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Matus 12 i) Le) N 2 2 2 MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2 TEST ns, devide which is the BEST of the choi fen. If the exact numerical value is not this value. Then fill in the correspond! ¢ (but not all) of the questions in Notes: (1) A scientific or graphing calculator will be necessary for answering sc Bilhis est. Por each question you will have to decide whether or not you should use a calculator & anode oF be, (3) Figures that accomp: sblems in thi PSeoblems. They are drawn as ly as possible EXCEPT when itis sta yr to scale. All figures lie in a plane unless otherwise indicated. ) For some questions in this test you may have to decide whether your calculator should be in the radian he degree mode. st are intended to provide information useful in so ted in a specific problem that its ing the ure is not omain of any function f is assumed to be the set of all real numbers x fe. (0 Dats ohare spect, or which f(x) isa real number. The range of f is assumed to be the set of all real numbers f(x), where x isin he domain of f bbe found on the : (5) Reference information that may be useful in answering the questions in [age preceding Question 1 s test E THIS SPACE FOR SCRATCH WORK. Se ae ae ee IBC "nautiorzed copy ny par of 5 page! F -67- [coonTOTHENETPIGe ) 4 2 2 2 2 2 Nd MATHEMATICS LEY All of the follo For all real numbers m, th tion y = max + represents which of the following in the xy-plane? (A) Lines whose x-intercept is 3 B) Lines whose y-intercept is 3°' (C) Lines whose slope is 3 (D) Vertical lines through (3, 0) E) Horizontal lines through (0, 3) if © = 64, what is the value ofa +b? A3 88/9 Mis Bas horses copying 6 wuss yar of his page eg -68- 2 TEST SE THIS SPACE FOR SCR Continued CH WOR [Go oNTOTHE NEXT PAGE) 2 2 2 2 & y4 a a MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2 TEST 5. What is the domain of the function f defined B vel (D) All real numbers except = (E) All real numbers + x2, whatis the value of |] when if f(x) = (x— 3)", what is the greatest yalue of x for which f(x) = 5? (A) -0.76 8) 076 (Cc) 3.7 @) 4.00 ®) 524 -69- 2 Continued THIS SPACE FOR SCRATCH WORK [soonroniensmmce > | 2 2 MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2 2 | 6 represents 26 8. The stem-and-leaf plot above shows the mathematics scores on a national test for a group of juniors at Pacific High School. What i media is group? A) @) (©) 505 (D) 56 &) 58 9. If f(z) = 2x+1 and g(x)=+~2, for what value of x is g(f(x)) equal to 0? t ®).-} © 4 © + ® 2 any oar ofthis page sepals -70- EST—Continued USE THIS SPA FOR SCRATCH WO a GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE ) ~ + ? fh MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2 TEST 1 be a nonzero con: then x? = 2 1 Number of months in P(x) [Profit Gin thousands | fof dota The t jove shows tl models the relationship b t and the numbe 1 pe A) P(x) B) P(x) =5x-3 C) P(x) = x? (D) P(x) = 2x ® Po 1-(-1)", where n= 1,2,3, the following statements is true (A) Forall »,y,= 0 cialy (B) Fora For all 1,95, (©) For m = 1,000 ©) For n = 1,000.9, < 0. ween the company’s of months in busine $ profit made by a new company. Of the following functions, which bes! which of ne Continued THIS SPACE FOR SCRATCH WORK [G0 ONTO THE NEXT PAGE > nN ©) tt eee SVEL 2 TEST—Continued USE THIS SPACE FOR SCRATCH WOR GO ONTOTHE NEXT PAGE [so renee 2 2 MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2 TEST—Continued y USE Tk “E FOR SCRATCH WORK 14, The figure above shows the xy-plane. If (x) = cx +3 and g(x) = dr +1 for 0 “74 nN N MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2 TEST—Continued 8 ¢ USE THIS SPACE FOR SCRA WORK gram ABCD abo 12, what is the value of fh? and for all real numbers x (x) = ax +6, then (a, 6 aE 60 ONTOTHE NEXT