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Student’s Manual 2015

Jain Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship,


Post-Graduate Diploma in Management


Students’ Manual
AY – 2015-16

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Student’s Manual 2015

This PGDM (Post Graduate Diploma in Management) programme of Jain Institute of
Management and Entrepreneurship (hereinafter referred to as JIME) is the AICTE approved
post graduate programme. It has the distinction of being a high quality, globally relevant and
stimulating programme. It has been designed, keeping in mind the industrial expectations and
the competitive corporate environment.

A combination of core courses and specialization courses in the areas of International

Marketing, International Finance and International Human Resource Management, will help
the students emerge into a well rounded professionals, ready to take up challenges in industry
in diverse areas in the various industries. The combination of papers is intended to ingrain a
multi-disciplinary approach in them.

1. Scope and Content

The Regulations documented here are applicable for the Post Graduate Diploma in
Management programme offered by JIME. The applicability of the Regulations must be
understood in the context of the given Scheme of Study and Syllabus of the programme. The
Regulations given here are in addition to the rules and regulations notified at the time of
admission. The authorities of JIME may modify, add, delete, expand or substantiate any part of
the Regulations and syllabi, at any time.

2. Programmes offered
The PGDM programme offered by JIME is approved by AICTE. It provides opportunity for
specialization in the following areas:
I. International Marketing ( Compulsory)
II. Internatioanl Finance or,
III. International Human Resources Management
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3. Course duration
The PGDM programme shall be for duration of four semesters, spread over a period of two

Components of the programme

Each semester of the programme shall consist of either, all or some of the following
a. Core Subjects
b. Specialization papers
c. Summer Internship & Dissertation Project
a. Core subjects
Core subjects comprise subjects that provide a strong grounding in basic disciplines of
study and are compulsory for all students. 10 core courses are offered in the first 2
semesters of the program along with 4 practical papers.
b. Specialization
Students joining the Programme are required to take up and complete a total of 08
specialization courses in Marketing and Finance or HRM.
c. Summer Internship & Management Research Project
Every Student shall undergo ‘Summer Internship Training’ (Corporate training) of 6-8
weeks duration, after the successful completion of the second semester. The purpose is
to expose students to practical issues in organizational designs and industry practices.
In addition to Internship, the student will be required to take up a research project
in his/her area of specialization under the guidance of a faculty mentor, which will
begin in the third semester. The internship will carry a total of 100 marks. Of this,
50 marks are for the Report, and 50 marks will be awarded towards the Viva-Voce

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4. Beyond Academics

JIME focuses on the holistic development for the overall growth of students not only as
individuals but also as budding managers. Students are offered a number of additional
elements during the course that supplement academic inputs. The following are some of
the additional programme elements:

A. Personality Development:

Personality development is a great focus area at JIME because a large part of success in
life of a person, depends upon his/her confidence and personality. To help the students
in personality grooming, special sessions are conducted that focus on Business
etiquettes; Teamwork; Leadership and effective communication and soft skills. Various
mock Group discussions and mock interview sessions are held that assist in students’
placement activities.

B. Extra-curricular Activities- EXPLORICA Club:

Be it academics or extra-curricular, JIME groom its students to be at the winning side.

Friday is termed as F.A.D. i.e. Friday Activity Day. JIME has a students’ club-
EXPLORICA, under the banner of which various area activities are conducted every

C. Guest Lectures:
Students are given the opportunity to attend guest lecturers from the industry experts
including CEOs of organizations, from time-to-time.
D. Industry Visits:
Students are taken on ‘Industry visits’, from time-to-time, so that they can have a
practical exposure of ‘What, Why and How of the industry’.

E. Situation Role-playing:

To get fully involved, to experience the dynamics of practical management situations

as well as enhance behavioral characteristics, role plays with participants covering
diverse managerial roles are carried out.

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Management Guru’s Seminar: As part of a week orientation programme, a two day
seminar is conducted on “Management Gurus” to deepen the understanding and
appreciate contribution of leading management theorist like Peter Drucker, Peter
Senge, Michael Porter, Rosabeth Moss Kantor, Mary Parker Follett, Rensis Likert,
Margaret Wheatley, Herbert Simon, Stephen Covey, AlRies, Geert Hoefstede etc.

