2013 Efectos en La Musculatura Flexora Cervical Profunda

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Enrique Lluch, PT, a Maria Dolores Arguisuelas, PT, b Pablo S. Coloma, PT, b Francisco Palma, PT, b
Alejandro Rey, PT, b and Deborah Falla, PT, PhD c


Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of a low-load training program for the deep cervical
flexors (DCFs) on pain, disability, and pressure pain threshold (PPT) over cervical myofascial trigger points (MTrPs)
in patients with chronic neck pain.
Methods: Thirty patients with chronic idiopathic neck pain participated in a 6-week program of specific training for
the DCF, which consisted of active craniocervical flexion performed twice per day (10-20 minutes) for the duration of
the trial. Perceived pain and disability (Neck Disability Index, 0-50) and PPT over MTrPs of the upper trapezius,
levator scapulae, and splenius capitis muscles were measured at the beginning and end of the training period.
Results: After completion of training, there was a significant reduction in Neck Disability Index values (before, 18.2 ±
12.1; after, 13.5 ± 10.6; P b .01). However, no significant changes in PPT were observed over the MTrPs.
Conclusion: Patients performing DCF training for 6 weeks demonstrated reductions in pain and disability but did not
show changes in pressure pain sensitivity over MTrPs in the splenius capitis, levator scapulae, or upper trapezius
muscles. (J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2013;36:604-611)
Key Indexing Terms: Neck Pain; Exercise; Neck Muscles; Trigger Points

t is estimated that 67% of the population will experience social impact 5; hence, appropriate management of neck pain

I neck pain at some point in their life, 1 with a higher

prevalence in women (22%) than in men (16%). 2 The
estimated annual prevalence of neck pain ranges between
to prevent the transition to chronicity has been established as
a priority in forums and debates. 6 This trend to chronicity can
be attributed in part to an inadequate recovery of cervical
30% and 50% of the adult population. 3 Neck pain tends to muscle function after a first episode of neck pain 7 especially
become chronic and recurrent; thus, it is not uncommon that considering that stability of the cervical spine largely depends
an individual experiences periods of remission and exacer- on adequate muscle control. 8
bation of symptoms after a first episode of neck pain. 4 These Patients with idiopathic and trauma-induced chronic neck
epidemiological data translate into a significant economic and pain show dysfunction of the deep cervical flexors (DCFs)
(longus colli and longus capitis). 9,10 Studies have confirmed
reduced strength and endurance of these muscles, 11,12 reduced
PhD student, Department of Physiotherapy, University of activation during a task of craniocervical flexion, 13 and delayed
Valencia, Valencia, Spain.
Lecturer/Researcher, Department of Physiotherapy, Universi- activation in response to postural perturbations. 14 Furthermore,
ty CEU Cardenal Herrera, Valencia, Spain. patients with higher reported levels of neck pain were shown to
Professor, Pain Clinic, Center for Anesthesiology, Emergency display the greatest dysfunction of the DCF muscles. 15
and Intensive Care Medicine, University Hospital Göttingen, Myofascial trigger points (MTrPs) are a clinical entity that
Göttingen, Germany. can contribute to neck pain. Indeed, the referred pain elicited
Submit requests for reprints to: Deborah Falla, PT, PhD,
Professor, Pain Clinic, Center for Anesthesiology, Emergency and by active MTrPs in the neck and shoulder muscles has been
Intensive Care Medicine University Hospital Göttingen, Robert- shown to contribute to symptoms of mechanical neck pain. 16
Koch-Str. 40 37075, Göttingen, Germany An MTrP is defined as a hyperirritable focus within a taut band
(e-mail: deborah.falla@bccn.uni-goettingen.de). of skeletal muscle that is painful on compression and that,
Paper submitted October 22, 2012; in revised form August 6, when stimulated (usually by compression, percussion, or
2013; accepted August 8, 2013.
0161-4754/$36.00 needling), can evoke a characteristic pattern of referred pain
Copyright © 2013 by National University of Health Sciences. and related autonomic phenomena. 17 In addition, the motor
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmpt.2013.08.004 behavior of a muscle with an MTrP may be altered in the form

Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Lluch et al 605
Volume 36, Number 9 Effects of Neck Training on Pressure Pain Thresholds

of muscular inhibition, increased fatigability, delayed relaxa- the training intervention applied in the current study in
tion after activation, 17 or alteration of its physiological motor randomized controlled trials. 19,26,27 The outcome measure-
recruitment pattern. 18 A previous study showed that the ments for the study were patient-reported levels of pain and
presence of latent MTrPs in the scapular rotator muscles disability rated on the NDI and PPT over active/latent
decreases the consistency of the motor activation pattern of this MTrPs of the upper trapezius, levator scapulae, and
muscle group while also affecting muscles more distal in the splenius capitis, bilaterally. All were assessed at baseline
upper limb chain. Moreover, treatment to remove latent MTrPs and in the week immediately after the 6-week intervention
normalized the motor activation pattern. 18 However, no period (week 7).
studies have investigated the effects of motor control training
on MTrPs. Although training of the DCF in patients with neck
pain has been shown to reduce pain and disability and enhance Procedure
the activation of the DCF, 19 whether this training can influence Patients were initially examined by a researcher who
the sensitivity of MTrPs in the superficial muscles of the neck assessed compliance with the inclusion and exclusion
is unknown. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to eva- criteria. In addition, demographic and anthropometric data
luate the effects of a specific low-load training program for the of each patient were recorded. Subjects who met the study
DCF on the pressure pain threshold (PPT) of MTrPs located in requirements completed the NDI and were then examined
selected superficial neck muscles as well as on perceived pain for the presence of active/latent MTrPs in the upper
and disability in patients with chronic neck pain. trapezius, levator scapulae, and splenius capitis muscles,
and PPT was measured at these points. Finally, the
craniocervical flexion test (CCFT) was carried out to
METHODS identify the starting level of exercise for each patient.
During week 7, measures of the NDI and PPT of the MTrPs
Participants were repeated.
Subjects between 18 and 60 years old with chronic
Neck Disability Index. The NDI questionnaire is a clinical
idiopathic neck pain were invited to participate in the study.
tool designed to assess perceived pain and disability in
Recruitment was performed by notices distributed in different
patients with neck pain. 20,28 It consists of a total of 10 items
universities and hospitals. Besides presenting with a history
each with 6 possible choices. The NDI is a valid, reliable,
of neck pain lasting 3 months or more over the last year,
and sensitive tool for measuring changes in pain and
subjects who were included in the study were required to have
disability in patients with neck pain. 28 This study used the
a score of 5/50 or higher in the Neck Disability Index (NDI) 20
Spanish version of the NDI validated by Andrade et al. 29
and have active or latent MTrPs in at least one of the
following muscles: upper trapezius, levator scapulae, or Pressure Pain Threshold Measurement and MTrPs. Pressure pain
splenius capitis. The testing sites for PPT were chosen as they threshold of active and latent MTrPs of the upper trapezius
are known clinically to be sensitive in patients with chronic (MTrP2 according to Simons et al 17), levator scapulae
nonspecific neck pain, 21 have shown increased tenderness to (insertional MTrP 17), and splenius capitis 17 was recorded
local mechanical pressure, 22 and have been used in trials to bilaterally (Fig 1). To ensure repeatability in location, the
assess reliability of pressure algometry and outcomes after distance to the MTrPs from the spinous process of C7 (for
treatment. 23 Both active and latent MTrPs were considered the upper trapezius and levator scapulae MTrPs) and the
because latent MTrPs have been associated to the develop- mastoid process (for the splenius capitis MTrP) was
ment of sensory-motor dysfunction and can contribute to measured. Testing sites were also marked and photo-
different chronic musculoskeletal pain disorders. 24,25 graphed as this has been shown to improve the reliability of
Subjects were excluded if they had previous cervical spine PPT measurements. 30
surgery, cervical radiculopathy, presence of a severe systemic The presence of a MTrP was performed using the
disease (ie, diabetes), fibromyalgia, or other widespread following diagnostic criteria described by Simons et al 17:
musculoskeletal pain syndromes (ie, chronic fatigue syn- (1) presence of a palpable taut band in a skeletal muscle, (2)
drome) or had participated in an exercise program for the presence of a hypersensitive tender spot in the taut band, (3)
neck muscles in the 6 months preceding the study. local twitch response elicited by snapping palpation of the
Ethical approval for the study was granted by the taut band, and (4) reproduction of the typical referred pain
Institutional Ethics Committee (University CEU Cardenal pattern of the MTrP in response to compression. Myofascial
Herrera, Valencia, Spain), and the procedures were trigger point was considered latent if these 4 criteria were
conducted according to the Declaration of Helsinki. satisfied. If the patient additionally recognized the referred
pain as familiar, then the MTrP was considered to be active. 17
Pressure pain threshold was measured with an analog
Study Design algometer (Force Dial model FDK 20; Wagner Instruments,
This study was a single-group design with repeated Greenwich, CT) with a surface area at the round tip of 1 cm 2.
measures. Earlier studies have demonstrated the efficacy of The algometer probe tip was applied perpendicularly to the
606 Lluch et al Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
Effects of Neck Training on Pressure Pain Thresholds November/December 2013


