Group Members: MCQ'S LECTURE# 23 &25

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Subject : Economic Growth


Group Members

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Choose the correct option

1. If technology already exist in the leading country it will be
a) expensive
b) No effect
c) Less expenive
d) None of these

2. What would be result when “cost of coping “falls as technology between two countries.
a) increase
b) decrease
c) no effect
d) both a and b

3. if gap in technology were infinitely large then imitation would be

a) costly
b) costless
c) both a and b
d) none of these

4. if country one growing faster than country two technology gap between them would be
a) infinite smaller
b) infinite larger
c) no gap
d) none of these
5. if country 1 and 2 grow at same rate & country 2 devotes less effort the country 1 tell the
technology effect between them
a) country 1 have lower cost of technology than 2
b) country 2 have less cost of technology than 1
c) no result
d) None of these

6. Adding new technologies of development is term as

a) Growth rate
b) Human development
c) Cutting edge
d) None of these

7. The most significant turning point in the history of technological progress was that
a) Industrial revolution
b) Labor per capita
c) Production per capita
d) Great depression
8. The era of industrial Revolution was
a) Between 1760 to 1830 British
b) From 1740 to 1820
c) From 1840 1930

9. Who invented the light bulb

a) J.J. Thomson
b) Chedwick
c) Both a and b
d) Thomas edison

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