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(Nutrition Month Celebration 2018)

Krystel: Good nutrition means good health and a good health is a man’s greatest wealth.

Katrina: Naisem nga Allacapan!

Krystel: Naraniag a Pacac Elementary School!

Katrina: Naimbag a malem kadakayo amin!

Katrina & Krystel: Welcome to the coronation rites of Mr. And Miss Nutrition 2018.

Krystel: The most awaited moment which everyone enthusiastically had been looking

forward have finally come, the coronation ceremonies of Mr. And Miss Nutrition 2018.

Katrina: Today, we will also witness the oath taking ceremony of the newly elected GPTA Officers

and to announce the lucky winners in Cook fest held on July 25, 2018

Krystel: To formally start the program, may we all rise for the singing of the National Anthem to be

conducted by _________________ and to be followed by a Prayer by _____________

Katrina: To set the tone, may we listen to our Barangay Captain honorable Ely C. Pugal as he

deliver his welcome address.

Krystel: And now ladies and gentlemen, the most awaited moment, the marching of the royal family with

the royal bearers.

Royal Sash Bearer -WAYNARD. RATCHO

Royal Lei Bearer -NYGEL IFURUNG
Royal Trophy Bearers -FRENZ JAY TALANIA
Royal Scepter Bearer -HANNAH BRACEROS
Royal Cape Bearer -ELDRICHJ R. DELA ROSA
Royal Crown Bearer - FREDELYN ULITA

Katrina: And for our Prince and Princesses, First on the line is the 2nd prince_________________________
Katrina: 2nd princess is __________________________________________________________________________

Krystel: 1st prince is __________________________________________________________________________

Krystel: 1st princess is ________________________________________________________________________

Katrina: Mr. Nutrition 2018 is King _____________________________________________________________

Katrinal: Miss Nutrition 2018 is Queen __________________________________________________________
Krystel: May we all rise to give honor to King__________ and Queen __________________
Katrina: Please be seated. (giving of accessories)


2nd prince:

To pin the sash of the 2nd prince is___________________________________________________________________________

To Put on the lei of the 2nd prince is __________________________________________________________________________
To hand on the trophy of the 2nd prince is _____________________________________________________________________

2nd Princess:

To pin the sash of the 2nd princess is ____________________________________________________________________________

To pin the corsage of the 2nd princess is _________________________________________________________________________
To hand on the trophy of the 2nd princess is_____________________________________________________________________

1st prince:

To pin the sash of love to 1st prince is __________________________________________________________________________

To put on the lei of the 1st prince_____________________________________________________________________________
To hand on the trophy of the 1st prince is ______________________________________________________________________

1st Princess:

To pin the sash of the 1st princess is ____________________________________________________________________________

To pin the corsage of the 1st princess is __________________________________________________________________________
To hand on the trophy of the 1st prince is ________________________________________________________________________


To pin the sash to king Gian Kircy is ____________________________________________________________________________

To put on the lei to king Gian Kircy is __________________________________________________________________________
To don the robe to king Gian Kircy is __________________________________________________________________________

To put on the cloak to King Gian Kircy is ________________________________________________________________________

To Put on the crown of victory to king Gian Kircy is _______________________________________________________________
To hand on the scepter to King Gian Kircy is _____________________________________________________________________
To award the trophy of triumph to King Gian Kircy is ______________________________________________________________


To pin the sash to Queen Shanea Nicole is __________________________________________________________________

To pin the corsage to Queen Shanea Nicole is _______________________________________________________________
To don the robe of security to queen Princess Irish is ________________________________________________________

To put on the cloak to queen Shanea Nicole is______________________________________________________________

To put on the crown to Queen Shanea Nicole is ____________________________________________________________

To hand on the scepter to Queen Shanea Nicole is_______________________________________________________________

To hand on the bouquet to Queen Shanea Nicole is _____________________________________________________________
To award the trophy to Queen Shanea Nicole is ________________________________________________________________

Katrina: At this juncture, let us now here a message from our coronator ______________________________________
Krystel: Thank you __________ for that overwhelming message.

The long wait is over. May I call on our school nutrition coordinator Ma’am Helen Grace Ursulum to

announce the winners in Cook fest held on July 25, 2018.

Katrina: Congratulations winners!

And now may we hear the word of thanks by Mr. Randy V. Medrano, Master Teacher 1 / OIC

Krystel: Ladies and gentlemen, May we now witness the royal family in their kingdom visit.

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