PAGE) -75- N i) 2 2 MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2 TEST L. Which value of x in the interval satisfies the equation cos = sec x A) (B) Cc oO = @ = 22. The function g is defined by e(x) =3sin(2x+1)=-1 What is the range of g? (A) 45 a(x) 2 B) 2s @(x)<4-q ; Sax) 53°F @) -£ 5 g(x) s 0v -76- Continued USE THIS SPACE FOR SCRATCH WORK | GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE ) 2 2 2 MATHEMATICS LEVE PEST— Continued 3 First quadrant of the xy-plane, the point of SE THIS SPACE FOR SCRATCH WORK ntersection of the graphs of the line y = x and (A) (3.12, 3.12) 447) 4.50) 6.7) 9.76) (D) (66; ® 6 24, The probability of ed candy from a bag containing only red and ily dra ing. a piece of purple candies is 2. Which of the follo could be the number of red and the number of purple candies in the bag? (A) 10 sed, 20 purple (B) 20 red, 10 purp! (C) 20 red, 30 pup } 20 red, 50 purple () 30 sed, 20 purple » TT 2 92 2? 2 2 i) IN MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2 TEST—Continued USE THIS SPACE FOR SCRATCH WORK | 0 2 Ll 3 4 4 5 25. The table above defines the function f, which hhas domain {0,1,2,3,4}. What is the value of F(F())? @o' ®! ©2 M3 wa 26. Functions f and g are defined for all regl numbers. The function f has zeros at ~Zr 3. and 7; ‘ 1 and the function g has zeros at -3, —1, 4, and 7. How many distinct zeros does the product function f+g have? (A) Three A (B) Four : (©) Six (D) Seven @) Twelve 5 funaumorsae can any part ns 9 GO ONTOTHE NEXT Pace > -78- MATHEMATICS LEVEL, 2 TEST—Continued USE THIS SPACE FOR SCRATCH WORK. 27. Ia the figure above, the diameter of the base of the right circular cone is 8. What is the volume of th (A) 153.6 (B) 167.6 (©) 3519 () 402.1 28, In the xy-plani distance between the points whose coordinates are (2V3, V8) and (8 ( (D) 800) 8.49 B) 424 (© 693 -79- 9 2 9 9 9 2 2 MATHEMATICS LEVE! !ST—Continued >. An isosceles triangle has a base of lengilh JSE THIS SPACE FOR SCRATCH WORK 25 centimeters and a vertex angle (the ang ‘opposite the base} of 50° What is the perimeter of the triangle? (Q) 673em (D) 84.2cm ® 101.0cm A taxi charges base fee of $1.25 plus $0.75 1). Which ofthe folloving ig of length each mile part the would represept the taxi fare for a x miles? (Let [x] represent th least Mteger that is greater than or equal to x) (A) $2.00fx] — (B) $1.25 + $0.75, x] (C) $0.75 + $1.25f x] ©) $1.25 4 $0.95fx +1] - €) $0.75 + $1.2: — GO ONTO THE NEXT pase > -80- i) rm MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2 TEST—Con Twenty-seven identical cubes are arrange to form a larger cube. The diagonal of Face of each of the 27 identical cubes mexsw: larger cut A) 1.002 cnr B) 2.833 om © 9.018 D) 27.045 em? B) 76.495 cm? 3, In the list above, ¢ is an i mean is equal to the median and th than 10, what is the val (A) 2 (B) 65 8s Ou @u ich of the following are polar @ point on the graph of r ) (15) “81 TRO ISE THIS SPACE FOR SCRATCH WORK GO ONTO THE NEXT PA >) 2 2 2 2 : ® bo i) MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2 TEST—Continued USE THIS SPACE FOR SCRATCH WOF 35. The prime factorization of a positive inte isp’. Which of the following is true? 1 cannot be even Il. 1 has only one postiv UL. n has exactly tuee dist prime factor (A) Lonly B) Ionly ) W only ) Hand If only ; E) IU, and nit es of a hyperbola are 36. In the xy-plane, the asymptot the lines y + x45 and y = ~x—5, What are the coordinates of the center of the hyperbola? (A) 0.0) (8) (-5,0) © (0-3) ant elf [0 onto THe next Pace i) 2 2 2 2 KO [be MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2 TEST—Continued USE THIS SPACE FOR SCRATCH WORK Cla | | bs | Ss | 4 ss | 80 6 5 a2 | nl 5 | students record of perfor ich test did the stud lation to the other student Assume thatthe test scores on eac are normaly