F. Management Guru’s Seminar:

As part of a week orientation programme, a seminar is conducted on “Management

Gurus” to deepen the understanding and appreciate contribution of leading
management theorist like Peter Drucker, Peter Senge, Michael Porter, Rosabeth Moss
Kantor, Mary Parker Follett, Rensis Likert, Margaret Wheatley, Herbert Simon,
Stephen Covey, AlRies, Geert Hoefstede etc.

G. Book Reviews on Saturday:

Jain Institute of Management & Entrepreneurship has identified about 60 management

classic “must read” books and they are discussed and presented by the students every
Saturday. Prominent Books discussed are snapshot from hell, 7 habits of highly
effective people, Yugantar, Essence of Peter Drucker, Good to Great, Build to Last,
Goal, World Class, Straight from Gut, Who Moved my Cheese, the GE Way etc.

H. Presentation and Public Speaking:

By working in small groups to develop and defend presentations, participants

experience the challenges associated with group responsibility, collective decision
making and persuasive communication. The integrative module exercises typically lead
to experiences that enhance participants' ability to express their ideas clearly and
convincingly-a valuable personal asset in business life.
I. Case Analysis:

Case Analysis as a tool of learning by dissecting real life situation is a predominant

pedagogical aid used at JIME. Cases from Richard Ivey, ECCH, Harvard and other

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leading sources are used in different subject areas to train students.
About 200 case studies are handled by students over a period of 20 months in
addition to written assignments and projects on continuous basis. Written analysis
of case studies along with power point presentations and class room discussions are
integral part of the training. 

J. Current Business Review (CBR):

Free copy of economic times has been given to all JIME Students. Their day starts with
discussion of current topic of business. Student discusses more than 2000 news articles
in nearly 20 months.

5. Attendance requirement
a. A student is eligible to appear for the End-semester examinations, only if he
/she has put in a minimum of 85% attendance in each subject individually.
b. Students may be discontinued from the programme due to excessive and non-
intimated absences.
c. Students must notify the Dean, in writing, the reasons for absence, if any, from
class sessions, activities and assessment components.

d. Students are required to attend and participate in all scheduled class sessions,
guest lectures, workshops, outbound learning programmes and other activities of
both academic and non-academic nature.
e. On notification of absences (including anticipated absences), the Dean would
determine whether the absences could be justified and whether it is possible to
satisfactorily complete the subject with the number of identified absences.

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6. Evaluation Pattern
The students’ performance, for each subject, in every semester, shall be evaluated on the
following criteria:

Criteria Marks
Attendance & Class-Participation 10
Class Test/Quiz/Project/Assignment/Case Study 10
Mid-Semester Exam 20
End- Semester Exam 60
Total 100

7. Eligibility for Pass

a. A student shall be declared to have passed in a subject, if he / she secures at least
40% marks in the end- semester examination and 50% in aggregate marks
including internal assessment.
b. When a student appears for the failed subject(s), the internal assessment marks
originally secured by him/her, in the first appearance in the subject(s) if any, will
be carried forward.
c. A student shall be declared to have passed in the Summer Internship & Research
Project if he / she secure at least 50% marks in both the Report and the Viva Voce.

8. Carryover of papers
A student is permitted carryover of a maximum of 4 papers from the first 2 semesters of
the programme. No carryover of papers from the first 2 semesters is permitted beyond the
3rd semester of the programme.
Carryover exam charges will be Rs.1000/- per paper per attempt.

9. Re-Evaluation of Papers:

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Students can apply for re-evaluation of final semester examination by filling up “request for
re-evaluation form” and submit within 15 days of declaration result, after which no request
Re-evaluation Fees: Rs. 250/- per paper

10. Award of Qualification

Students will be awarded the PGDM upon fulfillment of the following criteria –
a. Must have passed all the subjects of the four semesters with a
minimum of 40% in each subject, including internal assessment;
b. Must have secured a minimum of 50% marks in the project work
(wherever applicable);
c. Must have complied with all other assessment guidelines and criteria
notified during the conduct of the programme.

11. Maximum period for the completion of the Programme

The maximum period for the completion of the programme shall be four years from the
date of joining the programme.

