Appendix E Questionnaire in English Patan Academy of Health Sciences Lalitpur Nursing Campus Sanepa, Lalitpur

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Appendix E

Questionnaire in English
Patan Academy of Health Sciences
Lalitpur Nursing campus
Sanepa, Lalitpur

Interview Schedule
Study Title: Covid-19 related food beliefs and practices among adults of selected community of

Objectives: To explore the existing Covid-19 related food beliefs and practices among adults of
Pairadhara community

Instructions: The tools were consists of three parts

Part I was consists of questions related to socio-demographic and obstetric information
Part II was consists of questions related to food beliefs
Part III was consists of questions related to food practices

The researcher will ask question to adult age group of 20-60 years residing at Pairadhara -16.
The researcher will tick in a box corresponding to a given option or write in blank space. It will
take 25-30 minutes. The obtained information will be used for study purpose only and will be
used confidential.
Code no: 1 2 3 4
Date of interview:

Part I
“Question related to Socio-demographic information”
Personal data
1. Age in completed years;
2. Sex
Female Male

3. Hometown Province
4. Current employment (Occupation)
Unemployed Retiree
Government job Private job

5. Educational level
No education Primary education
Secondary education +2
Bachelor Masters

6. Socio-economic conditions
7. Source of information
Television Newspaper
Radio Social media

Part II
“Questionnaire related to food beliefs”
1. In your opinion which type of food should be taken during Covid-19?
a) Non-Vegetarian diet (meat, eggs, fish)
b) Vegetarian diet (Vegetables and fruits)
c) Vitamins and minerals (Vitamins B-12, C, D; zinc; omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants)
d) Spices (Garlic, Clove, Cumin, Turmeric, Coriander)

2. Which foods do you think that should not be taken during Covid-19? (Multiple response)
a) Milk e) Bakery foods
b) Meat f) Alcohol
c) Eggs g) Junk foods
d) Fish

3. Do you think you should take any special food to prevent Covid-19?
Yes ………………………. if yes, go to question no. 4
No ……………………… if no, go to question no. 6

4. Which of the following are special foods you think can prevent Covid-19?
(Multiple response)
a) Turmeric f) Fresh fruits
b) Garlic g) Warm water
c) Ginger h) Herbal Tea
d) Lemon i) Alcohol
e) Fresh vegetables j) Meat
If any other specify…………………………………………………….

5. Why do you think these foods are taken during Covid-19? (Multiple response)
a) To prevent Covid-19 pandemic
b) To cope with Covid-19 pandemic
c) To boost immunity
d) To enhance health
If any other specify………………………………………………………….

6. Do you believe that vegetarian diet should be taken during Covid-19 pandemic?
a) Yes if yes, go to question no. 7
b) No if no, go to question no. 8

7. Why do you think it should be taken during Covid-19 pandemic? (Multiple Response)
a) To maintain healthy physiques
b) It supports the immune system
c) To prevent Covid-19
d) To fight with Covid-19
If any other specify………………………………….

8. Why do you think it should not be taken during Covid-19 pandemic? (Multiple
a) It is hard to meet nutritional needs
b) It is hard to get enough protein and vitamin especially vitamin B12
c) Might require the use a supplement
If any other specify………………………………….

9. Do you believe that non-vegetarian diet should be taken during Covid-19 pandemic?
a) Yes if yes, go to question no. 10
b) No if no, go to question no. 11

10. Why do you think it should be taken during Covid-19 pandemic? (Multiple Response)
a) Provide a good source of protein, vitamins and iron
b) To lower risk of Covid-19
c) For stronger immune systems
d) It is highly nutritious
If any other specify………………………………….

11. Why do you think it should not be taken during Covid-19 pandemic? (Multiple
a) Meat is a main source of Coronavirus.
b) Difficult to purchase from market during Covid-19 pandemic
If any other specify………………………………….

12. Do you think drinking warm water or enough water can prevent Covid-19?
a. Yes
b. No

Part III
“Questionnaire related to food practice”
1. What kind of foods are you taking to prevent Covid-19 infections?

2. How many times did you take food in a day during pandemic period?

3. Are you taking any nutritional supplements to prevent Covid-19?

4. From where you get information about these foods?

5. Which type of foods did you avoid to prevent Covid-19? (Multiple response)
Turmeric Basil
Cumin Cinnamon
Coriander Black pepper
Garlic Ginger

Vegetarian diets
Vegetables fruits
Legumes nuts

Non-vegetarian diets
Meat fish
Egg chicken soup

Dairy products
Milk cheese
Ice-cream ghee

Warm water lemon water
Turmeric milk alcohol
Vinegar fresh juice

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