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Spring 2017 Newsletter

After an action packed 2016 here at the Centre we have already made some
fantastic inroads to build on our success.

2016 saw us absolutely smash our fundraising targets thanks to the hard work
of Lynne and everyone who volunteered or helped us fundraise by running
marathons, baking goods, knitting, singing and lots of other things. This year we
aim to beat that again as we have a lot of work to do around our Centre and in
the wider community to support people with a sensory condition.

You'll find lots of updates and information on upcoming events and how you can
support us below. We hope you find it interesting and remember, you can
always get more news and information from our social media pages Twitter,
Facebook (@FVSensoryCentre) and Website at

ContactSCOTLAND Comes to the Centre

Our BSL users may be aware of the ContactSCOTLAND service, a special,
online scheme which allows BSL users to speak with hearing people in the
public or third sector.

The BSL user makes a video

call online to sign their
request to a trained
interpreter. This person then
passes these instructions
down the phone to the
organisation the BSL users wishes to contact, and also signs the responses.
This is a much more effective way of reaching public sector organisations, like
Local Councils or GP surgeries because there is no need to wait for an
interpreter to be present, the whole conversation is immediate.

At present ContactSCOTLAND is available online and also through an App on

Apple and Android devices. For those not sure about doing this or without
internet access at home, the Centre has now installed the ContactSCOTLAND
App on our mini iPads.

Centre Manager Jacquie Winning explained:

"We still get lots of BSL Users who receive letters from public organisations
which require a swift response. For most people a simple phone call will do but
for a BSL User who is deaf or hard of hearing, this isn't as simple. The
ContactSCOTLAND service changes that and here at the Centre we can
provide instructions on how to use the service as well as private space in order
to discuss personal matters with the relevant authority."
ContactSCOTLAND is available seven days a week from 8am until midnight.
For more information and to see a list of public bodies using the service, please

New Look Café

Thanks to our partners at TSB, Arthur McKay and MITIE, plus the donation of
some new tables from the Our Place Café in Stirling, we are hopeful that we will
soon have a fresh new look for our Café.

The colours are yet to

be determined and
information on this will
be place online and in
the Centre for
consultation. However,
the move to smaller,
more modular tables
seems to have proven popular with the Café now able to seat more customers
at tables on their own where previously, potential customers have walked away
when they cannot see or find a vacant table.

In addition we are also hopeful our waiting/reception area will get a similar
makeover. We hope to get new information available and some new chairs to
make our Centre look as welcoming as we know it is!

Look out for more on this in the next few months.

Garden designs taking shape

As you will probably be aware, the Centre found out just before Christmas that
we had received the most votes in the Tesco Bags of Help initiative for Falkirk!
As a result, we have been awarded £12,000 funding.
We have hired a local garden design firm, Vialli, experts in sensory and
community gardens, to come up with a new plan for our much loved garden.
We are also hoping to secure additional funds from Falkirk Environment Trust,
one of the original backers of the garden when it was first built. These additional
funds will allow significant changes to be made to the garden which will benefit
not only the Centre Users but the wider community which the garden was
created for.

This work also has the backing of the Lord Provost, Pat Reid who is supporting
our bid through the Lord Provost fund.

We are planning to hold an information/feedback event on 10th March from

11am-1pm in the halls. This will give Centre Users the chance to look over
some of the ideas before we go ahead with the project. All welcome, this will be
an informal drop-in session.

Fundraising Update

New Fundraising Group

In order to make our fundraising really count, we want to be sure we are getting
money for things that our Centre Users really want to see. To help, we have set
up a new fundraising group who will work alongside our fundraising co-
ordinator, Lynne Frail, in order to put on regular fun events and help get funds
for specific groups and projects.

We invite representatives of all our different groups and communities who use
the Centre. If you are interested in becoming part of the group or want to
suggest ideas, please speak to Lynne.
Latest Donations
We recently supported the Celebration Food Event at Camelon Centre following
a £400 award from the Community Cooking Activity Grant. NHS staff will
provide training to centre staff and volunteers on healthy meals and kitchen
safety while Centre volunteers Linda and Morag made platters of sandwiches
and fruit for the community event.

Next Home Store have donated fabrics for the Centre's arts/crafts group and
there is a potential for Centre staff to provide some sighted guide and hearing
awareness training to store staff in the future. This is a great result for the
Centre as it shows more and more businesses are considering their sensory

Finally, Asda in Falkirk Town Centre will be donating £200 following their
'green token' vote. Similar to the Bags of Help initiative, customers are asked to
vote for a favourite charity with green tokens given out with each transaction.
Thanks to everyone who voted for us!