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12. General Guidelines

A. Academic Integrity and Ethics
a. A student who has committed an act of academic dishonesty will be deemed to have
failed to meet a basic requirement of satisfactory academic performance. Thus,
academic dishonesty is not only a basis for disciplinary action but also is relevant
to the evaluation of student’s level of performance and progress.
b. Where there has been violation of the basic ethos and principles of academic
integrity and ethics, the COO/Dean/Course Faculty, may use their discretion in
matters of disciplinary action to be taken.
c. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not necessarily limited, to the following:
i. Cheating or knowingly assisting another student in committing an act of
ii. Unauthorized possession of examination materials, destruction or hiding of
relevant materials;
iii. Act of plagiarism;
iv. Unauthorized changing of marks or marking on examination records.
B. General code of conduct
 The students are expected to spend a considerable amount of time in research, reading
and practice.
 All students are expected to develop and maintain a positive professional attitude
and approach througho ut the Programme and in conduct of all other activities.
 Attendance alone is not sufficient. Students are expected to participate, to help the class
learn and understand the topics under consideration.
 Food and drinks are not permitted in the classroom /Auditorium/ Laboratory /Library.
The students should maintain cleanliness in the campus.
 All students are expected to dress as per stipulated dress code. Mon, Tue & Wednesday:
Institute’s attire. Wed-Friday: Corporate attire, Saturday - Casual
 No student shall carry any book/magazine etc inside/outside the Library, without getting
the same duly issued by the Librarian. The detailed Library rules are listed on Library
notice board. The same have to be followed by all the students.
 Canteen facility to be used only in break/lunch timings.
 Cell phones are strictly prohibited in the campus.

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 Students are required to take note of their attendance status displayed on the notice
board on a monthly basis and in case of any discrepancy should consult the program
office within 7 days of declaration. Any query thereafter will not be entertained.
 Students are instructed to go through the notice board at regular intervals to keep them
updated about all information/dead lines/schedule etc. Institute will not encourage any
other mode of communication.
 Fee schedule is given at the end of this manual. Non adherence to fee payment will
attract penalty.
 Punctuality is a habit. In case of late arrival for the 1st class, you may be asked to leave
the institute, for the entire day.
 During class hours, you will not be allowed to sit in the canteen.
 Selection of students for various extracurricular activities, certification programs,
management fests, workshops, seminars, and outbound trips will be strictly on the basis
of attendance, class participation, and performance in the internal exam and conduct in
the institute.
 Students on their way to and from institute are expected to report themselves in a
responsible manner
 Students are strictly forbidden to leave the institute premises during the regular institute
 Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, neglect of assignment, disobedience and
disrespect towards the institute staff or bad moral influence, justify dismissal.
 Birthday celebrations in the institute should be avoided
 Use of cell phone in class is prohibited. Students caught using cell phones in whatsoever
manner will be penalized.
 Students not coming in uniforms on Mon/Tue/Wed or any other day/ occasion, when
asked to, will have to leave the institute/campus/occasion immediately and any request
will not be entertained.
 The purpose of dress code is to maintain an atmosphere conducive to learning. Students
are expected to be well groomed, neatly dressed and maintain discipline
 Wearing Bermudas / shorts, tracks, torn jeans & ear- studs on any day, on campus is not
permitted. Boys should have a ‘navy- cut’ hair.
 Girls should adopt dresses that are not transparent & too short
 Body piercing / tattoos are strictly forbidden
 Chewing gum in class & campus is forbidden
 Smoking in & around institute premises is strictly prohibited
 Footwear should be acceptable at corporate level. Flip-flops, chappals and similar casual
wear should strictly be avoided.
 Students should wear their Institute ID Cards always. Loss of ID card should be reported
to admin immediately. A new ID card will be issued only after legal procedures are

