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2020 International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Applications and Manufacturing (ICIEAM)

Electrical Model for Transmitting Control Signals

over Car Power Wiring
Alexander Krasovsky Sergey Vasyukov Olga Miseyuk
Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
and Industrial Electronics and Industrial Electronics and Industrial Electronics
Bauman Moscow State Technical University Bauman Moscow State Technical University Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Moscow, Russia Moscow, Russia Moscow, Russia

Abstract—In recent years, the attempts have been made to use In a number of works, attempts have been made to create a
the VPLC (In-Vehicle Power Line Communication) technology model of electrical wiring. In particular, in [5, 6] a model was
for high-speed data transmission over vehicle power lines. presented in the form of a complex of multi-wire harnesses.
Developed for these purposes, VPLC modems use orthogonal Another approach to model formation is pre-sented by the
frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). They are complex, authors in [7, 8, 9]. Analyzing the channel models considered
expensive and therefore still have not been used in automobiles. earlier, the authors argue that model development requires
But the VPLC technology can be used for other purposes, e.g., knowledge of the wiring structure, which is hardly available to
for the remote control of electronic relays of car alarms. The cost PLC developers. Instead, it is proposed to consider the wiring
of such relays should not exceed a few dollars, and this is
as a “black box” and experimentally determine the
impossible when using OFDM. An acceptable output is direct
characteristics of the model through a set of test influences.
digital signal transmission, but for this purpose, it is necessary to
create an electrical model that displays the process of Based on the results of the development of such model, a data
transmitting a pulsed signal through the car wiring. Such a channel emulator was proposed [10, 11].
model includes a set of lower level models (transmitter and Studies show that the frequency characteristics of the
receiver of signal, car battery, car electronic units ...), connected wiring in the range of 1-100 MHz have a significant
by the sections of electrical wiring. The paper considers the attenuation (from -10 to -80 dB) and multiple dips. The
principles of model formation, assesses the influence of the wiring location of the dips randomly varies both from the signal
parameters, the transmitter and the receiver on the propagation
propagation paths and from the electronic units of the vehicle,
of a pulse signal.
connecting and disconnecting at random times. In conditions of
Keywords—electrical model, car alarm, pulse noise, significant non-uniformity of the frequency characteristic of
modulation, digital signal, car power wiring the wiring, high-speed communication was provided by the use
of modulated OFDM transmission. And therefore, the study of
pulsed noise of electrical wiring and methods of signal
I. INTRODUCTION synchronization [12–20] was carried out taking into account
Modern cars are equipped with security systems that this type of modulation.
prevent unauthorized access and theft. The relays that are part
of the anti-theft equipment break the electrical circuits of the An OFDM communication system requires high hardware
car, preventing theft. Relays must be installed covertly, and and software costs. This is precisely what has led to the fact
therefore their overall dimensions must be small. Most often, that at present there are no cars that would use PLC technology
the relays are installed under the hood, since it is there that for high-speed data transfer instead of dedicated two-wire
breakable electrical circuits are located. The secrecy of the buses. But PLC technology can be used to control additional
installation supposes remote control from the car alarm main equipment installed on the car after purchase. For example,
module. Remote control over the radio channel is difficult, electronic relays of car alarms. The control signal is transmitted
since the metal hood and the partition of the engine at a low speed (up to 10 kbit/s), but for the technical
compartment shield the radio signal. And therefore, the implementation of the relay there are tight price limits.
development of wireless electronic relays controlled via the Wholesale cost should not exceed $ 7-10. In [1, 2, 20], it was
wiring of the car is promising [1, 2]. shown that under severe price constraints, the only way out is
to use direct digital signal transmission. Digital transmission
The specifics of the application of PLC technology in requires a relatively low bandwidth (hundreds of kHz) and
automobiles is shown in the works of I. Stievano, F. Canavero, requires the development of a new type of model capable of
P. Tanguy, F. Nouvel, J. Cortes, M. Cedra, M. Lienard, M. displaying the process of transmitting a pulsed signal through a
Carrion, V. Degardin, L. Guerrieri, P Bisaglia, M. car wiring.
Mohammadi, L. Lampe, A. Schiffer, C. Buccella, V. De Santis
and other authors. There are various approaches to creating Transmission of control and information signals on power
VPLC systems. In most works, the transfer functions are supply circuits refers to the so-called Power Line
analyzed and, based on the analysis, recommendations are Communication technology. It is sufficiently developed and
given on the organization of the communication system [3, 4]. described in relation to home and office tasks, where a network
of 220 V is used as wiring. However, the car wiring, as shown