Volunteering at the Centre

New bus drivers

Sadly having reached the age of 70, both our long serving and popular bus
drivers, John and Henry are stepping down from the role after eight, long years.
However, we know how important the bus is to many of our Centre Users and
thanks to an appeal in the local media, we now have three new drivers, Alan,
David and John (a different one!) will all be taking over the duties following a
training period.

You will still see John and Henry around, they will still be helping out the new
drivers, getting to know people and routes so do given them a big welcome to
the Centre.
Café gets a boost
We also have two new volunteers starting in our Café. Andy Welch has already
started his shifts while Sarah Mundy is expected to join him in March.

Once again, these are people giving up their precious time for free to help your
Centre run smoother and deliver the best service. They will be a big help to
Sara our Café Manager and some of you may have noticed a few new menu
items being tried out.

We have been serving some very popular fishcakes and a number of different
menu items are being experimented with. All within our Healthy Living Award
remit of course! For those who do fancy a treat though, you can regularly get
home baking courtesy of Linda and Erin plus our very own Cafe volunteer Lee
has been making delicious scones for everyone. Thanks a lot guys!

Do come along and try them out along with our range of tray bakes.
Speaking of thanks...
Several of our younger volunteers were recently treated to a bowling trip
courtesy of the Centre, just to say thank you for all their hard work. We have a
number of other young volunteers who are not present here who also come in
during the week, taking time out from school to help us with all manner of

Their work might not be as obvious as serving in the Café but it does make a
real difference to your Centre. If you or someone you know would be interested
in volunteering with the Centre, please contact Vicki Ferguson for more
information on how you can get involved.

Image shows Emily, Abi, Hannah, Stephen, Volunteer Co-Ordinator Vicki, Erin
and Christie
Dates for the Diary

Upcoming Fundraisers

Donate a new 12-sided £1 coin to the

Launch date 28th March, 2017
Why not get your picture posted on the
Centre’s Facebook Page donating your new
£1 coin? Image shows the new coin laid
side on.

Springtime Afternoon Tea £10.00 per ticket

Includes Ladies Fashion Show & shopping stalls
30th April 2017 from 1pm – 4pm

Ladies Pamper Evening £10.00 per ticket

On arrival: glass of Prosecco/Orange Juice. Plus taster sessions: Indian head
massage, hand and arm massage, manicures, yoga and much more!
19th May 2017 from 7pm – 11pm

Grangemouth Charity Shop

17th July – 22 July 2017
Incredibly successful last year, we are
pleased to have this opportunity once again.
Watch out for details on how you can get
involved and how you can donate unwanted
items. Image shows volunteers (and fire
service personnel) outside the shop last
Plus, bag packing events Tesco, Asda and Morrisons!
(Dates and times to follow. Watch our website and social media for more

Groups and Classes

As always, Group Co-Ordinator Brenda has been busy putting together a wide
range of activities. The Centre is busier than ever, with lots of new groups and
activities starting thanks to your input. Do speak to Brenda if there are activities,
trips or events you would like to see at the Centre.

Below is an outline of some of our latest groups but remember, we still have lots
of other meetings and events that are fixtures on our calendar from our Blind
and Partially Sighted Group in Stirling to our BSL OAP group or Play and
Chat here at the Centre. There is something for everyone and all ages.

New Carer's Wellbeing Group

Carers in the Falkirk area who look after a friend, relative or neighbours are still
able to join in a new wellbeing Cafe and support session here at the Centre.

A partnership between Forth Valley Sensory Centre and Falkirk &

Clackmannanshire Carers Centre, the programme of health and wellbeing
workshops have already benefitted those who have attended and the group is
still accepting new applicants for the moment.

Further groups will be set up throughout the year and importantly, carers are
able to bring along their cared for people on the day with activities being
provided by Forth Valley Sensory Centre. The groups are separated on arrival
to take part in different activities and training but meet up again for a healthy,
free lunch provided by Centre staff.

Feedback from previous course attendees has been really positive:

“Very enjoyable, nice to hear how other people feel and hear about how other
people cope. Strongly urge other carers to attend.”

“Excellent friendly sessions. Now more aware of what help when I require it is
available. Very relaxed sessions and interesting and very pleased we have
come to each one. Very helpful.”