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completed (a legal complaint and FIR).Students without visible ID card may not get entry
to institute/campus.
 Students should take part in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. When required
to do so, participation will be deemed compulsory by the institute authorities
 Guest lectures on topics related to the subject, will be given and during these lectures
uniforms and attendance is compulsory
 Prior permission of the Director / Dean is required for participation in Field work, Fests,
competitions and extracurricular activities.
 Regarding fieldwork given by corporate, students should follow the concerned rules and
regulations and maintain the work diary
 Eatables outside canteen is strictly prohibited
 Students are not supposed to bring their four wheelers
 Writing on the walls, furniture or any institute property will not be tolerated by the
management. Individual found indulging in such activities will be severely punished
 Students with 75% attendance in all the years will only qualify for placement opportunity
 All students are instructed to submit required documents by the given schedule. Institute
will not take any responsibility of rejection by institute due to lack of required
documents/misleading documents.
 Ragging of any sort is strictly prohibited and is considered as a punishable offense.
 Ragging / Eve teasing / Smoking / Alcohol intake/ using abusive language in the institute
are considered as “ZERO TOLERANCE” offense and any student found guilty of any
such act will be suspended / rusticated immediately.
 Students will not be allowed to fill up examination form, if any dues (Fees / Library Fine
etc.) are pending. After obtaining NO DUES certificate from all departments,
examination forms will be issued.
 Institute provision of transport facility to Gamharia campus is optional and the cost of
transportation has to be borne by the students. Refer to detail rules and regulations related
to transport.

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Hostel Rules & Regulations:

Guidelines for students using institute provided Accommodation

1. Jain Institute arranges accommodation for outside students in a leased out apartment / building
situated at a good location. All students applying for hostel needs to understand the fact that
facilities are being arranged with the objective to provide our outside students with homely, safe
and conducive environment for study only and our accommodation are not meant to provide with
any luxurious arrangement. It is advisable to understand the facilities available in the hostel
before applying for the same.
2. Being a leased accommodation, depending upon situation, our hostel may shift from existing
location to new one. However in all the cases locality & safety of students are always given due
3. The students who want to use the institute provided accommodation should submit request form
along with a photo at the beginning of the every academic year, as per the time line given by
institute authorities.
4. Each academic year begins with start of the session and finishes one day after the university /
IInd or IVth Semester exam gets over. In case fresh application is not made with in the time
frame, no student will be allowed to stay in the hostel after one day once exams get over.
5. Security deposit of the hostel for the academic year 2015-16 is Rs.10, 000/-.
6. For the academic year, monthly charges are fixed at Rs. 5000/- per month.
7. Hostel charges only includes lodging and mess charges.
8. For commutation to the institute, students can make their own arrangement or can use institute
transport by paying transport fees to the institute. For all girls’ students it is mandatory to avail
institute transportation.
9. Hostel fees are paid in advance and on or before 5 th of every month. After 5th, a fine of Rs.25/-
will be charged on daily basis. If the hostel fees are due for more than 1 month, student may be
asked to vacate the hostel on immediate basis and balance fees will be recovered from refundable
security deposit.
10. In case 5th is a holiday, next working day of the institute will be the day of payment.
11. Students going for long vacation have to make sure that their monthly fess is remitted to the
institute account otherwise such excuses will not considered while imposing late fine.
12. .Hostel charges for the month when summer vacation starts is Rs.3000/-. For e.g. if summer
vacation starts on 16th May and finishes on 05th June, then in the month of May, hostel charges

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will be Rs. 3000 and in month of June, full charges have to be paid. And if summer vacation
starts after 25th of May and finishes on 15 th June, then for the month of May, full fees has to be
paid and in month of June only Rs.3000/- has to be paid. Every year a separate notice will be
communicated to all students.
13. During any month of the academic year, whether a student stays in the hostel or not for whatever
may be the reason, he/she is liable to pay the entire fees. For e.g. a student’s goes to attend a
function to his home town and doesn’t stay in the hostel for the entire month, he/she is still liable
to pay the entire fees for the month.
14. If a student joins the hostel (only in the 1 st year and doesn’t apply while continuing the hostel in
the subsequent years) after 20th of the month, he will be paying 2500/- for that particular month
and if any one joins the hostel any day before 20th of the month, he will be liable to pay entire
fees of the month.
15. Rules for leaving the hostel: A student can leave the hostel by submitting a written application to
the institute office. After the approval of concerned hostel official and Director, a student can
vacate the hostel after handing over the assets given to him (Table / Chair/ all keys / Drawer /
Cot etc.). Student has to submit the application for leaving the hostel at least 1 month in advance.
For e.g. Student submit an application on DT 15/05/2015, he will have to stay in the hostel till
30th June 2015 and has to pay entire fees of June also. If he decides to leave the hostel before 30 th
June, June month fees will be adjusted from his security deposit. It is mandatory for all students
to properly endorse the hostel leaving application from his parent before submitting the same to
institute office. Institute official will verify the same from parent before approval of the same.
16. If a student leaves the hostel without giving any information and without submitting an
application, he will considered to be continued in the hostel and monthly charges will be falling
due on him until institute receives the written application. Once written application received, rule
no.10 will be followed. Any verbal communication in this regard will not be entertained.
17. In all normal cases, if institute rusticates a student from hostel, 15 days advance notice will be
given to the student by the institute authority. However, if a student found to be indulges in any
of the activities mentioned in point 29, he or she will be immediately rusticated and information
will be sent to his / her parent.
18. Penalty for leaving the hostel between the academic year:
a. Between 1st – 6th Month – Rs.5000/- to be deducted from Security Deposit
b. Between 6th – Finish of Academic year – Rs. 2500/- to be deducted from security
Calculation of month will start from date of admission in the hostel.

