Madonna Diero

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Madonna Diero

The heart of peace is the peace of heart

Living in this world that pestilence, cruelty and intolerance still predominant in our
society. Fr. Roberto Layson laid two accounts pertaining to Human Fraternity as a
solution to imminent threats that still prevalent in this world. In the account of Pope
Francis, we should plant the seeds of peace. Work collaboratively to accomplish a
common goal which is “fraternity”. We are all brothers and sisters of God, whatever
denominations we may come from, we need to work together to foster a relationship
with happiness, fulfilment, compassion, tolerance, understanding and respect. The
premise is to gradually eliminate the barrier that divides us and arrive to a common
understanding. Our unity is what makes this world a better one, where we could belong
and be safe. We need to educate others in order to eliminate the preconceived notions
and misconceptions of other religion among other religion. To be honest there is still
biases and prejudices that exist and some aren’t fully convinced to the whole dialogue
movement. As a representative of this generation and to the future generation to come,
we need to be educated and at our best interests to eliminate the social ills of the
society. There are 4 dialogues that are emphasized, the dialogue of life where we share
our common experience with our respective lives. The joys and the sorrows we
experience along our journey resonate with every human being for we all have
experienced happiness and frustrations. The dialogue of action entails that our
collaboration and efforts will actualize our goals towards peace. Theological exchange
lets us dive and seek for deepen understanding towards other denominations. Lastly,
our religious experience on which it will enrich the wisdom and knowledge we have, to
grasp a fuller and tolerant understanding about others.
Madonna Diero

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you,
you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples,
if you have love for one another.

- John 13:34-35
I have learned that interreligious dialogue is a challenging process by which believers of
conflicting religious traditions encounter each other, in order to break down the walls of
division that stand at the center of most wars and we must develop the value of human
fraternity. The goal of interreligious dialogue is harmony and peace. As Reverend Jeric
explicated on his speech, he spoke about the importance of dialogue which in Latin
means “through meaning”. To find interrelations that is full of meaning, understanding
and love. It is man’s prerogative to foster those values by forging human fraternity
amongst everyone. We are all brothers and sisters and we are all sons of God.
According to Rev. Jeric to achieve peace, we need mutual empowerment. The goals
that is set forth in order realize that we all have similar goals to preserve and protect
everyone from oppression, intolerance, biases and prejudices. Self-awareness is also a
key theme in Rev. Jerics’ talk, that we indeed need to subject ourselves into self-
criticism in order to now the flaws and the good side of one possesses. It helps us to
assess ourselves and to really achieve discernment this enables us to gain deeper and
contemplative knowledge and wisdom. As Christians living alongside with our Muslim
brothers, IP’s, fellow Christians, Buddhist, Hindus and other more, we need to build a
structure so strong that can withstand the odds thrown. As we collaborate with others,
we learn from them. As we learn, we really need to understand and know their values
especially to our Muslim brothers that we stigmatize as barbaric and ruthless. These
notions must be eradicated and be condemned. That why education is really needed in
order to stabilize and eradicate these biases and prejudices we have.
Madonna Diero

"No human life together without a world ethic for the nations. No peace among the
nations without peace among the religions. No peace among the religions without
dialogue among the religions.”

Hans Kung

There are a lot of prejudices and biases that exists with our Muslim brothers and sisters.
The stigma still circulates and it adversely affects the living of our Muslim brothers.
There still exists a stigma that brand them as barbaric and terrorists, which is downright
unjust, whether we like it or not it is still a prevailing flaw in our society. We need to
reflect and understand their feelings and present conditions that they are in. It does not
only happen to our Muslim brothers but to whole other religions. There are recorded
data of violence and war that the root cause is religious indifferences. Peace will be
attained if we put ourselves in the shoes of others, truly knowing what they feel and it is
also necessary to immersed ourselves with their religious practices to gain a better
understanding and to foster mutual respect. We are indeed living with a Pluralistic
society wherein our views, beliefs and practices may differ. Religious differences once
have been a tool of tensions and conflicts. Back in the day, religion has driven great
wars. At this day and age we need to put a lot of effort to prove that nowadays that
religion must be a part of the solution, not part of the problem. Our present condition,
especially on the talks about religion, there is still a lot of work to do. If we keep an open
mind and a tolerant heart, we can achieve peace that we long for. That behind those
differences lies the one heart, the one goal and the one mind. We must not look at
where we are different but look into what makes us alike for that what makes us
humane. We need to embrace the given reality and turn these bad habits to a virtue.
Turn your suspicion to trust, intolerance into respect and appreciation, exclusivity to
inclusivity, and our indifference into empathy. 1 st week of February is our World
Interfaith Harmony week and we should participate in this advocacy for the fulfilment
and betterment of this functioning society.

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