Transport may be available for those who need it. Meetings start at 12pm each
Thursday and are planned to finish at 2:30pm. Anyone interested in attending or
finding out more about the programme can contact Rebecca Fowler at the
Carers Centre on 01324 611510 or Brenda Whyte on 01324 590 888.

Knit and Natter

This new group started 13th February and has already had to have the time
extended from one hour to 90 minutes thanks to the positive feedback from
those attending. BSL interpreters are on hand so whether it is knitting or
crochet, feel free to come along. Instructions given but do bring your own
needles and materials though! Group meets fortnightly on Monday so the next
dates will be: 13th and 27th March then 10th and 24th April. Group starts
12:30pm and finishes at 2pm.

Short Tennis
Another new group which has had the frequency increased at the request of
attendees. Originally beginning on 10th February for adults, and planned to be
monthly, the group will now be fortnightly, meeting each Friday 1pm-2pm.

A under 16's group began on Saturday 25th February 3pm-4pm. A great

addition to the Centre and gets our doors open on a weekend! Both classes are
for complete beginners so come along and have some fun and learn a new skill.
Cost is just £3 and you will be coached by our professional, Hannah Pickford.
The cost is subsidised by The Dan Maskell Tennis Trust who support access to
tennis for people with a disability.
New Deaf Club
Our new Monday deaf club set up by Lynne Frail is another recent success
story. This is a drop-in social group meeting at 7pm every few weeks on
Monday nights. The Café is open for drinks and there is a minimal cost of £1 to

Activities, such as line dancing with Helen Bang, have also been arranged at an
additional £1 cost. There is lots more to come from this group which is very
much being directed by the group members. If there is an activity you would like
to try, come along and get involved. Next meetings are:
20th March
10th April
15th May
19th June
Other Events/Activities
Braveheart Walks
Following an incredibly successful trial at the end of last year, we are delighted
to announce the our first Braveheart Walk starting and finishing at the Centre on
28th February. There is hope that this will be followed by more but, we are
happy to support Centre Users on the existing planned walks in the local area.

All walk leaders have sighted guide training and most walks provide gentle
exercise and a chance to get our in a safe environment. See the Braveheart
website for details of upcoming walks
( Centre Users can
be met at the Centre and escorted to a bus at the Camelon Education Centre
for walks in different locations.

Image shows walkers on the practice walk from the Centre in 2016
Are you Pensionwise?
Free information sessions being held at the Centre to understand upcoming
changes to pension rules and how to make the most of your pension.

Information is provided by Citizen's Advice Scotland and DWP so no hard sell,

just impartial advice. Sessions Friday 3rd March 11am and 1pm and Tuesday
14th March at 2pm.

MSP Visit/Information event

Alison Harris, MSP for Central Scotland is coming to visit the Centre on Friday
10 March to find out more about what we do. Alison will be given a tour of the
Centre and then she will be available to meet with Centre Users from 10:15 –

On the same day, we should also have some initial plans for the new Sensory
Garden from the garden designer, Vialli which we can display and describe on
the day. This will be a drop in session between 11am and 1pm so do come
along, find out more about the plans and give us your thoughts!

Volunteer and Fundraisers Thank You Event

April 25th 1- 3pm . Invitations and more information to follow very
soon. Chance to celebrate all that the volunteers and fundraisers are doing for
your Centre. This promises to be a very special occasion so please, if you are
one of those people who help keep our doors open, look for your invitation
A Letter from Appin - Jim McLean

Some of our longer term readers may remember Jim’s earlier travel pieces. We
are delighted to have Jim, who is partially sighted, back writing for us. Please
enjoy “A Letter From Appin”.

Where I hear you ask? Appin is an area up the coast from Oban, Clan Stewart
country but I am getting a wee bit ahead of myself. Earlier this year I stayed for
a few days in the Lochnell Arms Hotel just over the Connel Bridge on the Fort
William side.

Train to Glasgow thence to North Connel station and a wee walk over the
bridge, now if you walk across the bridge you will see two fantastic views from
either side. On one side is Loch Etive a sea loch extending for miles inland and
the other side Loch Linnhe going way up on the right to Fort William and also
heading out to sea on the left. Honestly breath-taking on a clear sunny day
which for lucky Jim it was.

Not only that but under the bridge

are the falls of Lora…no not Laura
as in our own Laura Cluxton! It isn’t
a long drop but it is where one loch
empties into the other so when the
tide is going out that is when Loch
Etive is draining the whirlpools directly under the bridge are truly spectacular.