Fig 1. A, Locations for the PPT measurement over levator scapulae, upper trapezius, and splenius capitis MTrPs. B, Pressure pain
threshold assessment of upper trapezius MTrP in sitting. C, Pressure pain threshold assessment of splenius capitis MTrP in prone.

skin at a rate of 1 kg/cm 2 per second. Pressure pain threshold movement (ie, retraction) and muscle strategies (ie,
was measured at each site with a 30-second rest period excessive use of the superficial cervical flexors). Once the
between each measurement. A familiarization phase preceded examiner had identified the pressure level that the patient
the formal measurements where participants were instructed could achieve correctly, the endurance of the DCF was
on the procedure and the examiner practiced with them at a evaluated by assessing how many repetitions of a 10-second
remote site (forearm). Subjects were instructed to indicate the hold the patient could perform at the level which was
moment when pressure changed to pain, which correspond to performed successfully. Thus, the score during this second
the definition of the PPT. They were told repeatedly that phase was the pressure level and the number of repetitions
recording the first sensation of pain was the aim and not that the patient could hold steady for repeated 10-second
tolerance to pressure. The same researcher performed the PPT holds, with minimal superficial muscle activity or presence
measurements in all subjects and was blinded to the purpose of any substitution strategies (ie, 5 repetitions of 10 seconds
of the study. Participants were also not informed of their at 24 mm Hg).
scores to prevent subject bias from influencing the results. The exercise load prescribed to each patient (number of
The mean of the 3 trials were calculated for each point repetitions and pressure level) was based on their assess-
and used for further analysis. Pressure algometry is a valid ment. For example, if the patient correctly performed five
and reliable method to measure PPT, 31 with studies 10-second repetitions at 24 mm Hg, then the home training
showing good repeatability of measurements on the neck program started at this level and consisted of five 10-second
muscles (Intraclass correlation coefficient: 0.78-0.93). 23 repetitions at 24 mm Hg, twice daily. Each patient was given
Craniocervical Flexion Test. The application of this test a pressure biofeedback unit for home training.
followed the protocol described by Jull et al. 32 Patients Subjects received an exercise diary and were requested
were comfortably positioned in supine, crook lying with the to practice their respective regime twice per day for the
head and neck in a mid-position and were instructed to duration of the study, without provoking neck pain and with
perform a craniocervical action (anatomical action of the attention to correct performance of uniplanar movements.
DCFs). The task consisted of 5 incremental movements of The subjects were asked not to seek other treatments for
increasing craniocervical flexion range of motion. Perfor- their neck pain during the period of the study while their
mance was guided by visual feedback from an air-filled usual medication was not altered.
pressure sensor (Stabilizer; Chattanooga Group, Inc, Austin, All subjects received personal instruction and supervi-
TX), which was placed suboccipitally behind the subject's sion by a physiotherapist twice a week throughout the 6
neck and inflated to 20 mm Hg. During the test, subjects weeks of the intervention. The physiotherapist regulated the
were required to perform gentle nodding motions of training load of each patient adjusting it at each weekly
craniocervical flexion that progressed in range to increase session based on the patient performance on the CCFT.
the pressure by 5 incremental levels, with each increment
representing 2 mm Hg. Subjects practiced targeting the 5 test
levels (22-30 mm Hg; increments of 2 mm Hg) in 2 practice Data Analysis
trials before performance on the test was graded. Descriptive statistics were used to define the demo-
Visual observation and palpation of muscle activity were graphic characteristics of the sample. The dependent
used to evaluate any inappropriate or compensatory variables analyzed were the NDI and the PPT over the
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Lluch et al 607
Volume 36, Number 9 Effects of Neck Training on Pressure Pain Thresholds