978-1-7281-4590-7/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE

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2020 International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Applications and Manufacturing (ICIEAM)
in [1,2], has its own specifics. It is primarily due to the low
internal resistance of the car battery (hundreds of Ohm) and the
presence of various impulse noises. Moreover, sources of
interference can be both inner electric units (spark plugs,
electric drives, control units ...) and devices connected by the
owner (inverter, vacuum cleaner, compressor ...). In articles
[1,2], the advantage of direct digital transmission over the
modulated signal is substantiated. This advantage is based on
the simplicity of the technical implementation and, as a result,
the low cost of production, which is a determining factor for
security systems. But direct digital transmission requires the
separation of pulsed control signals and impulse noise. A lot of
papers have been devoted to these issues, for example [3–8],
but they relate to high-speed radio transmission. There is
another specificity and one needs to have an idea how the pulse
signals propagate through the wiring of the car. In other words, Fig. 2. Simplified transmission scheme
it is necessary to create an electrical wiring model that allows
to determine the factors affecting the signal propagation. In [1], Microcontroller (MC) of the main unit, Fig. 2, generates a
the authors of the article proposed a wiring model in which the control signal in the form of a packet of short pulses, the time
battery was represented by a serial connection of the EMF and interval between which changes during the transmission of
internal resistance. However, measurements of the logical zero and one. Connecting wires are taken into account
oscillograms of signals carried out directly on automobiles by their resistance and inductance. Due to the internal
showed that the shape and level of control pulses are different resistance of the battery and wiring, when the transistor VT
from the signals received on models. Consequently, the closes the +12 V line to ground, the pulse voltage dips that
development of a model of an automobile wiring that repeat the code message propagate throughout the wiring. An
adequately reflects the processes of propagation of impulse electronic relay detects pulse “dips” using a comparator built
signals is an actual scientific and technical problem. into the microcontroller, decodes them and executes the
corresponding commands. Consider an algorithm, Fig. 3, in
II. ALGORITHM OF THE DIRECT DIGITAL TRANSMISSION which the logical zero transmitted as the time interval T 0 , the
logical unit as T 1 , and the impulse was considered accepted if
Power lines are distributed throughout the car and are
conventionally shown in dashed lines in Fig. 1. The main alarm it belonged in the window Twin .
unit (MU) is always mounted in the vehicle cabin. It controls
electronic relays (ER), which can be located anywhere in the
car, but in practice they are mounted, mainly, in the engine
compartment. MU and ER are powered by the +12 V line
closest to them; a control signal is transmitted along the same
Fig. 3. Zero and one encoding algorithm
In modern cars, the time interval from pressing the Start
button to the moment the starter is turned on is only 0.2 s.
During this time, the electronic relay must receive the code
signal and unlock the electrical circuit. If we take into account
the time for transients, then the signal should be sent and
decoded in about 100 ms. To increase reliability, the codeword
is received at several (at least 4), sequentially set comparator
levels. Let us assume that at each level there must be at least 4
codewords, and then, taking into account the number of levels,
we get 16 repeating codewords. For each codeword, in this
way, there is a time i
codeword (the number of bits is determined by the
Fig. 1. The layout of alarm main unit (MU) and electronic relays (ER) requirements for the volume of information transmitted), the

