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The three main characteristics of evaluating instruments are: Objectivity,

rellability and validity
2. Teaching efficiency and degree to which changes are brought about among
learners is affected by the organization of: Learning experiences
3. Continuity sequence and integration are the…..for organization Criteria
4. ……….goes one step ahead of continuity. Sequence
5. The organization of LE affects the teaching……… Efficiency
6. ……… enables students to get an increasingly unified view. Learning
7. Organization is viewed by the experts in education. Logical
8. Learning experience must enable students to gain ……….. While learning
desired behavior, as per objectives. Satisfaction
9. Information in itself is of no value as a …. End
10. Learning experience is: The interaction b/w learner & external conditions in
environment to which one (learner) can react.
11. Achieving …. Is difficult if organizing structure is in specific pieces.
12. Ghayle’s peocess of development is divided into : 5 parts
13. ………..organization demands course to be organized over a period of years
in larger units and a large framework. Vertical
14. The curriculum does not need to provide a: Certain limited and prescribed
set of LEs to assure attainment of desired objectives
15. …….. Create problems and vertical organization is impossible to attain.
Discrete lessons
16. ………curriculum poses less difficulty in achieving integration with regard
to interposition of boundaries between subjects. Core
17. Continuity, sequence and integration are the …….for organization. Criteria
18. The book titled ‘peer instruction’ is written by Eric Mazur
19. Structural elements exist at…….levels of organization. Three
20. Opportunity to practice satisfying desired reactions and range of possibility
multiplicity of learning experiences, learning experiences and multiplicity of
outcomes; are principles for the selection of: Learning experiences
21. There are ….types of organization in curriculum development. Two
22. A tendency to react even though the reaction does not actually take place
is………… Attitude
23. Logical thinking involves: The arrangements of assumptions premises &

24. ……….will lesson chances of rote memorization. Acquiring of information

and learning to solve problems
25. Many learning experiences can be used to attain a: Particular objective
26. ………..chart is useful to select learning experiences. Two dimensional
27. If the objectives are clear and provide guidance for future lesson plan
Content aspect
28. Experiences that meet criteria for effective learning can be used for the
achievement of ……… Desired objectives
29. While defining LEs to develop interest it should be ensured Learning
experience are satisfying for the target group of students
30. The relationship of learning experiences is termed as horizontal when it is
from One subject area to another subject in same grade
31. Achieving …….is difficult if organizing structure is specific pieces.
32. The three main characteristics of evaluating instrument are : objectivity,
reliability and validity
33. There are ….types of organization in curriculum development. Two
34. ……..curriculum poses less difficulty in achieving integration with regard
the interposition of boundaries between subjects. Core
35. Thinking can be inductive , deductive and ……..logical
36. ……provide a broad analysis of social situations to develop desired
attitudes. Experiences
37. LE should be appropriate to the…present attainments and predispositions.
38. ………is alternative solution to problem. Hypotheses

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