measuring is known as

continuous variable.

For example: distance, speed, height, weight, etc.

Asadoorian, M. O., & Kantarelis, D. (2005). Essentials of Inferential Statistics. Lanham
Marryland 20706: University Press of America.
Bertrand, P., & Goupil, F. (2000). Descriptive Statistics for Symbolic Data. Springer, Berlin,
Lind, D. A., Wathen, & Wathen, S. A. (2018). Statistical Techniques in Business and
Economics. New York: McGraw-Hill Education.
Wermuth, S. L. (1989). Graphical Models for Associations between Variables, some of which
are Qualitative and some Quantitative. The Annals of Statistics, 31-57.

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