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My reflection on Entrepreneurship Development course

Corse Title: Entrepreneurship & small business


Course code: BA 3103

Submitted to: Submitted by:

Arifuzzaman Khan Khairul Islam
ID: 20181016101
My reflection on Entrepreneurship Development course

(1OO words) about this course…

Entrepreneurship development course helps people to know how to start and run a business
properly. It helps to turn ideas into a product. This course helps the student to gain necessary
skills for becoming a good entrepreneur or to be an owner of a business. This course will turn an
an average person into an entrepreneur through structural training, will widen the reach of
entrepreneurial skills to include the less privileged sections of society and make them
entrepreneurs. It helps a person in strengthening his abilities and acquiring more skills necessary
for fulfilling his roles and responsibilities as an entrepreneur.

(50 words) My expectation…

1. I think this course will help me to run a business properly.

2. It will be able grow my business faster than others.

3. It will help me to communicate with my customer properly.

4. This course will help me to achieve my goals & to have a good strategy.

(100 words) What I have learned…

From this course I have learned how to Start a business what kinds of thing needed to start a

business, rules and regulation for starting a company, how to get funding, how to expand

business, how to attract customers, qualities of a good entrepreneur, how to create a business

plan, how to advertise different types of products and services, how to present a business plan,

how to manage team , how to sell a product, how to create networks, how to manage employees,

how to take good decisions, how to improve the quality of a service and a product.

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