Table 1. Descriptive group data (mean ± SD)

Volunteers Variable Value
N = 30 Age (y) 30.6 ± 10.2
Sex (male/female) 8/14
Weight (kg) 70.0 ± 16.2
Height (cm) 169.7 ± 8.4
NDI (0-50) 18.2 ± 12.1

No MTrPs present Included NDI, Neck Disability Index.

n = 22.
N=4 N = 26

The 6-week intervention resulted in significantly lower

values of NDI (pre, 18.2 ± 12.1; post, 13.5 ± 10.6; F = 12.2;
P b .01). However, there was no effect of the training on the
Withdrawal from PPT over the upper trapezius muscle, levator scapulae, or
Study splenius capitis muscles (F = 0.9; P = .35; Fig 3). Of interest,
N=4 there was a significant main effect for location (F = 36.6; P b
.00001). Post hoc analysis revealed significantly lower
values of PPT over the splenius capitis MTrPs compared
with both the upper trapezius and levator scapulae muscles
(SNK, P b .001). Furthermore, the PPT recorded over
Final Sample
N = 22 MTrPs in the upper trapezius was significantly lower than
PPT recorded over the levator scapulae (SNK, P b .001).

Fig 2. Participant flow and retention. MTRP, myofascial trigger DISCUSSION

point. This is the first study to assess the effects of specific
motor control training for the neck on the pressure pain
MTrPs recorded at 3 sites. Normality of the variables was sensitivity over cervical MTrPs in patients with neck pain.
confirmed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Although the intervention led to a significant reduction in
A 2-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to the patient's perceived pain and disability, no effect on
analyze the effect of training on the PPT over the MTrPs with pressure pain sensitivity over MTrPs in the splenius capitis,
time (pre, post) and location (right and left, upper trapezius, levator scapulae, or upper trapezius was observed.
levator scapulae, and splenius capitis) as repeated measures. Interestingly, lower values of PPT were found over MTrPs
A 1-way ANOVA was applied to the NDI score with time in the splenius capitis muscle. Referred pain originating from
(pre, post) as a repeated measure. Significant differences splenius capitis MTrPs could contribute to neck symptoms
revealed by ANOVA were followed by post hoc Student- perceived by subjects with idiopathic neck pain, headache, or
Newman-Keuls (SNK) pairwise comparisons. Results are whiplash-induced neck pain. 33,34 Interestingly, the splenius
reported as mean and SD in the text and SE in the figures. The capitis muscle was shown to be the second most commonly
significance was established at a value of P b .05. affected muscle in a sample of 244 patients with cervical
radiculopathy with a 14.7% and 16.8% prevalence of active
and latent MTrPs, respectively. 35
RESULTS Interventions aimed at improving activation of the DCF
A total of 30 patients with chronic neck pain accepted to have been shown previously to be effective in patients with
participate, of which 22 completed the study (Fig 2). The 22 chronic neck pain for increasing the activation of these
patients (14 women, 8 men) who formed the final sample muscles and reducing pain and disability when tested in
had a mean age of 30.6 ± 10.2 years, weight of 70.0 ± 16.2 randomized controlled tirals. 19,26,27,36 The results of the
kg, and height of 169.7 ± 8.4 cm (Table 1). current study confirm the positive effect of this training
A total of 132 muscles were assessed for MTrPs. Eighty- approach on pain and disability. 19,26,27,36 However, no
five presented with active MTrPs; 24, with latent MTrPs; significant change was found for the PPT measured over
and 23, with no MTrPs present. Most of the active MTrPs both active and latent MTrPs. This lack of effect could be
were located in the right upper trapezius (n = 19), whereas attributed to a number of reasons.
the right splenius capitis and right levator scapulae were the First, the lack of effect may be related to the muscles
most affected by latent MTrPs with a total of 5 in each selected for investigation. Previous studies investigating the
muscle. Left levator scapulae was the muscle with the least effect of DCF muscle training have shown a significant
number of MTrPs (n = 6) (Table 2). reduction in electromyographic activity of superficial flexor
608 Lluch et al Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
Effects of Neck Training on Pressure Pain Thresholds November/December 2013

