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The Landscape Urbanism Reader sited Stove Sees HARVARD UNIVERSITY ve M03 SAIN 0.6 2008 Lue Library 22006 Priston Aree Press “sckral af Design Minghereared se ea band ied a neg, cans Timeaten or 8 fice catadog of books, cl 1 0.722.609 ur wal ste at wes parece. re pubaton otis beck was vapporte bj 2 uae Few he Crsbern roudation for Afsoaced Stadia ie he Fine Xo par of is Bonk may be weed or reproduce in ae manner with rite pres sh epost exc Une comet of reviews Feeryrusnalealep his hoe mae to dently ones oF eoprighe raters or umasnas il be corse fn eaisquen ations. Elgg Set Tennent Deity Bret Yak Cayce pt Bret Ys, 2008, Froctapiece: Jon Roig td nic Rall. Trint Clonee Park, Bordon, 19 Bhota by Luis coors Tos Roig orl Esc Bate Pages 286-87: Ula by Alas Merger Spiel thavks Nee fam, Dawe Da Nicals ecnark, one Being. Fens (Yaen Bk) Cho, se Focmundez To Bang Clare aobvon, Kn King ark Larastes Nc Esluad Laer, Las Les, Katharine Myers Laue Nes, Ionsiler Thompson. Paul Wager, oneph Weston, and Deb Wond of Princston Arciteturid Press —Kenin ©. Tipper, pubitat inary of Congress Catlaging-in-Publioion Dats ‘The lanscape shim reader / Chases Waldbeim, editor —¥s {ShW-19.976-4-56498-439.1 Tk. paper) ISA, 1598-48941, poper 1 ban landscpe eset, 1, Wale, Chol sn72.7..38 208 prnuis2— ded? UUs BAe Cc 2 Intopucrion 0:3 Terra Fluxus James Conner bet Landscape as Urbanism Chines Wildhein 35 ‘The Emergence of Landscape Urbanism ‘Graheme Stan O85, An Art of Instrumentality: Thinking Through Landscape Urbanism Richard Wele U5 Vision in Motion: Representing Landscape in Time Chrisp Glos 087 Looking Back at Landscape Urbanism: Speculations on Site Tula Caras. 205 Constructed Ground: Questions of Scale Linda Pole 125 Fram Theory to Resistance: Landscape Urbanism in Europe Kal Shunu 4k Landscapes of Infrastructure Elaabeth Mesenp 162 Urban Highways and the Reluctant Public Realm Taequetine Tsou 173 Drosscape Aan Berger 197 Landscapes of Exchange: Re-articulating Site Cars ser 23 Synthetic Surfaces Pete Belanger 239 Public Works Practice hs Reet 252 commrieuroRs 208 Landscape Fey Urbanism forum) Over the past decade landscape has emery asa mode for contempo- racy ucbanism, one unqualy capable of describing the condisians for radiclly dlecentcalized urbanization, especially i the context of complex natural envi ronments. Over thac sume decade the landscape discipline has enjoyed a period of incetlecual and cultural renewal. While much of the lindscape discipline’ renewed relevance 1 discussions af thecty may beatteibute w this renewal or to increased exvironmental avareness more generally, landscape has sped bly emerged asthe most rclevant disciplinary locus for discussions historically housed in architecture, uthaa desig, or planing 6 Maavy of the conceptual categories and projective practices embodied in landscape ucbarism ard docansented in this publication are from outside those asciplinestaivionally responsible fr describing the iy, As suc, landscape urbanism ofers an implicit ertiqueof architecture aul urban design's inability to offer coherent, competent, and convincing explanations of contemporary urban conditions, In this context, the discourse surround ing landscape urban- th fandaonpe supplants im ena be read a Siseiplinary realignanent int sh architecture's historical tole asthe basic building block of urban design. Across 1 of disciplines, many authors have articulated this newfound relevance of landscape in describing. the temporal mucability and horizontal extensivity af the conemporary city. Among the authors making