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Fill in the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives.



Pick the correct sentence.

a. The more amazing thing just happened to me!
b. The most amazing thing just happened to me!
c. The amazingest thing just happened to me!
a. He’s a lot taller than you.
b. He’s a lot taller you.
c. He's a lot taller from you.
a. She’s worst than me at maths.
b. She’s worse than me at maths.
c. She’s more bad than me at maths.
a. He’s the most good in the team at goal scoring.
b. He’s the best in the team at goal scoring.
c. He’s best in the team at goal scoring.

a. This pizza isn’t as good as Alfie’s.
b. This pizza isn’t as good Alfie’s.
c. This pizza isn’t as best Alfie’s.
a. It’s frighteninger if you look down.
b. It’s more frightening if you look down.
c. It’s the frightening if you look down.
a. Where’s the most cheap place to eat?
b. Where’s the more cheap place to eat?
c. Where’s the cheapest place to eat?
a. I’ve been running a lot. I think I’m faster now.
b. I’ve been running a lot. I think I’m more fast now.
c. I’ve been running a lot. I think I’m more faster now.

Complete the sentences. Use a comparative (-er or more) or a superlative (-est or most).

1. We stayed at the _______________ hotel in the town. (cheap)

2. Our hotel was _______________ than all the others in the town. (cheap)
3. The United States of America is large but Canada is _______________. (large)
4. What's _______________ canal in the world? (long)
5. He looked a bit sad yesterday but he looks _______________ today. (happy)
6. It was a terrible journey. It was _______________ journey of my life. (bad)
7. Ali, can you tell me what is _______________ sport in your country? (popular)
8. Everest is _______________ mountain in the world. (high)
9. We had a great holiday. It was one of _______________ holidays we've ever had.
10. I prefer this bed to the other one. It's _______________. (comfortable)
11. What's _______________ way of getting from here to the station? (quick)
12. Mr. and Mrs. Murphy have got four daughters. _______________ is 14. (old)
13. Mary speaks _______________ than Max does. (fast)
14. Mike played _______________ than any other player on the team. (good)
15. Of all the students in the class, James studied the _______________. (hard)
16. Mark walked _______________ in one hour than Steve did in three hours. (far)
17. She is the _______________ dancer in all the class. (good)
18. You need to try _______________ next time. (hard)
19. Cassie goes to bed _______________ than anyone I know. (early)
20. Ben drives _______________ than he used to. (carefully)
21. Jack is _______________ runner out of all the people I know. (fast)
22. I prefer _______________ temperatures that's why I love summer. (hot)

Write comparative and superlative sentences with the following prompts:

adjective Information 1 Information 2

cold Russia/ temperature/ 10 degrees all the world
below zero
warm Ecuador/ temperature/ 40 degrees Argentina/ temperature/ 36
high Everest/ height/ 8,8 meters Aconcagua/ height/ 6,9 meters
old Emily/ 17 years old Anna/ 16 years old
small Bala/ town/ 1,974 inhabitants Fishguard/ town/ 3,419
tall Christopher/ height/ 1,93 meters Hans/ height/ 1,89 meters
deep Atlantic ocean/ depth/ 3,646 meters Pacific ocean/ depth/ 4,280
long Amazon river/ length/ 6,992 all the world

1. __________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________
6. __________________________________________________________
7. __________________________________________________________
8. __________________________________________________________

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