Table 2. Number and distribution of MTrPs between selected

cervical muscles
Upper Upper Levator Levator Splenius Splenius
trapezius trapezius scapulae scapulae capitis capitis
MTrP (right) (left) (right) (left) (right) (left)
Active 19 16 14 12 13 11
Latent 3 4 5 4 5 3
Not 2 3 3 6 4 5
MTRP, myofascial trigger point.

muscles, the sternocleidomastoid (SCM), and anterior

scalene (AS) muscles, 19 which have been shown to be
overactive in patients with neck pain. 13 Recently, cervical
mobilization has been shown to modulate neck muscle Fig 3. Mean ± SE of the PPT detected over MTrPs in the left and
function by increasing DCF and reducing superficial right upper trapezius, levator scapulae, and splenius capitis muscles
muscle activity. 37 These muscles (ie, SCM and AS) were preintervention and postintervention. LS, levator scapulae; SC,
not considered as potential locations for MTrPs for the splenius capitis; UT, upper trapezius.
current study due to the absence of clear references to the
most common location of MTrPs in these muscles, 17 exercise. However, in this study, PPT measurement was not
together with a greater difficulty in reliably establishing the performed over the neck muscles, but rather over the
presence of taut bands and MTrPs over them. Thus, it is articular pillars of the most symptomatic cervical segment.
unknown whether MTrPs in the SCM or AS, if present, Future research should consider assessing the effects of
would respond to the training intervention used in this prolonged low-load DCF training (ie, 12 months) on PPT
study. Furthermore, other locations such as suboccipital over muscle tissue. This would establish whether the effects
muscles 38 or the semispinalis capitis may have also shown on the PPT obtained with this type of exercise and duration
different results due to the nature of the exercise, which is of training are similar to those already shown with long-
focused on the craniocervical region. However, due to their term strength and resistance training. Six weeks of training
deep location (ie, palpation is performed through other was used in this study because this time frame usually
muscles) and the lack of demonstrated reliability of MTrPs permits patients to reach and maintain the 5 levels of
localization or PPT measurements over these muscles, they pressure on the CCFT, although this period is variable. 45
were not tested in this study. Furthermore, 6 weeks of training has been previously
Secondly, the occurrence of trigger points varies not shown to be sufficient to induce a significant decrease in
only between subjects but also from day to day within perceived pain and disability in patients with neck pain. 19,45
subjects, some being “latent” and some “active,” rendering The results of this study showed that specific DCF
systematic studies difficult. 39 It is unknown if this training was not sufficient to produce a change in the
phenomenon affected the results. Furthermore, the trigger sensitivity of MTrPs of the superficial extensor muscles.
points may not have been a primary contributor to the These observations suggest that specific MTrP techniques
current participants' complaint but rather their presence was may need to be included in a multimodal management
a secondary manifestation of the chronic neck pain state. approach if sensitivity of MTrPs is considered to be a
Previous studies have also shown no positive effect of contributing factor to a patient's disorder. However, because
active training on PPT recorded over neck muscles. 40-42 of the design of this study (1 group), no firm conclusions can
One reason argued to explain this lack of effect is that the be extracted for the time being. Future studies should further
training intensity was too low and intervention time too analyze the therapeutic benefit obtained with isolated and
short to produce clinically significant changes in muscle combined applications of treatment strategies aimed at
tissue. As stated by Ylinen, 43 to achieve significant MTrPs and motor control deficits in the cervical region to
improvements in PPT, high-load and long-term cervical further guide clinicians. As noted by several authors, the
muscle training is likely required. Accordingly, a clinical combination of exercise and manual therapy is the most
trial showed significant beneficial effects on tolerance to effective conservative treatment for subacute and chronic
local mechanical pressure over the neck muscles with long- neck pain. 46,47 Specific DCF training has already proven its
term neck strength and resistance training (ie, 12 months). 38 effectiveness, both in isolation and as a component of a
O'Leary et al 44 on the contrary showed immediate effects multimodal intervention. 19,27 Similarly, techniques such as
on PPT measurements after a single training session with dry needling 48 or ischemic compression 49 of MTrPs have
low-load craniocervical flexion in patients with chronic shown moderate evidence for neck pain, being more
neck pain, as compared with a high-load cervical flexion effective when combined with exercise. 50
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Lluch et al 609
Volume 36, Number 9 Effects of Neck Training on Pressure Pain Thresholds


