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Suggested plan for self-reading during the first year

“A good beginning makes a good end.”

“Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential”

Punctuality, sincerity in professional work , self driven reading and learning from
mistakes are the ground rules to succeed as a physician. However , the most difficult part
in the speciality of Internal medicine is to plan our reading of the medical literature,
which keeps expanding every day and it is indeed difficult for the beginner to decide his
sailing direction in this sea of primary care.

In this document we have attempted to give a plan , which should hopefully help you to
have a good beginning . We have focused only on topics for self reading and methods to
do the same. The rest depends on your effort.

We can divide postgraduate reading into basal reading and pulse reading. Basal
reading is the planned steady reading on a given topic over a period of few days.
[Example: reading about hypertension 1 hour daily for 5 days] .While pulse reading
refers to quick reading on a topic of interest. This is done, often at the bedside and during
duty days.[ Example : reading about treatment of acute LVF, diagnosis and treatment of
acute MI, treatment of community acquired pneumonia,etc]. The post graduate is advised
to do a basal reading for 1 hour per day and pulse reading for one hour a day [ a total of 2
hours ].

Pulse reading may be done on topics relevant to inpatients or outpatients. Washington

manual is optimal at the bedside [ Harrison may be referred later if required]. Repeated
reading is required.

Structured postgraduate guide – Draft leaf 1 Dr.M.Emmanuel Bhaskar

The following topics may be read from the recommended books mentioned within

Core topics for Basal reading :

1.Revision of literature on history taking, physical examination and case sheet writing
[ Hutchison /Macleod]

2. Interpretation of complete blood count, renal function test, electrolytes, liver function
test, lipid profile, urine analysis, thyroid function test and peripheral smear.

3. Basic interpretation of ECG[ Marriott]

4. Basic interpretation of Chest X-Ray and arterial blood gases.

5. Basic interpretation of ultrasound abdomen and Echocardiography

6. Basic interpretation of CT-Brain.

7. Interpretation of Iron studies.[serum iron, TIBC and ferritin][Harrison-H]

8. Diagnosis and treatment of medical emergencies:[ Washington manual and Harrison]

a. Basic life support. ACLS protocol for Asystole, SVT,VT,VF.

b. Approach to a patient with coma.
c. Approach to a patient with shock.
d. Treatment of Anaphylactic shock.
e. Initial management of acute MI.
f. Treatment of severe pulmonary edema.

Structured postgraduate guide – Draft leaf 1 Dr.M.Emmanuel Bhaskar

g. Treatment of acute severe asthma.
h. Treatment of acute exacerbation of COPD.
i. Treatment of Status epilepticus.
j. Treatment of raised intra-cranial pressure.
k. Initial treatment of DKA.
l. Principles in the management of organophosphorus , oleander, paracetamol,
anti-hypertensive , anti-diabetic and other drug poisoning/overdose.
m. Management of alcohol intoxication.
n. Priciples in the management of snake bite , scorpion sting and unknown bites.

9. Principles of intravenous fluid therapy and nutrition for hospitalized patients[W]

10. Clinical features , investigations and treatment of stable angina[H]

11.Definitions , risk factors , symptoms , signs, investigations , differential diagnosis and

management of acute coronary syndromes. Complications of myocardial

12. Basic concepts , symptoms , signs, investigations and treatment of acute and chronic
heart failure.[H]

13.Causes , symptoms , signs, technique of measurement, investigations and treatment of

hypertension.[Journal articles]

14.Diagnosis and treatment of rheumatic fever and valvular heart disease[H]

15.Clinical features , investigations and treatment of tuberculosis . [ read RNTCP

document also][H, Journal articles]

Structured postgraduate guide – Draft leaf 1 Dr.M.Emmanuel Bhaskar

16.Clinical features, investigations and treatment of Bronchial asthma.[H,Journal articles]

17.Clinical features , investigations and treatment of COPD.[H, Journal article]

18.Causes of dyspepsia . Diagnosis and treatment of peptic ulcer and gastro-esophageal

reflux disease. [ H]

19.Complications of alcoholism and its management.[H]

20.Diagnosis, investigations and treatment of type-II Diabetes mellitus.[H, article]

21.Diagnosis , investigations and treatment of complications of Diabetes Mellitus[special

focus on nephropathy].[H]

22.Symptoms, causes and treatment of hypoglycemia.[H]

23.Risk factors, clinical features, investigations , management , prevention and

rehabilitation of stroke[Davidson]

24.Approach to a patient with short fever [ read about malaria , typhoid, leptospirosis ,
filariasis, dengue, upper and lower respiratory tract infections [ H, article]

25.Symptoms, signs, lab diagnosis and treatment of iron deficiency and megaloblastic
anemia.[ H]

26.Diagnosis and treatment of Dyslipidemia [H]

27.Risk factors , clinical features and intial management of infective endocarditis.

Medications commonly used for IE prophylaxis. [H]

Structured postgraduate guide – Draft leaf 1 Dr.M.Emmanuel Bhaskar

28.Clinical features , investigations and treatment of pneumonia [H]

29.Approach and managing a patient with acute diarrhea [H]

30.Approach and managing a patient with jaundice [H]

31.Clinical features, investigations and management of liver failure [H,article]

32.Diagnosis and management of cirrhosis and its complications. [H,article]

33.Clinical features of different types of epilepsy and its initial management [H,article]

34.Clinical features , investigations and treatment of Hepatitis A and E. [H]

35.Clinical features and laboratory diagnosis of Hepatitis B and C.[H]

36.Prevention and treatment of DVT[article]

“ Best wishes”

Structured postgraduate guide – Draft leaf 1 Dr.M.Emmanuel Bhaskar

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