elalms For ive potential of landscape in this regard is architect and educator Stin Allen, Dean of the Scheol of Architecture 2 Prineston University lncstsngs lca is emerying 4 mink or urban tandeape bos cabo been deed the at of ergnaing hoszomi sar fact... y paving close temton ta these sutieecondinns—ant cs conkgumacon, tt also materialy and performance—desgners cen detinarespase and pruce willis without she weigher pparetas fad pace making! ‘This eBiciency—the ability to produce urban ctieets traditionally achieved through the construction of buildings simply through she organization of hor- iuontal susfaces—recomimedds the landscape meslium for use in contemporary urban couditions increasingly characterized by horizontal sprawl and rapid change. In the contexc of decetnralization and decreasing density the “weighty appacatus® of traditional ucban design proves ast slows and inflexible in rela- tioa to the rapidly transforming condivions af conceraposary urban culture ‘The idea of landscape as 4 model for urbanism has also been articulated by landscape architect James Cornet, who aagues that only chsouigh a sythetie and inuapinative reordering of categories in the built environment might we excane our present predicament ia the cuf-de-sae of post-industeial maderoity,and “the bureaucratic and uninspired flings” athe planniig profession. His work, critiques much of what landscape archicecture has become asa peofessional wna et im recent yeurs—especially is tondency to provide scenogcaphic screening, for environmencs engineered and insirumentalized by other disciplines.” Fax Corner, the narrow agenda of eealogical advocacy that many landscape arch teste profess te ia nothing more than a rear guard defense ofa supposedly auten= ‘omious" nature” concsived to exist u priori outside af himnan agency or calla construction. la this context, cucreat-day environmentalism and pasioval ides ‘of landscape appear to Corner, dal many others, 2s naive or irrelevant in the face of global usbania Landscape urbanism bencfis from the canonieal texts of regional envi con ‘mental planning, (rom the work of Paceick Geulles and Beacon Mackaye to Lewis Muraford to kan Metang yet also emains distinct frou that tradition. Conner acknsledges the historica importance vf Mears influential Dest’ with Nature yet, himself a studenr and ficulty colleague of McHary’s at the University of Renneyleania,reiects the apposition of nature aud city implied in ‘Mellacgs sesionally scaled environmental planning practi THE ORIGINS OF LANDSCAPE URHANISN. can be teaced to postmodern cri figues of mnodoenist architecture and planing? These critiques, put forth by Charles Feocks and other proponents of postmodern arehitecturel culture, indicted modernism for its inabiley to produces “meaningful” oe livable” pub Hie nen fa its failure to come to terms with the city asan historical eanstruce tion of collective consciousness” and fer lus inability to communicate with ‘multiple sustiences, “fn fet, the “death of modern architecture” 2s pruclaimed by Jencks in 1977, coincided with a crisis of industrial ecomomy im che United States, marking a shift toward the diversification of consumer markets! What postmodern architecture's seenographic approach did mot, sa fact could mt adress were the structural conditions of incusiidlized modernity thal tended toward the decentralization of urban form, This decentralization somtimes wpace today in Nocth America, remarkably indifferent to the superficial stylistic ose lacions of architectural culture Im the wake of the social and enxironmental disasters of