We will consider the principle of digital signal transmission   !"
 # %  &g. 3) the intervals
[1, 2] using an example of a simplified circuit, Fig. 2. T 0 80 Ps and T 1 120 Ps . The accuracy of the intervals
formation by the transmitter, and the accuracy of their
identification by the receiver depend on the accuracy of the
clock pulses of the main signaling unit and electronic relay. In
the transmitter and receiver, you can use either quartz
resonators, or use internal RC-generators of microcontrollers.
Quartz oscillators provide good accuracy, but slowly exit

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2020 International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Applications and Manufacturing (ICIEAM)
micro-consumption mode, which is essential for electronic shown in Fig. 4 and contains a set of sub-models of the lower
relays. And therefore, preference is given to internal RC- level, connected through the wiring model.
generators. We take into account the possible discrepancy in
clock frequencies caused by the spread of RC elements and
their temperature dependence, reaching up to ± 5%. Let's set
(with some margin) the window Twin 30 Ps .
To reduce the energy consumption for heat generation of
the electronic board of the main alarm unit, it is necessary to
Fig. 4. The structure of the electrical model
reduce the duration of the control pulse Tp (Fig. 3). A duration
of le  :   <==# =  

 Car battery model. The internal resistance of the battery,
transmitter does not have time to fully open. A duration of measured at various load currents, was approximately 0.02

  >   <== " 

 ohms. It was shown in [22] that the main parameter affecting
collector resistor, and therefore we will establish it as the amplitude of the pulse signal in the wiring is the internal
Tp 1 Ps . inductance of the battery Lin , the experimental estimate of
which in the frequency range 1–4 MHz was 100–200 nH.
The filter at the input of the electronic relay (Fig. 2) must
pass a useful signal without reducing the amplitude of the The inductance and resistance of the wiring were
pulse, and weaken the noise. This task relates to optimal evaluated in [1] for a copper wire with a diameter of 1.5 mm.
filtering, and a filter that implements such a task is called Y =="  % : \ "   ^#
consistent. A matched filter provides maximum signal-to-noise respectively. Experimental studies in the laboratory showed a
ratio at the output. In a number of literary sources, in particular, <= = "==
 \ " : \   %
in [21], this problem is solved, and for a signal with a duration formed a twisted pair. A comparison of the frequency
Tp the transfer function of the filter has the form characteristics of the wiring measured on the car with the
simulation results confirmed the correctness of the assumption
about replacing the wiring sections with the corresponding

K p

A1 e
.  inductances and resistances.
The signal transmitter was represented by the Multisim-
p model developed in [2, 22], Fig. 5, the adequacy of which was
experimentally confirmed for the car.
Such a transfer function in an exact form is not feasible,
and in some works it is proposed to replace it with a low-pass
filter. When Tp 1 Ps , the passband of such a filter is
approximately 200 kHz. To detect a useful signal, it is
necessary to attenuate low-frequency noise in the wiring from
the generator, spark plugs ... Thus, a band-pass filter is needed
at the input of the relay, which provides two conflicting tasks:
the filtering of low-frequency noise and passing a useful pulse
signal without significantly reducing its amplitude. A
compromise solution is needed, as a result of which a band-
pass filter with a frequency band of 50 - 350 kHz is proposed.


Fig. 5. Multisim-model of the transmitter
The development of a universal model that quantitatively
displays the processes in the electrical wiring is hardly possible
R-L-C-models of the car electronic units (control units of
due to the diversity of car brands. And therefore, on the
the engine, electric equipment, electric motors, ignition coils
example of a typical Nissan X-Trail car, we will build an
...) were formed on the basis of analysis of literary sources, or
electric model that allows us to analyze the propagation
were expertly evaluated according to consumption current. In
processes of pulse signals at a qualitative level. Since the
particular, the electronic units were modeled in the form of
frequency band in which most of the energy spectrum of the
=#  < % %=  &  =<=
signal is concentrated does not exceed several hundred kHz,
switched on. The control windings of automotive relays were
the developed model should qualitatively reflect the processes
modeled by inductors. Lamps - by the resistances and
of such a frequency range. In the low-frequency model, we will
not take into account the stray capacitance of the electrical
wiring due to their smallness and insignificant effect on the
processes. We will consider wires and models of individual
blocks in the low-frequency range as circuits with lumped
parameters. The structure of the electric model is schematically