I got myself checked in and out for a walk, found the path hugging the coast on
the other side of Oban airport, yup airport, and walked along the shore of
Ardmucknish Bay towards Ledaig caravan site looking up towards town of
Now an old railway line used to be here and it took slates from Ballachulish
quarry down to Oban to be shifted all over the world and a lot of is now the
Caledonian way cycle and walking route which has fantastic views along the
coast. Maybe some of us saw Cameron McNish cycling it on telly? And it was
watching that which inspired me to come here. It was getting late now so I
headed back for me dinner, well a man’s gotta eat eh…an drink!

I’d googled the next day’s outing so it was up early for me brekky to catch the
bus from Oban going to Fort William. Terrific road to be on a bus on with great
coastal views most of the way and skirting Loch Creran and passing the
Creagan inn which has wonderful views from the decking outside and nice food,
I speak from a later experience!

I got off at the wee hamlet of Appin, and found the cycle path as I wanted to see
Castle Stalker. This whole area is steeped in history, clan versus clan, highland
clearances which led to the famous Appin murder, google that.

The path is just great to daunder along

listening to the birds and enjoying the
views. I came across a footbridge joining
both sides of a tidal estuary, this allowed
folk to attend church and was built, if I
remember correctly to commemorate
Queen Victoria’s diamond jubilee but fell
into disrepair and was upgraded some years ago.

I stood on it for a while taking in the views then continued along to find the
castle I’d only ever glimpsed before. The castle is a tower which sits on a wee
island maybe 500 yards offshore and it is in the most wonderful setting. I got
blethering to four young lads one of whom was flying a drone out to the castle
and streaming video back to his phone, now I want one for Christmas, and I’m
no kiddin’.
Next day it was back to Appin to walk
to Port Appin then North Shian and
back to the main road, about 10 miles
or so on a lovely day. Port Appin is a
wee gem with ripper views over to the
isle of Lismore. I knew that when I got
back to the main road there wasn’t a
bus for hours, so out goes me thumb
and I got lift from nice woman who told me stories of wartime gun
emplacements along the coast here and one about a ship sinking just offshore
that during the war was taking thoroughbred race horses to America, some
horses were rescued and used by local farmers to pull their ploughs!

Last morning and big

brekky to fortify me for
the journey home,
said me goodbyes,
yes I paid the bill! And
walked back over the
bridge and stopped to
admire the views once
more and…missed
the train. It’s a man thing, next train in five hours or so your intrepid wanderer
goes down to the main road and stuck me thumb out, guess what, after 20 mins
a car stopped and I got lift to…Glasgow! I figure I got back into Queen Street
about the same time as the train I missed, lucky Jim.

Just in case anyone is thinking I make this stuff up, go onto YouTube, type in
Appin etc and you will find a film I made of the trip, apologies now for
derogatory name calling of Clan Stewart!
Cooking with David

You might have noticed a wee video online recently from the BBC featuring our
own David Black and Peter Wilson, all about how their great teamwork is and
how they deliver top notch, healthy food each day in the Centre.

Peter Wilson and David Black on the BBC website.

A particular favourite are the various soups and here, we share the recipe for
Potato and Leek Soup:

30g/1oz butter/margarine
2/3 large potatoes, peeled and diced
1 large leek, roughly chopped
900ml chicken stock (swap for vegetable if you want to make this vegitarian)
55ml/2fl oz milk/cream
2 teaspoons fresh/dried parsley

1. Gently melt the butter/margarine in a medium non-stick saucepan and sauté
the potato and leeks for 3-4 minutes.
2. Pour in the chicken stock, bring to the boil and then reduce the heat and
simmer for 10-12 minutes or until the potato is soft.
3. Stir the milk/cream and parsley into the soup and then remove from the heat.
Transfer to a serving dish.

Serve with a crusty roll if desired. This will make about ten portions so for a
family of four, a couple of days supply. Soup should be eaten hot or placed in
the fridge for the next day in an airtight container. Make sure it is thoroughly
heated through before eating and consume within 24 hours.

Thanks for reading our newsletter, we hope you enjoyed it! Please feel free to
pass on copies to friends or relatives!

Electronic versions can also be downloaded from our website where there is an
archive of past issues.

If you have any feedback on this edition, or if there is a news story you would
like to see or an item you want to promote, please contact Martin Allen,
Partnership and Publicity Manager at the Centre

We are always keen to hear your news and views which can help us spread the
word about the good work done at your Centre.

Copyright © 2017 Forth Valley Sensory Centre. All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

Forth valley Sensory Centre
Redbrae Road

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