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19. Each student will be given an Almirah, a study table, Chair and cot. Bedding will have to be
arranged by student themselves.
20. Number of students in a room depends upon the size of the room and type of the cot that is being
used. If a bunker bed is used, number of students stays in a room will increase proportionately.
21. All windows are provided with curtain by the institute authority.
22. Institute doesn’t provide internet connection at the hostel and any request related to this will not
be entertained.
23. There will be a lady warden in all girls accommodation in the night only between 09:00 pm –
06:00 pm. Concerned hostel official make daily visit to both boys & girls hostel.
24. Mess : Breakfast / Lunch / Evening Tea / Dinner
25. Hostel mess is strictly vegetarian.
26. Hostel mess is closed on Sunday Night.
27. In all probability, hostel mess will be closed during Durgapuja, Diwali & Chath. Students willing
to stay during Durgapuja / Diwali vacation will have to arrange for their own food.
28. All students will take full care of their own belongings. Institute will not be responsible for loss
or damage of things, theft or stolen. It is advisable not to keep any valuables in the hostel.
29. All students are liable to follow the hostel timing.
30. Ragging is strictly prohibited in any form; if someone found guilty, severe action will be taken.
Students are not allowed to consume alcohol, narcotic drugs or any intoxicating substance in the
hostel premises. Eve teasing / misbehave with girls of the institute / society / Institute staff and
intentional damage to the property of hostel / society / building / apartment and intentional
shifting the hostel assets from one location to another location, are also considered as ZERO
TOLERANCE OFFENCE and student or group of students will be immediately rusticated from
the institute hostel.
31. As and when applicable, all students will have to make necessary entries in the book available at
the hostel mess or at the entrance with the security guard, whichever applicable.
32. Students should not keep any unauthorized property and unauthorized guests in his/her room.
33. No person, either guest or otherwise shall be permitted to stay overnight in any part of the hostel.
In case, guest want to stay overnight in the hostel, he/she should take permission from concerned
hostel authority.
34. After 09:00 pm in the night, no outsider (even own institute non hostel student) will be allowed
in the hostel. If anyone entertain his or her friend in the hostel after 09:00pm, he will be liable for
35. Girls are not allowed to enter between 9 PM to 6 AM at boy’s accommodation.
36. Girls will not bring any boys to the hostel (Rule applies even to their own brother / siblings etc.).