distributed), 38, When a positive integer mis divided by 4, the remainder is 3. Which of the following could equal n for some integer ¢? (a) at @) 4 - © ar © 4-3 "Taito Roig as] [G0 ONTO THE NEXT PAGE > yearns base ——— -83- bo bo ho N 2 2 2 MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2 TEST —Continued “A 39. In the figure above, O is the center of the circle with radius 1, and line CD is tangent to the circle at A, If the measure of ZAOC is 30° and the of CD is 3, whats the length of BD? (A) 2.53 (B) 2.62 (C) 2.93 (D) 314 « (&) 3.20 40, Let f(x) =e tx tk. If f(x)Q0 when x =127 and f(x) >0 when x = 1.28, which of the following could be a value of k? (A) -4.70 (B) -4.75 (© ~4.80 2 . (D) ~4.85 , () -4.90 siharived copying a use of sny part otis page fe Mesa, -84- \ USE THIS SPACE FOR SCRATCH WORE GO 0} 2 Zz MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2 TEST —Continued Graph Graph I raphs above, Graph I shows a porti graph of /(@) = A[sin(B@ +.C)] + D, where 4, B, C,and D are constants. Graph I could result from changing which of the constants in f(8)? (A) A only (B) B only (©) € only (D) D only (&) A and D The number of birds on each of islands X and Y emains constant from year to year; however, the birds migrate between islands. Afier one year, 20 percent of the birds on X have migrated to Y, and 15 percent of the birds’ on ¥ have migrated to X. If the total number of bitds is 14,000, how many birds are on island X ? (A) 2,800 (B) 6,000 (© 6,788 (D) 7,212 (£) 8,000 -85- USE THIS SPACE FOR SCRATCH WORK GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE ) 9 2 9 2 i) No ho MATHUMATICS LEVE Continued USE THIS $ CE FOR SCRATCH WOR} 5 é é , 43. If 2 = 1~i, which of the points in the figure above is the graphical representation of AA BB CC MD BE 44. What is the total surface area of a right circular cylindrical solid if the diameter of its base is 2r and its height is 2r (A) 2nr 4 2r (8) eP42r } (©) 8nr? { (D) 6rr' 2x? [Unsutoraed copying arouse of] ny part ofthis page segs GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE = -86- No 2 2 2 MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2 PES an angle 8, in standard osition, lies in quadrant IV of the xy-plan nich of the following must be tue? 5. Ifthe terminal side (A) ese @ <0 and sec 8 > 0 (B) csc 8 <0 and sec <0 (©) exe @ <0 and tan (D} csc > 0 and sec 8 « IE) esc 0 > 0 and tand <0 and t is recorded in the table above. A quadratic egression equation is oblaified for these data with height expressed as a function of time. ording to the regression equation, what e maximum height ofthe ball? (A) 188 ) 20.5 fe naa -€ 2 tinued THIS SPACE FOR $ CRATCH M [co nro FW WEN PR i) ORK nN i) 2 2 2 MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2 TEST —Continued nt iangle ABC, the m wure of ZA is 9} USE THIS SPACE FO! 3, and BC = x. If sinC =k, then, in terms of & AC [x when 0 $x <1 Lye) when x = 1 . What is the vale of (4.7)? (A) 47 (B) 37 ; (© 07 oa 03 ® -03 . - / -88- . 2 2 2 MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2 TEST—Continued How many noncongevent iangles ABC exist SE THIS SPACE FOR ‘CH WORK such that the measure of ZA is 42°, AB 50, A magazine article described the growth of a computer network as exponential. The article stated that in 10 years, the number of users of this network had tisén from I million to 20 milli Assuming that this article w4s correct, in how man} years would the number of users in 20 million to 200 million? 20 BB OIs M10 Hs STOP F YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, YOU MAY CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST ONLY. DO NOT TURN TO ANY OTHER TEST IN THIS BOOK. rt of his page ep -89- NO TEST MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE -90-

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