Pressure pain threshold has been used as an index to
discriminate tenderness of musculoskeletal structures in No funding sources or conflicts of interest were reported
different disorders. However, the specific tissues contributing for this study.
to the change in threshold cannot be identified, as pressure
algometry cannot be considered a diagnostic tool for differen-
tiating soft tissue pathology from other conditions. 23 Moreover, CONTRIBUTORSHIP INFORMATION
pressure algometry does not determine the pain processing
mechanisms underlying sensory changes in pain perception. 51 Concept development (provided idea for the research):
The absence of a control group raises the possibility that the EL, MDA, PSC, FP, AR, DF.
positive results for pain and disability obtained in this study Design (planned the methods to generate the results):
may not be due to the exercise program. However, previous EL, MDA, PSC, FP, AR, DF.
randomized controlled trials have consistently confirmed the
Supervision (provided oversight, responsible for orga-
efficacy of the training approach used in this study. 19,26,27,36
nization and implementation, writing of the manuscript):
The small sample size, the inclusion of only idiopathic neck
pain, and the fact that mostly women were examined imply
that the results of this study may not be generalized. Data collection/processing (responsible for experiments,
During the CCFT, performance was determined visually, patient management, organization, or reporting data):
and therefore, the assessment depended largely on subjec- EL, MDA, PSC, FP, AR, DF.
tive criteria and the clinical experience of the examiner. Analysis/interpretation (responsible for statistical analy-
However, the same examiner evaluated all patients both sis, evaluation, and presentation of the results): EL,
pretraining and posttraining. As only DCF training was MDA, PSC, FP, AR, DF.
performed in this study, the findings cannot be extrapolated
Literature search (performed the literature search): EL,
to more comprehensive exercise programs where training of
other muscle groups is also incorporated.
Writing (responsible for writing a substantive part of the
manuscript): EL, MDA, PSC, FP, AR, DF.
CONCLUSION Critical review (revised manuscript for intellectual
Patients performing DCF training for 6 weeks demon- content, this does not relate to spelling and grammar
strated reductions in pain and disability but did not show checking): EL, MDA, PSC, FP, AR, DF.
changes in pressure pain sensitivity over MTrPs in the
splenius capitis, levator scapulae, or upper trapezius muscles. REFERENCES
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