industeahization, postmedern aschitectute retreated (0 the comlorting forms of nostalgia and seemingly stable secure, ond mors permencat forms of urban arrangement. Giting Europes precedents lor traditional cicy (orm, postimadern architects practiced a kind of preemptive cultural regression, designing individual busld- ings to invoke an abseat context as if neighborly axchitsstaral character coutd contravene 4 cerry of Industrial économ. The rise of the ueban design disc pline in Ue 1970s and "80 extoncied interest in the aggregation of architeclural ‘he professions, Robe! Veni Completa Gondadicas inAvhuectce «New Yoke useam of Mourn Ai 66 8 Kevin Eich, Tor of Go City Fre (Cambri, Sos: MIT Bsc. 1881). AKO soe Lyac cde empiial urchin age ofthe City (Carbs, Saye: MIC sees 196 "Tae most inion! ene rigues was AM Rosi See Rosh The seca of the in team, Me, MT Pas, 2982 10, Robert Venturi an Denise Seo Brows work indicate of dese nets See Vena Seo Brena Seven Lene Lataing Prom 14s gas The Forge Sblicn of Arche Fone (Cambrdge, Mass MIF rs 977) LL, Ghar Jocks, The Language Post Raker (Now Yod: Wire 197. (Op Fontan and is gelation uy postaan echt see Prk Schomacher 30 vist Rogar Fo in Geen shai, holes Walahei oo ean ouog.e86, Saling Detrt (Dereon: ACTAR, 200) 18-56 13. Darvaé Universi’ Urban Design Pogsant Dogan in 16a the dicpine gre in popularity wi increased enrarents mews numberof dagrss confer andthe non of ne dese pega duetg li 19708, alle, “bie bain The Thick 2-125, 1. or coneeportacous etc commentary on Ville ese anthony Ville “Trick “ial La Cw Vid Lo Villette (London: Acheter, 985), eqs Dei, "Poin de Foke-Mintent Pacceetns A Fis 1 (Stns 186) 675 25. Retbard Teun, La Wate Competition Eniny "Ths Ha Vine Campesion’ Prince Jarrad vl. 2," Candice” (2985) 200-6 2, Rem Koala Dion New Tir: Rents Mans fr Beas Meo orc ‘Onion Uriseaty Pre, 1978, 17. Ree Krai, Congestion wal Mute 6 2, XE (New York: Mona 19981, 921 LU Renath rosa, "Townes Crit Regional. Si Pains fen Archies site Tt Foe, Phe ate autte (Sse: Bay es, 988), 17 19. Kenaeth Famping, "Towa! an ban Candape” Cotenbie onanenes Sx Yor Cola Units 395, 68,92, 2 Ren Koha “HT Siva Cemer Competiion Ades” eas Iasi ‘Technology Collegeof Arhiva Civays, Mitch 5, 198. 21. Roser eee, Maing 4 Sine Lance (Cacbeidge, aves MIT Pres, LL 22 Kenneth Frames. Towed a Urn Laas 82-35, 2 Among these se, for xarple, Las erp, "Sun ae! Dest Ratiakigg the Meili? ler Cy (Casi, Movs: MIT Pes, 308) 47 sli 24, Rem Routhass “Alana. RL (Neve oeks Monae, 189, 896, 25. Amangthe snaces of hi miter of terete arcana dice sitet Geld eolog chard. orman. Soe Wench F- Drainage Us Ola, ane Rickard II, Foran, Lardsnge Blog Pri in Candecpe An ier rede Use Meng Cambridge, Mass, ed Washington, LC: Horard Urey 2rd land Press 1996) 2 Rian Wella “Landscape Architect and Uke Cay Now published mmseripe fused on "Tovacten As ef Tnintruste inthe Theory and Pracice of Comteraporary Lindsope Aclielace heya adtens MEST Confront Royal Methourne Isticte Teo, Melanie, ly 8,20 27, the work n Arai Gaeareat 8 "Wes 8 Landicape Archit in Fe Lendchap'The Lanse Fr tran Lame Des Snirempen eSungl 19951, 213-35 ad Ta Molin, cl, Nex 8 (Ma Sry, OUD) 28, Douasiow ual Fresh ills hace bg he abst a enrnese dacursultiva, inlaing sa it Pans a4, Landings 2002) Foe anal informa sv Pia ace SA EASE. Denne Fark Tarola (Catvidge Munich Harsnd/ Peis, 290), an hse Waldo “Park-C? The Datenriow Park congo nW Eeasope voto Maine ol 91 4.3 (Marl 201} 80-85, 988, Teriind Thin "Downie Pike The Pigs andthe Cara” ba ara e, €ASE venir Pek Tors, 82-8,

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