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37. Boys are not allowed to enter at the girl’s hostel without permission.
38. All students are expected to be back in their accommodation by 08.30pm in the night. If any
student wishes to be away, should take permission from the hostel authority with appropriate
39. IT is mandatory for all girls to mark their attendance in the presence of lady warden at 10:00pm.
In case, any one is not present in the hostel without any information, a call will be 1 st given to
girl student at her number and in case of no response for whatever may be the reason; immediate
information will be given to institute official by lady warden. In case of no information till 12:00
midnight, student’s local guardian / parent will be informed by institute official.
40. Students are responsible for the safekeeping of their valuables. Students should provide their
own locks and should take proper care of their belongings.
41. Students are not allowed to arrange any group religious activities in their room.
42. Students should handle hostel equipments, furniture, mess property carefully and not abuse or
tamper with it. If so then applicable fine will be charged by the hostel management.
43. Students have to use water and electricity judiciously. If fan, tube, etc., found ON in the absence
of the students at their rooms, fine will be charged by hostel authorities.
44. Students should switch off the lights and fans when they are not in use.
45. Garbage and wastage only be put at garbage box available nearby premises
46. Students during their stay in the hostel will be governed by the rules set by management.
47. No student shall use the service of a hostel housekeeping person for personal work.
48. Students will not enter rooms of other students without permission of the inmates.
49. Every case of illness and accident must be reported immediately to the hostel authorities.
50. No function or celebration shall be organized at premises.
51. Students suffering from contagious disease will not be allowed to stay at hostel. Decision of the
hostel official in this regard will be final and binding.
52. Allotment of room furniture etc. will be entirely at the discretion of the institute official and no
complaint in this regard will be entertained.
53. Students are not supposed to use ion at the hostel premises. They are expected to use the service
of washer man available in the premise.
54. All matters relating to differences among students and complaints against theft shall be brought
to the notice of the hostel management. No police complaint will be lodged by the student before
taking prior permission from the institute management.
55. Any complaint from the neighbors/society will result in strict action.
56. Hostel accommodation (room) can be changed by the management if they found it necessary at
any point of time.

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57. Students indulging in use of abusive and threatening language, physical fights, use of force to get
unfair act accomplished, etc. will be punished. Further, they are liable to be expelled from the
hostel/ Institute.
58. Playing music/record player etc. loud enough to cause disturbance to his/her neighbor(s) is
prohibited. Defaulters will be punished. Repeated acts will render cancellation of allotment of

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Transportation Rules & Regulations

1. Using of institute transport is not compulsory and only those students who agree to abide
by the transport rules of the institute are advised to use the institute transport.
2. The students who want to use the institute transport should submit transport request form
along with a photo at the beginning of the every academic year, as per the time line given
by institute authorities.
3. The boarding/dropping point should be given clearly in the requisition form.
4. By opting to avail the institute transport facility, students agree to pay the fees for entire
year. The transport fee should be paid as per the schedule given by the institute and the
fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.
5. It is not permissible to discontinue the bus service during the year. Once you opt for bus
service, you also agree to pay the entire fees for the year (as decided by management) as
per schedule irrespective of whether service was availed by you or not.
6. The transport charges will be notified every year at least 2month in advance and is
subject to condition prevailing at the time of decision.
7. The students should not change the boarding /dropping point, or routes without proper
8. The students traveling in the institute bus should occupy the seats as per availability and
should not create any disturbance to other students and staff.
9. Strict discipline should be maintained inside the institute bus.
10. All the students/parents are expected to be aware of the transport rules of the institute and
ignorance of the same will not be an excuse for any dispute/claim.
11. Students are expected to carry the transport ID card while travelling.
12. During random inspection, if a student, who has not availed transport facility is caught
travelling in the bus, a fine of Rs.100/-, for 1 st time. If the offence is repeated, he may be
asked to submit the transport fees for the entire year.
13. In case of any dispute, the decision of the management will be final and binding on the
14. The institute can change, alter, amend any of the above rules at any point of time and it
will be binding on the students.

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Academic Calendar (Aug’15 – Dec’15)

Semester I & III

Duration Event details

03-08-2015 Session commencement PGDM III Semester: Batch (2014-16)
10-08-2015 Session commencement: PGDM I Semester (2015-17)
10-08-2015 to 16-08-2015 Orientation programme: PGDM I Semester (2015-17)
15-08-2015 Independence day celebrations
19-08-2015 Book Review Report Submission
22-08-2015 Book Review Presentation
29-08-2015 Project submission and presentation: PGDM I Semester: Batch (2015-17)
31-08-2015 SIP project submission: PGDM III Semester (2014-16)
01-09-2015 to 02-09-2015 SIP project presentation and Viva : PGDM (2014-16)
05-10-2015 to 09-10-2015 Mid-Semester Examinations: PGDM (2014-16) and PGDM (2015-17)
11-12-2015 to 16-12-2015 End-Semester Examinations: PGDM (2014-16) and PGDM (2015-17)
17-12-2015 to 22-12-2015 Sports Week


Total Course Fees (for 2 yrs): Rs 2,50,000.00

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I st Academic Year 2015 – 2016