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2020 International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Applications and Manufacturing (ICIEAM)

a b
Fig. 7. Pulses on the car battery when connecting the transmitter to the
battery: a - experiment, b - simulation

Fig. 6. Multisim-model of the receiver passband filter

Electric motors were modeled in the form of resistances,

etc. The lengths of the wiring segments connecting the blocks
were evaluated according to the wiring diagrams of the car and
modeled by their resistances and inductances.
As a result of combining block models, a functional scheme
a b
of the car wiring has been developed. It includes more than 80
blocks connected through four wire buses: constant plus, Fig. 8. Pulses on a car battery when connecting the transmitter to the ignition
switch: a - experiment, b - simulation
accessories (ACC), ignition (ON), working engine (ST) and
ignition switch. Based on the functional diagram, a Multisim-
model was formed. The functional scheme and the Multisim-
model are not given here due to the large volume. Verification
of the model was carried out by comparing the amplitudes of
the pulses at various points in the wiring, obtained via the
modelling and directly in the car. The electronic car alarm
board (transmitter) was connected to the following points of
the wiring of the Nissan X-Trail car: to the battery terminals,
into the cigarette lighters of the passenger compartment and
trunk, to the ignition switch. The pulse signal of the transmitter
after attenuation in the electrical wiring was measured by an a b
electronic oscilloscope at the same points. On the model, the Fig. 9. Pulses in the cabin cigarette lighter when connecting the transmitter
transmitter (Fig. 5) was connected to the same points, and the to the cigarette lighter in the trunk: a - experiment, b - simulation
pulses were measured by a virtual oscilloscope.


Transmitter connection Amplitude [V], exp.
Control point
place (mod.)
Battery Battery (all modes) 0,90 (0,85)
Battery (ignition and
Ignition switch 0,09 (0,12)
Cigarette lighter in the Cigarette lighter in
4,0 (3,0)
trunk the cabin a b
Cigarette lighter in
Fig. 10. Pulses on a car battery when connecting the transmitter to the cabin
Ignition switch the trunk (ignition 0,24 (0,42)
cigarette lighter: : a - experiment, b - simulation
and radio)
Cigarette lighter in the Battery (engine
0,03 (0,05) As a result of modeling on the extended Multisim-model, a
cabin started)
number of results were obtained:
The pulse amplitudes are shown in Table 1, they are of the 1. Replacing the Darlington BST50 transistor with a perfect
same order, which confirms the adequacy of the developed switch practically does not affect the pulse amplitude in the
model. The experimental pulses and signals obtained on the wiring. Therefore, improving the characteristics of signal
model (Fig. 7–10) are similar in shape. transmission due to the selection of the transistor brand is
2. The duration of the control pulse practically does not
affect the amplitude of the pulse in the wiring. The maximum

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2020 International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Applications and Manufacturing (ICIEAM)
amplitude is reached at the moment the transistor is turned on 5. Wiring sections can be modeled as a series connection of
and then decreases slightly during the pulse. the wire inductance and its resistance. The linear values of
inductances in real automotive wiring are 1-> \# " 
3. The presence of a capacitor C2 (Fig. 5) is necessary, resistance is 10-20 mOhm/m;
since it stabilizes the shape of the pulse and determines its
amplitude at the moment the transistor is turned on. Changing 6. With a constant battery inductance, an increase in the
the values of R3-C2 in the range (10-100 Ohm, 100-500 nF) amplitude of the pulse in the wiring is achievable by reducing
practically does not affect the pulse amplitude, but their the inductance of the signal propagation path.
combination, which determines the time constant, should be
taken into account when choosing the pulse repetition interval. REFERENCES
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