I st Installment (at the time of admission) Rs 10,000.00

II nd Installment (on or before 30th August 2015 ) Rs 60,000.00

III rd Installment
(Within one week of 1st Semester Result.) Rs 60,000.00

IInd Academic Year 2016-2017

I st Installment
(Within one week of IInd Semester Result.) Rs 60,000.00

II nd Installment
(Within one week of IIIrd Semester Result.) Rs 60,000.00

Note : Transportation and Hostel charges have to be paid in additional if availing the facilities

Mode of Payment of Fees Cash / Demand draft favoring “Jain Institute of

Management And Entrepreneurship”,
Payable at Jamshedpur

 Transportation – Rs. 12,000 per Year

 Hostel Charges – Rs. 5,000 per Month
 Security Deposit – Rs. 10000/- ( Refundable as per hostel guidelines )


Jain Institute of Management & Entrepreneurship reserves the right to make changes in above policy, as
and when felt necessary.

Date :____________________ Student’s Name &Signature_____________________________


(A Unit of The JGI Group, Bangalore)

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Tentative list of Holidays for Students – 2015

S.No Holidays Days Date- Month No. of Days

1 New Years Day Thursday 1st Jan 1
2 Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti Monday 5th Jan 1
3 Makar Sakranti,Tusu Parab Wed - Thurs 14th,15th Jan 2
4 Basant Panchami** Saturday 24th Jan 1
5 Republic Day** Mon 26th Jan 1
6 Mahashivratri Tuesday 17th Feb 1
7 Holi Thurs- Friday 5 th , 6th March 2
8 Sarhul Mon 23rd March 1
9 Ramnavami Sat 28th March 1
10 Good Friday Friday 3rd April 1
11 Baisakhi Wed 15th April 1
12 Sabebarat Wed 3rd June 1
13 Last Friday of Ramzan Friday 17th July 1
14 EId-Ul-Fitra & Rath Yatra Sat- Mon 18th-20th July 2
15 Guru Purnima Friday 31st July 1
16 Independence Day** Sat 15th August 1
18 Raksha Bandhan Sat 29th Aug 1
19 Krishna Janamashtami Sat 5th Sept 1
20 Ganesh Chaturthi Thurs 17th Sept 1
21 Karma Thurs 24th Sept 1
22 Eid –Ul – Zoha (Bakrid) Fri 25th September 1
23 Anant Chatudasi Sat 26th Sept. 1
24 Gandhi Jayanti,** Fri 2nd Oct. 1
25 Mahalaya , Durga Puja Sat.- Sat 20th - 24th Oct. 5
26 Muharram Wed 4th Nov. 1
27 Diwali Mon. – Wed 10th - 12th Nov. 3
28 Chatth Mon - Wed 16th – 18th Nov 2
29 Gurunanak Jayanti Wed 25th Nov. 1
30 Id-E- Milad Christmas, Winter Vacation Thurs- Thurs 24th -31st Dec. 8

Total No. of Holidays :

Note: 1.Sunday is a public holiday
2. The Muslim Holidays are subject to variation, depending upon the visibility of the moon.
3. **Celebration at the institute campus, Attendance Mandatory
4. If any error it is regretted. By Order

Sl. No Name Role Contact No. & E-Mail Id
Chief Operating Officer,
1. Mr. Amit Shrivastav Chairman, Governing Council, 09204552195/

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Student’s Manual 2015

2. Dr. Angad Tiwary Director, JIME, Member-GC,JIME 09234610772/

Dy. Director – HR & Admission,

3. Mr. Jasbir Dhanjal 08092222016/
Member – GC, JIME
Head – A/c & Finance, Member-
4. Mrs. Richa Garg 0657-2220285/
0657-6578003 / 9771187677
5. Dr. Charu Asst. Dean, JIME, JSR
Asst Project Officer – 0657-6578003/
6. Ms. Shweta
Programme Office
Sr. Executive - IT , Facility, 09386560905 /
7. Mr.OmPrakash
Transportation & Hostel
Asst. Manager – Admission &
8. Mr. Abdul Azim 09835317281 /
07677922227 /
10. Mr. Abhishek Sr. Executive - Admission
09334174394 /
11. Mr. Dipak Kundu Senior Accountant
Executive – Corporate Office,
12. Mr. Manish 07209221856 /
Important Contact Details:

Institute Official Website:

Institute official E-mail id:

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